ii Bs iii guth Elma 0i Assault Charge Rater hasnt rur old lnddrtrinl lens alumni who lives on hiltia Street said yea terday he has Ilwlfod to fill legal no hureodfor insisting in launching an appeal on private assault complaint be laid Quilt Barrie Nice 02n mble William Johnson The and charge the read mndnax last De mrber 17 on Dollop Smus was arrested by Don stable Jdrnaon ahertlyuflar the incident and diamod with Joe ing drunk in plblic place That charge dinissed in provincial court on Tammy as was the mull charge brought mint amiable John Ion Barrie Gamer pointh out last nile The new legislation also pro videa tint aged to thaeatent or more than fifty per cent at its value lex cluaivyof walls below grade shall not be restored except in malormity with lhe permitted Ilse and nandarda of thisby llw that la with the general inning in the area Aid Jack Garner pointed out an this clause could place eon siderabla hardship on the indiv idual home owner whose home burned to tbenound citiun with small lot lo commercial moo wouldbe stuck with property whldi would be difficult to sell hesaid The city solicitor and city flan ner will be asked to consider the various oilestionrmncerning legal nonconforming uses and their opiplomyill be discussed In this bylaw comes up for ap proval in principle lonigh Post Wins Minor Hockey llclion Co 0p Midgets are em undefeated in their round series uniiut dubs in the North York league following 21 lie withwoobndge Thurs days oalhylifusoninthe pusoa put Woélbridge head but Brian hulls Milled for Barrie early in the second frame to tie the game before Joou scored another for thevisitors Orrtis aeoond goal of the gametied ttie score for the heatKiog Ely in the first game of series NORTH YORK LEAGUE Banie UHW Bantams posted win and timin four days in Post season round robin play in the North York Mirror Hockey League fheUlth pounded Wood bridge Bren tiedlhornhill 245tnrday parent Bowen scored brace in the victory while aingleswere counted by Gerry RedsNiok Koeslag Grog Hlbhertf leff Simmons and Terry Mania Walker and Martin re plied for woodriidgelale in the third period Martin and soot Wallace ave theURWsa 10 lead gov ing into the third period against Thornhillbut late rally pro dulled thelle when Wool nough socred both goals mGflll WIN Barrie Knight won their first game of round robinroeries against cllbs in the North York leauge Saturday with 14 dull out against ThornhillPee Weer iim Hamilton scored the win ning goal al 1045 of the first period followed less than arnin ute later by Kevin Kirkpab rieka inauraocemarker Goalie Bruce Murray paced the Brme Walton Insurance Midgets to 60 rhutoutpver llleafordof the Bay Leaguezhnday Bill MdLioden scored the Wills ning goal at 345 of the ï¬rst period seconds after previous goal he scoredwas disallowed Coach Ted Moores Barne club willplay return match Thursdey unlit at 836 in the Barrie Arena Ken Bannerrnan Bob Lynch Charlie BTW Warren Eyera andBiiau Brownfalso scored TATE pmrorrr GAME Barrie Bantam 35 took close playoff game from Mea ford Saturdayan they won 44 at Meaford Tim HirflmangWayne Duso me Wayne lfolbs and Brian Richardson scored for Barrin David Lam replied twice for Acting mayor Les Joiliffe right and Donald Lori mer president and general manager of Grandviou lord caret and llr lnrirners yearold son Donald go broke groundJlonday for the farms new building ol Grandvicw Ford at Gmdluh Road and Bay ficld The building which ups can SALES ruin Brains NEW nonunion designed by Barrie architect Salter andis being built by David Kennedy is scheduled for complcllan May The construction is the til first to take place on land being newly developed in that area There will he approxi mately 17000 square cell of space in the single storty builriing laxminer Photo Committee Looksram lhelclty heard again last night from Cher Belle Ltd the eompanywhose plaza develop ment for Buyficld Street and handles Road they rejected last November The planning and development committee met with represents tires of the firm to discuss their plans for their looacre site an the west side of Baylield Street and this time they looked fav orably on proposed residential development for the westerly section of the lands The com millee asked planning board to review an earlier decision not to restagc the property for im mediate development Ctr21 Belle told the committee they still intend to oppose coun cils reicction of their plaza for the part of the property facing Cundlcs Road but they were they said willing now to develop the rest of the land for com bined row housing apartment and single family development 11ley countered one of plan ing boards main objections to restaging the lands the fact ser superman By Srarniaea gt Well its