ntnnre extrinsic ram mum 145 Car Plunges Through Cracki In Ice Near Georgian Island Three men driving from the mainland to Georgina Island last phrngcd into islet creek in the ice on Lake Sim coevand had to abandon their car The thrcc Ted Bingbam to of Mount Albert and tonal Tay lor 38 and Munroe McGee 40 both at Georgina Island were able to get out of the car saicly Mr Taylor walked to the main land and told police of the in cirlcnt Mr Bingdtam was found sometime later in his home Pots ice found ltlr hicQte lying on the ice He was treated by doctor ior alight case oi expo sure and later released The oar according to Erecti ln OPP is still sitting on shell oi ice live feet below the suriacc Confessed Theft His Sentence Is Suspended suspended sentence and one years probation wasgilcn to John Fox to ol Angus alter he plcaded guilty to charges ol breaking and entry and theft On Oct 24 we the youth broke into the and Whole sale Store and stole 5285 in cash Three months later the youth voluntarily went to the police and conlcssed his crime lie also requested probation The youth who told oliicers he was having problems with his parents at home said he want ed tomake restitution for the stolen money CrownAttorney John Murphy informed the Court that police officers have lound the youth job in Collingwood and the youth will be moving there soon IN town The OPP warn that ice on Lake Simcoe is not sale Ior driv lag Several days of reeling weather will he needed before the lake can be mad or any form at tratfic said an otfleiat Ir Achievement Film To Be Shown iilm produced and directed by Norjun productions lun for Achievement mummy will be shown this evening at 500 pm on channel Each oi the live Junior chiovcment companies pmduced product and sold it to the pub lic The Norton company is sell ing and telling all about Junior Achievement with 111m The Program is 29 minutes long and was done entirely by the stu dents Iusf One Mishap In Spite 0i Fog Barrie police report that lies pite heavy fog and wet roads there was just one actidcnt in the city Donald Fountain 2t of 47 Gow an Street and Jozsei Gender at ER were involved in col lision at Ema road and the high way 400 ramp Police estimate the damage to both cars at $500 FINED 399 Joseph John Zaklikocki 22 lormerly ol Bose Borden plead ed guilty to charge ol driving while impaired by alcohol in provincial Court Judge it Foster fined Mr Zaklikockl $09 TONIGHT LOUNGES WellingtonThe Smiley Bates Duo BayshoreThe Sweet Sounds BrookdaleThe Sugar Canes Continental innMona Levesque QueensThe iiiloos Nottawasaga innAl Mathews Trio with Cindy Scott MOVIES ImperialThe Wrecking Crew RoxyOoogans Bluil EDUCATION MEMBERS OF the panel who participated in the Youth Awareness Program held last night at Barrie District North Collegiate are from tell to right Robert Gray seminar coordinator Alcoholism and Dnig Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario Bernie Smith director of lnlchchool Christian Activities Wiidman assistant Crown al toruoy Dr Delaney moderator Dr lsabel Dole man assistant medical oltt cer of health Simone County Health Unit Rev David Proc tor president of the Barrie Ministerial Asoeietion and Angus McKay superintend ent of academic nitairs Sim coe County Board of Nica tioa Examiner Photo Agree Education Is The To Solving Drug Problems What should parcnisdo when they learn their children are smoking martiannn This question was the one most asked by parents who at tended the Youth Awareness Pro4 gram parents night spon sored by Barrie District North Collegiate No absolute answer was lorlh combing fromthe sevenmem ber panel from Barrie and lbr onto However the panel did agree that program to educate youth and parents such as the Youth Awareness Program would be an effective mutual learning experience between par ents and growing people Robert Gray seminar an or dinotor from the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario said this kind ol seminar would hcightcn School Reorgctnizqtion is Only The First Step By Westall Parr Examiner StaffReporter Kindergarten through to Grade l3 and an equal educa tion for everyone in the pro cess These were the main points on which the provincial govern ment based its decision to re organize the provinoes 122 school boards into more than 70 courtly boards One board is now responsible for the complete education of the students in its area Teadlers will sign mntracts with the one board parents wilitakc their complains to the same board and all the denisions will be made by that verv same board Thats the board that per cent of the popuhtion voted for last December The changes that will come about as result of the renr ganimtion will have farreach ingeftect Mudi oi the spirit behind the changes is contained in the Hall Dennis report One at its auth ors Lloyd Dennis has spoken to more than zw public audien ces about what he hopes will continue to happen in Ontario schools The report has been described by many as controver lNoel Stockton second lmt public relations oiiicer with the Unemployment insurance sial yet Mr Dennis maintains that everything in the report is being done somewhere in Ont ario OLD MYTHS The old myths and approaches to education are to be knocked down Some of the changes have already taken place Report cards are no longer the same the strap as form punish meat isni given nearly as often Homework is being looked upon in much different light Par ents are being urged to play more meaningful role in the education of their children There is much public pressure to keep schools open longer and make more public use ot