QPetes are Third PeriodClub 0n Home FIce rut CANADIAN Pill255 Winning game on Pelerbor iulh Ice would he cinch Ii there were no third periods The Peter have established heputatinn this season in the 01s tarlo Hockey Association Junior series as thirdperiod team on home ice They staged another oi their late uprisings betora 117 Pe terborough tan Thursday night coring tour goals in the third odtorasaninovaottewa e75 Tha win moved the Pcics to within one point oi secondplace Montreal Junior Canadian and fwd behind leagueleading St Catharine Black Hatch Dale Power collected twa geair to spark the Poles Pow ara linemates Tony Feathen alone and ltick hiaclelsh each counted once and Dave Roy got the other goal Pierre Jarry Peter Ga and Conley Forey were the acorera tor Ottawa who led L1 going into the third period The Peter outshot Ottawa £745 KNle TUMBLZD 11eaanhile Hamilton ltad Wings thrashed landon Knights in the only other game played at the Hardilton Forum The victory gave the Wing role possession at tourtl place In the iiilearning Hamilton led 40 until the third period when detenccman Neil Nidrolson scored tor the Knights while the Red Winn gen short two men on penal 91 Scoring tor the hedwioga were contra Dave deour Buster Harvey Tom Williams and Terry Newman Hamilton outihot Inndon el 34 Lombardi Sees Beban WASHINGTON AP Vince lambardi tr looking at 19st Heisman Trophy winner Gary Beban the key to Washington Rodakina revival Mmbardi arrived Thursday to take command at the Reds thins atter decade of National Football League greatness at Green Bay and made Beban the locus oi his that movo Coiling tor complete movies at Bebanr play as rollout ouartertoack tor UCLA Lombar di promised long oftreason ltlldy to decide where to use ite CFL would Die Without TV Blackout MON 61 Commis aioner Jake Gaudour ot the Ca nadian Football League said Thursday there is no doubt whatsoever that an elimination not the television blackout oi gunmen games would kill the Our situation is the same as the National and American loot laall leagues in the United States where there is 10 times our pop ulation The mitinal is blacked out and so is the super Bowl in the area in which the games are playedff be said tn an interview jGataiaur was commenting on Senate address Westley by Senator Keith Davey his prede cessor aa OFL connnissloner Senator Davey advocated an bend to the ludicroiu and anti quated system of blackouts ott home games on television Hacker AT ii GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS THURSDAYS HOCKEY Natidnnl Montreal this Angelca Boston St Louis Chicago Detroit Central Omaha Fort Worth Kansas Tulsa Western Denver Seattle Eisttni Nashville Syracuse Clinton Salem Alberta Junior Movers lied Deer OH AJIinlur Ottawa Peterhorough London Hamilton Cartral Junior Rangers Pembroke NORA Junior Sudbury North Bay Man Waterloo Western Ontario Ont Intercollegiate Brock Ryerson York Waterloo Lutheran Metro Junior St Jerome Cornwall Montreal North Laval Rosemount Palestre Quebec Junior Oudekerk and Kropi added the goals ItsKey banwith the strong notability oi turning him into runner The move involved memories 01 to yeare ago when launhardi arrived in Green Bay and took another Heisman Trophy quar terback nit the bench to make him one at toothalla most cele brated ball carriersPaul Hor nunK Bataan mimprcmve in lds brict trial rookie pro mm wheel last year scored more touchdowns as runner at UCLA than he did by passing RUNNINGWAS P0017 The Redaklna were lut in naming yardage in the National rooiban hague ran an Dorm who has never coached loser is taking over team that hasnt had win ning season since 108 He will be executive vice president coach and partowner ot the Redskins under con tract that may embrace as much as$t000000 in rtocr and longterm salary Lombardi went to Green Bay to coach team that had won only one name the preview rea son Within twoyears he had hia tirst conference title in the next aeveu he won live NFL championships and capped hia triumphs with the first two Super Bowl victories Firsov