mine rateronss dominion cindlhdldnrtbiu maul Allotbubgpanmeatl rum rosin Year qua si APOLLO Command Module Pilot David Scott checks out 16mm motion picture camera which he will use to make inovies during the space flight now scheduled to start Mon day at Cape Kennedy Fla Be hind him on the telephone is Lunar Module Pilot Rusch 1t enie LOSANGELES AP Sir han Bishara Sirhan has laiicd in another try to tire hu lawyer change his plea to guilty and go to the gas chamber for murder ing Senator Robert Kennedy And he has been wamcdany lurtllcr tantrums and hell be gagged and strapped to his chair From here on 121 that you are kept quiet said ludge Herbert Walker alter heated 10minute exchange with Siihan In the untrue at his third courtroomoutburst ol the week Sirhan 24said plead guilty to murder and ask to be execut ed it began with commotion at the dclence tabl thejury being sent liorn the room and Sirhan telling the dg at this time sir withdraw my original plea oi not guilty and submit the plea oi guilty as charged on all counts Sirhnn ad made the same request in ambers Tuesday The judge said he knows noth log in the law that permits de tendsnt to enter guilty plea to iirstdegrce murder and ask his execution Judge Walker said Sirhan would have to give reason and the slenduf young delendant re you keep ll Io west Berlin mum tari twohour blockade of autobahn trallic by US East German soldiers coincided today with realllrmaiion from the Western BigThree of their determination to maintain un hindered accessbetwecn West Berlin and West Germany The United Elites Britain and France rejected as groundless Soviet charges of West German militaryactivity in the isolated or German capital is only in the eastern see or ofEe ntiltlt2918lnized rce governments real air determination to bielicrlin with blotted to below the us conlrontai Schweickart All three Apollo astronauts indudin Com mander Jamcs McDi it had been sullering lrom colds forcing postponement ol yes terdays planned that all The delay was estimated to cost hail million dollars AP Wire photo Plea Sirhan citedalmost as it it had been rehearsed killed Robert Kcnned wii fully premeditatively with 20 years of malice aiorethought That is why The indictment returned bya grand jury last June 7the day diedcharged Slrhan did wilfully unlawfully leloniously and with malice to die ailcr Kennedy 5r other in Kennedy human being flnnedy was shot alter ai tendiag party celebrating his Calilurnia Democratic presiden tial primary victory The judge told Sirhan he would not put up with more in terruptio mean stand flint Sirhan said he understoodrbut said he didnt want to be repre sented couns that you will have lace mask put on you which ivillnroliibityou Lronutalkirg and trainer your arms will be strappedlo your chair and the trial will proceed You under ilstronauis Danyi Rest ilpoilo May bgiaunched Mon CAPE KENNEDY Fla AB and civiliaan Enoch nie Apollo astroiim kart planned to spend the whole planned lull day at resti day in the eomlortablc moon thcir crew quarters today port quarters live miles from log to shake their colds and the launch pad devoting part oi ceive dellnlte goaheod long be time to studying their com launching ltlonday plu mission Doctors said they would The quarters are equipped decision by late site with television books stereo whether the astronauts wfl kitchen and gymnasium rcady or whether the flight The astronauts re to have have to be put oil another it soared into spaceon today or two earth orbitmission Friday but Launch nilicials want lir were grounded by the colds Es guhead belore they com timalcd cost oi the delay was themselves to starting the tin $600000 countdown at lopm asr Dr Charles Berry the the Saturn rocket and Apo space agencys director at medi spaceship cal operations reported Friday Air Force Cots Jamcs night the congestion and sore throats appear to he subsiding Will Expo nonrnniu or City ccks shorter than originally council Friday approved the armed or its second season continuation this year at Man The any had decided Jam and His World and Mayor Jean Mrmmm me Mr mum Drama mm Wm risk another dclicit in the 35 momma hie magi iibitions lirst year Montreal into the red by more then For Mr ro au was the and oi midi animal Fm°tgtv reflection about his luture sig nalled by the Jan 29 announce merit that the postExpo 67 exh hition would not reopen in 1069 Vlhc council agreed Friday to accept financing arrangement with the Quebec and ledcral governments that would keep Man and His World alive At lea at two councillors voted against the move Dates for