operation in anyth RIGHT AT HOME in their home are these plains More mu Barrio boost newcmtrdehSirrmc Buffalo Roam Bush toes whidi Bert Schurnaoher frunAi batarecunlytobehighlighr Trustees Angus of wildlife refuge ho hopes toopontothopmlicinm Baker Photo Plan Activities For Jersey Club MINEEING Staff barn At Big Oro Fdrma By BRIAN BAKER welcome cliange from store ies of big heirrm hunters Intro scorn determined to blag all of our beautiful wild life off the face of the earth with high powcred rifles are slarics of concerned people such Bert Schimardier RR Barrie big My Point who do more than talk about the need for preser vation of our toorapidly vanish ing uiidlife When the government recently put up for sale by sealed tender night lots of suitius plains buf faloes from the Kit island Na tional Park in Alberta Mr Saliltmaehcrs bid bought him to female and three bull hidin Ines all two year olds and the oldest group of animals sold hundred and fortyfive tenders had been submitted TD HIGHEST HILL Mr Schumacher riding In the caboose looked after his but falocs himself on the three and half day ruil trip home to delays and possibility of As soon as he turned loose on his 300 acres of rolling farmland featuring nod and evergreen woods springs and creeks inNorth Frncoc they all ran straight to tI top of the highest hill and made an impressive sight as they surveyed their new home in the east with apparent satisfac tion When have theproperty all fenced with newbigh wire and possibly have it stocked with elk as well and it is ready to open to the public in the spring of 1979 this will be the only place east of Banff and north of South Dakota where people may enjoy seeing buffaloes living uncaged under natural conditions said Mr Schumachcr want this to be wildlife refuge not zoo LUMBEng UP Two Sundays ago invited by Mr Schumacher we watched as he drove the buffaloes past us within camera range from shel tered cedar bush in the barn for hay At first we would have felt Medonte ReeveVLikes safer in running shoes as they came lumbering up out of the bush with their massive shout docs and humps rising above equain massive heads with their curiously contend chins like so many bulldozers Less than iflo feet away they came to stop and eyed us with only mild In terest and then crrihied oil in single file across the field to the burn The shaggy dark brown unimnls node beautiful sight that could have been straight out of the Old West These buffaloes will have calves in the spring of 1970 remarked hlr Schumacher The cows will probably not get much heavier than 1500 pounds but it is said that bull buffaloes keep growing On South Dakota ranch where 600 buffaloes are kept two steers resulting from buffalo crossed with Durhnm cows hove rcnched 36117 pounds each in five years STAY iN cENrRE When danger threatens huh faloes the calves stay in the centre the cows forma protec tive circle round them and the bulls circle around the outside and close ranks if one or more explained iiir County To Pay $84673 0i CllS $418 285 Budgei Simone Countys share of the Childrens Aid Society budget of $418288 will be $34673 if rec ommended iigures are adopted at county councils current bud got session in barrio flhc provincial government will pay $250369 toward the cost or well over 50 per coat The city of Barries share was listed at $30 ml and city of Orillias at $13215 budget of $32000 was reb ommended for the county library system The sum of $35000 was asked The county finance com mittee recommended no action oila requestfor purchase of new boobnubile this year meeting springdance suin mor picnic and parish show are highlights of activities planned by the Simeon County Jersey Schumncher They can outrun almost any animal keeping up speed of around to miles an hour for long long distances Their lungs arc so large it is said you need wheelbarrow to Cattle Association it was an nounced here John ltliason oi beeton heads he association with Oracle Sampson of Shanty bay inunedlt carry them One thing must be iata post president Maurice remembered buffaloes dislke horses and will charge dogs the get near lharri othenvlse they Iremveryrc luctant to charge my ing on less their cnlves are threatened an gm cnmpem and the males are even more sociable than the cows They arc find more sensible than do mesticated steers to drive and quickly learn what is wanted of them but dont think they are scared air you Raised from calf one would make reel pet Tihey make no sound other than curious grunt Idling to ages over so years they areonu of the longest living nnimnls llis are the plains buffaloes which the park warden said he has never known to get sick Iin likethe hush variety which