OTTAWA iCPl Ioe Mull in his bumofthemonth tour the Harlem Globetrotters and the high school basketball team Montreal Canadiens against the local allstars These comparisons came to mind Friday night as tho Rus tiaa national hockey team hu mlllated Canada 102 in the Ca nadian capital This will not he the team that will represent Canada in the world championships stricken coach Jackie lilactmd said after the game The tcnm was made up mostLy of the Ottawabased Eastern Nationals bolstered by ille players from the Winnipeg based Western Nationals Since tho Russians arrived in Canada lost wcokcnd they have outscored various combinations of the Canadian national squad 397 in winning four straight games Thcrc are three to go the next in Winnipeg Sunday night in Fridays gamc ccatre Ana loiy Firsov scorcd the first six goalstwo or them deflections off the stek of Canadan dc lenceman John Fergusonthen mercifully was hunched for the last hall of the game AIPLAUI TlIE SAVES The crowd of about 10000 in cluding the Sorict diplomatic colony hcrc was enthusiastic at first it was soon reduced to clapping politely whenever the hardpressed Canadian goalie stopped shot The Russinns rolled up 100 lead before Canada scored late in the second period Their other goals came from Alex lilo tovllov Evgcni Mishakov Alex Maltscv and Alex Yakushcv The first Canadian goal came on penalty shot after centre Torry Caffcry as hauled down by three Russians in dash on their net Cattery hit the ride of the net in his firstattempt on goalie Victor Konovaicnko then was awarded second shot because Knnovalenko had moved beyond the goal crease heiore Cattery crossed the blue line Caflery put his second shot over the chunky Russians left shoulder lnt thethinl period Caffrry set up Richie Bayes for the sec ond Canadian goal The Russians scored their ï¬rst eight goals on Steve Here then put two past western goalie Dave Cfeliand who didnt have to contend with Firsov TURN PRESSURE OFF Firsov and two other Russians didnt dress for the third period when the Russians gave public notice that they had turned oil the pressure by monopnlizlng the puck in their own end zone for about two minutes in fas cinating display of authority Coachhlaclood said that im flaps to of those who played Fri day night will make the Cana than team for the world CltCDIRA plonshlp tournament He said he wasnt pulling players off the ice whcn they made mistakcs because he wanted to give them international experience The saddest moments came when Ferguson tipped in two of Firsovs goals in the first incident Firsov placed shot across the goal mouth and it flew in off Fergus sons stick in thc second Firsov most valoahla player in last years competition came doWn the left side alone and fired thetpuck in front as he skatcd behind the not Ferguson was standing in front of the net and the pur placed neatly on his stick bounced in Canadian Govt Hockey ImminentsarsiMquiro to OTTAWA tcl Federal oc tion to get more of Canadas hockey strength into internation at competition is imminent fed eral Health Minister John Munro indicated early today itfr Munro said in an inter view he will meet hockey fig tires shortly and expects to bl able to make an announcement thereafter He had just watched Russias national team trample Canadas 102 At reception later he said it hurts on to think that Canada used to tie the teacher in international hockey The Russian visiurs politely rubbing it in gave hima souve nir hockey stick marking night Soviet world and Olympic hock ey championships1954 1956 It 1964 1965 1556 3671968 Burned into the stick were thc names of great Russian players Looking at all these signa turesgi cant help but wishl had few under contract here in Canada Mr Munro said LACKS EXPERIENCE Canadian Coach Jackie lilac Lead shaken by the complete ncss of Friday nights defeat said his team is young and inex porienced He added that things are looking better as result of the interest of Mr Peggy Fleming EdgesvDebbie Meyer For Athlete Of Year NEW YORK AP Peggy Fleming the Dresden Doll of Uruted States figure skitting was named Female Athlete of the Year Friday cdgingswim mcr Debbie Meyer in théclos est balloting in the men isto ry of the annual Associated Press poll Skier Nancy Cream of Ross land 230 gold and silver me atist at the Winter Olympics who relinquished her amateur status for advertising and broadcasting last spring niacod sixth in the balloting with NI points Miss Greene was earlier named Female Athleteof the Year in Canada in poll of sports writers and sparlseasters gsy Press Miss Fleming the only gold medal winner at the till or Hooper Leads Bahama Open FREEPORT Bahamas AP Herb Hooper hit the green in regulation Iii times Friday and added careful