Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1969, p. 12

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included the competition for the DeVilbiss Trophy The winning rink was shipped by Smith and trvl Hines in left in right are Jane Young aminer Photo Ftorenm Mott siup Marlon TILE SCIIENLEY trophy tor to tile winning rink at Barrie 111E VALENTINE OPEN Business GirLs was presented Outing Club last night Shown Mrs Ros IIlcltliag SHOWN held in Barrie on Wednesday LEFT TO RIGHT ARE llIrLl Ed Laws hm Jolt urn IlIr Gerry Williams of limb hiss Mrs Ross ltjckling and MrsHugh Merriam Barrie Rinks Win Trophies At Valentine BonSpiel Hearts and cupids decorated the lounge oi tlte Enrrie Curl ing Club carrying through the theme at the annual Valentine Bonsplel held Wednesday by the Ladies Scctinp oi the Barrie club At the dinner iollowing the play tables were decorated in pink and white color scheme In honor St Valentine Bonspicl Convener was Joan Ncshilt assisted by Dorothy Cordy and Norine Brown Two to end games or in rinks rom pelcd tor the Devilbiss and Lab att trophies Umpire tor all games was Vi Cooke Social convener Eileen Bur bidge was assisted by her com mittee including Mari Amos Mildred Marshall and Rhoda Brass out oi town rinks compete ing against the local curlers were Irom Toronto Alliston Camp burden Bradiord Bramp ton Ncwmarket Collingwood Orangevitie Pelerhorough and Guelphl TROPHY WINNERS Barrie rink skipped by Mar Hickling captured the DeVilhiss trophy with score of Joli points Grace Ough Connie Merriam and Jeanette Laws made up the winning team Williams president at DeVilblss tCanada Ltd was on hand to present the trophy 75ccnnd place two ganlewi nor with 373 points was also Barrierink skipped Kennedy with Ede Corby Judy Widrlrillgton and Stella iiigh one game wtnner was rink irom Circle Pine Base Borden skipped by Molly Liv ingston with Jean blazerall Molly Mathews and Erna Me Kay The Labatt trophy was pre sented by company representa tive Jim Morley to Barrie rink skipped by Helen Ideson Betty Clyne Marion Crossett and Barb Johnson helped rack up the winning score of that points Second two gume winner with Zttrt points with the York Curling Club Newmarket rink skipped by itiorg Houston with Maxine Flippa Jenny Sallsbary and Define MeCassey Iiigh one game Winner was the harrie rink skipped by Mar ian Stephens with Miriam Day and Beryl Henderson GILBEY TIIOPIIY Finals for tho Gilbey trophy tcre playedatthe Harrlo Curt ing Club last evening Grace Oughs rink captured the tophy which was presented by Jack liamilton sales supervisor of and It Gilbey Canada Rosslyn Epplctt Jo Scarth and Dorothy Jones made up the winning Walker and Up will be pre sented to winning rinks Serve Tasty Wilhthiapy Fish Fillet Dinner Fish is cooked when it turns it irom translucent to opaque the flesh ilakus readily the ilcsh is easily pierced with iork Overcooking will toughen and dry the ish so Home Econir mists at Macdonald Institute University oi Guelph recaml mend serving the fish while it is still piping hot Fish can be aniimpnrtant source oiptotcin in the dial The allowing recipe will add inter man sauce lined pan and bake allowing in minutes cooking time per incn li cup mayonnaise 1T green relish chopped parsley chopped olives toptionall the cooking time Combine all ingredients Any iavorite seasonings like oregano can be added to suityour olvn taste Makes approximately it cup Frozen iish iillcts are relative ly inexpensive and they can tom the basis of many delicious Wfl teamConsolation winner was Doris Campbells rink with bill lie Campbell Betty Jane Crab and Hotel Murphy The iinnl ladies bonspiel oi the year will bathe annual St spiel to be held March 12 Out oI city rinks wishing to enter should contact Mrs Neshitt Barrie Curling Club Entry tee includes dinner Two trophies the Hiram AA TIIE IlAItltIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1865 PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey Coulsun or Sibyl Hubert at 7266537 ANN LANDERS ADVISES Some Advice For Failiesg From One Who Broke Ranks ncur Alta Landon just read the letter irom the 21 yearotd girl who is so pounds overweight has never had date in her life reiuses to go to FRIENDSHIP CLUII The annual Si Valentine party Social notes dre intended to cover the general social Ilie Vice Skip competition will re tlte Ladies Section will be held ets will make our servings Heatoven to 450 degrees Combiné crumbs an seasoni Dip fillets into milk then into est we 5h din crumbs coating evenly on both TheVtc trio and lly The winning rink oi the eive tho Kolmar Trophy The next executive meeting at the curling club on Feb 17 10 atm Tartar Sauce ishcs About tit pounds of IlllA CRISPY FISII FILLETS 10 line corniialse crumbs salt ltt pepper ti pounds iish iillcts in evaporated milk tzC evaporated milk 72 ides Arrange iillets in toll Mr thickness It the fish is Iromn double AVOID MIXING