meme honrd Toronto grin and stock promo to Myer Rush owthe maxi Ippeolod thought he would It Olivtwo yearn MingKarii lil laid shout the charge which involved 05640 Rush Is wasconvicted last more ditching the cheques fromdotir Unitedï¬tates citizen The crownehnrgad Rush uuired lieu of ahcretiolders tour dormmtflntario mining Pliut Airport On Lotto Erio Ohio AP proposalrto build St ooooooooo international airport one attic ottnhore from Cleve land on Latte Erie was an pounced Wednesdnyjy lettera ofï¬cials rnr union SAYS Musn Mayor of East York True Davidson sits in sleigh driven by team at huskies from Proliï¬cintent Discusses North Bay 0nt ln Nathan Phillips Square Toronto ted ncsdall Team was brought to Toronto by North Bayimayor Merle Dickerson tlett topub ticiu North Bays Wt toy ur nival 0P Wirepho Freer Money Lendiï¬g OTTAWA ICPI Both llouses at Parliament wero preoccupied Wednesday wun making it easier for some Cana dians to get loans The Commons gave its that approval to government hilt raising the interest rate on loans under th pitifemclllLOBHS Fisheries Minister ac Davrs said the more realistic interest rateI will make more money available to iisiiernien to buy boats fishing gear and shore stallnlions In the Senate government hill to grant interesttree loans oi up to $600 to Prairie armors to help them dry wet and tough grain also was given third and final reading The ï¬sheries hill now must go to the Senate for its approval The grain bill already approved by the Commons now needs only routine royal assent to be eome law Today the Commons will con tinue debate on the government hill making numerous changes to the Criminal Code in other business Wednesday the Commons approved the committee report no bill by which compensation will be paid to iarmers whose produce is contaminated by chemical or other pesticdes Conservative lttEs lio Neu iouudland continued th critt cism DI the iisheries bill in the Cemmon They said the bill would do nothing for Atlantic lishtrmen nndpuihtcri to the law inans taken out in the east ern provinces sin the bill tirst was passed in 1955 The amendments strike out the tixed tiveperceut interest rate anttallmv the cabinet to de cidc what the rate will be from time In it has said outside the Commons that the hate will be one per cent more than the gov ernment pays ioi its money It the change went into ettect today the rate would be pei Eellt other change allows credit unions insurance and trust companies to grant the cavern mentba erl loans Untl now only banks were approved len ers Mr Davis has served notice Deadlinefor tax savings on registered retirement saVings plans oerisiis matteliy Felllttaty in nu arolaxtreelorlttit returns Victoria and ï¬emit otters you three tax savings retirement plans high cuntulatiw income plan Guaranteed Investment Ccrtiï¬ plan fully guaranteed as to principal and interest he will introduce other amcnd were easily deteatedéhyj Li ments to the legislation upping erals the present $10000 limit to $25 000i novan assanr soos loyal assent tor the bill the last parliamentary hurdle he fore it hec withlniluy hvo NDP amendments to the compensation hill or armors Tho first ameddmaiit woul have deleted elaosowliioh makes it an indictable clients to violate the act All Gleave tNDP4ak pon Eiggarr said it di sense to have otat on rent so seriously sinc was un likely anyone would dellberatoly market isoned produce our rismounu OLD rasuiouao icsckEAM Abolilvzrstein head of lbLNatienalJlinzu and AdminlrtrittionieoisVRar tomb CentreIt Cleveland said tho plan allod or basic jet port ch could heopernting on the hkobylmwith two twomile runways and three atoiyterminal tholirport ould he connect ed toClevelind by milelong met an nlfllfll nd electric Join to companleaflthtn notitied them the shares hartbecome valuable andcnuld be exchanged tor share oi Darien Exploration Co by paying translerlee through British Overseas Mu tual Fund the transfer agent Ctay Powell the special on prosecutor said last week investors lost between 5130000 endr $14000 in the scheme In 10minute speech Wednede helm tenced Rush id ha wu sen This is strictly an lulustlce guess my background doesnt call tor me to he sdclt cesstul in the stock business havedone nothing wrong my lord lm just trapped in the Vlystfllll It doesnt matter any more what you give me Rush almost