ured to ridicule Canadasconcept of 0hr Walla Publisher McPhemon 16 Hayfield Strea new Published by Condition Newspapers Limited BurrispOntario William Taller anmt Manager Minnxing Editor How Cdn ManGo Moon Yet Not Live in Peace Howisitmaneanlearn to goto the man but not to live at peace with his neighbor How can Brotherhood Week be rele vant when violence in some form comes at us from alt sides Brotherhood im plies peace and understanding and where do you find these amid war or threats of war all over the globe and at home angry threats protest marches sitins rocktimving and bombs Certainly its no time for pious plat itudes or to dispose of Brotherhood Week by taking Negro Indian French Canadian out to lunch The admonition today is to Tell it like it is So whats brotherhood The Council of Christians and Jews which sponsors Brotherhood Week and lot of other activities with the same purpose talks of it in terms of justice amity cooperation and understanding Or to put it another way it means up holding the integrity and the dignity of the individual whoever and whereverhe is Because were brothers we dont have to be pals But Ive got to ï¬ght for justice and equality of opportunity for him as hard as id fight for myself Brotherhood involves understanding and from this viewpoint the Apollo flight tells us something One of its great thrills to the layman was the marvellous pictures that were flashed back describ ed simultanemrsly spaceman who oning fromvnext could have been door It demonstratedthe superb progress we have made in the physical techniques of communication These skills brought the moon to our living rooms but they also bring the horrors of Viet Nam the tragedy of BleLra and the shame of riots closer to home Once thmeithings were so remote we could shrug them off We cant do that any more lts hard to be indifferent to mans fate when you DOWN MEMORY lliNE Jr 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner February 14 1924 Board of Education reviewed Principal it Girdwoods reportwhich recom mended another teacher for BCI Of 420 average attendance 42 are from out of town Miss MATrain of Elm vale school nurse appmnted Attendance officer Trustee It Stephens said bmrvl should have proper office in Prince of Whles Sohool School basketball league op ed with five teams Heath and Mor row officials rlliam Patience form erly of Cookstown kicked horse at Floral Sask ONits ï¬ne apprentice beat Stratford in at Barrie Mammoth Rink Hap Emma was best on icer scoring three Nottingham layed fine game in nets George Powe and Jack Atmtrong also starred Wilson elected president Barrie Poultry and Pet Stock Assocn Controversy over whether members Town Council should receive remuneration KC iiiP spoke out strongly in opposition as did Dr Simmon George Vfckerr and Alex Iowan an errmayor ew loweil or farmers honored Allan Hutchinson AgRep at banquet powney0rillia provintaal bosp supenntendent was speaker at Kiwanis Clubs weekly luncheon in Wdlington Hotel He declared that Slmcoe County should have juvtnlle bytenans welcomed new pastor Rev Graham Jones Methodism began revryal servicesin Barrie at Central and 832 ohurchejk with Rev Dr eyasspeeruinissFlorence It Annstrong returned to Barrier after visit to battleï¬elds of France and 381 grum including Ypres where Oarrhdiam won great honor Professor Paul Laileur former teacher 0t English and French at Barrie Collegiate died at Alliandale key team Rev George to death by court 0mPres have seen his face and looked on the inside of his buffering And the vi olence around us it always the anta thesis of the brotherhood ideal Vio ience seldom solves anything but it can have great shock effect on those who close their minds even if they cannot close their eyes greater foe of bro therhood is apathy For one thing we are learning that superficial solutions to dee eated pro blems arent good enough at we have to look deeper and be prepared for greater changes For balance much of the violence in large cities involved Negro unemployables litany of them were young men who couldnt hold steady jobs because they didnt have the education and backgron to meet industrys minimum job standards Sev eral industries responded by throwing away their books on hiring practices and creating new ways to train these men and keep them onthe job Early results have shown remarkable success Question Will Canada accept the same sort of program for its unem ployable lndians And will we have seeinse