putting to take twostroke lead in the $5000 Grand Bahama opnn golf tour nament after 36 holes Hooper added 58 to his firstround 69 for 137 totaL Stan ilomenuik ttirst round leader from Dauphin Man carded 72 Fridayfive strokes oil the b7 he fired Thursday to set course record wile dropped to second place two strokes behind Hooper din champion Vlll Homenufk of Winnipeg Stans hyoiggr is far back intthc field Ruth Watson 267 262 Barb Dal Munro and the federal govcrn mont Were getting little tired of losing and we plan to dolsomo thing attoutit At this stage we are the students and the Russ stans are the teachers But he was looking forward to the Visit of the Russians to Cam aria in late February and early Bowntto KEMPVIEW BOWL Ladle Tuesday Afternoon STANDINGS New Brunsu rince Ed ward isiand Brltlsh Coiurnn bia 21 Nova Scotia Ontario 10 Saskatchewan Alberta lflli Yukon 11 Newfoundland It Manitoba Eli High Singics Millie Carins 30B Enid Dempstcr zoa Fay Perry 280 Sheila Butlam 276 ton 257 llagh Tnipfes hunt Watson 758 Millie Carins 701 Bernie DeJardine 566 Leitha Franknorrr on Enid Dempstcr 637 Sheila Bertram 634 Norma Vernon tits Vera Barnum 614 Doris Ed gerton bio Barb Dalton6ffl March for second tour Mr Munro did not identify the hockey figures to wooinbc was referring when hetalked about strengthening Canadas national team But he has made plans for meetingwith president Clarence Campbell of the National Hockey League in the near future SUEVS BOWLING Twilight hilxed Men Iiigh Average Jack Symes ltï¬ HighTriple Roger Woodard 621 High Sin chen High Average Jean ne Marten gle Rogcl Woodard lligit Triple Iv Lorraine Mil burn 560 High Single Lorraine itlilV burn715 Men High Singles Culium 205 Bill Ryckman 195 Jack Symes 195 Harry Realty 191 Ron Milburn 190 John Gou touskilQl Roger Woodard liili Wayne gh Triples Jaek Symes 565 Wis yne Cullum 549 John 536 Dave Marten kman 519 Heinz gies Jeanne iionoi awards by the Barrie Olympics edged Miss Meyer Marten 176 Bernice Drser I71 Sandy Zcigler 1661 Flo Dietrich let maria Realty 162 Liilian Lee loll High Triples Jeanne Marten lat ltlallLvnLaw 4n Lillian Lee 460 frene Donaghy 437 conducted by The Canadian the first swimmer ever to win three individuajzgold medals at the summer Olympic Games by six points in tbenationwide voting by sports writers and broadcasters Miss Meyer actually received onemore ï¬rstplace vote than Miss Fleming 153157 and the twoeaeh had 90 secondplace voles But Miss Fleming gained the award with 47 thirdplace votes to 38 for Miss Meyer That gave Misle rating 698 pointstn 692 for Miss Meyer NEW YORK AP Debbie Meyer of Sacramento Calif the first swimmcr in Olympic history ever tQWin three gold medals in individual events won theJames Sullivan Award Friday as the outstand tng amateuratitleto or 1968 in the United States Miss Meyer in winning the award bestowed by the UIS Amateur Athletic Union bc Sandy Zeighler 427 SHEAS BOWL BARRIE Lantesluosdny Atfernoon Reindeer 14 Beavers Monkeys 13 ll Chipmunks ti Foxes annuities High Singles z7ltfarg Reynolds 245 Marg Richardson 236 Lolly Landialp 235 gh Triples Gertie Dickey 669 Marg Reynolds 594 Lolly Landiak 589 Im Ramph 556 High Averag 203 Lorraine Ackcr 199 Hazel Wice 190 Marg Reynolds 137 Gcrtie Dickey Gertie Dickey woltlseisnotters fin Chuvalo Fight now Your tAPt Buster Mathis backers planto tlse it came only the fotlrth female Winner in the 39year history of the award StKittsluniors Whip Moose law MOOSE JAW Sask CF St Catharines Black Hawks oi the Ontario Hockey Association Junior series thrashed Moose Jaw Canucks bf thesaskatchcï¬ wan Junior League 82 home liil1li farts Friday night Alan Young paced the Black Hatvks withr threegoais Rick Redmond Skeeter leal Doug nomhougll Rick Dudley and Dennis Giannini added the oth Bruee Hellemnndfscored llfltlt Moose Jaw goals little pro football strategy in the big fellows iZround match with George Chuvalo the Canadian heavyweight dï¬lftph here Feb Jim lselin whose father is president of New York Jets and ions ofMathls eamp expects to act as spotter in the malla lilnelfvlthelectrontc contact with the boxers corner If the pro coaches eanspot something from the upper deck said fseiin figured might payable to help from the longrdrigerview After all the worst placenta en fight is from the cornbr Iscii already has introduced suehnoycities as films tof all training sessions no actual bouts by his fighter He plays thornback incomp Just like the football coaches usetthe rite 1025 ANATOLY FIRSOV cen tre with the Russian notional hockey team shows form he used to earn six goals lead in his team in aio2 victory over Canada at Ottawa Friday night lCi Wireplrotoi Minorllockey Day schedule 0i Games Barrio CoOp Midgets play Vil mette of Chicago