are quite susceptible to bovine ails merits However he had his vac clnatcd ngainst blackleg and shipping over as mean tion for buffaloes are not given away INDEPENDENT lifs herd which are getting tamer every day are quite in dependent in that they prefer to paw through the snow for grass than eat up all of the hay he puts out for them each day Schaer of Minesing day afternoon Feb soil fumigation other topics listed for discusu is secretary rcasurei Arrangements been made to hold the parish show in conjunction with the Cookstown his show lsusuaily keen with ii good showlng of cattle Orn Councillor Charles Sand erson is the cattle clubs repro seotative to Barrie falr board while WilliamA Gibhins ofln nistll is Ontario Jersey club it ector and also vice dcnt presi Edward Hutchinson is vice president and junior directors are Glen Shearde and Geocgc Lucas Everett To Host Tobacco Growers Evalan Staff Plant disease problems will be dts cussed by specialists of the Out ario and Canadian departments of agriculture at meeting of Simcoe County tobacco growers at Everett Legion hall on Thurs Bulk curing weed control and are 4Milling And rattler than drink from an sion Reports also will be given open pool they eat snow Them fore he beltevestheywili be practically selfsufficient except for salt hir Schumacher hopes to get his refuge property fenced in with new high wire fencing this year However he notes that despite the fact thaiane buffalo did escape when snow drifts froze and let it walk over the fence requiring an exteruion of fencing above the origlrial that the buffaloes are surprisingly easy to keep much easier than ordinary cows Mr Schumacher who open ates at Big Bay Point one of the most modern dairy farms in leaving the anirriais themselves on results of plant research dniic at the Canadian depart ment of agriculture station at bani The meeting is iointly sponsor ed by the Ontario department of agriculture and food and Canadian department of agri culture the Canada pointed out that next year everyone will get dlancu to see the roaming buffaloes and other animals Until then he rusts people will cooperate by quietly to rflkarunn study incorporation ANGIE detail report prepared consul enema mum with immor ltlonlorAmiatobentudled by police villus 1mm at metal meeting allied for Mon day niï¬it at the MBA hall The wort was presented to the braces fawn the Anal Distria member of Conunerce whim but favored actlon toward tuvnig the police village Inn poroted town AI Zebu local merchant heads the chairs her while George Guergts motel operator is chairman of the iddustrial promotion com mittee rho trusteesgnve assurance they would study the report dirougbly slid Page sec retary stating it was detailed not involved vaitotu matters The report saidthat town Anqu would qualify for its share of the federal government grant in lieu of term paid for upkeep of roads for Base Bor den The grant now goes to Essa and the county mo poemnos the report ndvocsted incor poration as town rather than village said Afr Page who said the police village itself has only about 1200 people but there are somc 3000 living in the village and Innmdinle vic lnlty At the present time Angus is police virrage located in Essa As such it has its own village trustees who decide on local ser vices which Angus people pay in taxes Angus rntnpayersnisu pay Essa township taxes The vicinity also would in clude small section of Sun dale township which would be Included if present proposals were followed PLAN nvrnovnimNIs marles Bell is chairman oi Arigm board of trustees and other members include William Gibbs and illorvyn Milson fr Gibbs in charge of roads has proposed resiriocirg of mile of Angus roads year and thisis to be taken up shortly hlr Milson has proposed ex tension of Angus street lighting improvement plan Installation of another 20 street lights has been tentatively suggested and this is to be given consideration The proposed town boundar ies would include an area with obilost $10000th assessment at present standardsrand would have apopulation of about 000 The assessment figure wil be raised considerably when the county reosscssing at 100 pcr cent valuations as called for under the new provincial man ual is completed Angus sought incorporation as village in 1963 but the ap plication was rejected by the Ontario Municipal Board There has been much business and re sidential development since In Idustrial development has been slight and this has been attri buted largely to lack of ser vices Hospital GrOup To Pick Directors ALDISTON tStaiftDirectnrs will be elected at the annual meeting of members of the Stev enson Memorial Hospital Assn ciatlon mm on Tuesday evening Feb 75 