Wormsl OTTAWA moor Younghadicalsj JInflation Destroying like Nazi ToughV Our Happy OldAge nour nzame the um without which rod rr TV VITAROUND THE ll lihallll txalmm Publlshedlhy cm NIwapaperaleitad 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walla Publlshar William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAY rzaauanr mo race UMBREI may AGREEMER though labels are they Foreign Allalra Analylt campus and insomnia are aometirnu inevitable the Iellv ist young radicals must be called ulremlatl They belong In lha acme category with the Nazis conunrmlst louxls the John Blrchcrs ln Amulclland the rogue cop as opposed to the decent cop The characteristic of all such extremist is their use olforce to mnï¬rt freedom of thought endexpresslon ll lhey depot Ime with such thought and ex preaalnn More fundamenLully such extremists reiocl the baaic convention of any human Inch ety from the mallarwhicb is marriage to the largest stale Ihla basic convention la tacitly agreed mutual toierence which within certain limitr overrides all other considerations because otherwise society is impossible hlulunl tolerance means wililt lug surrender of some freedom including freedom of certain forms of expresslon young man was complaining to me that university had refused to talk with somersurdontrafler freedom of action la much more restricted and has to be in any SHARING llll UMBRELLA mmmrwsuoamnumnanmaummlmn me inmrlwmmmtmmmmmuwnmma lrurks Looking To we For More Than Trade Some observers feel that there is danger of estrangement if the West does mot come to better understanding of Ilurkey It seems that our Western coun tries have failed to meet the great hope of the Turks that they would havernore to offer to them than weaponry harvest ers and diesel lemmatives They look to us for more than more material trade Ilhey look for moral interest in their arfairs The nearness of Turkey to the West in not explained just by the fact that Iurkey has become an industrial nation in her own right or because of her strategic military position on NATO The Soviet Union and Communist China rue also industrial nations Yet Turkey feels no affinity with the systems of these giants of the East turkeys first president Kemai Ata DOWN MEMORY LANE 75 YEARS AGO IN SIMCOE COUNTY Barriie Northern Advance Feb 1894 Ofï¬cers of 35m Battalion Simcoe Foresters held annual meeting irrBar rie drill hall Mulcasterst Unit goes to Niagara in June Rev Mc Grath of Christ Ohurch Anglican Bar rie later to become 1001 Temple now razed accepted all to be rector at Church of Redemption Reformed Epis copal Brooldyrl New York one of old est in that denomination Marys new separate school on McDonald Barrie was blessed and dedicated with due ceremony by Archbishop Walsh of Toronto Building reflects great credit on new trustees and architect Strathy QC elected president of Oh drens Aid Society formed in Barrre Miss McConkey is secrttary Henry Bird treasurer RH Creswiclre ap pornted solicitor Lowest tempera ture to date this mo was on Feb at live below Bame Bible Society elected Judge Ardagh president with Judge Wall Boys and Senator Gowan mmsidents Charles secretary Elmer attendance for schools in January Forum or unrnncnawnrsmc Gait Evening Reporter It lsrof Interest tovconelder some views expressed recently on the future orretalling These opinions were expressed in an article Miller cohver Mr Mlllersayr retail sales will in ejmegawzlnerï¬tylpnb an Eatons official in Average turk long ago said Is there single country that has not turned to the West after having decided to enter the realm of civilization He turned his people to wardthe light of the West Yet today there is little conspicuous ï¬ssion of ideals between the Western democracies and Turkey President Ama turk is working desperately to develop democracy in his country His people look to the Western societies for interest and understanding Instead today grow ing coldness seems to be settling over TurkeyWestern relationships President Ataturks faith in the free world must not be destroyed and his social revoluticnmust be encouraged If his people look to us of the West 001 as piration then we should make greater effort to know and understand our neigh bors the Tunks will hold monthly concert at Town Hall next Tuesday evening Innlsflll school at Tyrone had attend 48 Me Veigh Bros of Phelpoton moved their engine to llllnesing to run shingle for James Brennan Large quantity tlmber and pressed hay shipped from Phelpston and Elmvale New Low