an Jharï¬vLIvgt It robe item is it nylon sari Canada was too young so the Congress drugstvitiiout your doctors ap may result in ovcidosage ii tak FOR ropionnoyv mance artistic pursuits and en financial matters between May WINTRY WEST COAST Debbie hlneKenzle 17 makes three pnintlnnding on snow covered Kitsilnno Bouth when Kit ino second aiy school stu nls in bikinis TN OTTAWA and old rostumcs vs winter chill in pre view of swingin and carnival next month in Van CF wirephoto Native Oi India Describes Adjustment To Canadian Lite OTTAWA tCIl Chakilah Iuliiluddin oi Calcutta India is experiencing her first vinlei in ZCanudn And that can be pretty cold especially ii main wani hlis Jniuluddill the attrac Iite lormor member vi prov incial legislature 12 miles lrom Calcutta and deputy minister at social ucllnre in her home prov ince is having to make many adjustments to her new tile in As well as looking alter her murmurold daughter hero and Riing her own housework 71 the ï¬rst time she is making new friends and speaking con slant English llcr Dttu lite she said in girl interview is all new and diTA lrreot lint my husband likes his job as an economist with little the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency and that is important now Mls Jillaluddin was born the daughter at government worle or who became politician deputy minister to agriculture he died suddenly and his enl legecducatorl daughter was asked to runior election to his seat in the legislature niioroian STUDIES My sister was studying med icine in London and my brother party chose me was so sur prised gt Although she won the byctee tion with 42000 sympathy vote majority she went on to win two more elections on her own in 1961 she also gave up slud Dont Mix Drugs Without Approval Taking some drugs with other proval is extremely dangerous says theiederal health depart ment publication Tiandle with Care For instance some drugs may intensity the action of other drugs as occurs when barbit urates and some analgesics are taken simultaneously Alcohol at so may intensity the eiieeta oi some types at drugs Drugs with similar effects on together 0n the other hand drugs ivi opposite eiiccts may work ag st each other forugs Handle with Care is avbilahlo tree oi charge from yourproviricial or iederal health department THE Excellent Venus inlluences 1th accent the glamorous in to lertainment ll careiul to avoid errors yousliould also do well in pccupotional interests with some longawaited recognition pdsstbl FOR IllEJilTiTilDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that within two weeks many presl suresgoi thepnflin both your business and personal lile should lilt and that you may then Teel more encouraged than you have in some time to ex pand your interests This you can do it yodoperataconservav tively Somegood brooks in lï¬th and July 15th should give your spirit lilt but really propitious period along these it In limi and should be size By nsriirzcure les towards her masters deyea and married graduate of the London School of Economics who was at that time assistant manager to shipping com tinny ble tile pretty well My husband only made laces when became unusually busy as deputy minia ter oi social welfare in india this job is an elected one not held by public servant as in your country lrs Jaialuddin has travelled widely and is well inlormed on world events She admires Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as woman but wishes she were holder as leader oi her country This may come with experience she is very intelligent Testy Appetizers 0t Bacon Cheese STUFFED BACON ROLLS Cut sliced bacon strips in hall Roll one tablespoon seasoned bread sluiling in each hall slice Fasten with wooden toothpick Broil to minutes until bacon is crisp turning once Note cup slotting plus slices bacon will make 16 rolls An added touch suggest Homo Economists at ttiaodonald lrilt stitute University of Guelph is to moisten thestuiiing with ap picsauce or serve with hot apple sauce 0HEESEFINGEIIS Cut bread in linger shapes Brush with mixture at tablespoons melt ed butter and beateniegg Roll in grated cheddar cheese and brown under the broiler Winter Squash For Menu Variety Winter squash acorn butter nut and Hubbard varieties should be on your top priority