10 um in EXAMINFJL FRIDAY FEBRUARY ll CARNIVAL QUEEN Carol Souklcenlu will min nvns wide variety or eycnls mn weekend titled by princesses All Roads Lead TO Our Tonlflll bun the Embassy and event In 371 tho mm wb low Carnival Mayor Denney has challenged arc mayor lo nice on mall Miles Ha hop to on the lee Them LI story that he has vndely my manual pnrnle llmnrlu display Ind cunlul leb 15 the thy OI Illa bl blow out Large crowd In mama tn watch Illa loll and our band Ilflnl downtown limits Banla publlc nnd nun1n ltbool uudnnu wln eonpat ln mud ï¬ning broom bau amen and new mart ml ed nxem in sport lnnlndns Illa will name non ol luck we rnrnnln Parachute sky dlvln CM wln at pnfl ln nee lint wlll have mantel laying 1mm mlnnel landing an the lee nnd hen runnlng lnr Inowrndlllu llnnd up nn nnnln llnen Th4 pnrnclmllsln wlll then run he snowmobilu lcruu llnlnn llne quarter ml may Xemrpenlelt Buy ylll have many booth The Emergency MenuIre Orgunlzallan wlll bu on hand nnd vurlaul lervic erect boom to yell hol dogn and Th SamthcPark dnclded lo lnlre In the lac Young women wlll but drinks and tell why the gall mllu should be preserved as par RACING PROGRA 81nd Feb 15 stock car rum and nnnwlnobllc race will Ill the Mr wl the roar nl mn lorl Stock race and wreck be lcnlured Th Onlnrln region on rating cham plnmhlpn will hold The hill Snowmab Racing Fedor llltm hull la Huntd Inowmo le race um wlll take place In the ma More than 000 in win money LI belna Minted ollered to have the annexation ssye settled la the racen hellcapter wlll be on llllnd lo whlrl We lbov the city he lock Il hltl Kola on an ï¬lo round Hm child livepound sax numebabytlrl NBS WALL FDRlUNE wmumz France Remml Jean Tm ndicr feara pensioner overnd one nl ll wlle nemu only allcr new deal at 33 cache of some lune anneal ln choir houscn MUFFED SECOND CHANCE OllJZAC France Rnmen when 24yearold ivel Andre Menguy compl cd your in prison far slc gnaolina tanker Iron ï¬rm hi boa hired him agnan hln guy was buck ln prkon Thurs dayor Ilium his bos ï¬r mm scum ADELAlDEV Allsl chu era The gnvcrnqr of uln Auslrnlln Slr James llur owed Thursday stale banning Amer an Ronald llubba The now net also authorized lure document held by Mlcnlolngy argnnlza rln stale banned ic nlology last YEM declared winner this years carnival quzen colflu during nan at the Holiday Inn 1m Sam Examiner Photo TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS MAYOR Bnlllfmr Bentley mum nln me nnlenrlty race on Kempen ell Bay Enmlmar nllncnl Barburn Dyer of Wasnza Beach last years czlrnlvnl queen receivm congramla flout from balaclava clad LEAFS FAR 11 agile climben the mom TAKEOUT MENU nuclm VW $39 Barrel $525 Snack Pack 85 Relax in our dining room overlooking the home of the Barrie Winter Carnival Lakeview RESTAURANT MS DUNLOP ST 7235151 vrglcl ljl Immuum llvcmls uallnglvxa 31ml mu SKYDIVERS TO PERFORM SUNDMWW gt le racing conlineman Th play is slated tor Saturday mx car cnrï¬npedlus seen here nxen 15iarjmfiihén gm mm Wuman hunkup Thu Tornubn garnnnnle cl alternoon val are Slave Shawn and 05 39le wrinklek has MAMN EQUIPMENITJl0rnl gt 68 MODEL 18 HLP TRAIL mm 68 MODEL la ll ELECTRIC Sm 69 MODEL 24 ELF HOMOlJTE $675°° mum ldiiiï¬lllll HWY1 AAtConcesfsion 0R0 PHONE 4872014 éln lg 11 ï¬ll