sxnmusnrstseiiouss lrcu mu AW Milo All our rosin Yorr No so Cmen ltlALTEsE no 5mg birthday greetings nails decided to sing her the high secreary at the Manned to her as they orbited the groups as special birth Spacrmli Centre llotnton earth inAdeoB space ship day celebration this year Tex halls pidure cl her Glarlotie celeb her Irlctic is secretary to larorite gins Astronauts ic birtheay every ion group ol the epacmicn which Diiiti Scott and Sztrweidmrt Febunify 29 but the mm includes the Apollo crew POI Re urn Manoeu res HOUSTON iAPl The Apollo astronauts drilling to oonsenc lucl and dreaming ol hone sped today into the ï¬nal been three taysor their lodaysmce mission James RchiVilt David Scott and Russell gtSchweickart had another light schedule at picture taking navigation checks and resting The major ilight plan event was firing at the main space ship engine to jockey the oral into more favorable path for scheduled splashdown Thurs ay The astronauts have complet ed 97 per cent at their light ob jectives The crucial lunar mod ulcLESIbcchout Sdiwcidrv arts space walk and the model Vle oi the LE and mother ship occurred in the ï¬rst ï¬ve art were told by mission control not to any unnecesmry mane oeuvriog with their control jets use they were slightly low on net Were budgetiin them at 30 pounds day reported flight director Eugene Klan Were running little behind because two arcas We used about 50 pounds more than anticipated on the original transposition and doï¬iug with the LEM In addi Woiit increase Nlunller Oi Troops In Vietnam War SAIGON AP US Dc lencc Secretary Melvin Laird tion we used si itlmntly more on the ocrrma Mo dinmg the rendezvous than we rutch patedr So were starting to watch the red line ldanger line oil the propellants Kranz said he wanted to be sure Apollo had enough jet power to perform backup ma noeuvre in case the main space cralt engine tailed when It is time to come home near the Cambodian border two other clashes north and south oi said today that the current Vict Cong ollcnsive is calculated escalation olthewar But it bu not been successlulf Laird gtï¬gtoke at an airport news conterence at the end ol lourday visit to Vietnam his ï¬rst as delence secretary Military spokesmen reported hard ï¬ghting at three points days niran my mom Apol lo commanded by Col Thomas Stafford is scheduled to orbit the moon with lunar module in Maypaving the way for landing by two members of the Apollo 11 crew in July McDivilt Scott and Schweiclt CAPSULE NEWS Suggests Settlement For MidEast lfLRlS lReutersl Algerian President Houari llomlmedienne said in an ulteniew ed here today that any the creation Erase problem Hold LastDitch Talks lit Cape Town RTE TOWN Amt Rhodesian Przrle Zlï¬niser Ian Smith and his South Airlean mlniterpartglotm torster met today in Cape Town for relN 01 private talk widely considered as lastditch eltort to stave at final break between Rhodesia and Britain Trek To James Bay ls Faillire TUIMLfs CPD ï¬x men set old in suowmolnle during the weekend in smariile rim to James Bay bu they quit Sunday 107 miles later when they ran out at spare parts Seeks Safeguards AgainstOil Pollution mam row The Canadian Wildife Federation is asking the goiernrnent to ensure there are proper religuarde against oil pottltion ol Garladas coasts lrom otlshore drilling operatiois Warsaw Pact Meet Planned In Prague PRAGUE Renders top level meeting of Warsaw pact leaders will take place in Budapest this week the Prague youth maper libido Fronta reported today University 01 home Is lieopened ROME AP The Univcrsily oi llome reopened today alter and two months or student oculpation nnd Pave Way For Ontario Medicare OTTAWA GP Fadmal Health Minister John Munro and Ontario Heth Minister lladhew Dyrroud today set up series of meetings ol their ofï¬cials uhidr could lead to Ontarios entry at nniltineial and irnlltkdigotxs state will solve the Middle Saigon and shelling of more than tons and bases Sunday night andearly today The dead included at Americans 14 South Vietnamese and at least 94 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Laird would not reveal the re commendations he is carrying back to President Nixon except to say that he would request ad ditional funds to strengthen the South Vietnamese armed serv ices At Dan Nang Sunday he had indicated the amount would be about $70000000 The secretary said some American troops would be re placul in due course by South Vietnamese as the latlers armed lorces grew stronger But he would not give any timetable Laird said the question ol the mutual withdrawalioi Amcncan andNorth Vietnamese troops is one ol the subjects under consi deration in Paris and cause qucntiy he did not reel it proper to comhleot further in Saigon But he did say that on the basis of HE trip he could not foresee