on young people formed rary soci ety Methodists all New Lowellin tend erecting solid brick chunih West Simcoe temperance people decided not to put forward candidate for next Dominion election but will poll Liberal Conservative and Patronsï¬f Industry with what after all was avform of expression the studch were expressing something bynwhat they did sold the young man NRM 0F EXPRESSION The man who killed the ellht nurses in Chlcngo was express fng something too all murder ers express something Lee Harvey Oswald and Slrhanslr hnn were engrossing their re Ascnlment at eworld In which they were such totul failures by killing conspicuous symbols of ety rejeeta an Individual However one mlxht criticize the cult of success and the lulol erInce for failure lnlbe North American eoclely one cannot condone murder II protest against ouch society here are extreme carol but the prin ciple la the same Certain forms of rotelt must and will be pro hibted Furthermore certain actlvlller cannot be repressed by proton Where do we draw the line be tween permissible and nonper missible protest The answer lI very old and it la rill valid agedoer not invalidate eyery thing freedom of thought must be lnvlolable lhsextremlrt It denta mart be allowed Io thldl what they like Conversely they must not be allowed to vlrtlntlze people who think differently It is legitimate for students to abhor raclsllhlnking in pro fessor but not to seek his dis missal because he think as racist lerertlha to have racist In universityto study bll thinking II he actually protlsea rldln heshould bedismkscd freo dam of thought la permissible raocicty Conversely though the students are permitted in loathe tho pmlclaols racist thoughts theyth not bepermlled to lakesctlon on lhclr own violent salon lve action fra hla dinnissal they do they are as zurlly as any pradiung ra cist and guilty oflhe some sin knolenanoe And tlrey should be prmished thrown due process loo trick for ota poliLlcinns is to hurtling the process into the Mappercry student re volt molt by tiny extrem re minority CANADAS sroBv Britain ripened Lessenithcope By non BOWMAN Many people regret the every lessening scope ofthe British Empire hut Britain nlwaI err peered it Prime minister Lord John Russell who had helped Canada to not responsible gov ernment told the House of Com mons in London on Feb 18 that it had been Britains duty to traln thacolonles for inde pendence and their going would be for the welfare of the world He looked forwnrd to the happy day when the tie with Canada would be severed III 1867 when the British North America Act war intro dured In the flours of Lords Lord Carnarvon said We are laying the cornerstone of great state perhaps one which at future day may even over shadow thls country But come what may we shall relolce that we showed neither indifference to thelr wishes nnr jealousy of their aspirations Lord Russelleg prediction in 1350 of Canadian independence shocked Robert Baldwinwho known all the father of réspon sible government in Canada Although Baldwin and his muchspeaking partner Louie Larontalne had fought for re sponsible government Baldwin was shocked at Britains will ingness to see Csnndabecome independent He didnt want the Mother Country in go that furl Russells view was also support ed by Gladstone and some other British leaders Lord Elgln who wergovernor of Canada at the time said that he had never seen Baldwin so moved Eight did not agree with Russell He angrlly asked ctorla were to be sovereign of an expanding em pire or was she to reign over the UnifedKingdom dependent for Its greatness on some twelve thousand square miles of coal camdidates re their intentions on prohlh mm Pdy ition and demand pledges from them Barrie Collegiate Institute on Blake St badly in need of addition improve ments lavatory facilities new desks and sixth teacher according to report of Inspector Sheath BCI charges $10 year to town and countypupiis Those from outside Simooe County pay $15 William Milne market clerk died sud denlyof heart Bernies oldest citizens Thomas RI chic early settlerof Ehnvale died at age 50 Doctor at Phelpston Vezy busy as many people have grippe Legal profession put into effect her tariff of fees Thunder and ghtning observed at 01 flake and Hillsdale indicatingmest of month will record OTHER EDITORS VIEWS crease ten tunes by i000 as discretion ary Incomethats money left after all rota charges like taxes rent ut flies and food have been paidrises sharply lnan affluent society longer