The meeting will be held in the hospital cafeteria Innistil Building Inspector siibolm Steffi Innistil township builling inspeJor Artificial Lake Idea lfllflsDALE Staff This rould add to our assessment and tax revenue said lifedonte Reeve lngram Amos discussing plans of no company to build 1200 acre lakeon 3300 acre site for cottage dev elopment ï¬ve miles from here in the Pretty Valley area Medonte at the present time has considerable cottage area along Orr Lake and few cor tages at certain places near the Goldwater and Sturgeon rivers it would be big develop mentwhichyould be imporfnnt lifedontes future said Reeve Amos stating he found much enthusiasm The hledonte rceve said he and his council were glad to glye practical or ing construe tive they can do to assist Each problem wouldbe considered on its merits as it arises There is great deal to he consider no he remarked LONG PONDERED Creation of an artificial lake Mcdonte and partly in F105 and Medonte Fins community park is apopularI picnic and swimming place during the sum mer Medunte also has numcr nus cottages along the lake south of highway 93 ONCE roman township with fewer than 3000 people Mednntewas at one time ioined witlrlay Mat cbedash and Orillia townships These areas gradually separat ed as progress was made in development but with the new trend toward regional govern men there has been some talk oi having some of these mun icipalities rejoin Reeve Ernie Miller has stated that if the village of Goldwater has to amalgamato with any other municipality it woud prefer to return to Medonte The village has about 000 people Melodie also has been invited to send representatives to area meetings at Midland for discussion of matters of region nl interest At one point fhalghurst the township is only 10 miles front Barrie and at Prices Corners is only three miles fromOrillia limits The Pretty Valley develop ment would be in picturesque Griffiths has been authoriz ed by the municipal council to represent the township at two conventions and his assistant to attend another The Canadian building oMicials conference to be held late in April at Winnipeg is the first Dates for theiourf day con vention are from Tuesday April to FridayApril 23 The Ontario plumbing ofli als conference will be held at Corn wall in Septembm An other four day event it is slated to open on may Sept 13 Innistil representation also was authorized at the building area which would be fine ofï¬cials conference at Windsor asset to millage development uoTIcr To ixiuiuiii SIlllSCRlBERS CARRIER MISS YOU To CONTACT Tits EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Gets Conventionflutliorizalion day and Friday Oct 21 22 20 and 24 The rwolution uhicli was moved by Councillor Russell Stawartseconded by Councillor Elmer Grose and passed sai IWe request Mr Grilliths to tend two conventionsand his gs sistant one according to his choice rm spatuagc ndvenlnioss 359 Set ofoifs arc among we most bizarre em seen on ihieadayWednesday ftluis Mr herds the cham bars ultiiistitashed damnn anvil need or civic bervteen to attract indus try Ha MW fawn inm pontlon as town which he simm believes would be pllemsive Wimnut aid in It in AI town Angus would have its own sound and administra tive ntolf NEWS THE BARRIE EXAMINER WA FEBRUARY 20 IlIiIisrii horas Reeve Gives 0n Property synoï¬s gt In comersatlon with Reeve Joe Cochran during his visit to Madeira Boadi Florida re cenily we asked him about the 500 levy on properties sold in the township He stated that ow ing to the foct that urban pro pertles did not pay their costs in taxes if was necessary for the municipality to get more funds We pointed out that such districts as Painawick Stroud and other areas that might be termed villages if they were incorporated paid huge tones and we could not under stand hmv he Figured they did not cover their costs of oper ation He said that none of these are as contributed sufï¬cient to pay for all services needed to keep them operating and that two levy would help to cover their costs He felt that to per cent of these funds could be used annually to help pny for some of the added costs such or the badly needed additional space for office help and fac lliiits for services to the town ship This comment was made be fore the rulingof the Ontario Municipal Board that the funds collected as service charges must he mipended where they are derived COMPARISON WITH CITY in the city of Barrie taxes on properties in most noses do exceed those of similar homes nulnlfsiil but they receive all services such as sewers gar bage collection running water fire and police protection snow clearing paved streets street lighting and many other items which If Iheyare