enough to do it before were push Far from being irrelevant Brother hood Week in 1969 shouldhave great significance Its time of ferment whenchange is in the wind its time when men are looking for new answers to old problems and are in the mood for action Among these problems those linked with the aims of Brother hood Week are paramount William White this years national chairman calls it moral imperative Putting it bluntly the choice in somearcas ing with little room in the middle for the status quc 401m liicKAY hrblisher Sannia Daily Observer Luxor Egypt While on excavations trip Ihe Originals group of former star performers with Capt Mert Plunk etts Dumbells show at Barriefs Grand Opera House with Red Newman featured Elmvale formed lady curlers club one of ï¬rst in Ontario Thomas and Richard Loue Thornbury brothers bought the Barrielrm Queens Hotel now Brown minister of st An rews Church accepted call to Kingston ring beat Orillia Ci handily Jack Payne was defence bulwark Hunter Kennedys rink of Alex Habbick ully Williers Bill Griffiths and Bob binning missed the list JliisDo Cornwell er returned from buy mg trip to New York Fired Otton and George Hubbard are rn Hanuiton for edealers convention Wil liarn Moorevshoe merchant is in Mont real on business Arthur Patterson of Aliandale drug store has receival shipment of radios and Helntzman pi anos Allandatle railway yardsare shipping out 3035 carioads daily of fresh ice from Kempenfeltt Bay Capitol Theatre featured English movie Cal cutta Sweep with Betty Balfour and vaudeville act Dwain and Mmayin songs old and new New Dreamland Tire atre featured movre Glimpses of the Moon with Bebe Damels and Nita Nai di Walter Smithat the glam in his ownmusioal novelties of keyboard Mm Huxtable book seat as first lady ever elected to Board of Education Reburn chosen chairmn TTTfiOiï¬r cohorts mus SEPARATISTS BARBECUE QuebecLeSoleii questionsasked in Ottawa Jouit program of RadioOanada radio network er According to rumors this broath on radio and television was nothing butr separatist barbecue sauce without th chicken which must givean excellent imageof how Frenchthuadians feed themselves arlionslgathered dont have to dfun tron deau lautre fromrone waterholé to another It ll beinteresting to see whether this program was nothing more than the existing reaiities of Canada Radio Canadu of Montreal has had childish es capades before It could very well aveaddedanotherr JOEY HAPPY St Catharinee Standard Well its good tohear that least one Canadian seems thoroughly satisfied vathirinance Minister Bensons tax hike Premier Joey Smallwoodof New illy Rene Dovesque leader of Parti Quebecots was given role lies that prevaifl among separatists wer from one ocean to another in the form of word plays on the Trudeau name that tional $845000000 or out of the taxpayers pocket Maybe when the log the Atlantic things get bit lnJoc kingdom in from confused VNDP seems to lie between building and burn YOUVE GOTTIiTlIAND T0 The mm mm foam ovrrus PARK Pitch Being Made To Young People by or round Tire big pitch to youth in On tort or its poiiticni supporthas been in progress for many months now The Liberals have been at it constantly The governing Cun rervalives staged youth night at their provincial convention in Toronto last autumn and the the real hardscllrin oploT partys leadership convention in Kitch cner last November Conservatives liberals and ND are agreed that the voting loge should be luwercdThe magic age is 19 Where they dis agree is ouhow soon the big stepwill be taken to lower the voting age The combined opposition in sists the Tories cant put it through to be in effect before the 1975 election because the proposition is tied in with sever al proposed controversial changes in the elections not This viewpoint disregards recent statement by Prcmicr John Eoburtrin which he said he thought it highly likely that the voting age could be lowered by legislaturan time for the 971 election The proposition could be aty mied of course should Mr itc Presbytery BCl basketball teamwith homers Frank and Gordon Foster star arts for one reason or an oth decide to rail snap elec tion sometime next year It is debatable if either the parties or the committee itself have adequately assessed the pinion and wishes of youth in he matter of lowering the vott ing age Youth is not by any manner of means agreed on it Several young people with whom discussed the issue re cently were rinsistcnt