Bruins and erosingoag Toronto EdgsSSILouis ay ma mamas rakes Boston Bruins took advantage oi the return at two ot theirtop aim Wednesday night to break losing meek that had cost than the lead in Natio Rock ey leagues Eastern Division Tbo Bruins hit by Ioiuriea and suspension at their leading acorer snapped comma losing streak by deieating Abnelee King to The win was due mainly to thoplay oi John McKenzie who acornd two goals and Phil Es poxito their highscoring centre who assisted on both hic Kenziea goals McKenzie sldolintd with knee injury once Feb re turned Wednesday night and scored his Mn and 20th goals at the season Esposito was rumnded ior two names last week or shov Ing and hitting referee The two points he earned shed his total to tour pants away lrom the league record tor rennin season flhe recordVI pointsis shared by Brbby Hull and Stan Mikiu oi Chicago Black Hawks the return oi another player Wednesday night also saw the end losing streak tor his team Forward Mike Walton who quit Toronto Maple Leafs last week because at diiierences with managercoacb Punch im lash minim the team or its any leaders he the Master Division Itithoulb Walton did not pick up any pointy the loan man aged to squeeze put the Blah so and end thrafllneloaing streak in other games Montreal Canadieos scored tin tint9+ rlod goals to deint Detroit Red Wings HnNer York Rangers downed the Black links and Oakland Seals boat tllnnm ta North Stars 66 Beside hicKanai goals Fred Stanfield and de anceotan Ied Green also acored or the lamina The Iflass coals wen scored by Lowell MacDonald and lrvtne At Toronto Roa Ellis goal at lhzal oi the third period gave the bells their win over st louis Paul Henderson in the first period and Floyd Smith In the second also scored tor To ronio Ierry Grim and Larry Kee nan not the st bouts goals Doug Harvey who got an assist oi Crispe goal will hive his stick enshrined in the Hockey oi Iiail oi Fame in Toronto or be coming the iirrt deienceonan to score 60 assists In the NHL Contra Henri Richard led the Montreal scoring with two goals in Canadiens win John Fergu son Dick Duii Yvan Cour noyer Claude Provost and Mick ey Redmond added single goals game with st louis BluesI run rmms Detroit got goals irom Dean Moore Lead Seniors HAMILTON 0P Allie Phillips Sr skipped his Ontario rink to Its filth consccutivo victo ry Wednesday in the Canadian seniors curling championship but the prosped of playing three games todaymada him anything but happy ican tell you wouldnt have planned It this way he said referring to the draw which nave Ontario secondmund bye Monday and iorccd the threegame grind today Meanwhile Gordon Moore oi Victoria has skipped his British Columbia champions to six con iecutlve victories to hold the lead to the IIrlnk roundrohin tournament and gets bye in the evening round tonight Ontarios three games Prince Edward Island is the seventh round at 9am EST Albert It pm and Quebec at pmWiii be against the best rtnka played to date aaya Phillips The Quebec rink skipped by Ron Wright at Hudson and skip Wendell MacDonalds Pri Edward island cham irom Charlottetown were tied or third place going into todays action with $2 records skipped by Stan Brooker oi Nor ands Que were iiith with record while rinks skipped by Gord Walker oi Edmonton and Jim Murphy at Saint John NB allowed at But Phillipa considers the AL hcrta rink one oi the host inIho tournament or men of 55 years and over Two other rinks skipped by AI Fabrnor oi Charleawood Man and Saskatchewans Fred Cochrane oi Lumsdon were tied for eighth place at 24 while Nova Scotlas Merrill Rawdlng oi Liverpool was The Newfoundland rink skipped by John McCarthy oi St Johns trailed with In other seventhround game at aJtI todly British Colum bia played Quebec New Brunav wick Look on Manitoba Saskat chewan went against Nova Sco tin and Alberta met Newfound land Northern Ontario drewtha bye The Ontario rioir continued its domination by winningita iourth same with no go ry otler Saskatchewan in the iilh round Wednesday before run nto Its first strong opposi tion in the sixth round against The Northern Ontario titiiste Manitoba AlbertaSkip canardTie in Canadian Womens Curling man woman to st doservera think the Cana dian womens curling champion ship is tossup between Sas kalchewan Ind Ontario but bertna skip minke the coin will stand on and Simone Flynn of Medicine Hat Alta predictedaiter the sevcnth round Wednesday night that the coleaders each will lose game in the iinnl two rounds today and that she will win both of hora jihat eventuality will cause threeway tie Ior ï¬rst place in the lorink roundvrobin tourna rnent between Mrs Flynn loyoa McKee oi Saskatoon and June Shaw of Kendra Ont think we can beat Ontario morrow and think Ontario beat Saskatchewan in the game Thir who is playing to her ï¬rst nationaiiinal 2We got big lift from nights win and we Iéei we can limit up Ontario and Saskatchewan ave lost lust one game in van while Mrs Flynn has lost games Three provincial winners have marks They are Mario nan nmst nacc aosroN up sntan towns announced Wedhesday inauguration of the worlds rich est turi racea szoooooadded handicap scheduled for Satur dayLJune President Bill Veeck tolda news coniemnco the twomile event will be ior threbynnleoida andsolder The name oi the horse rar will be selectedbysacommittee oi the New England Tori Writers Asa soclatlon alter judging entries iiommembers nonunion Car Hostessea Kitchen liclpera Front Room