Georgian College of Applied Art and Tech nology ir OPEL The studenla haveroltled imo themodern seats theywhite block letters highon the weatwail of the bmldinghpmclalm toafl who come near lhebuildiotthallhil is Georgian College loin inaugural address on Friday President Peter Craw ford saidthe College must work doselrwith flag dominant foro er in edm on eomnnmity state and indudryt The students being trained at Georgian Collegewillfill con linually increasingdemo for lochnically trained personnel who have ï¬rm hckgrmmd in the principles or their in the cmofwritlng new lea of stories orl indifferent couraes cameraman annexe learned or MQxdting op immunities thnntudentrmo be afforded inning people in volvedfcan beptllled together and mmtnmrm mmomoi PWISIONV Many of lhetoursef in the technology division callerom its work and somepradlcai arcticationrofthe uabjoelr null led in classroom The source technology students will be ex nenling with various ways lingsnd draining land em nzering technoi ogy mutants trill be lakingcmraea in draullclwhere lheywill waterrnndnmnwm flow prob lems Thefdtyof Barrie faced with lust thismrtotproblern Georgian Collete Studentr buildth anva Meaford and Cali Jones once Sty At 35de Tlmé cilywould liké tovseevfiilod but is an rorush to have done The students could take their time and learn doing the hy students could practice measuring the pollution level on the Bay and perhaps The resort operation atndmta ï¬reworklng closely witnrev enlxmoiels in the areaer Carl Skulls has two students all but take over the Lake Sillch Motel on sanitary may eat job said am snuuz and they learn lot about the mart burinmf wortx creamy Fifesident Crawford is sincere about wanting to work closely tfwe putup snow sculpture we would he letting til ty down saldooe student students uholearn by tag have learned more and are bet ter citizens because ofit To days uudentsivant Jo particl pale and can play at ful role lnythe everydoy life of community The college has within its walls oneof the most educated group ufrneny in the city These men can and peril Will begin to comment on events in the city fnetlurtlona of higher learning are becominl more and more vices are not yet available arano longer isolating them selves from the public stream There will perhaps be some suggestion that the college should not be intruding into public of fair But the college is public iiutl the tone of society is to mprnve involve useu Georglan College has built an admirable recordrol public sor viceforrllsell in its brief ex istence All one can pair for is more of lh same 02 raya Eua Rd at thalighm there as they told the donimit lee they would be willing to extend at their own cost 52 ersthat lit up lands to rthc south of the proposal We will be perfectly honest with you We will go to the OMB regarding cammcrcialzom ing for the seclinnfacing Bay field We dont want to hide anything fmm you We will let the OMB dccidc Whether they lhink the plalashould go on the cast or the westsidc of the road and we will abide by its decision said Manny Wolfe one oil the developers in the Chcz Belle firm Each member of the commit tee was polled for his opinion on the property and each fall that serious reconsideration should be given to allowing re sidential developmcnltherc al thoughthcy remained firm on the soufootdecp commeraal strip dont blame you for going to the OMB said Aid Al Macv millan That is to be expect ed when you have great deal invested in piece of property But think perhaps the rosi dential growth might be appro priatc there and you should be invited to present your plans to the planning board Plans for the lands presented to the planning and develop mcnl committee showed the Li acres adjacent to Bayfleld Street as commercial develop ment lmmediatcly behind the commercial strip park school low density row housing and an apartment block were proposed Thomosl westerly so Acres would be developed for 2001 home single family subdi vision REASONABLE USE We think whether it is today or some point in the future the nniyreasonahle use for the fron tagezan Baylicld is 10mm cial As far as the rest of the land we have provided fora gradual phasing out from COM mcrcial to single family homes Wolfe nlvaiourulla theorist Next time she tells you topainltl1ewalllake her to seesome Weldwood prefinlshed paneling No platterYou just stick it up Lasts as long asthe all Andyils beautiful mill pom Planning board turned down rostaxing for Chez Belle early in February The property is currently stage two which means it would not normallyhe developed until other areas in the city have approached full growth potentialr The staging policy not by the citys ofï¬cial plan is designed wallow for gradual and cum omical expansion of the