Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1969, p. 1

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Herel lsss PAGE rwol Test flierolurionarp Building iréchnique all barrio 153531111 Pr details please turn to page EXAMINER TELEPHONES Cirullation Classified Advertising TIMtit All Other Departments 1W 105th Year No 44 Barrie Ontario CohortsFriday February I969 PLAN BERLIN VOTE Not More Than We Per Copy IIZ Pagu ESllITE RED HREAT SovietBloc ManoeuvIes FpoCE usuvoa pepper tog err clear Sprout Hall plaza at Thursday where full scale gar as they move in on strik the University of California 2000 RiotrAt it Berkeley Campus By THE Assocrarno PRESS Police and 2000demnnstra tors clashed in cloud of tear gas on the University of Califor nia Berkeley campus in the worst outbreak of violence thus far in the current epidemic of student unrest in the United States When the battle was over Thursday 26 students and 13 of ficers were injured and police had arrested 14 youths and girl The clash began when pn lice tried to disperse demonstra tors who harassed meeting of university regents In Chicago about 100 Negro student rebels invaded the pres idents office at Roosevelt Uni versity shouting demands for black studies program They ripped out telephones sprayed firehoses and set oft fire alarms rr ts charging all guns Says Persecution QUEBEC or Montreal insurance broker Thursday aim in Quebec with Nazi Germany and said driving out English capital George pared the atmosphere ear of persecution is criminal trespass were later is sued for two of the students At Ohios Oberlin College sev eral hundred students blacked Marine Corps roenliters whom the administration then ordered off campus The militants marched on the administration carrying Viet Cong lag and demanded policy changes sitin continued at the Uni versity of Pennsylvania despite some concessions by the admin istration At Berkeley noon rally led to march by the 2000 demon strators across the campus and then back to Sproul Plaza where they resisted police attempu to break them up Then thertear gas hill The battle escalated as dem onstrators threw cherry bombs rocks and bottles at police who pushed steadily forward CAPSULE NEWS In Quebec Archer AOJyearrold Westmount resident made the claim in personal brief to the national assemblys education comnittee Conference Causes Friction NRMIEY Niger OP the Canadian goiternment was Quebecs Minimum friction with kept simmering at an international conference here with some protocol denunds that included flag flying and corrected list of delegates Mother Two Children omlwo or in fire whim Ottawas mwei mother and tern of her by column died swept through fourunitapartment block in Town today The dead were identified as Mrs ixannc Salmure 49 and two daughters Clarrdette 1A and Gab rielie Say Soviets May US Sovlet Union has decided to deploya system Orbit Bombsf defence of bimbo which could rocketed into space and firedibefore completing their vTrudeauv To Visit Washington arrow or Prime ll lster Trudeau will visit Washing ton March 3125 for two dalys of tallts with Thudeau made the annolrncem Commas President Nixon Mr toda Ih mssiyrtheyrlhink rioting broke out AP Wire photo clal Punches YOUNG THIEF TORONTO SP youth had his ears boxed Thursday when he tried to rob it year old secretary returning to her office from bank with $350 payroll Susan OHara an employee with Northern Miner re Ltd said slightly built boy about 14 grabbed horbrief ease containing the money saw his shadow so held on tight to the case under my left arm she said in an in terview He grabbed it so punchedhim three times on the ear and he ran off down the street lfhe had got the case think would have run after hllfl 3qu T9 Deter BonogGovkt BONN tCPt The West Ger man goremment today declared its determination to hold its presidential election in West Berlin despite the scheduling of Sovietbloc manoeuvres in East Germany and suggcstlon from the small Free Democratic party that lhc vote he held somewhere else The federal government stands firm to its dccision in favor of Berlin the govern mcnt deputy chief spokesman Conde After told news can fercnce The campaign of Cormnunist protest and atwornlng that serious steps will be taken if it is not called off Tho Free Democrats disclosed Thursday night that their por liamcntary floor leader Hons Dietrich Genscher invited lead ers of Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesingcrs coalition go merit to reconsider location of the poll in Berlin Asked about substitute plans in case the 1086 members of the Dundcsversummlung elcc toral college are prevented electionl scheduled for Lromreacbm Harlin Abicrs re March has drawn mass elplied Hearing Resumes For 89 Charged In Computer Riot MONTREAL CF Prelimi nary hearing resumes today for the first of or