Helpers Ii Good waxes Excellent working conditions can moon for Interview ioole oi Charlottetowndae Show at Kiniberleygdcn and one oithe oretournament in vorites Pat Brunsdon oi Winni P58gt WINS TWO WES FIVE Phyllis Chapman oi Moncton is 34 and Vi Pike oiGrand Felts Mid has two wins and live losses MaryNaddoi of North Syd ney NS won her iirst Wednesday in seven narts while Lcona Mackimmie oi Laohute Que still is winlesa In the eighth mind which got underway at 930 am EST today it was Onurio against AI herta Newioundiand against New Brunswick Manitoba against BC REJ played Nova Scoiiaand Saskatchewan piayed Quebec Results in tho so nth nd had Nova Scotia edgingQuehec so Alberta over Manitoba 96 Saskatchewan bombed PEl 1L2 Ontario shaded Newfound land 37 walloped New Bron ck 106 re remains the possibility cl for second place as well rod in thatlevent rules piayoit to determine runnerum on now ht rannnieisronrsu comm sr SALE Model Reg Price PRICE up noon eons 250 15000 JIM 320 17000 13995 86p tam 95 none mas Pronouns we Steniowlkl late is the third period DION atom TWO lit New Yuk delencemen tig ured prominently In the Ranger via one Gaicago Arnie Brown scored twice ior New York and helped extend the Raogera un beaten string on home Ice In L1 games Deienmnan Jim Neiisoa Rod Glbert and Dara Bainn also scored ior New York Bookie centre Walt Ilracauk assisted on tour at the Ranger goals Bobby Hull with his end noel oi the so aon and Erie Neatnrenko with two goals scored tor Gringo At San Francisco the Seals staged their best comeback oi the reason with two secondpe riod goals by Ted Hampton and ioungoal thirdde eliort alterwottlng the North Stars three ï¬rstperiod goals by Claude Lame Denny OShea and Danny Grant After itampson replied with two goals tor the Seals lo the second period Mike Laugrton Gary Jamett Norm Ferguson and Bob Dlllabough tollowei with four consecutive goals ior Oakland in the third The North Stare rallied when OShea got his second goal at 35 and Bill Orban rcored minute later but the Souls held on lto win In NIH action tonight To ronto plays at Philadelphia Boston meets Oakland and Chicago plays at Pittsburgh YAZ HE cor mm permit Manager Dick Williams at zemsitl signed or the biggest League player AP Wire salary ovcr paid an American photo the Boston Red Sox has the warm greeting Ior Carl Yasir Grandv SALES LTD BARBIE MIPOIIIID EARAHC OUR COMPOUND ISOVERFLOWINGIL SO WE MUST CLEAR OUT 22 FORDS FAIRLANEslMUSTANGS by the end of the month 69 FORD CUSTOM 41 noon SEDAN auroMAric Erergy ishsorhingr starring wheel Backnp Lights fzspeod wipers Fuily safety equipped including Windshieid washers Shoulder hare ness flieod restraints DayNiat rear view mirror Outside driver mirror ispeed automatic shiitJ noon HARDTDP AUTOMATIC Energy absorbing steering wheel Baokup Lights kpeed wipers Fuliy safely equipped including iWinithicldwashers Shoulder hm ness liead restraints DayANight rear View mirror Outside driver mirror dspeed automatic shiit 62694 N0 Reasonablefoffer REFUSED If 69 MUSTANG noon HARDTOP AUTOMATIC Energy absorbing steering wheel Baekup Ligth zspeed wipers Fuliy saiety couippal indudlng iVindshicid washers Shouider har Toy icvw mirror Oumdo driver mirror Wopced automatic shift 28111 Lists and no penalties in the the man he vowed he would THE BANK EXAMINER WAY 21 ll mosm CPI Mike Wai ton looked little aheoplsb as he stood surrounded by sports writers in fioronto hllpla teats dressing room Wednesday nlghb Walton had no goals no as iieaia so win over St touts Blues yet he was the only play er they wanted to talk to the 24yearold centre de scribed Keith Allen coachon Phildrip Ia Flycra at bit at who can score souls pi dlor Punch Imluch never work under again And everyone wanicd to know why came back becqusa want ed to play and the guys want me Walton said as be dressed for the flight to Philadelphia where the beats were to play the Flyors tonight Its just grcat to be back Walton didnt act like the wisecrscking youngslcr who once wore Beetle wig lo practice He stood in iront oi live or six rcportcrswith his head down answering questions in one sentence or loss Ive hccn under lot oi pres sure lor the last work and havent bccn sicoping too its aald PIIDNED IMLACII jSome the guys had asked me to come back Then whcnl the team as whole wanted me to geturn tolcphonedhir im ac ngqmWc1nytved Mé Book Walton Says tohight and he told me to eome down and see him So here ms Waltons return was almost no abrupt as his departure inilowi ing the Lents 5I oin over Mont real Canadlens last Wedncsd lie had stomped oil to droning room aiicr hm benched in the third in changed Into bis street clothes and left Waltons complaint was that he wasnt getting enough ice time point stputcd by Kin Clancy Icale assistantgener manager who keeps record oi playing time tor each member oi the club Wednesday night Walton plied 15 minutes and 31 sec on plus two shiita on tho pow crplay Ithta there to say imlach said allowing the game as re portcrs waited to gel Into the dressing room BARRIE SIGHT AND SOUND IS MOVING TO ioross sjr told him wanted to play Brand New 0D 697 GAIAXIE soo 57 Dock HARDTOP aurowmc Energy absorhing steering wheel Eackup Ligth Wed wipers Fdiy safely equipped including lVindshiold washers Shuulder har ness Hcad restraints DayNight rear viow mirror Ouiside driver minor Saspoed automatic shift £2999 HIGHEST TRADEIN ALLOWANOES TBANKINTERESTIRATES available on allynew cars if you qualify SALES LTD BARBIE