SOROPTIMISTS PRESENT MEMORIAL GIFT TO HOSPITAl nte Soroptimist Gut ol Bar rio presented two wheel chair to Royal Vidoria Hospital in mermry ot Mn Amy Sar gent who no rnenber ol the Somptlmists for 21 years in accepting the grit in bake dutrman ol the Hos pital Board remarked the Mitre is typical of the kind ot attitude and concern the Soroptinisa eflilhit and km in known the late lira Sar gent the dooaion made in her manory is In appropriate one Slown above making the presentation lattn Hew ella llaclnnos second from loll to Mr Cooke spying llrs llnclnneso were at loll Bits FairiSh president ol the Soroptimia Rub and at right Miss Willa Colbert drarter member SPEAKING Social hotel Ire intended to cover in general nodal lilo oi the city District chdingl Plrtlu inflilerx Ind visitor Ire Ii items of interest to render of this page Your on in supplying this new will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrio Ex Iminer 7256537 1nd ask for Andrey Cortisol ur Sibyl Rolt belts It the Womena Deplrt merit ENGAGEMIXIS The engagement of Stirs Pat ricia May Eiliotaon to Perry Gohm has been announced by the parents at the hridedovbo ilr and ltrs Fred Elliotsan oi Barrie The bridegroomelect is he son of bin and tits Gohm 5i Bracchridge Essa Road Pres byterian Church will be the scl Log tor the wedding ceremony on larch it llrs Phyllis rRootrot basin has announch the engagement of her only daughter Patricia Lynn to James Patrick Sheri dan eldest son of Mr and 3m Patrick Sheridan of Baxtcr The marriage will take place in August CANCER SOCIETY rhc Barrie unit of Canadian Canccr Society has arranged c1ar1eed bus trip to Toronto on March to for interested persons to attend the annual open house or Princess Margaret Hospital and lodge Buses will leave is Clapperton St at mo pm Further information may be ob tallied by calling the unit oificc mumocx com PARTY rTrin Anziiun Gourds Wov men or sponsor Shanrocir Cotiee Party and Bake Safe in Trinity P3rl1 Hall on Hard 19 Coliee will be served from 930 until llm am SPRING TEA Advance plans for spring Garden Tea have been complet ed by the Btrton Avenue United Giurch Wrxnen The tca will be held April is at the church hall from until 430 pm BRtDAL SHOWER Brideelect Bliss Bouncy Part ridge was guest ot honor at OF PEOPLE AND PLACES pantry shower given by fellow members of the Hi Club of which she in leader Miss Di attire iuck was hostess ol the Saturday evening party at the Crown Hill residence of her par ents Air and Mrs Norman Iticir White bells and pink streamers set the theme of the shower and gifts were prcscnted to the guest of honor scaled on dec orated chair under white um mDErtrm it Ap pointment of judges should be based only on qualiï¬cations with noconsideration of sex That was the opinion cw Brunswicks Justice Minister Bemnrd Jean when asked to comment on statement by the federal justice minister Jhn itirner that the federal govern ment is considering lite appoint ment of more women to provin cial superior courts Mr Turner made the state ment alter cabinet meeting with the executise of the Nation al Council of Women when they presented their annual brief The meeting was told by Prime Minister Trudeau that society must be shaken to its senses to tree women from dis crimination and allow them ade quate scope for their talents Speciï¬cally concerning women judges llr Joan said that if woman Ls competent in her ï¬eld if she is compe tent and qualiï¬ed practising lawyer then the fact that she is dcration at all it should have no bearing Whatever on whether or not she gets the appoint ment nris view was supported by John Palmer at Saint John vicepresident oi the New hrunivdrk division of the Carra dian Barristers Society He saidtbc problem is that woman should not be consi hrella Altar the presentations contests and games were played followed by refreshments of pctit tours and punch The brideelect public school teacher is the daughter at Mr and Mrs Part ridge She will wed Ralph illi tonSmith son at Mr and tilts Clarence Smith at ceremony in Crown Hill United Church Starch is Dont Appoint Judge On Sex many women who study law are reluctant to take up court work which would help qualify them for such an appointment Many at them go into trust work concentrate on convey ancing or accept appointments which do not provide them with the experience trial work which is essential Trial work required knowl edge of evidcnco and proce dure necessary tor any lawyer to quality as competent judge Few women inNew Brunswick had this experience Only one woman lawyer in the province holds judicial ap pointment She is lttrs Robert Ogilvie ot