at the Barrie Arena Sunday afternoon in the first of lotlr gnmessehedufed for minor hockcy day Faceoff Is at his pm The second game on the card pits the Pee Wee Knights against the Ted Reeve team from East Toronto Official opening and prcscntat Mittor Hockey Asspciation takes place at 340 pm The third game will follow the ceremonies when Toronto Olvnl pics play the Kinsmen Novices That game starting at 535 pm will feature URW Bantams hguinst the Buttcheeps of Tor onto The CoOp fidgcts are also scheduled to pay Wilmette at pm tonight HOCKEY ltT ll GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS American Hershey Baltimore Providence Buffalo Cleveland Rochester Central Memphis Amarillo Oklahoma Omaha Fort Worth it Dallas Eastern 941cm Clinton Greensboro Charlotte Nashville 5Jaeksonville Neeraven Long island international Muskogon Port Huron Fort Wayne Toledo Dash ines ltCoiumhus Westan Portlando Seattle San Dicgorz Vancouver OIIA Junior Peterhoroughn Niagara Falls Ottawa ti Kitchener Oshawa Montreal Toronto London OHA Senior Woodstock Belleville Kingston Barrie Oakville 43 Collingwood Gait lOrillia gt Central Junior Brnckville Smiths Falls Pembroke tottawo and Western Opt Jr Sarnia Brantford ottawast Lawrence AA Shetbruuke Loyola Macdonald Bishops Western international Cranbrook Trail Western Canada Estevan ti Saskatoon Calgary at Winnipeg PM Saskatcllcwan Senior Moose Jaw Regina 12 30 Junior New Westminster Pcnticton Victoria Kelowna SJHLOIIA St Catharincs Moose Jaw Manitoba Junior St James West Kildonan OQAA Laval hchill Quebec Junior Drummnndvllle Quehccjt Sorél ThetfordMinns finance Senior St Hyacintha Chieoutlmi ti Exlllbitlun movies of last weeks games Russia Canada Wt iWearItnd Tear DiProfessional Hockey Tells OnfThe Coaches By CANADIAN PRESS One NHL coach has lost his lob another coachs Job is on the tint and it who Pittsburgh fans have their way the Pet gains will be in the market for new mentor John Muckler was relieved of the Minnesota coaching job last Sunday after holding it for less than three weeks Thursday Bernie Geotfnnn of New York Rangers announced he had to latte threeweek leave because of illness and there is speculaa tion that he may not bobaek that the Rangers will use the ill ass as way to get new coach Genera managers Wmn Blair of Minnesota and Emile Francis of New York hnve regained the coaching Jobs they held last sco son Red Sullivan the Penguins coach has been target of dis gnlntlcd PitLrhurgh fans this season The Penguins finished fifth last season under Sullivan and now are tied for last in the Western Division The tcarn has won only fottr of home games this season causing some speculation that Sullivan will not be back next year His contract ends this sea son SIIII OUT SULLIVAN At one recent Pittsburgh home game woman handed out matchboalLs that had ship out Sullivan on the covcr Pittsburgh fans receive anoth cr chance to yell for Sullivans scalp tonight tthcn the Penguins play host to Toronto Maple Leafs in other games Phila deiplLa Flyers visit Montreal Canadiens New York welcomes Chicago Black Hawks St Louis Blues are at Boston Bruins Oakland Seats meet the Red Wings at Detroit atld hos An gcles Kings are at Minnesota Sunday Montreal is at New York Toronto plays at Detroit Boston plays host to Minnesota Ins Aucclrs visits Chicago Pittsburgh is at lhilatlefp and Oakland iourneys to St Innis Jock Riley general manager or the Pittsburgh team appar fteds contract is up and itll be uptorne to renegotiate new connect with him this npringuOl course lot will tie pendon what my owners say dont think you can blame Red for mistakes made by guys who have been around the NHL for years Geolfrion is an example of the for living nltn nu rennin and insecurity involved with their HEALTH raonLiasr lie is in poor physiml condi tion because at an uleerooera tion last year recent attack of flu and poor eating habits Francis has hinted that Geol frion will be away longer than the three weeks prescribed by doctors And Gaoftriona emotional pcrlnririance at news conference Thursday sug gests the same feel rcry bad leaving the club in last place said Geol frion Maybe in some games wasnt up for them and it was my fault orire NHL coaches have to pay TOP manila ATHLETE entiy does not blame Sullivan for the Penguins problems Dolphin Meyer today won the James Sullivan Award as thlpbell Foresees Russid NHL Series In The Future VANCOUVER GP Thc National Hockey League would not play Russian hockey team until the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association stepped out of the picture league presidcnt ClarenceCampheil said Friday We are not getting into the international hockey business as long as the CAHA is Canadas official representative