shopping hours build more con nlsrllfshoppilrgfacilities me with computers and mre selfservice techniques to keep this re of the bus lness attack He was one of Uh Eurtie Examiner rs Baylleld smn Bairie Ontario Authorized as second class by the Post0flice De rtmentï¬ Ottawa and for paymeneol postage in cash Return postago guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Suhscflpdonrstes delly by carrier socweekly $00 yearly Single copies 10c By mall Barrle $2000 year Ontario 51500 year motor throw off 918 year Out elderOntario $20 year Out VIlde Canada Britishpr sions 825 year USA nd rel $32 yeah National Adveillrlng Olflc 425 Universi Avenue lpron lo640=Cutcart St Mo real Member oli the Cunndtnn Press and Audit Bureau of circulations But the retdllerwlll have to endure Ichlubllcatlï¬ of all nevés spa ea lted to it dr ThewAï¬zcldad Press or Reuters and moths looalpewa published therein exhaustedi History shows that there has never been serious movement in Cansdalo break away from Britain although British leaders have expected it to happen omen mums rm War of pork and beans bean along New Bnrns Wickdllaine border rest Railway opened be tween Halifax hurt and Wind Ior NS 1873 CPR charter granted to Sir Hugh Allan and loci ates I905 SirJnmes PlenyWhlt noy formed ï¬rst Conservative government in Ontario since 1372 1060 FederalaPrcvincisl conference agreed that Mont real would be site of World Fair in l907 It was announced that the sun Iiarne of future Royal families would be MountbattenWindsor selection of edl lorlall on current tnplca trInIlIted from the TrenchIan xe preu of Canadau Montreal La PromManl tioba Alberta and Saskatche wan fluvuph Hieir premiers have squarely alignedthem selves against the Eastern that to Ontario ud Que ll Thatcher Saskatchm wan Is proud happy lIe slnrulsvv about success and urinalins the objectives of the Western bloc in three points Ill The economic problem should have complete prioritylzlno changes should hemade invtllo system taxation without consult ing usl blllngunlism there is no hurrynnd there Is reasopdoqueatlon the consti tutionality oi the bill ontwo chloral languageI federalprovincial con ferpuca whichlato open in firsmupitai Monday will get under way in as unhealthy climate Bl possible Messrs Wefr sum and Thatcher in tend to take tough stands Do not he at all surprised if dismrssions turn into quarrels and so much the worse for is borne enlenle We are not particularly sun Oorrtestatlon is inthe lr the hardening of the ltuarlon on the Prairies is nw the start of the pheninne Concerned lbaut eco nomic pnfolermothers do not overly excite thornour friends on the Prairies feel that the dollar ismoroimpar tent than if generous and lucid Areoxnmlnation oflhc consti tulion strange logi The Prairles have recei pverythlng from Canada and we can recall that the East Milkmen the price or wheat or to help lhousand of gfurrnera who were on the verge ollbenkruotcy because urn mnjor meumlbt By PATRICK NICHOLSON modeï¬ used car 615000 dices $450 pound sirloin steak to per pound mana Id $900 He might have added UHAWA Canada we stand on guard What tray esty of our anthem is made by our government Our elected ieIders have the paramount lei of caring for the wellbeing of Cumulus as to low would cost $192000 But inflation Is not our fault our government protests it is todays 821000 xixroom bunga wales sum us we had in war time The point missed by this rcasonlru is that the malorhy of Canadians would welcome In end to rising prim and all Ca nedlars would enioy the boost to our economy which would come in both domestic and for only because ill in from MP3 to hourlypaid inbor diminishing purchasing power of the Cnnndied duh their dependents got similarly clohberod olllle today earning the aver price on his life Suppose he were to die 15 QUEBEC OPINIONS be anew QuebecParis ac dcuu was stole physical defence and secondari lyPIe to Wigwam node ndahlv net ministen are clashing on the best mean of attaining the owner But surely they should think and at as one when it coma to standing on guard to defend the monetary strength of the Canadian dollar which must always be the principal weapon In our economic ermoury Ottawa Report deplored some yearI ego tint Johnny Can uckl chance for happy old age being destroyed by Inm tion Since then this cancer destroying our dollar has been permitted to flourish like the green bay tree The purdxrsing power of the Canadian dollar will be out in half in the next 13 years do dares the duel