list for all eating Squash should have hard rind ma ture evenly developed color and freedom lrom blemishes heavy ior its The Foods and Nutrition partment oi Macdonald in tute University or Guelph re commends squash as good buy Inexpensive good source of Vitamin mild flavored so it blends well with other loads squash deserves place in your shopping basket STARS SAY lines is indicated between Sep tember 15th andNovember 15th with October outstanding Do avoid extravagance and any kindaol speculation lor the next 12 months howeverbut espev ciaily during the iirst two weeks oi September Propitioua pe riods for job advancement Feb ruary May July talc Septems her and early December gt Bath your social lite and re mance should take on overtones of the glamorous during the year aheadespecially bemoan June 15th and September 15th and between Novembr lSlh and January lst when you should make many new lriends as well as influential contacts Most propitious periods for travel will not occur until early two child bornonthis day will be endowed with line business and organizational ablittv cent oi United States exports Kama Sutiaï¬ Style Garb ROME Illwtust Rams youngest designer Tuesday aim muted nudityKama Suï¬ Mic Angch Tortole oi Camsa flawed beach sulu consLsting of tiny blocloth and nothing else but lots oi lndianstyle gold drains and baubles suung over the dim VIbcy went with killedged ter rycloth jackets and looked as thouzh they were inspired by it lmations lrom the Kama Sim ianious ladian love nunuaL 1M audience speculated the suits would produce iascinat ing pnum it anyone tried to mom in themthat is illhcil mid stand the hot metal on their skin Both Tarlozzt and another promising young designer Aus manbom Help Riva had nu merous bolero tops separated by ai expanses oi midriil rum Adria to trousers under neath Riva showed smart block andmhite print lawsuit which untastened to show only Jim in the same print Tariozzis clothes were mostly on the Ihirtwoist them straight and tightly hcilcd ior day with wide lapcls and short sleeves For evening they new in flowing transparent chillon doltEd Vllli heads EXPORTS LOW Canadian exports to the Mid die East in 1967 were lnttIl $7000000equal to only 25 per seemed to manage my dou TIIE BARle KXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN 23 May Appoint Women OTTAWA IGPIV Mrs AI Milne oi Winnipeg president at ihc National Council of Woman at Canada said Monday Prime Minister demu told council delegation the garment is wnsidcring appointment oi some women judges to superior courts gt lrshiilne headed delega tion oi about 73 council mom bros who earlier in the day Pie senled the organizations annual ie to the Prime Minister no cabinet ministers also ut tended die illhour meeting in the Parliament buildings which was closed to the press The council includes about 1800 or contentions and claims to repre sent about 750000 persons train all provinces Later at news conicrcnc iirs Milne said both hirlni lean and Justice Minister Turner mentioned the possibil ity oi appointing more women judges lir Trudeau had also said Canada had long way to go FOOD PRICES AHO BONIIS BOOSTER ITEIAS EFFECTIVE JAN 29 30 Ill FEB lst mth CLARKS SO Elihu sitter UPS 4u69° an 35° OZ IIE FIR IIIIIISPgAV noon nut CREMER IIWUIHIIIHIIHM viii renames FIRM RED rnoouor will LANCE All Itile erroc Clllol In OAROEII FRESH INFOITED PRUDOCEOF ML BROSSELSPROOTS VITIIIHS OF SllltSIllltE FLORIDA ORANGES FRASERVALE mono PEAS carrots and Illner AWAKE BOOTH alumni Doomtns omit mintII THE choice is YOURS SAVE IGA BONUS TAPES it in outline no IOA TOlll CERTIFICATES IliA BONUS EIFIS Iii EATON lilFl CTRTIIICATES notion or ins RIPE SLICERS IEXICO nurnrui gt 2n39 snipiisi 39 Mumiipim um IEEF OR IRISH srrw mm mlt ml PE moron norc iiiiooocit nuns Ilfllllblm llrlmuunuic IEAT IALI SAUSAGE IllsTllFAï¬ Judges before discrimination in em nioyrnent opportunities on the one oi sex was eliminated Some barriers were in the mind against peoples altitudes TALENFS AROUND It had said that in an age when skills were more impor tant than muscle flicre was morc scope lor the particular talents at women in properly balanced society there would be an adequate use of womanpow er AIIS Milne said the Prime Minister indicated talent banka roster ol