thatjthe legal drinking age should be lowered with the voting age Their argument was that the one adult responsibility merited the other They were obviously knowl edgeable too that in some states agrussrlhe border the it draft age of re hudled to comparable legal drinking age if there is allparty agreement that the Vuling age should be lowered in this day rind age when it is politically fashionable to pander to young people re gardless of the conunuenoes there will be no agreement there will be deuce nia row over proposals to subsidize the elrcticn campaigns of legitl mate candidates out of public funds and to put accordingly check on campaign spending This naturally Liberal and Ni thinking Just an nelur ally the Conservatives are 01 posed The attitude of the average voter is hard to define My sampling in that average voter attitude goes alongparty liner The occasional Liberal will say he thinks its acnndidulel own business where he gets his funds nndhow much he upcndr and an occasional Tory will argue that the whole business shnuidbe subsidized and own trolled but these dissenters fromparty policy are few and far betwee The lwrilbe row over these rssues none at album lowering the votinghge an LiGiiT Touch Become Famous And Live Longer By HALBOYLE nrzwortk AP Things columnist might never knuw if he didnt open his mull The more prominent me business and protesricnal lit outlive those lesser known insurance study has found So if you want to live longer iirst become famour Women drivers have been problem for long tlme in 205 BC Rome passed law chrome subtotal 18 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Postoltice De partment Ottawa and for paymeutbi postage in cash Return portage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holideyl excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $2809 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Eurrim $2600 year Ontario $1500 mot throw oil till your Out ridc Ontario £10 year out rideCanada British posrep alone 325 year iurclgn $32 year National Advertising off 4251Univerrit Avenue to 640 Cat cart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau or Circuinttonr elusiver entltied tothe tile or republication of all new diapntches In this paper cred hell in il or The Arsnclntcd Press or neuter and also the lowlnews published lhcreln ing chariots Giant computers are getting ever more complicated Somp now contain 500000 transisa tornand 20 miles ot wiring Theycando 230009 mattre niaticul operations in second nd readthoentire Bible in minute Nanrm The adult macker piohiblting women from ei must literally swim for its life it it stopluit risks quick suffocation since it requirer continuous flow of water to keep it supplied with oxygen In aid Japan the idltd snndals you wmcerved an emblem of your social standing Byglanclpg at yo sandulr anyone could lie whether you were mer chant actor or member of the imperial household The whale andthe moure velop from egguawhich are up proximately the name rize Did you think that antlerl rerve deer only at weapons Not so arguen New Zecland zoologist He believes that the rimury functionvof the nu tie is toradiatebody heat and thrt withoutthem th male deer would dialin mer of heat exhaustion pron or TliNDERFQOT lies cor NERVE only carom Action By Angers By PATRICK NICHOISDN OTTAWA 0ur senatorr nor mally conduct the nations busi courtesylSo when legislators In Parliaments Red Chamber re centiy described themselves being caused totecl outrag dignntionj uuyï¬wr hiPr inthe rough andtumble Green ha in tossing blows and foiirletter wurds at each other chcn as to including privy councillors and former Senate lenderLiberals Can servutives and one independent used or endorsed those strong words The mnod was unusually ugly when Hon John Connolly who had been Senate lcudcr in the Pearsnn government raised question of privilege last week He protested that his suc cessor as leader Hon Puul Martin hnd surreptitiously slipped into the record docu ment setting out the govern mentr views on possible cunst tutional changes including Sc ate reform What outraged nolly and those other senate war that Martin as Govern ment leader in the Senatethe governments waterahoyi is per hep how many senators would like to describe hImnulther drew the attention of senators to this aspect otthe document nor ermialned the proposals and in vlted comments prior to its presentation to the iederulprov lnciul constitutional conference