citys sorvlccsand of school facilities Chez Belle applied in writing to the planning board for tile changn in staging but did not Locru GENERAL naponr 111nm Barrie police report the theft of two tires from car parked on the Justin Motors lot on Bradford Street last night The tires were valued at 520 PUBLIC SPEAKING ThevBarrie Lions Club is holding its annual JPuhlic Speaking Contest tonight ill the Bayslairs Lodge at Minels Point at oclock Two winnersone boy and one girl from to nighls contest will compete in the Region Speak Ofl on Friday Marda 14 in Orange viile Bradford Boy Drowns In River Randy Lee Boynlon four year old ward or the Childrens Aid Society staying with Mr and Mrs Harvey Tripp of Bradford was found drowned in five feet of water in the Schomhcrg Rivr er yesterday afternoon Bradford OPP say the boy ap parently fell through the thin Dlycleaned blocked Ind plastic wrapped LIMITED TIME SPECIAL Your Personal Valet WAGGS COMPANYLIMITED cALi 1283952 FOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY appear there as deputation to explain lhe application They gave no indication at that time of the use for whicthey in tended the property if it were restagcd The suggested 50000 square foot plaza by Chet Belle for the citys north end was rejected by citycouncll in favor of similar plan by Warren Scott Associates The change in wiring and staging for the Scott Plaza on the eastside of Baylield Street has not yet come before the OntarioMunicipal Board it is included in the new ofï¬cial city plan and thevnew zoning bylaw which are not expected to go to Toronto until sometime in April any EXAMINER mm ADS prions 7mm MODERN Insuriuci TECHNOLOGY Our so oes reflectiong time experience in work ing with wide varle of business concern all the trained people at shrew llNY swam Lamar its cultural run ennui uasincu rims NZ Education Week Events Continue Io diservonce of Education Week King Edward School and Maple Grove School have invit ed parents lovlsltclassrooms today Allandaie Heights is having Birthday Part tomorrow from pm until 330 pm The party it to ccldirate the corn pletlonof the first year of op eration ot Allandaie Heights Ind all parents of pupils attend infthe acboolare invited At Codrlngton tomorrow par enla are invited to vhil class roonarln operation from me pm until 2130 pm flmmedlately following pro gram of skits comedy and dra ma will last until 330 at which time volleyball game be tween parents and leachera yrstudents wliltalte place volleyball game for girls between King Edward Predict School and Codringlou uill fol low Hlllcrest School is sponsorini an0pcn House tomorrow from 930 am to man am andln the afternoon from kid to 230 Johnson Street School is also having its open house tomorrow from 115 pm to 280 pm spring ten sponsored by the Johnson Street School Pareirls Group wm follow the open house Parent lcacher inter views will be holdltomorm afternoon from to Meanwhile Oakley Park School will be having open house from 930 am to 30 am through ï¬rirsday and Prince of Wales School will also be hov lng Open House throughout the week Steele Street Sdtool is hold ing its open house tomorrow morning msnucr mantra Sunny Skies Wednesday Wednesday will be sunny with fewcloudy intervals and seas unable lcmperalures Forecast for the Barrie area calls for low tonight of l7 and high Wednesday of an Noon temperature outside the Examiner was 25 mnoum for Forecasts issued at 590 am ESP Synoplll Clear skies are forecast for Onturlo today Coollt er air which dropped south from Hudson Bay Monday night caused cloudiness and snowflur rlea about Lake Superior but this appears to be transitory and is unlikely to change the fair weather pattern favoring the province Tomato Hamilton fondan Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario southern Geor gian Bay Hallhurlnn Clear with sensortable temperatures today Sunny with few cloudy intervAIa Wednesday Northeriy winds near 15 today North Bay Sudbury northern Georgian Bay Temugami Algo ma White ver Cochrano unstern James Bay Sunny with cloudy periods today and Wednesday Little change in temperatures Winds northwest l5 ltldiaygt Montreal and Ottawa lllalnly clear today and Wednesday Near seasonahle temperatures Winds light Forecast temperatorca Low lonlghl high Wellhead Windsor on London Kildlener Wingham Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Killaloc Muskoka Kupuskasing White River Moosonee Timmlns ulgnsugooanasoaasssaaos iBurlinglon Cameo Annual Sale March5th to 15th Camoo BaoKooNeaa PANTY HOSEyours at big asvingsl ideal for all thoseahort short fashions because theyre smooth trimfitting and runrealalanttool Slzasvsmali Medium Large andMExlraLarga In springtime shades of Cmtnl nk Send Ermine Caress and Sm 20 200