Fredericton deputy magistrate and iudge ol the iamilgc court She is also mom oi the royal corurnis sion on the status of Women wife of doctor and mother of tour daughters lits Dorothy HugesKing oi Fredericton and Mrs Muriel Ryan at Saint John are the only women in New Brunswick who are Queens Counsek llrs King is member ol Freder icton law ï¬rm and Airs ftyan has been trust oliiccr prominent member at the New Brunswick bar now living in Ottawa Louise Lynch member at the National Parole Board is also Queens Count sel The New Brunswick Barrio tors Society hag nine other women members ROYillTY om socnu scrim heat hrilaino Pnnco Charles the Prince of Water Aid with Bliss Hildegardo Dmuberger as thcy allendcd tilc Helicopter dinner It lnndonr on Park Hotel at the weekend AP Wircphotot Amp cm past rxesident Also on hand to recoive the gilt wore Cameron hospital ï¬ninistrator and Mrs Gray dpo Knapp of the nursery stail bromincr Photo THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 10 KEEP IN lllE TRIM Pude Children Suffer From Lack fOi Physical Exercise or IDA innit KMN Tho most totxzhlug tillers come lrom unhappl overweight lband layeamld youngsters Why are thcre so many over weight children today it isnt hard to find the answerlack ot physical exorcise plus fattening food habits with so many moth ers working unsuperviscd at tersdtooi eating may be big factor th studies show that lack of exercise appears to be more signiï¬cantly related to over weight in children than does ck cess food its familiar vicious circle With too little physical exercise it is easy to gain weight after children be come ove eight they are shy about taking part in active play because they malre poor show ing in games Or as one young ster wrote Nobody wants run on their team because am too 55 Parents of overweight chil drcn if yourchild is seriously overweight talre him or her to the iamin doctor or to childrens clinic The doctor no longer equates overweight in children with sign of robust health Nor is he lilrely to take the attitude that the child will automatically outgrow the fat ll fattening lood habits are not checked the youngster is likely to turn into an overweight adult in short childhood lat ncss may be the first stage to obesity continuum late Octdber and January For FDR TOMORROW Stars indicates more or loss routine day also the possibility or having to revise somc of your previous plant ln dealing with others listen to suggestions even if their opinions seem at odds with your own Alter care ful consideration you could ï¬nd thatyouve picked up some good ideas Pottva nmrrmhv it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope promises highly satisfactory results In monetary matters during the next yacr but you will have to be consen vatlve in your program You can make tine gains howevcr it you manage smartlycow cialty between now and tho cud at September Next good pe riod for increasing assets De ccmber January and February Avoid speculation at any kind throughout the year however but especially during the first two wcetrs at August in Novom her and Dccembor Host periods tor occupational odvnnoemont and recognition tor post cilorts 1hlr month July September November and January 1WD Some inlerctling soclnlactlvt ties are promised during the coming your also opportunities to make influential contacts espcclally between now and Sept l5 and between midNov cmbcr and Jan The olorc montlonctl two cycles lncldcn tally will also be most proplv tious for romance at Will be Windsor Nurses lire Highest Paid WINDSOR Ont Re intend nurses Ii Metropolitan limits but signed their first coonnet with on hospital iv in them use higher than guidelines set by the Ontario limits Services Commission The mntnct provider am Lively SaturdayNight Of Dancing For Barrieites Saturday night pm busy coo socially in Barrie and toms of tho liveliest nitntr were dlncex Mord raner for all utcvgor lhe Simon Centre libero in and makes starting nurse mm Wild all 01 it out among the highest mid to the province The Windsor hospital becornri the 3mm to nttain wages in excess ol the wage policy set by the 0856 Aug 29 KW eter both settlement have been attained by arbitration and forces tha OHSC to nixopt Indians Must BeCome Proud 110th The to dian woman it looked upon an workhorse and baby machine the Voice oi Alberta Native Womenl conicrenco was told Thursdly Mary Anne lavallce ol Alber in Native Womens conference Wu told Thursday Mary Anne tavnllce of Brbnd tltw Sash sold ocver before have Indian people needed as much support from their women But the Indian woman had tile mocctaucy olonly 25 BIIS She told the