And this despite the wrist tiunul fact that as the distin guished Conservative Senator Hon Tborvaldson pointéd out No one not even the Com himseif can hands on the Senate as now established by the constitution without concurrence of the Senate self gt PROM IN CAUCUS Yet this unusual and sponta neous outburst in the Senate Chamber war public replay of an even swrmier outburst which bad assailedqu lilartimdn the privacy of speclal Liberal caucus few days earlier when he had referred to possible re formr Parliameiit Hill has heard whispers of various and ested changes At present renhtors are in at iilBiE norm And he trembling and return bind MM what Wilt Ibou do lm Ari Mnny of Gods pwplethe set tied forsecond best because they thought they hurl hnl cu ltothluzl slmrt of Illrttmtltidnitb iurrcruior to please tiim iiiswlil can fully Senators fect appointed at the unchal lcngeable whimof lho prime minster The mun or Woman must be at least your old when appointed it used to be lifetime appointment but slnce four years agotha renntorship behcld only until the 7ath birthday Even so the prime minister has his gift 43year laconic of year Many present senators agree that appointments should be for shorterpcrlod for instance ei ther 11year tlrm or else AROUND THE WORLD limb Martin sixyear term renewable once only But rxyéar term would on able the purty in power in the Commons virtually to pack the senate full of its own party hndts and the renewable up pcintment would tend tn subur dinate senators independence Vining subservienceztu the primam minister of the day So there is considerable support for the suggestion that ball the seats rn the Senate should be filled by pppointmentslby provincial gov ernmenLr Separatism And Unity Verygt01d Argument By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Allhr Anuiyrt Sepsratism versus unity is very oldarzumentv which has changed little through history intellectually the small unit as opposed been given powerful arguments by the ancient Greeks whose wordsurre unwittingly quoted these duyryby Messrs Bertrand and Levesque All of ur whether we carav to or not gen erally quote the Incient Greeks who pioneered in most fields of political thought and whose ver dicts have become part of our unconscious cultural heritage Plato thought that the ideal state should havel millennrlgltbnn 6000 peopo Arstot ntofa me mum pupil and himself the teacher of Alexander the Great who ruled an empiie still believed in small unit and Alexander was careful to leave the rmallGreek states he had conquered much more autonomy in all matters than Canadian province has or In American state The argument war then or it is now that large lovernment inevitably lmeans large re mote bureaucracy that rules without consulting the ruled in consequence the citizen dcvcl ops feeling of helplessness to wards public aifulrs he no longer eels responsible and the state finally collapses because its ritirens drop out so to speak large one busk tral absolutirt authority communities gt The large states until quite recently were not democracies in the real old Sense of the participatory democracy Mr itudeau talks about improved trunspurtatlon and communi tions did not spread demo theyrpreadthe power of ten Democrncy vanished road peering here and there only in small units such as the cities of the Hanscatic League and Switzerland Despite its con siderable degree of freedom England was no democracy until quite recentlyThcre are historians who claim that the Us started as an attempt to democracy into iulgcr but being unworkable it began from the day the eonsth tution was passed to move to wards centralization finally imlt posed by civil war and now so fur gone that buroaucrac better describes the liS go ernmcnt than democracy The power of the central unit has uhvaysbecn the power of greater finenruul resources The romantic individualist appeal at smaller units has had usnlld base in the desire not to let onor money he handled by re mote mandnrins We witness today the separatist tendencies behind the Iron Curtain Russia had made rational plan allo eating tasks to various national the tasks they were best suited to perform according to Russian plenn bunnian NM PROMVIED MANY WRYJOKE AW 55¢li0tloF rut Frieze Wwm FLYMill 71 IWMIKWIW IMWI 14 MIAIN Sm oF Till MAVWIIIWI school oF Lrvosw NADIAN powers plume mm All HA All$9510le AN sure Eli $TQAND all we who wear matnun mm heaven com minus MILL 75 WitMUM 102 worm sorta