any circumstances which would 733315172 By THE MATE PRESS Alter two days or heavy shell ported quiet again today Egypt prepared heros limeral lorlts army able oi stall Gen Abdel Moneim mad who was killed by an lsraeli shell Sunday They are burying their gen lrouble ioday on Israeli military source said United Nations observers tinned Egypt for the start of They reported to UN headquar ters that they observed the Egyptians ï¬ring from one to 32 minutes beiorc the lsraellr opened up along the blwkcd waterway lsraeli shells hit Egypts oil time since the 19V war and the Israelis sold petrochemical plant and oil storage tanks were still burning today Egypt raid three tanks were set alire lsracl said one at its Piper Cubs was shot down three is iraelis including tile pilot were killed and it were wounded Egypt claimed at least ltlll ls raells were killed or wounded three planes shot down and ill tanks destroyed Emptmid threeof itsmon were billedrnndrlarwoundod and it lost MiG Jot lsrael said hr MiG pilot pas captured Egypt also claimed its lorces brought down an Israeli hlystere jet but lsracl denied this The scmioillclal Cairo news paper Al Abram said Riad had llown by helicopter to lsmailia Sunday and was observing the mam cry The federal gorergrncotv is not prepared to require more American loroes in Vietnam French Fronds Troubles Arent Séen As Emergency By rue nssocrmo mass Western Europes central bankers decided Sunday the French lranca troubles didnot constitute an emergency requir ing international action but the price ol gold continued to rise today on Europes lree mark Bullion was selling at $4 its an ounce in london 23 cents over Fridays price Deal ers said thodemcnd war nor mal and the turnover small in dicating the upward movement was caused by the absence ol seller at the lower levels On Londons loreign exchange marketthe pound opened lit tlc betterat $13906 compared to Fridayc 523895 But the lranc whlcb pulled sterling into the loderal mgdiml care insurance program down last week was still shaky in Zurich the price at gold jumped lrom minim in wires hitting record high continue operating in what amoimtsto blackmail situa tion regarding wildcat postal ualknuisï¬a postal spokesman said today He made the comment as hundreds of postal workers con The Examtner loony lg Ann Lancersc City Nairz gr autumn ll Comics7 Deathsll ll 2i Editoriald snort Tbcnle iii iv listing1 Weathero Womens6 lor the remnd time In our dayr One bullion dealer raid there was fdemand lrom almost cv erywhgre but banker raid the buying did not appear to be really beetle CAN MEET FDOW Aler their regular monthly meeting in Basel Switzerland several ol the bankers said the French government hor enough gold to cope with the current flow of money beyond it bor den They rlso raid France has not arkedlor help under emergency arrangements the made last month to help 00 tries with money troubles lnztba$uexCanalwnsrcV era at noon so we dont expect artillery duel Saturday reï¬nery at Suez tor the lourtb Paslies Defy GOVt Order and Hamilton Btnlillgloll Low St Catharines om apparently was taken at meet GEN ABDEL lioncim Rind ch of Ital the Egyptian rmy died olewoundsercceiv ed Saturday when Israeli Var artill duel with group at ol licersuywhcn the sbelllanded close to him Others in the group wereobly slightly in lured but the 50yearold gen eral died shortly alter he was taken to hospital tinued seris of wildcat strikes against the post olï¬ee inr protlst oier wodr procedines connected withthe new riveday delivery system The government was canton uing to explore two avenues to settle the walkout issuc the spokesman said These included setting up an arbitrator to settle speciï¬c grievances and taking legal action against unionsqnd workers involved in the walk outs PostmasterGeneral Errc chralis was expected to report to the Commons on the situation alter the House met at pm Post olï¬ccs were picketed today at Saskatoon Winnipeg don Ont Sault Ste Marie and In London decision to strike lug there Saturday attended by local ofï¬cials ol the Letter Car riers Union oi Canada in St Catharines the walkout apparentiylcontlnucd all week end aitcr carriers lelt their jobs Friday tion theSlar oi Honor Buck Jones relaxed in hos Transplant Patient xamino Barrio Oninlo Clnldd musty Mmh to im tlilery dreams the Sum Caual blasted trenchln which howls taking shelter AP Wirephoio Iliad was Egypts second ranking soldieralter the de lence minister Gen Mo bammcd Fawri President Nan rer posthumously awarded him Egypts highest nriiitary decora llescue Miner Trapped8Days LARK Utah Art William piial bed today lreed iron the tiny cell or rock that held him captivradeepwin Utah moun tain or eight days Jones at lather ol ll was brought to safety Sunday night by ï¬scuers who had tunnelied