women they must teach thoir children pride in being Indian irreparable harm was caused it their children saw their parents making public nui oartces of themselves meeting with dioca nt tho Emhusy Holt lea Pulono Or chestn provided the music and guests enjoyed luncheon part of the evmlnfu teatime moo the residents of Blrrlo who were present were llir and Mn Bruco Owen and Belt Georg Newman of Now mlrht In also present its will be remembered by many of this city the former epoch ot the Newrrurttet baseball teatn LANE NiGEi Kerr 10629 of Ancient Free and Accepted Mums held their annual Ladiu Night at tolldny loo hllstér William Linton welcomed ladies guests and members There was dancing to John lVisemnna 0r chostra and dinner wot surv ad at um lira Linton replied to tho tout ublch you made to Birth Rate Climbs Every 87 Seconds WAWA it Couldnt mum resldent arrived disruptioncourting to rota popua on Will lance tllt cc tlon cloth lho Mindplastic pillar intracentrulhnllolthoDm building wu clue to clock over to 3000 from 10999999 It or no Saturday This in bated on estimnted population growth rate since tho lost most count at the poor ulattonln the toss census whon it vl mousse on Juno that year ANNIANDERS ADVISES Doing Their Own Thing Nil With DiogAnd Ring Dear Ann binders lly hus band nnd are beside ourselves Our collegegrnduato daughter who could have married any one of ten sanc young men has scitlod tor an oddball who is cnuslng no end of trouble promising We wanted beautltul church wedding but thats out now growing child can eat lot of food and lose weight pro vided sweets on restricted and exercise is stepped up litany mothers write to ask the calorie allowance or children Between 38c and the normal allow perform Courtney found justice of the pence who Will marry Our daughter is not the least bit disturbed She says everybody has to do his own thing Courtney has announced that his best man is going to be his dog Blaze Why be hypo crito he said to all scriouo 11255 have no friend who it ns faithful and loyal as Blou My husband had muiccr attack right then and there The best man is supposed to give the ring to the groom to place on his bridci finger Courtney says he is training Blaze to carry the ring box in his mouth and that Blot will open his mouth and drop the box on order Our miantcr has refused to the ceremony but them My husband says he will at tond the ceremony but he will not pay for anything Also he is 74 mnumnns not going to invite his business pnrtoor or shy of his hustnm friends Do you fact he in being fair RX Dear ML Yes do And it your daughtorthlnks otherwiso explain that hor tuther is doing his own thing Delr Anntlncomu tax time is here again Please repeat your advice of last year Tell your renders not to impose on the friendship of an nocounthnt or tax consultant People MW wouldnt dream ot asking thobutcher tor iron steak or barber for lrea haircut think nothing asking the indie me which she was presented ulth bouquet of row It The indie were each pres rented with gift durtng tho oouru4ol the evening HAWAIIAN PARTY Representative otmny of the social club to Bird wen entertained It lcctlnd Winter Plrk guests of titortoyl Cat ertog service Gryle and Poul Ford the owner of mind presented each nrrlvlng guest with let Thu wntlnn Party ended by about 75 who entered into the tin evening with great turns Bras kept pace with sorna ol the best dancers in Blrrio the sound wu groovy as they say Ind then won something to pielso everyone The gniiy costumed nests were served midnight supper belore trickling ï¬re social lcquaintnnca to help them prepare thclrtax returnr as favor My knowledge was not ob tnlncd tree its the only thing have to soil for living Suggest that your render look in the yellow pages under Account1 tanta Certified PublicTEX AS CPA Deu Torr Thank you lnr tlmcly bit of advice And to ntl oi you out there who have lhu job yet to domnny happy re turns FREE ADVICE Dear Ann tandem Alicl got through laughing about the middleaged woman who but bubble gum in her hair on her glasses and nil over her face remembered that my mother used to rub Iobto butter on us kids unit the gum came right oil No charge for the advice NO LONGER STUCK Deli NLS am glad you didnt charge tor that advice bo cnuse its not worth anything Two of my secretaries tr ed re moving gum from their arm with plain table butter and it didnt work PS My mother used cleaning fluid and that did Work once is 2000 From age 10 on boys need more calories than girls Normal allowances tor boys from 10 to 12 aro 1509 cal orlcs and or girls in this age bracket 250 calories For all of these proicon groups