Claims He Was Offered $100M MOSCOW Reuters Fitue aran hockey player Anetoly lilo aov said Thursday he Wu at tered $100000 to join Canadian protessional team during re cent triumphal tour of Canada by the Soviet national team in an interview with the de lance ministry newspaper Red Star Firsov raid the otter was made by representative of National Hockey learns cloh but he didnot identity the team told him that my team the Central Red Army clubIa much moretamour than hia But more important told him that Soviet hoekeylplayers do not aeli themselves tor dollars warriors Defeat Western mustangs EPXDVDNrrolllrIcPA The University of Waterloo Warriors defeated the University at West ern Ontario Mustangs oz Thurs day night in an OntarioQuebec gains with two goals while iinemate Ken Laidlaw detenceman Dick oentre Roger other Waterloo Brent lmlach and Wayne Hearman scored tor the Map tang who were outshot by the Warriors Reteree ioe Hughes asaeased 1e penaltiar with Western taking six minora plus miaconduct mace APsz The king of living anakea the Athletic Association hockey By 1112 CANADIAN PEEK Boaton hruina sensational ï¬ring at success has iinally oome to an end but Gordie Bone ha kecpe rolling along tor Detroit Red Wings lime to National Hockey 143nm star years ago when many at titeplayere he now competes against were in dia pers scored three goala Thurs day night to load Dmoit to 61 victory against drieago Blade rim The goals broudrt Howes sea son Mai to 28 and moved him into tie for second plate in NHL scoring with Bobby Hull at Gringo at on points He has scored 716 goals in regularcea aon play iar more than anyone in the leagues history in other games Montreal Canadians downed Loa Angelcs Kings 42 and St Louis Blucs took Boston Bruins 31 to end the Emirrs unbeaten streak at 18 games Howe scored hia ï¬rst goal at 1247 ot the opening periodto rive Detroit 24 lead He strat ed around Gileago doienceman Matt Ravlich and lifted shot over the shoulder oi goaltender Dave Dryden At 422 attire second period Howe connected on robound tram Alex Delvecchiu who gained tour assists in the game crowd ot 11630 at the Olym Dave nudge led the Warriors 152mm nan Wings rup errtar Gordie Hows at CALL UP REPLACEMENT SIX IDUIS AP St Louie Blues at the National Hockey League reealled Ray Fortin tromtheir Kansas City tatm cirrhyihursdayto replace Al Ar bour who was injured in Thea da nightagame in Lea An ge er Arbour is recovering from sr BLUES nctmind tend ott aBoston Bruin goal er Glen Hall 11 and Doug attempt by Glen Sather let Asr31uesaéa pia accustomed as they are gave the night winger atandinx ovation nnd cluttered the ice with hat Howea ereatiieat when he soared again at 7tl SPO SHUTOUI Other Detroit scorers were Bruce lttacGaegor Dean Pren tice and Frank Mahovlioti his 32nd Ken Wharrorn scored the end at the second period tor the Black Earth to ruin Roy Edwards bid tor seemed con oeouflve shutout The victory moved the Red Wings three points ahead at Chi cago and the idle Toronto maple Lents in the race tor the tmrrth and line 17th position in the Eastern Diviaton The Red Wings outabot the Black Hawk 4817 and held iinll scoreless lines the sec ond consecutive walloplng tor Chicago which lost 72 to Hos ton Wedneuiay night While hula patrons The leading soccer in the Western Division Berenson got two goals before 15155 at St limits to pace the Bluu to their victory Bill htcCrcary pidtcd Up the other St Louis goal and fSatiier woredu tor the Glen Brui Thebes tor Boston ended the tmbeaten streak which started Thursday night in National Hockey league constest The Berenson Scores Dec 2a with triumph over the BIUN Bersason who now has 25 goals scored at 1309 oi the opening period an pass imm Camille Henry to knot the score at 11 At 344 oi the accond pe riod Berenson drilled in the winner alter taking pass from McDonald The Blue outshot the 13mins playing without five regulate in cluding Bobby Orr me Only alert contending by Gerry Cheaters kept St touts tram winning by wider margin The triumph moth the Blues 20 points