ghlrlwgb 25 feet at rock to his cu Alter an emotional reunion with his lamily at the lead and silver mine entrance Jones was taken by ambulance 20 mhcs to at Salt Lake City hospital for ex amination and rest want to shower he shoot think need it lie got bath instead Then he shaved himself had dimer oi barn and eggavand watched television replay at his rescue He told visitor All have to say is that God had his arms around me it was teartul joyhll scene when the tunnel train carrying lace alter tiltmile ride ruin the shalt in which he was trapped by caveill March Thrombosis Hits Survivinglleart moment tcri Gorald Jones to saler reached the sur Levesque 58 the lone survivor ol nlne heart transplant patients atithe Montreal Heart institute has sullered cerebral throm tainty about the lrane will not be resolved until the French government and the countryr encca over wages The unions have called labour general strike Tuesday percent wage government in resisting such French exports so expensive the value ol the franc would have to be lowered so French business could compete in markets might lurce Britain Mt United States to cut tho their currencies But serious money Prorldrnt abor unions settle their dillcr The unions are seeking it increase The urge boost as it would make hosts and is unconscious and partially paralysed doctor raid Sunday night spokesman Ior the institute raid Mr Levesque Grands Arise ly paralysed on his bod lbnom icll Tentative Iario Hydro and local low Ca nadian Union of Public Employ cos union spokesman said today Murry Bell ticd represent me for the local said most major items in contract negotia tions have been resolved ludro Illd the unions bargaining team met at it pm EST to work out linal settlement Retroactive pay is about the only real stumbling block told Mr Bell adding that pay and work clauses had been settled to the unions satisfaction Claim Soviets Provoked Clash lorrvo Moi China charged today that the Soviet Union provoked the Manchurian border dash March to divert the nttcntion oi Ermine who are massing lor rovohrtion acalnst Soviet lascig rule Some Wcacm analysis have suggested that Petting provoked the bloody ï¬ght for similar reasontn make the urineso forget internal dimensions and rally behind Mao isetunz by mum spectre of Soviet MONTREAL CF The El taies General of French Canada called Sunday or creation ol constitutional assembly lor Que bec and recommended that it lormulate republican constitu tion in unilingual Quebec other principal provisions oi the resolution outlining the kind or constitution the province should have were An allirmation ol the prov inocs right to selldeterrnina tion humanrights charter pro Ray Pleads Guilty Iii Court MEMPHIS lcnn tAP James Earl Ray pleaded guilty today to murder in the death of Dr Martin Luther King in Negrocivll rights leader Milt intcmalionnl Dovaiuation ol the ire However the present unccr dcvahre agreement has been reached in be liveneck ispute between On be seekifoowersz For Quebec wsnrurli Variable cloudineu meady mom and little colder tonub ll lull detained porn three Nor Mari rim lostn Copy 12 pm SETTLEMENTNE MMDISPUTE Israeli Artillery Kills Egypt Chief Of Staff Retroactive Pay Remains lis Only Maj er Obstacle He said an agreement should signed this nttcrnoolr it will sent to the lullnns 9149 members or ratiï¬cation And am pretty sure the sold The union today stopped its series ol rotating strikes which began Feb in III cllort tohar as management without dis rupting electric power to the province All men were reported back been suspended by the publicly ownedutitlty At one time the local had more than 6000 workers oil duty The rotating strikes hit various parts of the provincr daily The union had been peeking 165percent wage increase in in clause and wage parity in loros seven regional ofï¬ces Hydro had ollered L5 per cent Mr Belldid not dwclosr my details at the settlement HERES ONE ï¬tnlook How do you and claiming French the role otï¬oirl language at Quebec as well protecting basic liberties An alrirmation ol 0181th inces right to control foreign policy and delence and conclude treaties with lorelgn powers An allirmation ol exclusive rights lor the province in the field at radio communications by rateliite or other means sour olv vorqu Voting on resolutions Sunday last day oi the Estate General lourday convention attended by 1378 delegates mm across Canada revealed split boa tween delegates lrom Ontario and the West and delegates lrom Quebec and tho Maritimr provinces Quebec and Maritime dele gates joined in the appeal tor constitutional assembly while those lrom Ontario and the West either abstained rent the voting or rejected the measures membership will accept new contract when they vote by at work except those who had liloyear wmract oostoï¬iv