person charged with conspiracy to commit arsonond destroy property at Sir George Williams University last week ll Fro inks da West indies was postponed Wednesday when battery of defence lawyers for the accused demanded consideration of ball applications Final applications were pro cessed Thursday and 10 persons were denied bail The 79 others were granted bails ranging from 000 to $3000 Fiftytwo of them managed to deposit former President Truman Is Ill KANSAS CITY AP For mer president Tnurlan was taken by ambulance to hospi tal late Thursday night stiffer ing from what spokesman said was inflammation of the stomach and intestines John Drovcs public informa tion director oi Research Hospi tal and Medical Centre said Tnlman was in satisfactory coll ditlon and was in no discomfort early today Drevcs said Truman of was afflicted with gastroenteritis Pakistdni Leader Plans To Resign KARACHI CF President Mohammad Ayub Khan bowing before four months of massive opposition pressure announced today he is quitting at the end of this year He has been prosi dcnt since 1953 In nationwide broadcast Ayub saidlbe will not stand for reelection when his term ends in January My vocablc he said Agitation against Ayub broke out last November during mas sive demonstrations that coincided with political tour of former foreign minister Zulfikor Ali Bhutto Th antigovernment move lnellt7 gained momentum follow ing Bhuttos arrestlast Nov 13 on charges of inciting the Paki stani masses to violence in an effort to end the crisis Ayub proposed roundtable conference with opposition lead ers to discuss proposed constitu tional reforms He also lifted tbrEEyearaidstaterofcemcrgcn cy and freed political detainees including Bhutto But the conference failed to act off tilcrgroundithis alreek when six major opposition lend frs including Bhutto boycotted Ayub came to power in bloodless military coupOct To 1958 sending President is Mina sion is final and irre hIOiMMD AYUB KHAN Ayub promulgated new constitution Ha was elect edprcsldan twicorinniosoand in lots Until few months ago he had been expected to run for third term in theJanuary W70 electio Trained or soldier was commanderinchief of Paht stnns armed form when he came to power Tile president acknowledged today that ere has wide spreadidlssa sfactionit country with the present late of affairs money with court clerk and More released Except for Eredericks who was denied bail preliminnry hearing for the accused has been set for next Wednesday The 5955 menalid a0 wrlmen Twere abundance94W twoWeek occupation oi the uni versityr computer centre erupt ed intovloltmce Feb ll Dam age to universityrproperty in the 10hour rampage was estimated at $20009 The occupation protested the makeup of university commie tee hearing changes of racism laid against abiology professor by six students troln Caribbean countries Fredericks was one of the six whov lodgedthe complaint against Prof Perry Anderson No Alternative Not that know of But as you know Germans always bat tle their way through West Berlins latwing activ ist oppositionhas announoedits own plans to thwart the election by harassing dclcgolcsmaklng their way to the ballot in the poll necessitated by the premature retirement June so of Preslth Henrirh larebkc candidates are Defence Minister Gerhard Sabroeder and Justice Minister Gustav Heinemann INCJHENTSIEARED Communist manoeuvres coin riding with the election have heightened fears of new inci dents such as the 1965 buzzing of the divided city by Soviet jets with cannons blazing But Gucnter Dish chief West German spokesman told report ers Thursday that the Bonn gov ernment was not surprised at the announcement OTTAWA GP er Douglas rcturned to his parliamentary seat Thursday in round of goodhunlored barbs including one of his ownrairned at the Liberal cabinet Rising to replyJo the wet comeback speeches Mr Doug las touched the Commons fun nyhone withthis opener As the devil said when he was sworn in as member of the cabinetit is nice to be home To NAIO snap OITAWA 0P External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp has given the fimiest indication yet that in his view there no credible alternative to continued Canadian membership in NATO Answering questions Thurs day night following an address he gave at Carleton university Mr Sharp left the impression that the important point is not whether Canada should remain in NATO but the role it should play in the Atlantic defence sys tem Atone stage he said What Civil Service To Be Reviewed TORONTO 0P Provincial Naughton disclosed plans Thurs day for thorough review of the civil service and management procedures in Ontario Mr MacNalrghton fold the legislature that the project is deslgned to ensure that the governments intensive efforts to develop new organizational and proceduralconcepts lirill