ahead at the runnerup Oakland Scale in the Western Division while Bostons lead over secondplace Montreal in the Eastern Division was re duced to six All the scoring at the Angelea name In the second period as to at the Canadians redeemed them Howe was the attrao tion for Detroit implied Bcr enson continued to thrill St selves tor 51 loss at Oakland Vdnosday night Montreal goals went to Dick Didi Jean Beliveau John Fer guson and Yvan Cournoyer Eddie Joya and Bob Wall dialed the Kings goals Goals by Courooyer and For moon within to seconds of eadl Canadiens inztrnnt to stay crowd at 11192 watched the Canadians win their third game this sumo withotd loss to the other broke 11 tie and put the Elues heat the Bruins 31 AP Wirephoto Twp Bruins Kings Another game ended Ina tie The Kingr outahot the Cana dlens 3323 testing Mgnireal goalie Rogatien Vachon with shots in the middle period TOP TEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gordie flows Detroit lied Wings collected three goals Thursday night to move Into tie tor aecond place in National Hockey Leagucuoring The three goals gave the to yearold Howe 69 point on7£ goals and 11 artists He II tied with Bobby Hull of Chicago Black Hawks Hull has 32 goals and as sists and trails leader PhiLEs posito oi Boston Bruins by points Esposita has at goals and 48 assists The leadera Esposlto Boa Hull Chi Howe Det Mlklta Chi 48 Boliveau itlti 74 3e Delvecchio Del iii 41 Berenson ï¬ll 25 33 Cournoyer Mtl il 26 Hodge Boa V29 27 Pappin Chi 25 ze 48 3237 28 41 1tinriwas aaaiatant coach gt offs Uléirvictories Mr Flintatone tights tor the puck during National Hockey League JOCKEYUBPENDED MIAMI AP Jockey Man uel Ycaza was suspended tor ï¬ve days 17y Hialeah stewards Thursday to careless riding on Top Knight In thasecond divi sion of Wednesdays Bahamas Stakes Top Knight was disqual itied tram first and placed third or coming out in iron ed King lama Thursday night in which he scored three goals raising his career total in 716 three more than theitomerr hit by Babe Ruth Fighting tor the Obi puck ion 12 and immediately be 11le hlrn Detroits Ales Deivecehio 10 At right is me Batik XXMIINER VRIDAI WEAR 1BCi Nowi ï¬rmer Coach EDMOND CPI Dave Strien tormer head coach ot British Columbia lions today was appointed aaaistant coach ot the Western Football Center ence Edmonton Eskimos tor the 1369 season skricn 39 born in Braoten under Tony Knapp at Boise State College in tdaho during 195 He ioincd the Lions as back tlcld coach in 1959 and was ap pointed head coach Sept 11 1961 replacing Wayne Robin son Skncn was replaced by Jim Champion at the conclusion of the 1917 season Skrieh named Canadidn Foot ball uagua Coach ot the Year in 1967 directed the Liana to Grey hip championship In 1061 when British Columbia doteated trunnion TigerCats oi the Eastern Conference 5474 WON TC TITLE TWICE reached the playotia and tha former CPL player ported 47 JH record during his aeven seasons as head coach In 1m he played trinket chewan Roughridera and Winni peg Blue Botrbera line man reaching the Grey Cup With the Bombera who lost toliamllton Married and the lather at three children Skaten eh the Bombers in me to become backï¬eld coach at Ball State College Munde 1nd lie war assistant coach at hiionerota tor the lame reeaon Davea first responsibility Will be on deience Herthr kind guy with CFL ri eoee who can he great be to make quick decision with good judgment Neill Armstrong head coach at the Entmoa raid Thursday nigh Armstrong also member oi the lost Winnipeg team said Under Skrien the Lions won the we championship infllml and 1964111 only times heI Ray Jauch will continue at backï¬eld coach and John Payne II line coach HOCKEY yravnmcs macavaoiaiv Parse National Lelgun Eastern Division 31 11 Ni 13 73 30 15 180 143 20 Boston Montreal anaé EEEE 3333 carnage 27 Los Angeles 18 75 Philadelphia 12 21 18 Minnesota 12 31 Pittï¬ntrgn Rnsillla Thursdny Baston St Innis Chicago Detroit Montreal has Angeles Games Saturday Montreal at Minnesota ï¬e ca Racing Results TORONTO OPt HillCan roll