capable competent women suitable Tor appointment to for example vacancies on government boardswould be helplul REGISTRATION IllGlI At the end at 19 116 lcdcral Iy registered insurance compu nics and provincial compa nies were authorizcd to serve Canadians MRREDsiitiltivtE SA ruin inc and it was diilicult to legislate AVLIAER ANN LANDERS ADVlSES Dclr Ann Lannie Four years ago married man my parents never liked My dad at ways said Brian locked with lion Last night Brian came home and announced he had quit his job at the supermarket Con llictwill the boss This job tasted six months the longest he has stayed with anything since we married We have two small children and cant so to WOIIErED helppay the bills the way used to Brian says the reason he has employment trouble is that he has never had Job equal to his brains and ability cant un derstand Ann with all the pros perity arwnd how It happens that capable man never seems to get the opportunity Cnn you explain lhisl BEIANS WIFE Dear tlltc Theres plenty oi opportunitynround The reason some people dont recognize it is because it is disguised as hard Work Brians inability to stick with njob is sign immaturity lte needs to plant some seeds at honest labor water lhcm gener ously with perspiiation and stick around long enough to see what comes up EXPERT ADVICE near Ann Lenders My girl and are both in high school We are very much in love Last week Sarah learned she is pro WQIk WW3 ANN myoicns nant Yesterday we told our parents we want to get married My lollts say its all rlght with them Sarahs parents say no They want her to go to her aunts in Wisconsin and have the baby then put it up ior adoption We live in small town Ann and she couldnt lace people unless she was mar rlcd Serhh is qulotperson Shc respects her parents lot and now she acts she must do as they say What is your opinion PATIENT TIIOUIILE Dur Trouble How old are you How old is Sarah would you quit high school Can you support wile and child My advice Is to sit down with your clergyman lie knows you and your girl and both sets ol parents Itis judgment would be Cant See AOpportunity In Hard Disgulse better than mine And better than 13 00 COPIED Dear nun tnndcn have 3yearold problem She is my mother am it My mother copies my piano lcacher few days ago my piano teachers lit tle girl didnt want to eat her oatmeal so she threw it down the laundry chute Her mother turned right around and made another bowl or oatmeal What she didnt eat Tor breaan ahl had to eat or lunch Now when dont want In eat something my mother sayx All right youll see it at the next meal And sure enough there It is What do you think about mother who copies the piano teacher COPYCATS SON Dear Son think your piston leadicr ins wonderlul idea and hope lots at other mothers copy hcr lPSI love oatmeal and eat it even when dont ave tort WORIIIN CUI Alli CAPE TOWN trlil The supply ol male harbors is die minisiiini hcre authorities re port and women are being trained lor the job Either you have to go to salon by ap pointment only or get your wile to clip your hair one barber said says Bill Hodgson owner of Ajax IGA COURTESY ANT PERSAOTNilI SERVICE IS IMPORTANT but most imporiunrof all is making sure that IGA Customers get the best poss iblevuluefortheir money My customers know and thats why can welcome th 48 OZ Finer iltt FRESH ONTARIO PORK SAIF FRESH PORK alternator cocooiirnrshitococrulsaiinui MANNINCS SNACK PAK Alli COFFEE CRISP KIT Iii SIARTIES ASSORTHI RthlliitEE BARS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OOAIIIITIES mntuuuiui in SUHNIIIORII TEA Mum ion rrruugnr tnmuo into SPINACH nwnuhln on inheritPiousoar CHEESEttiGS one so 13¢ 3i99 It ill PRES ruin mu mt in uinrm no nowon JAM monument will mu will VIITI rmi Ir rm aiuinirei HIM PARSNIPS ruminant AVAIIA CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER II ESSA RI JCT ESSA III emwe air out INSTANT COFFEE sIs slittian 2249 vmmmum TOILET TISSUE 2e49° BAKERY OVER FIBR ieA itiiuam PIESim KAISER nous OHEEZ WHTZ MARGARINE SHORTENING no im wntniiiotto BUTT PORK CH some Iiilttil thltttESS sum SIDE BACON lEAtt ISA SIDE SPARE RIB sour rrruiuu om ROASTIIE CORNEO BEEFCBRISKET Ill CATSOI iuouni the With or it 542 EXTRA TAPES OIE runs 49 32¢ am Zia45 can no 55 69c 99c rounds IGA rooouuan srnouo