Car Accidents rsas racemes errHIa EXAMINER sILraHoues mum ircaiation mm museumMmtx Cianiflsdndvertiihu new nonhuman semHids monomums kinderswamps or You No or BarrieLoniprlojtlsnads Saturday January 25 69 simmer Not More Than 106 Per Copy or Rejects ijrtys Abortion UITAWA GP Liberal MP has served notice that he intends to break ranks with his party colleagues and vote against government bill thst would legalize labortion under certain conditions fiha Issue involved is one of individual consci re and goes far beyond art lines or other mcnmada seiplincs Gordon Sullivan tLHamllton Moum taln told the Commons Friday For this reasoil am oppon ing this proposed amendment concerning the law or abortion in its present form and intend to vote against this bill The Ontario member spoke as debate on the governments omr nihus bill to arncrid the Criminal Code moved through its second Say The debate resumes Mon av The bill would make abortion legal in cases where the moth ers health or life is endangered through continued pregnancy in addition it would permit homosexual acts betweeneon aenting adults tighten up the law on possession of firearms legalize lotteries and make th tests compulsory in drunkdrivlng eases The proposed Criminal Code amendments drew solid support from other Liberal MPs and from the New Democratic Party Gaston lsabelle Hull sal that countries throughout the world have recognized the need for revisian of abortion laws though some have swung too far towards easy abortion The pro posed Canadian 1aw took the right line it as permissive not mandatory dreds ofattempta talet people in the United States know that the spying confcssions were phoneybut most were inter cepted byiheir North Korean captors and followed1by severe beatings This testimony by the intelli genca ships skipper was report ed by navy spokesman who briefed reporters on Buchers five hours of closeder testiv mony Friday before navy courtoflnqulry Capt Thomas Dwyer chief of staff for intelligence for the commanderlot 115 Naval forces in Japan iwhen 7the Pueblo was seized yearago followed Bucher to the stand All of Dwyers and most of Buchara testimony Friday was described as classiï¬ed informa tion by the navy Bucherhad spent the previous orn days in frequently anguished testimony in public He was released irons furtirer appearances subiect to recall Dwyer restunes testifying in closed session today and is to be Coniéseidnls followed by Capt Forrest Stand it recognized that it was up to doctors to decide whether con tinued pregnancy would endsrv ger the mothers health Dodors were in the best positiontogde termlnc this David Orllitow NDPWinni ï¬g Northt supported thebill suggested that it does notgs far enough The govarnment was taking plcayune steps in reforming the law Proposed changes were far from radical or revolutionary Mr Sullivan said he does not believe it is morally right to sacrifice one life to preserve the health of another person Health was defined by the World Health Organization us state oi complete physical men tal emotional and social well being and not merely as the ab sencc of disease and physical wellbeing Srrrelyit must be obvious to all that any doctor should le galiy adopt this definition of health and we would then be faced under the present amend mant with abortion almost upon request rm Reviews LB Decisions Wasrmvawu are The Nixon administration is looking closely at some lastminute de eislom by President Johnson hit denies it is conducting oascbycase search through Dumch files 1n one case Nixon halted awarding naw airline routes across the Pacific for my fun drerreriew and decision Show false Pease andthen Rear Admiral Frank Johnson Johnson was commander of us naval forces in Japan and Buchers superior at tbe time of the capture Pease washis chief of staff pï¬zks dont pnderatand lily be gave up the ship drum Quebecs deputy premier and RIGHT French minister for Foreign Affairs hiichchehre gt signing At EXTREME RIGHT THE CFRANCE treaty was signed yesterday afteran at the Quai dOrsay and here LEI1 Guy Cardinal French Secretary of State hob ert Calict and standing director of Protocol Bernard Durand AP Wirephotol impair AP nrc gtwcrn hours of the emergency period ment of Gen Francisco Franco and there were no reportsol declared threevmonth state of emergency Friday night and muzzled the Spanish press to thwart what it said was an im ternational conspiracy to de stroy the peace The governmentdeeree gives police the right to search with out warrant hold prisoners in definitely without charge exile Spaniards from their home re gions prevent treespeach and prohibit public assemblies Government censorship offi cially abolished in 1966 was clamped on all Spanish newspa pcrs and magazines starting today STEEBEDr Gilli WITH PLIEiiS marrow Conn AP The car didnt have ii cence plates And on cinser inspection police said they discovered it also didnt have steer ing wheel instead Robert Butterr worth 21 navigated with pair of pliers He was fined $18 There was no lmmadiate public reaction in the ï¬rst few VIN aurora ism mics Shidentnevolk enabled inEu rope Asia and Africa Friday Five persons wcre killed in demonstration in Pakistan and several governments warned of severe crackdowns In Decca West Pakistan the army patrolled the streets and Moor marrow was ineffect after three persons were killed and 15 iniured when police iired twice Into crowd One person was idllédéin similar incident in the East Pakistan cityof Chittagong and another died in small town north at Dacna em no be declared threemonth state of emergency in Spain Five key civil rights including free speech have boon sus pended Fnaneo said the studenter dera were felearly related to an inletnational straieglr which has reached numerous coun triesHe ordered the 50000 