the exhibition are fona id to Sept about live Nixon Meet Quebec City and Ottawa province would underwrite deï¬cit this year up to $5 II the money to be de cd at no interest lmrn loads by Quebec as its share of Expo 67 dciicit The de instalments to the ledcral ment would oe resumed PAItls JAP President Nixon and Pres de Gaulle eonlerred lor 90 minutes today in the guardedsplendor of the Trianon Palace in suburban guyen Can Ky or South Versailles their second dayoi before he departsloi tallrs that Nixon hoped would di meet Pope Paul ed White llouse pegss sry Ronald Zle nd the US president will Sunday with Vi Presi alter the disgruntled lormer HERES our Mom Son eat your spin ach itll put color on your cheeks Who wants French spokesman Roger Vaurs said he assumed the tons and atmosphere were as cordial as yesterday While de Gaulle and Nixon green his city government and with British andlrench en voys Schueiz said however in shortterm disturb ances like this morning can be repeated Kidnapped Mexican Police Woman Claims SAN FRANCISCO 10 The wife of senior Canadian civil servant told United States District Court judgoFrl day she was kidnapped by Mexican police and deported wile of her American doctor gland bribed olï¬eials in Mexico Lise Gartner Sicotte 47year old wile of Gilles Sicotte Canadas assistant deputy min istcr of transport was testii in acivil action to determine dlsposiliï¬nqof 510000 insur Sim moneyby Dr David Gluslrer two days holorc hisdeath ln0t tawa July 1961 The will is being challenged by Dr Glusk PROTESTING STUDENTS carrying placards which made err two children reltrcnce todhuecsnt distur ing of what was said although minish dlttcrenccs between the United States and France 35 NM 595 Only interpreters were with the two presidents lor that ses sion in de Gaulles palace office Spokesman would reveal noth Di cigbtday trip across Europe the war in Solar Asia was on his agen dal policy in Vietnam has troublesome issue in re laiwith de Gaulle Euro picion that the United preoccupied with has not been suit ont ly hva to allies in Europe Montreal greet VGeneral Roland highlicking is one thing but this it dllnuious Cong Spring Ollensive Enters Seventh Day SAlGON AP The Commu nisls spring olle re continued lnr its seventh day today but the Saigon government went ahead with plans to hold local elections Sunday Viet Cong and North Vi namcsc ii inlensllicd their rocket and mortar attadrs hitting more than to towns and bases inSouth Viilnam during the night the United States command said Casualties were light and no ground attacks were reported ed lour divisions predominantly Viet Cong veterans have moved into South Vietnam irom 0am bodla And there were new lndi cations that North Vietnamese demilitaritcd tone Gaulle In Private is oneoflhe problems Nixon set to ease Ziegler said Nixon would see Ky alter coalcrring at the US Embassy with chry Cabot Lodge chief US negotiator at the Vietnam peace talks and with other members of the ne gotiating team Ky returned lrorn Saigon Monday lhere were large forces at po lice along the route today as Nixon drove to the palace but only lew persons were on the streets About persons gath ered at the gates of the Tri nan to see the US president am Some children carried welcome one read Nixona the one Hllhadns campus lversltycl the West ladle US military analysts report Ix North Vietnamese but including troops were slipping through the NEW OWNS AP jurya unanimous verdict at not guilty today cleared Clay Shay 55 at charge oi cori spiring to assassinate Pruidcnt John Kennedy Read to packed heavily guarded Criminal District Court at nor am CST hm am ET the verdict led to moment at bctilam There was an can splitting concerted shriek irom the women spectators ihe lzman jury rejected the state ease and District Attorney lirn Garrisons plea that con viction would strike blow at exressive government power anrrison is right to his opinion about the government and the Warren commission said juror David have short ly artcr court adjourned But just dont leel his an is enough to convict man Shaw retired New Orleans businessman stood in protec tive circle oi deputies as the verdict was read cranes The Examiner sonar Ann linden7 Climbll City News2 manned12x Comics10 DelthH ll EditoflIld Sportsa flieatrH tV Listingslo WeatiieoG WomenId ï¬Poriugai Hit By Earthquake LISBON Reuters Eleven personswere killed as result ol tha earthquake that rocked Portugalth Fridar but only one was the victim oi wall cub lapse reports said today Nine victims died alter heart attacks attributed loAhe emn lion caused by