economst of one our largest lilo insurance companies looking ehcnd no 15 but 45 years the senior exec utivc of agroup of pension con sultanls and aohlarles warns that at pMent rates of inlaid tion bottle of scotch will out $40 in thevyenr 2014 mat is equivach lo the value of the dollar being cut in ball over the next 15 years again being hulvod in the following 15 years nnl yet amln being halved in the third period YOUR NEST EGG This terrifying and unnecee eary spiral of inflation matters little us far es current wages are concerned All workers ers manage to negotiate wage increases to keep price with the But ln sharp distinction those workers get hit hard by lnlln lion in their retiremcnt and Dolsldera mun in the prime ago lndustrlul wages of about $113 week or Just under 56000 year He is putting aside and week portion of his wages in var lcus ways to protect his old age and to safeguard his depen dents He saver perhups for retirement Income of 90001 year and for $0000 1erqu years from now when influlion will have cut the worth of Duh dollar in ball then his depen dants willreceive from his in surnnee $20000 dollars worth only 50 cents ouch Suppose he retires 30 year from now after our dollars buying povler has been out in hell twice and is equivalent to only two bits in lo deys money than his pension will have buying power not of $4000 but of only $1000 in to days money llhst pension consultant Mr Alan Home of William Mercer Ltd Vancouver has given some examples of the prices which may be expected to rule t5 years from now under contin uing inflation bottle of sand fly all that has been forgot As far as bilingualismisoon cerned Mr Thetdrers tele gram is perfect example of arrogance such meek de eerves blunt answer whim should not be delayed In word things are detcrl crating mombly We have need of serenity and we are building up storm We were In search of comprehension and agreement and we ura building Irp II new blot com posed of individuals for Whom the country iahvlhing more than business operation which ushould be paylug prom on To sum up it is highly un likely that anything Positive nnything serious will come out of the next meeting of pre rniers depressing Iirospecu Boler Chanmux Fob ll Quebec LActlonEducalinu Minister Jennfluy Cardinal and Trade Minister JeanFan Beaudry will longrememher thertrip they made to Paris and London as representa tives of the Quebec govern mant We have rarely secIr sucha brierlrtrip worked by so rIiucheonuoversy not only on the political and industrial level but also on the dfpiolt Inan Iovel Some people heveremarked that oil the agreements so far concluded with Rance have contributed llttlu lo the econu omy of Quebec but that slit glo trip to London mayresult inus getting $70000000 in duelry Well lets face it you have to get investment cupltul where it is available We Willi not enter irItode lnih onstotemdcrlgs mediat in parliamentary es II to WI inlhe wake of the trip of Messrs Cardinal and Beaudry to lZarllenitha signaturenf at at ï¬rslwae believed to cord It rrnlst he admitted that in thls Prime nlsles lII worldwide phenomenon 1specifically our dollar is eroded tabla Urdted so the and Cl 111 BIBLI THOUGHT When mans way plelle step with inflation in the les Not completely lure the fact our Kovcmrnent NflSlsLl of politician vho tend to think more about those who Infant vote agelnst them than about those who would support them llence politicians they fear on ad verse roactlon from business and workers against errv mens urea to control enemies to be It peace with him vaerbl l6l item of your life and everything elsewllllall in line QJiSEEEESElliEE TWO WEEKS FEB 10 TO FEB 22 BROADWAYS BESTMUSICAL UIe Magazine JANETINBLAIRSH MAME Also Slarrlng iELAINE STRITCH Eva Male pm hlnnulhura ï¬tst wm am sat Mala arch and hlczz $600 $100 50 $500 iL 0rdl and Bale $50 $550 $350 $100 Middle Balcony $350 $125 $175 chr Balcony $275 325 $200 Sat Eves Orchestra sold out SAL Mute Front Halo laid out Box office open ll ulm pm Monday to Saturday prim IId LAST TIMES TODAY chlnansbold andbeautilul adventureslnlovc irAII ruou HE MADDINC ISTARTING MONDAY ZDAYSONLY morn TODAYS HEADLINESrMOON Conquer The motion picture that puts man on the moon and you follow hint every terrifying secondofflthe way IltllllllllfllPlllAlllSlfllllllllI Vlllllllll llle nrr Ins 2NDBIG EXCITING rna They turned me frontier into river of blood overflowrnp lh the es std gn markets from greater sta the lord he mlltelh even bll Make pleasing God the main