pro iective reducing dict should tur nish from 1200 to 1600 calories day significant point The over weight youngsters often wrltc that the refrigerator is stocked with fattening fooer Mothers you can moire it easier for your children by having some ï¬lling but nontattooing foods ready or them On coming homo from rchool in tho afternoon any youngster is hungry So for nonfattening ters ooi snacks why not have on hand deviled egg or big red apple or hot cocoa made with skim milk Plan good meals that are not overly rich and you will clothe entire family tavor Your growing boys and girls need good quality protein properly cooked vegetables salads milk wholevgraln cereals and lruits so build every meal around good protein and foods rich in mineras These mails plus steppodup exercise wit keep the young sters lean and lit STARS SAY the travelmintin most auspi cious cyclcaVWiil occur between May and September an excel lent period tor Plsceansl also Dcomber and January child born on this day could succeed admirably in the bust nest and financial fields or prolcsionally or an entcrtainer Working Women Have Protection TORONTO lCP Working women in Ontario who tool they are discriminated against to wages and hours of work no longer have to make signed complaint The equal ay provi sion in the Ontario cpnrtmeht of labor has boon moved tram the human rights section to the employment standard section oi titc department Mrs ltl3ctchcrmnn direc tor ot the Womcno Eurcou raid under the old section tho cm playcr know ond often tired hcr it woman signed the woman now Just his to telephone and ray the thlnito rho tr rccelvlng icu money than men tor the some work in tho oamo firm and the matter will be investigated All told Another result of the equal pay provision in that vlolatlon mo he dtrcovcrcd in routine vlnt without anyone having to complain homc couple hows the limo perlmcnt CROWN HILL BIRIDAL SHOWER Hostess Dianne luck of Crown Hill loft pour punch or brldoelect Bouncy Part Experimént Before You ridge and friend ilcather Edg erton nt shower held Saturday nlgnt Miss Partridge is wearing cash fashioned from ribbon and bow from her gifts Examiner Photo Settle Down lWith Decor if you ore creating your ltrst slnglo or as married to ex Yoult probably be moving roundlor low yours and your motor lnvcitmcnt in tile limo furniture can wait until youre through with crating and moving our taster furn nclrtni turc and decor will become more pronouncod no you dccldo what you really core lor out you dctcrmtno the oton which mil suits you Altar low yctrt oi apartment living youll pro ilnbly llnd that youll select on tirciy dliforcnt furniture for yoirr complaint lrst house In the moonttme you liiii how to have thc brute iomothlng to sleep on inmothlng to Ilt out something to out from to write at something to itorovthlngr Dont stint on comfortohlo bad It toum rubber muttrcrr is comfortable hygienic and light weight It ltlll an oddcd ml vantogo at being lloxlblo ind easy to movo around corners bud up stairs Tho from at your hell can he simple Hollywood variety with hendhord at whatever striker your in cy Wiclrcr trunks motto ldcnt at age unit and theyre lncxpcnv rive Titoyil alto double or hcdrldo tablo Youll need solid and rub stantlul chip for outing and writ ing Mony Cunndlon turnitu matron have dortgno wh blend with both traditional contemporary ttuttlugi anti hnvo fold up or insert oxtonilonn It is uurprlrlugtruw oltcn youll need In oxtrn long table with to days emphnril on lnlormnl hos plintlty Your living room turntturo mould be motion but comtort ohlc An eight toot long cltcilcr fluid may have dromn rind im pact but you may huvo pro blemr fitting it into on avorngc rlzo onortrncnt Motto sure that the curhtontng material at your cllcotorltcld iulto ill deep and condortobli but not too duo when loonlug against tho hnclr your leet should touch the lionr and you mutt hove ruiitclentr rupfort to be relaxed but not rpr wllng Lutotrv loam rubbor cushioning lswtdcly urod In the better proctor of urnlturo ltld It It modorototy pricod 1455 on Itcnolvc than down but luperlor qunllty to this tour irrvtocnbtr plurtlc looms such on polyurol Ihnnolutox loom rubber may be lucntlftod by ttsrcllilenno and total luck at compacting with rcpootcd uro ClllMiNAiJ LYNCIIED DACLA tftoutoru Angryn mobs In tho Jonlrlmrr area of East lnlrlrton have tynchod to alleged criminals and cottlo runL ttcrl ottlolol wurcoo sold Satin1 day Sam at the victims worn burned olive and others wore beoton to death nndtholr homcr act on tlrc the sources inld FIvc at tho lynching nccurrcd Friday and thovother livo oarpv for this week