available in the township are an additional Cost to the taxpayer Most of the urban areas in the township pay additional for street lights community halls garbage eol lection the cost of wells and septic tanks MOVED TO CITY We know family who sold their Sfroud home and bought in Barrie because of the diffi culty in getting to the store and post office dailyespecially in winter when walking was only possible on theroadway They found that the taxes in barrio were about equal fothe Stroud rates and no extras were addv ed Sidewalks are located on some streets in Strnud but they are not kept open in winter Stroud has no say in what lion ofytases are expended in their area as they are not inv corporaled and like most other urbanareas are just part of the township Painswick with its hundreds of new homes hm roads opened by planners of subdivisions at no cost to the township Where they have street lights and garbage collec tion they pay their share of costs Most ofithem contribute topsrk facilities It would seem hard to under stand how they do not pay their way Reeve Cochrane stated that when he was on the farm he paid about 31600 in taxes now in Stroud what he pays does not Views Low cover the costs of his home Perhaps this mcans that his us sessment is not sufï¬cient The reassessment which is to be made at reL sale values may be the answer to the wt of oper atingthe township FLORIDA STORY our area lhlsveekcnd accom printed by almost dnudburst of rain it came in off the Gulf of fttexice nftcr having passed down Texas and of Houston badly mauled It did little real damage in the Gulf islands though garbage cans lawn di If other articles were spread around and loose portions of some buildingswa pulled off butvnn inyuries re ported Personally we were caught In shopping centre and the we were in got the blast rect from the Gulf It kept strong men holding the doors shut while rain washed lntolhs aisles lilgilt went out purchases whilelhe rcgiétcrs were cranked by hand cancelled CANADIAN LUNCHEDN Along with the Nelsons and Rolls from Tampa we were mong about 500 Canadians who attended the luncheon intiulf part this week We met mnny folk from around Barrie and in nisfil including the Jaek Urqu Jawisons The latter are having anVOpen House at ihclr cottage in June to rate their goi don wedding willalsohave luncheon as us ual ln August for Canadian St Pelorshurg friends Now SHOWING IllJFFROBERISUN small tornado went throiigh leaving the city but shoppers wenlonwitb their All sports evenls in the area Ivcre hurts the Frank Cormacks and ivcrsary They South Simone Junior Farmers Plan New Clubs ALLISION Staff Sotftb sm Junior Farmers assoclh tian whiCh is headed by Ralph Corrigan has instituted plans to admitage the establishment of new hmier clcts in the urea Alliston and Notlawasaga hove aetch organizations and they are ready to help othch wishlng to organize The 1969 agricultural club programs will be getting under way soon and preparations will made at meeting of leaders in Alliston on Friday Feb 21 Dairy and Doc call clubs swine clubs sheep clubs and field crops and potato cuss hale been dis cussed Breton and Cookstown have active duh which have corn pctcd at Boston and Cookstown folrs 03m competcyat Coli lngwcods Great Northern foir North Simcoc clubs compete at Elmvale Oro Cnidwnter 0r Iliia andl idland fairs Wins Appliance ill Tottenhain Tormviinu lSlaifl no McCormick of Tnttcnham was lthc winner of first applinnce prize in contest sponsored by hlsgr John Lloyd Ronun Col umbia Squires Mrs Saunders of Burris was second wihncr wifh Bernard Leclaire of Penciangulshene third Mary Schust of Toftcnhnm fourth and Jean Longland of Tof lenham fifth WIDELY SPOKEN lhn Victnnmese lnnguage is spoken by more than 2000000 people sMsAssv HALL sis BLAKE sr BAIIIIIE onANnums wanoiNos Banquet Permit For Information PM 9l0 PM mmnmnouaiomooioiemmnsnms Millie 7268961 CLAIRE BLOOM WWW mm The University when Club presents IiiM itIIEEEIINE if your Barrie Examiner carrier has not pnlved by pm blellephana 7282433 and copy of The Examiner will be delivered to yonrhnma by not in Medonte has been an idea dscussed for sometime ltwas st directly Cnll 7266539 830 mm to 530 Mon 06 Hanson and As or Central Collegiate Audliorium rporation lake de TussoAv APRIL AT 830 I2 loï¬uPlilitir LAW Milton Murcia most pleased this TJlhbflflnmeare upto 0015 BiiltllligEXAMINgR nonnuiiy Clreul TchsTs lioniboanzi $250 vniiiv TAXI naivevouRser CARS TRUCKS Thsro Irina charg for this sorvico Ticket availabieirom ubmo berslor THURSDAY FRIDAY COMPLETE snows 7260309 or gt 7287074 RM PM The ho is borders 0rd Flor Tap and OrllIia townshios and iil mostsurrounds Coldiv er located partly in one ILA