The iederal health depart ment says taking some drugs with other dmgs without your doctors approval is extremely dangerous was observed by the senior clt ilens IVIrignilshin ital oi rie on nesny tv groups ettttons are being played loc mung place Loyal mm BM Hall High St Special guests in cluded the members at Stroud Senior Citizens Club and Gary Sloner City ot Barrie parks and recreation director and George Coulson oi Simcoe County Ilecrcation Service The party began with pot luck luncheon served at nuott sing song with Alex Ross ac companying at the piano sons by Mrs Alex Cameron oi hurst andiriouth organ so tions by SidItulve rounded out the musical program Cards and games concluded the party at tended by 83 members guests SIMNTY IIAY NEWS Mrs Alex Brand has assumed the duties at nclvs reporter or the Shanty Bay area Residents of the area are asked to can Its Brand attend portal SILVER ANNIVERSARY huiiet dinner party marked the 23th wedding anniversary bl Timothy Connell GuesLs presented the couple with an occasional choir and MinotThe bride is the Camilla OHailarn daughter oi the late Mr and Mrs Patrick OHallorri at Photo and Mrs term at the city District weddings readers at this page Your help in supplying this news will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Ex nmtaer 7256531 and ask or meat IIIOM SASKATCHEWAN and ltIethirtoroiJohrtStreet vnceurma DANCE at oao vide the entertainment PANCAKE SUPPER nnm patlien inveltmnnnnlaum are all items at Interest to AudreyCoulson or Sibyl ttov berts the Womens Deport ston The bridegroom is the son at the late Mr and Mrs Tim othy OConnell of Thornton MrsGlen Gamble oi Pam brum Saskatchewan has leit the city following weeks visit ith Mrand Mrs Stewart Valentine dance party tviil be held this evening in Mid hurst Community Hall beginning oclockfltmtnd dancing and square dancing will pro and luncheon is an added teature oi the event Everyone is welcome Shrove thiesday will he mark ed at Hillsdale United Church Hillsdale with Pancake Sup per arranged for Feb lo Supt per will be served ram until Mother To Be any more doctors has no will power cast herselt sick cries herself to sleep and hates you because you are so mean to rat answer was great But why didnt youtell her about TOPS Take 0t Pounds Sensi blyl TOPS is an international club or overweight people We have no magic iormuln We promise no miracles We meet regularly discuss our problems and have weekly weighins The member who has lost the most weight wins prize The member who hits gained the must also wins prizea plastic pic Here is our pledge am an intelligent person will control my emotions not let my emo tions control me Every time am tempted to satisfy my tratcd desires build up my in jurcd ego or dull my sense will remember that even though overeat in private my excess poundagc is there for all the world to see what tool have heenFOIIMEIIHFATY Iknow ilo ganization and am impressed because you do not approve of crash diets and other nonsense Soloolr in the Yellow Pages all you iattics ottt there new lite is waiting on youii you want it INSOMNIA Dear Ann Lenders Im many unmarriedand like itthis way Ive read that sleep is important so try to get at Batyfsraucnn ANN smacks least seven hours every night hilt cant sleep This morning alter eight hours in bed am exhausted Several people have asked it was out all night look terrible and feel lousy Do dreams rob person oi rest dream int and my dreams are always full at action Is this why Im tired 56 much oi the timetMR BLAH Rollo Claims No Ethics Involved mom or Nurses should not fear the collective hatgaining process says Albert Wedgetie president or the Re gistered Nurses Association at Ontario There is nothing unethical or immoral about nurses giving ser rious thought to their economic position in todays competitive society chapter oi the organiration he told the Ottawa The traditional image at the nurse was not the ideal tot col lective acti There it new breed oi nurse today searching tor her shaie of tha rewards available in the affluent society and the protessiun of nursing now is Dear ltIr It you are dream ing you are sleeping Most in somniac sleep realile more than they When did you last geta physi cal ehpekup maybe you need change or diet more exercise or new mattress Get going Dear Ann Landcrs You drive ma erary hate you and ion you Your column is like we when you at me so iutious swear never read another word yu vrite Then iiud nlyseli smaltn ng back the its day to sub what you have to marvel at your into III phrase and your ability to the heart oi the matter Ev yr word rings outa true conv tion You remind me at my grandmother Penelope Grandpa died the minister came to call He asked it On lull any lastwrtrds GrandmoWf er Penelope repli OI cont not was with him to the et Dear Iianli Yeh get It flight between the eyes AMI now as usual Ill have the last Seesyo BeIare You Buy rutr Compare To