killed by bomb in his Toronto bed in in Noyemher l967 also sat bnd beonth plotyagainst rn Rush originally had been chnrgEd CONSTITUTION ruff cinder in me DANADIAN press The federalprovincial cen atituttonat conference ended threeday session Wednesday Convplete comprehen sive review olthe Canadian constitution at an acceler ated pace perhaps with more lrequent meettugi ot the loadera of thcteilera and provincial governments Reier the recommendm tions ot the royal on eluding the question enuenehment in the constitution rect th continuing committee ottieiala to dioxin agreement immediate attention to the distrlbutlou of powers be tween federal and provincial governments especially liseal powers i1eeonvene the federal provincial tax structure com mittee tor thevjoh oi examin lug and repnrting on occupan cy of availabietax ï¬elds by the two levels at government and sharedcost programs committee otp minisgers to consider what the tees examine proposals or re tnrm oi the Senateand the ju diciary lnstruct study comml tee to delinea Canadian cnp tat region which would con sist of Ottawa utt Que and adjacent municipalities but would not be detached from Ontar an Quebec is Iormer associate lawyertJoseph thtiania conspiring to defraud the publie nothe tried on the charge be et $l°0000000 But Rush ruled during entradi 56 ot lion hearings last year he could ltd Toronto Hollie was cause it involved US residents at triedlnpnlario ï¬tter Eritish andoot in Ontario NEARlYNEw5tt0tl res ouNLorTsr at tho erouwllk 7288461 SAVE MONEY ONQUALItY CLOTHING roit ALt THE FAMILY Maternity Wear Baby Clothes Childrlen QTeensq Adutt gt Indoor and Outdoor Wear Hatsf Handbags Shoes Boots Costume Jewellery rot TttE1WtNTEtt carnival Sloeks Sweaters Cootr MON TUES WED SAT 10 AM 530 PM THURSDAY FRIDAY 10 AM PM 1969 came Theresabiersiorsiauaatéamsmarm front disc brakes aerottou ventilation with air extrao an own Rog 5119 VANILLA STRAWBERRY BUTTERSCQTCH RIPPLE Coronet ICECREAM ttmay look like small ear but wherait realty counts the 1969 Cortina ts big car And big in standard teaturos Consider this test yearsrgreat sates success didnt oonié because Cortina Is an ordinary iniport Corttna bextraordinw sun with the trunk it isnt Importsized its bigear sized You get 21 cu it on store your suitcases hat boxes dultel bags orwhathaveyouï¬rylhe back seat room for three not two three Up front there are twobtg bucket seats more vent mmlortablowilh biobar ten and shoulderroom And Cortine is big in interior styling with handsonla vinyl trim and fullypadded dashThe Corttna Deluxe andGT models toature deepembossed vinyl seats coloured keyed interiors and full tool pilscarpat Magnoliovas in delivering big carportormanoo toovmh unions bowlinplston enolno bred in over 500 rally wins around the world And thoroughly tested In tough Canadlan winters This great engine gives you better acceleration highertop speed and better performance with no increase Must consumption intact you got up to as mpg tors 4soeed tittysynchronized sport type trans mission clspeed North Americantypo automatic is optional at modest cost special Canadian Winter Driving Package comprising heavy duty battery and starter high output heavyduty generator and heaterrte froster and lots more Theres big model choice of and Near Cortinas and 4door Cortina Detuxes and Aidoor GTs and an lncrediblyroomy 4door Deluxe Wagon And theyre allequlpped with the North American Safety Equipment Package including headrests it youre GT butt the standard GT features will make you smile all the way to the bankrYou get everything from 1600 cc engine with 2V Weber carburetor tech and lull instrumentationincludingactocktoasoecialstitlened sus pension radial ply tires and poorer brakes with front discs Tinteriorteatures apertuineweodpanolled dashm with all this big car lhinklng inside and out Corttna gives you smell carthinktne in two vital areas very low purchase price and economy at operationDiscover Godinas big car hiding inside little car at selected Ford and Mercury dealers Its lot more car for buyers of imports IntrodUcing wagiosazcorona Start Retiring today atVictoria andGrey thow Ir summers nut lent lltflltdlng dogï¬ghting charger Haitian ltznlfllfl Mlllflfl Ind conditioning coarou oi $25M Illustrated cartin equa zonal iltohny mom OFFAIMERCllRY SALES lTDj Phone1728Â¥5558 LAKEVIEW mmv Dunlap at