soyoarold harnes rec lug driver irorn Everett Ont Thursday continued his success Sinai shipping his name sta ble irom Ottawa to southern 0n tario last spring Behind More Scotdia yoarold pacer Carroll Thurb lay posted his seventh win or 1969 at Greenwood Raceway 7111c cominnq ation otCarm11 rad More Scotch paced the mile in 21100 to rieum $740 in the tourth race In 1066the Carmll stabielcol Iccted 32 wins in the Golden Horseshoe racing circuit which includes Greenwood Mohawk at Campbellvfllo and Garden city at St Catharincs Wes Coke drove Mr Lee to his third straiidrt win oi the sea son in the sixth race trotting the mile in 2103 Mr lee oonrbinod with Buckeye Joe driven by veteran Keith Waplea for $1630 exactor crowd of 11054 wagered $545397 WINDSOR Out Driv er Mike Noiiclr Jradrove three winning paws at Windsor Raceway Thursday to produce daily double and exaclor pay Novick drove Mr Flintstone to firstrace win combining with Jimmy Way in the second race for peyoit of $20720 For paid 51340 and Jimmy Way paid $2770 lu the ï¬lth race Novicks Mixed Up Kid clicked with Flying Dutchman tor quineilo of 5720 in the ninth he put the whip to Rerunwhocombinnd with Chub Volo tor the $8060 exactor crowd at 4627 wagered $545065 Oakland at Toronto St Lotus atNew Yum Philadelphia at Boston Angeloa at Pittdmrgh Gamea Sunday Montreal at St Louis Thuonto at udcago Hiiladeiphia at NewYodk Oakland at Boston the Angeléfat Detroit Ittcburgh at Minnesota OntarloJpnIorA vW LT St Cath Montreal Potfba Hamilton NIxrilalia Odsawa Inndon Ibmntn 10 235 156 57 as Mt hose 11 176140 55 ta is it at 21 19 IM 171 46 id 21 192 20a 39 1411z 9190m1 31 16 173 100 35 Ottawa 1224614519430 lithium 30 513114031 Remitailharaday Braden Harhlitont Ottawa Pateibomugh GameaTonigtit london at Niagara Fella Montreal at Modding Peterborouya at Ottawa St Catherine at Toronto Ontario lateiotteaiate Lainenttan Hymn York Watnhoo 9==2 Ganre Saturday IVIIVaauierloe menu at 0am WINS H61 AWARD NEW YORK AP Bab For ter the light heavyweight champion yirom Washington DC Thursday was named the winner of the Edward Nell Award as ï¬ghter oi the Year for 1961 by the Boxing Writers Association SKIDOG RENTALS anuy ranraiuasiiir Rent Skidoe Enquirice Invited rnone risers CAMPaEitts SKIBOO RENTALS 1969 LICENCES ARE NOW DUE AND iroirRivieres Shawlnigan Quebec Cup MeGill Bishop anaoonda can awaliow cult bniiaed kidney and will miss it whole SHOULD BE PROCURED AT THE least threeygarner MUNICIPAL OFFICE MUNICIPAL BUILDING gt84 COLLIER ST FOR THE FOLLOWINGt Ailitionecr Gasoline putieta NOTICE TO EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS flynioagï¬gmï¬ng gymsgyro Butchers V339 CARRIER MISS YOU TacoNrAchHerxAMINri timid Tibia mï¬m remained CIRCULA DEPARTMENT direbtiyï¬ call 725$ Coal and Wood Dealer Vetdeiee Cigarette Cigar and Tobacco Iliobtli iInena Park 830 am to 530 Men to Frl and up to 200 pm5at Dairiea Plumbers Gordaram BARRlE EXAMINER Dogs Master and maneyman Ciï¬ta on Manager at the Caatla approaching the stretch turn Ownerslieject Mediation Bid NEW YORK AP Major iaagua baseballs club ownerr lasted Thursdayanrotter by the players to go to mediation in the dispute over rights to television money The owners in the that nago tinting session since both aides hardened their positiona earlier thla week said mediation would load to delays and complica tionsnifheyisaid it would be bet rter ioitaep bargaining The playera who aroaskinga oooo spillotfthenational televi hen asked the own tompromlse so the parties trieet yonrvliarria liramlner earrl not arrived By pm please phone 7282433 landacapy at The itnnitaarwill lid delivered to your home by pins sVAttEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF can arraucks norcheroewieuhle gt ervlee Dance HaliaandrPuhlIt Hails Rï¬alnant Driving Schools and Second Hand Stereo tonaluctora Smnad Tnadna gt Dry oanars Thick Electrioians Contractor Used and Master IlteaAm Sinus Peneltiea and Fines can nowha Impoldd In ance with existing nywa you should endewm to nth your llcunce b91011 Miamh 11969 It Md 1118 so