the quake Anoth er man died of stroke Many people remained out of their homes and slept in tents Friday nightlor tear of lurther tremors In Lisbon and other Portuguese cities and towns thousands ol persons many in nightclothes and carrying club dren rushed screaming into streets plunged intodarlrness by simultaneous power failure whih lasted up to 40 minutes in some districts ended his strong Tuesday The students cheered the governor genera when Do you wish the jury polled asked lodge Edward Hogs gerty Assistant District At torney James Alcoclr who headed Garrisons learn oi pro secuiorr slum low in his chair lie ooir his hcad nearliy Powe juror who grow goatca while sequestered during the 34day trial said the verdict VITde OP The Bank ol Canada interest rate credit bannneter will rise to seven per cent irom 611 per cent hlon day Bank governor 11ml Rasrnin sky announcing the increase Friday attributed it to recent increases in shortsterm interest rates abroad me had been reflected In risi shortAerm rates in Caro ads and himer bank rate would enable the Bank of Can ads to retain anadaquate de gree of lieitiiillity in its oper tiohs He also said that continuing strong demand or chartered hankcrcditlsalactorinlhede cirion to raise the rate The rate is considered the MDNTREAL CF Preliml nary hearing of Kennedy Frederick 19 at Grenada was adjourned Friday when he com plained ol dizzy spells during testimony irom police oliicer in charge of the riot squad called in to quell student ram page at sir George Williams University earlier this month Frederick lstlie lirst 37 students and sympathizer to appear on charges of conspiracy to commit arson and damage property when twoweek sitAin Reached On First Ballot was unanimoosand was reached on the lirst ballot Deliberation look about so minutes Shaw was cleared two years to the day irom the date he was arrestedalarm 1967 The state charged Shaw with conspiring with 113 Harvey Os wald and others to murder Kerr newly slain in Dallas Nov IL 1533 Bank Rate Is Raised leading indicator ol the cost at credit in Canada It has changed 11 times since Jan 1967 bumping littuliy irom livediertcnt In as high as per cent tor period last Six years ago it was tilt pa cent gt no latest increase lotiowa nounocment Thursday of in the anus rate cl ei cent irom seven per Central banks in tries use increased dampen inflationary pressures High interest rates are supposed to discourage borrowing and spendinai other countries notably Brit ain and France use it to curb imports in times of monetary stress Montreal Student Hearing in lidjoumed By Diazy Spells at the universitys computer centre erupted into violence Feb 11 Defence counsel Pierre La caiile aired that Frederidr be excused train the hearing short ly alter Assistant Chief Inspec tor Clovis Trndesu told the court that persons inside the computer centre in traerdinaiymgeroi dyin either irom asphyxiation or irom burns when tire was set to the centre The hearing resumes Monday if the end oidaoviong ta bmwï¬ QM mama cWmM CAPSULENEWS Sharp Deiends ltole 0i NATO CALGARY CmExternal Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp said today that raganiiess of what Canada decides in foreign pol icy NAIlO Will continue to be the medianism through which peace in Ehirope is maintained lr rich Students Shout NixonAssassm Aims lteuterstThousands ol students dinning Nixon ssin today staged one of the bing demonstrations Paris seen Since the 1963 Maydime revolt Riot police sat hopes in truths ascohniui after column of students trotted aro Place de in Repubtique in central Pans stunning antiAmeri slogans as PresidenHiixcn and President de Gaulle neared at Versailles near the capital Seek Federal in For The out TonbNlt CPiélioc berel members olPariiamcrntihave told Metro Chainnan am Allen they vll right or ledcral assistance for the panadian National Exhibition ilobarts Deiendstedicare Stand Tomorrow Prcml John Roberts siandaeainat the federal plan Thursday the pre told the isiature he is convinced tlie economy oi Canada and of province cannot allord at ths time publlulyï¬nanced me cal care plan such as the present federalplan iii villasenrime Remains VcryWeak WASHINGTQN APlFonncr pre cnt Dwight Eisenhovver remains very weak loom the pneum that has cmcttcated hisrremvery irom surgery anda of heart attacks itWaa announced today TORONTO WiTrcasury Board President today he doubts the usclunesi it lcdeml and sees no new structures ame gi to imp menl science pol Icy waved one at the placards Ever his head CP lrephott mmnumawï¬romaimamaamatrwmmawm care insurance