he told news conference The CAHA has built our partner and we are not anxious Ito destroy its prestige at any Knights allay Make Ployclls By gt THE CANADIAN PRESS Dont look nowhut London Knights just might make the Ontario Hockey Association JuniorA series playoffs Ilhe Knights blasted Toronto Maribnros to Friday night to extondtan unbeaten streak to six games and put them in con tending position for the eighth and last playoff spot inthe iti team league They now have 35 points and are Lied with Oshawa Generals for seventh spot The Marlboros hold down the eighth spot with Mpoints three ahead of the pursuing Ottawa V675 who scored an important in win over Kitch cner Rangers Friday night Other Friday action saw Niag ara Fails Ftyers edgePeterbor ough Petcs and Montreal Junior Canadiens clipping Osha tua 51 before 6565 fans at the Montreal Forum ACE IN NETS In London Gilles Gilbert hnnv dlcd4o shotsg it in hectic third period to register his first shutout of the season Knights fired4i shots at Paul Hoganson in the Toronto nets Don Maloney Clyde Simon Brian Chinniek arid Bob Roselle were the London scorers At Kitchener Ottawagoalie Gary Doyle faced ï¬lshot barrage from the Rangers who are mired deep in the league cellar Bill Clement led the 675 with two goals while team mates fean Potvfn Pierre Jarry Murray Wilson and Doug Keefer each scored oncc Kitchener goals went to Dave Cressman Cam Crosby and Bob Whitlock Cam Newton the Kitchener goalie handled 45 shots before 39 fans Before 2700 fans in Niagara Falls the hometown Flycrs took 21 narrow win despite dis pitted Peteiborocgh goal by Eidr MaeLeish that delayed the game minutes while Flycrs argued with referee Bob Nadia The dispute came when the we Vt Mamet13 saberde Althouglt Rtlssian conch Anan ly Tarrn itzs old he world like to play an NHL team llic NllLvhas not received any hint of any kind that the Russians want to play an allrstar team or any single team at all Camp hell said However he said the way may soon be cleared for so rics of games between the Bus siatts and an NHL reproscnta tivc He said Cllll report soonn lathe rcleascd will recommend ntation to the fnternation goal judge dd not turn on his fight on shot by laeLeish Nadia had ruled the goal hall gonc in Flycrs coach Paul Emms was handed hunch pen alty for throwing its hot on the ice in protest rtn icy led Niagara twogoals the others going to Phil Roberto and Ross Vebley The other Peterborough scorers were Dave Roy and Craig Ramsey At Montreal theCanadiens got goals from Mesa Ilouie Robcrt Guindon Riehathar tin Garry Connolly and Arthur Quoouechiwhile outshpoting the Generals 37 Dave Iulk hawa goal Tile Barrie Examiner novnr knowingly publishes halt advertising All ad vertisements are aeeopted for publication on the premise that the product the service or the offer ls properly nun huncstiy de scribed and is not word ed or designed to mislead the readers in any re spoct Advertising accepted for publication must not con tain false or exaggerated claims or exaggerated comparative prices and it any readert encounters anything less than lalthlul compliance with nondl than as described in any at ice ifocke Federation that the so not basis ilowcver we have no desire to join the llHF Campbell said Our first obligation is to run our own business successfully Turning toVancouver bid for an NilL franchise Campbell said the city would have fran chise today it its first presenta tion in the NHL board of gover llnts had not been so poor He said the league felt it onshtps be on an open eould not grant franchise to the Vancouver group because of conflicts within it and ï¬nanr cial application that was pitigt ful Campbell said the leugue would have moved in here de spite tlle fact that Vancouver is ilall the size of the leagues purchasing potttll smaiicst city without lot less the otltsian ng amateur ath lete of i956 Debbie from Sacramento oatilis the first swimmer ever to win three gold medal in individual cvonts She is grown at her heme in 1367 Her accomp lldlmeots were aducved last Octtoer at the Obmpic Games in Mcsico Oity Tho awards were bestowed by the Amateur Athletic Union AAUJ tAI Virepitoto The Professional Way noss lanolin GOLF scuooc as Peter St 0rillfn stoma Tllnurs MomFri prltr to am Saturday to pm Sunday pln pun Dosomethlng worthwhile Workwitit the Canadian Armed Forces at keeping peace for the world its albig iob Butthatsour goof Reach Makes the efforts of thousandsiof men in hundred event jobs Take one on at good pay plenty oilexporience chance to go places dnd 30 days annual vocation And men may even say Its on honourable thing you do it so bonus thutwill mokejou feel good advertisement we would appreciate knowing of it ViSlTTHE CANADIAN ronces Morales