be jcompatible with future needs in the field of public service The Examiner TODAY Ann Lenders6 Clt News2 Classlfi 1I Comics7 Deathslg ifiEiIK Editorial4 Sportsd noun4 Charles Mac we should be asking ourselves is how can we best fit intovcob lective defencel Atanother point he said there are still many open questions astowhatrole Canada should play if it remains in NATO believe this is the area that is open to study Mr Shana declined to state categorically that the govern ment does not intend to pull Canada out of NATO However the burden of prootv was on the opponents Jot NATO to show that withdrawal would better serve Canadiandnterests than membership in the alli unec When another questioner sug gested that instead of getting out of NATO Canada should start ptlllrlg its weight in the oliiance the external affairs minister said he was glad to hear such an angurnont ad vanced EXPO 70 Claude Duke to year old Quebec City bachelor poses in Toronto with recnrilr Maria Mention lfront and or BUST Stcphanla Younng who will be among 7orgirl cyclists pedali ing across Canada then go ing by ship toExpo 70 in Japan Wirephotot llv BYELECTIONS Win WINNIPEG 0P Premier Walter Weir chopped off rising opposition hopes Thursday as his Progressive Conservative administration handli won three of four byelections that could bhve upset the balance of power Crushed in the voting were the Liberals official opposition in the legislature New Demo crats scored the upset on incom plete retunls stealing Churchill from the Tories in squeaker with op independent Conservatives retained Morris and Wolsclcy and took Birtle Russell from the Liberals Standings in the legislature are 31 Conservatives fa Liber air 12 New Democrats and one Social Credit Itleft the Com servatives in the Pflsftibfl tiny earnedin tbelttoo provincial election for the opening of the legislature next Thursday Both Liberal loader Gil Mol gat and ND leader Russ PaulA ley said federal issues and Mr Weirs strong showing atvtllis months iMElElpmvinclfil con stitutional conference were tell ing factors in the voting CAMS MEETING The thrashing taken by his party resulted in an announce ment by Mr Molgnt that meeting or party officials and caucus members will be held Sunday where his position will be one of the topics His party llaoia seats when Manu¢bafacs Seats he becameleader in 1961 and gains during the 42yearold businessmans tenure have been marginal He like many absent ers expected Conservatives or tunes to nosedive Mr Weir asstmed the leader ship of the party in 1961 after 0qu Roblin gave it up The tour byelections were his first real tcst of voter support and came less than two weeks after he made national impact at tho constitutional conference in Otta wa China Responds To Canada Move On Recognition OTTAWA ifUP The Chinese government has responded to preliminary Cana dian initiatives for diplomatid recognition External Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp told the Commons Thursday exoectflthe negotiations or discussions will proceed normal lyhe told John Dietenbakcr former Conservative leader Mr Sharp had asked the Ga nadian embassy in Stockholm weeks ago to make prelimi nary contact through the Chinese embassy there regard ing negotiations Late last week an extornalaffairs department spokesman said these prelimi nary contacts were confined to several phone calls HEALTH OFFICER SAYS HGIdCOréXSrn ozkejrs UnablelIiofKicleHabit OTTAWA 0P About one third of cigarette smokers may never be able to trick the habit and deserve legislative steps to protect them Dr Moss Tornntos deputyrnedicairhealtb officer said Thursday night Dr Mosstachnlcal director of the Smoking Withdrawal Study commended that tobacco be brougtltvunder the Food and Drug Act so that tar and nicotine content could be regulated along with adver tising packaging labelling and the addition of additives Thepoiotrrhasabeenimched on some atop have to be taken through regulation to pro withdrawalercentre tool the consumer of ciga rettes Dr Moss told the Com mons on smoking inquiry After nearly two years experi ence with Torontos smoking crap parentfhat about onetbird of smokers can break the cigarette habit hnolhcr third can modify lfhndflhciicilifllniligrlllfikl all no matter how strongly they want to quit Dr Moss ungcd continued ed ucation against smoking to steer people away from cigarettes and help those co lhembclvefhfgive them not much better record can be achieved through intensive cdue cation Supplemenlod by group discussion led by psychologls REJECTSTHEOEY Dr Moss disagreed th Otta wa psychologist Dr Robert Woke who told the committee madathaLbuhlnkL have sudden change of fall and not smoking will become the in thing Experience at tile withdrawal centre led him to believe that

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