the buildings it wont be long before schools are called community centres The many changes that are bout to take place offer an ex citing opportunity to todays par ents So far few seemto have accepted that challenge Many parents are amazed at the complexity of the world round them The subjects their children are studying didnt ex ist whenthey went to school The new mathematics and the new computer languages areall confusing Parents have to stand by slightly frustrated when their speakerï¬at annual Bossca Night dinner meeting ol the natural concern tion explosion children ask questions because they often dont have answers Knowledge is becoming more pervasive and all encompassing Todays students know more and are developing different set at values They chaff little at the restraining hold parents notur aliy place upon them On the one side parents display their Their values have served them well and they feel their children should embrace those values litany stu dents dont see those values as sacred any more they would like the opportunity to examine the old values and perhaps lorgé some new ones They may well decide that the old values are best andiri doing so bring much needed revitalization to those values They dont know what they really want but they do know they want to try some thing dilferent They find it difficult to under stand why parents always sus pect the Worst when they are out late or at an unsupervised partyl Theeommunications gap be tnceen parents and students is partly the result oi the inlorma Students today knowmore Their style and ap proach to life lardiltercnl Stockton are From left Will ard Everton awareness of the inherent dang er of drug and alcohol use and less chance of illegal use at drugs would probably result NEED EDUCATION Dr Delaney modera tor ol the panel said children should deï¬nitely be educated bout thc consequences oi using drugs and alcohol Chlldren should be able to make up their own minds about using drugs and alcohol based on knowledge not on superstition fear or pres sure he said Th panel emphasized that marijuana distorts an individ unls concept of time and space and certain motor operations of the brain such as specific rear soning processes but not all reasoning processes The panel also emphasized that there is no difference in the effects of alcohol and marlua na except the effects of morn luana are immediate and the effects of alcohol are cumula tive In addition the panel said marijuana doesnot form an addiction whereas alcohol does The reasons panelists could give no concrete answer to the concerned parents about any pos siblc danger of smoking mari juana was that the experts who have studied marijuana dont know what the long range dang ers may or may not be Another question asked by member of the audience was Why is the use at alcohol con doned when it is addictive and harmful yet the use of mari juana is illegal Mr Gray answered the ques lion by stating alcohol is and has been with us ior 25000 Years He said alcohol is an in stitution which is protEcled by its long usage and myth 0n the other hand marijuana is re latively new to the general pub lic in the western world Only for the past 50years has the public been aware ol marijua na and ils long term effects are still not known Bernie Smith director of In ter lt School Christian Activities added to Mr Grays statement He said alcohol is in all the respectable people drin jEven in movies do the actors ask it anyone wants cup of tea No said Mr Smith they ask if anyone waan drink Mr Smith also asked the and ience if anyone knew who the highest paid person in Holly wood was No not an actor dir actor or producer but person paid by the alcohol producers whose job is to get alcohoi into Invcrrsrljnvgnosrro Bosses Oornmission was the guest Barrie Jayeees Witb Mr Sykes secretary treasurer and guest harry Sly Exam inert Photo the movies asimuch at P05 sihlc According to the panel the only sensible thing lor parents to do is for them to be aware of the consequences of drugs and alcohol and most importantly lor parents to make sure their children are aware at these con sequences The panel also stressed the importance of parents connnunA icating with their children and taking the lime to talk with their hops if youth and parents estab lish good communication and both are aware oi any dangers in alcohol and drugs fewer prov blems will have to he handled by school andpoliee authorities lt children about problems Per wns agreed Angus Stuciies Incorporation Feasibility at taking renewed steps to have Angus pollen Vil lage and vicinity incorporated as town or Vllllle continues to be studied by the Angus Dis trict Chamber of Commerce we hav advanced to the stage where we hope to have deï¬nite plan ready for consider ation before long raid George Gucrgis chairman of the lndub trial promotion committee at the chamber his words reflecting considerable enthusiasm for the idea which he think could great ly boost Angus development it we had our own council and administration we could accomplish much ourselves and it would certainly help to at tract new businasandindtmry argued the Angus businessman who is himseli interested in es tablishing nestend shopping plaza Mr Guergis hopes to con Istruct modern building for flail POPULATION CITED in regard to the proposed in corporation of Angus be said ha was thinking of the overall good of the conununlty check on police vllInle population placed the latest ï¬gures at 1118 people survey showed 2780 people in thevbuiltup area round the police village lhii Ir more population than same ol the existing Simeon