QUALITY 51an WORKMANSIIIP ANTI Aaovs an PRICE urn Eruption To sort but Budget We Invite Your Iniptetiott No Obligation acellama RESTYLING coco anontee unflataction Guaranteed wnttns runs Barrles exclusive Farrier who makesand Schedules Talksksf By ELEANOR ROSS Be serious Babies will do lot of falling but ialling irom their own learning that it has duty to concern itseli with the right of itsmembers sells run only Barrie Toronto collect all the equipment needed laptop st youngster carrying toy rifle walks past bullet scarred watton the way tong withetlter nelgh orhoodlboys in thoCholon section at Saigon The wall was shot up during the Viet Conga Tet oiicnsivo last gt and remains as reminder DI war at more deadly than that thaohildreu play in back alleys AP Wirophotol With all the excitementend activity involved in preparing for new babyespecially it it is to he the first and the mother is young and inexperienced there may be tendency to let some householdtasks lapse But this isnt good idea nor in it necessary The Wise moth ervtobe avoids this temptation by setting up streamlined householdr sch eone that will keep herhome clean and wellorganized without any undue strain on her physical re EDUTCES healthy pregnant woman is not aninvalt the days are long silica past when she was ei ther worked to death orrdread tully eoddled We know now that there is no need to curtail ordinary act tiessuch as housework which today isnt strenuous anyway what with all the aids and equipment In fact the exercise involved in house work is usually considered healthful and beneficial so long as the tasks are spaced out to avoid becoming overtired In stead olrtrying todoftoo much in any single day aschedule 01 daily weekly and monthly tasks should he Workedioitt and adhered to as strictly as possi The young motherrtobe should schedule any big jobs such as washing draperies and furniture so they will be ac complished well beiore the last weeks or pregnancy home that is clean and wellorganized will give her more tordevoto to heenew horn child during the iirst vi important months When it es to actual housework it is wise to make things as easy as possible sitting down to do many of the normally frtnnd up lobsit is good idea to COMFORTABLE WEE iora specific task heiora begin ning itand also using some kind of cart or table on wheels to transport cleaning equipment and supplies from room to room These are good tricks tor any homemaker While working the young ladysiawniting ul wear loosehcomiortablc clothing and lowslljeeled wettiitted shoes not someybeatup old sandals that do not give adequate sup port Instead oi bendingtdown Iromthe waist to pick up things usethe crouching posh tion to relieve back strain Avoid overhead stretching and reaching say the gynecologists Working at niceeven pace but not skipping that which should be done it goododvice for all or useven it are not going to have baby Johanneshltrgsrmail wdl be delivered by women in the iuture The postgirls will have the central city area as their heat while fit mailmen now on duty there will be movedto the suburbs MARINES YOUTH DACCA East Pakistan AP myearold widow with eight children her married 17yearold student Pairistaa daily newspaper reported It said the boy used to visit the womans house alter the death oi tier husbandOrle day she iel in love with the youth proposed to him andhe accepted the paper sald height is seldom serious Fall be serious iederal health department pit nation Canadian Mother and Child on whet you can do to pre vent falls jects which can cause you to all while carrying the baby Keep =ono handwreer to grasp thehandrail Put gate at the top and bottom of the stairs to coniine baby to saie the house stand on window sills Never leave baby alone an bed couch or table for even moment without barrier to keep him irom roll base between the legs so it will not tip over it baby is wiggling or select lowrtabletypa var iety the time Trylo keep one knee ahead or him in assuring his safety Duily Service To it is not the right oi nurses mm high places may one to bargain collectively then it is Here are some tips from the Keep the stairs tree of ob partof Dontvallow children to sit or Buy high chair broad Above all dont take it or granted that baby cannot this chair or cannotrreach that windowor cannot turn the ct lat doorknob He is learnig Toronto International Alrport AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION senvlca MAtrou PHONE ZENITH 565M not the right of in society other group Ftut wot out NEARLY NE 7254868 106 humor 51 let the crosswalk 7288461 SAVE MONEY on QUALITY ctorutNe FOR ALL THE FAMILY Materntty Wear Childrens Teefifi Indoorand outdoor Wear Baby Clothes Adult Hats Handbags Shoes 52 Boots Costume Jewellery iron on WINTER CARNIVAL Slacks Sweaters Coetsi etc STORE HOURS MON runs wro SAT toAM 530 PM THURSDAY FRIDAY l0 AM 9m up Wig maid

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