County towns said Mr Guer gis mentioning Stayner in par ticular with around 1000 people Angus has an asessrnent at about $3000000 There was an other $0000000 assessment in the PltlQ area of Base Borden Base Borden pays approxi mately slioooo in lieu ol taxes to the township of which 51 000 goes to the county said Mr Guergis suggesting some oi this money would probably go to Angus if it incorporated We should get our share be con tended LEGAL RIGHT preliminary report on in legal position or the community and possibilities open has been received We are getting more inlormatlnn to have some points dark red said Mr Guergls stating be antidpatedit uuuld be made wtiic when this done in 1965 Angus made no appli cation to the Ontario Municipal Board tor viltage status but it was then rejected we feel it would be diiierent now because there has been great deal new development since then remarked lr Guergis reierrl tag to new housing subdivisions new businesses and industy Angus police viliagclucated in Essa has large surround ing builtup area Most at this is in Essa but some is in Sunni date As police village it has board of three trustees which looks after local services within Its area oi lurisdiclinn People there are taxed or those serv ices accordingly in addition to the regular township taxation larger zone has been desig nated as parks board area and residents here contribute to the upkeep of parks CLOSE 10 PROBLEMS While Essa administration has given Angus Problems regular at tention local council and stall would he or even greater value Mr Guergla maintained stating the Chamber believes many oth ers tool the same way We are close to our own problems and naturally more in terested he argued lie said he anticipated there would be public discussions at meetings of the Chamber alter complete details are receivcd Consideration can then be given new application for incorpor ation as separate municipality camouflaged patrol ol sol diers irom Britains elite Cold stream Guards heads out into the Ontario bush during an rim BRITISH moorsrnnin near exercise at Ease Borden Sev enteen oi the guards are now taking winter training with the special warlare division com hat arms school at Borden On completion of their training thEy will go in Wainwright AI berta where they will join 200 members or their unit whoii are taking part in joint Bril ish and Canadian exercise Canadian Forces Photo wants Education Campaign 0n Proper Ilse 0i Alcohol TORONTO CF Provincial Secretary Robert Velch said Thursday provincialliquor laws should provide for widescale public information program to ve drinkers the latest scien tific data on fthe proper use at alcohol MrWelch whose portfolio in cludes the activities of the liq nor control and licensing boards told meeting of young Liberals that the government faces dilemma in liquor logis iation Many people feel that alco hoL playsanvimporta relenin their lives it is lrequen used to enhance meal as part of religious ceremonies on lestive occasions and as relaxant Apprcrdmatelyvbo per cent of the people in this province use alcohol in some form or an other They expathand this is reasonablcexpectation lie lieve be able to purchase their alcoholic beverages with out undue encumbranc Bulhesaid the mi se of al cohol has serious impact on the health and safety of people in Ontario where there are 100000 alcoholics Legislation alone will not solve these problems he added Vha is needed is change in FOR the attitude in one of so eiety gt Report lob Opportunities Canada Manmwer Centre at Barrie announced this morning that Barrie employers are look for workers in the following categories Male Truck Mechanicswitii an Aelasa licence Lmajor ap pliance repairman and TV repa Employers are looking for men to an the following job op portunities Several competent secretaries fora variety of posi tions including legal and per sonnel Factory production wo crs are needed to tilt in pa tlons on the 330pm to 1200 pin shift Anyone wishing futher infor mation is directed totbe Can ada Manpower Centre azADun lop Street Telephone 7284468 for additional information rnv axanmvna WANT ADS PHON 7132414 SALE 25 POOHABtES Brand New Gandron nornl PARK 3368 Toronto $125 HU 87911 each Cash Carry lthllDATORS onga Si Locninno GENERAL IMPAIIIED DRIVING Mrs Thelma Lavery was fined $79 in Provincial Court Venturers Name Executive The Venturer company part at the Boy Scouts attaoltedto St AndrewsCllurrh in Barrie elected new executive last night Karl Parssvwill serve as presi dentotthe group for the next yenrTim Hardcore was etc all vicetpresidem Ed Blame The Venturer company is made up of senior scouts so in of whomare inthe process of qual itying lortheir Queens acout badges REMAle mflioéerran rononro tClJ Greene federal minister of em argy mines and resources was in satislactory condition in hos pital lhursday following his mild heart attack Saturday An aide said the former agriculture minister was continuing to make good progress yesterday for driving while imJ paired by alcohol Dec 14 Mrs Lavery who had no recI ord pleaded guilty to the charge 5301me FINED Mrs Claire ll Foilin 39 of Minets Point pleaded guilty charges of theft under $50 Provincial Coiut yesterday Mrsn Potvin was apprehended outside Towers Department Store witht two pairs of slacks and baltf valued at 923 Juoge manner lined Mrsa Potvin $35 REPAIR nowi PAYtATER on our convenient BUDGET PLAN EXPERT Mechanical Body and ramr WORK Phone itslair DAINGERFIELDS bradlord Stuaarrls looms More run AT 347 BAYFIELD FAST TAKEOUT SERVICE 7280941 open Dally nu midnight Friday and Saturday on am