Student led demonstratinrn were reported in dozensof other student University of Madrid closed The Univennty of Barce lona was closed Jan 16 Among other things Spanish students are dmanding demo erotic associations free of gov ernment control Madrid stu gress of the educational reform program the government draw up after last springs revolt Police guarded the tendon School of Economics alter 300 students tore down gates that had been erected to control pre vious demonstrations Some 30 dents clashed wiflr police Fri day lt7 In France Edubation Minister Edgar Faure warned that stu dent agihthwould be disci plined after the second straight night of student demonstrations in Paris and other cities lhe present movement or agitation ls proliferating in the absurdFaure said in broad asst on tho governmentcon students were arrested The schoolivas closed cititisngilih Paldstanas um ega goverrnncntof ident Moharlrrned Ahab Khan continued togrow lnlï¬araflri where 100 were injured Friday students dolled ban on demonstrations burned three buses and lied with poliooageln today Tire demonstrators Mr lng thereleaseot politi pris onera democratic refo and overnent in educating facil Co nuing student trolled radio netwiirk But rest canned iwill not let things go As of tomorrow the guilty ones will receiA ve notiï¬cation of ï¬lisdlplinaly procedure against em No maior injuries were report cd although rocks and bottles were thawed the Sorbonne where riots last spring preclpi outed government crisis The French students are de manding lsperceni increase in scholarship money and also are dissatisfied with the pro PARIS AP United States Ambassador lionry Cabot Lodga eaiied today for mutual with drnwalmf all foreign troops lrom South Vietnam and said we are ready to work toward the implementation or such mu tual withdrawal Lodgas opening statement at the first session of the substan tlve faurprlrty peace talks also proposed roes tablishmcnt of tho demilllarized hufier zone between North and Spain rsPorice sure To Crush Conspircrcy mass arrests But nationwide crackdown is expectcdron politi cal opponents dissident slu dents33L labor leaders and Basque separatists The action by Francos gov ernment followed wavcof stu dent demonstrations The man versitics oi Madrid and Barcelo na have been closed arid 68000 students have been barred from classes Manuel Raga 1r lb rn Spains information minister warned the country that from this momentytheyiull weight of the law will tell on inciters of unrest and their followers SEES PLOT He said the unrest was clear lyplanncd to push the country into wave of confusion and of worldwide subversion liiadrid University was closed Friday after days of unrest sparked by the death of an ar rested law student Enrique Ruana Ireland Restricts British Protesters BELFAST tAPl ortysix wouldhe English civilrifllts demonstrators arrived in this Northern lreland capital by boat today and police immedi ately banned their proposed sixmlle march to the Parlia ment building at nearby Stor munt Saulnvietnam ï¬rst prac tical step on the road to peace lrodges statement came short ly after North Vietnam and the Viet Conga National Liberation Front laid down the toughestoi terms in policy statements They demanded an end to the current Saigon government and formation of peace cabinet to participate inihls conference As the delegates of the United States Hanoi tho NLF and South Vietnam came face to face around an enormous round 53K FRANC AGREEMENr cardinal signs Three Joint Project Letters PARIS UP Education Minister JoanGuy Cardinal of Quebec said today he signed three letters exchanged with French officials Friday as re oresentativa of the government of Quebec But he declined to describe them as accords and sold thay were the logical conse quence of Franconbec rela tions begun in 1051 Cardinal also told news con fereace that Acting Premier Paul Dozols denied making statement that the education ministcr was not authorized by the provincial cabinet to sign any agreement with French aue thoritlcs in Paris The minister said Dozois did this in telephone conversation with Cardinal Friday night Cardinal said file covering topics agreed on with the French during the current visit was prepared last year by the late Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec and was studied by the cabinet beforegtthe education Mississippi Gas Blasts Hurts lZ LAUREL Miss AP Eighteen tank cars eaob loaded vrllh 30000 gallons of butane gas exploded today in dutch ing series The cars were part of ship memofabutaneotiï¬oara The blast injured at last 11 persons and act offfires in the immediate area The Woodall Lumber Plant which employs 600 or moreworkers was heav th damaged minister arrived in Paris Wednesday The three letters exchanged with lhe French dealt with agretd work on possible Fran mQuebcc teleconummlcations satellite help from Paris for the new University of Quebec and increased promotion of French investment in the provincial economy Cnltlinfll no also brought with him two letters from Que Move To Cut Cong Infiltration SAlGON MP crack bat talion of United States para troops has been moved from the immediate defence perimeter of Saigon to choke oil major Viet Cong infiltration route so miles north of the capital American officers saldtoday betonc from Premier Jean dacqucs Bertrand for President de Gaulle and the other from Domlr for Debra The second letter was about proposed establishment of French oil refinery in Quebec Cardinal said He added that on his return home he will be bringing letters from the French ofï¬cials for Bertrand who has been ill and the acting premier Cardina1 saidcoplcsoi the let ters signed Friday already have been sent to Ottawa Asked about possible conflict between the satellite agreement and Canadian constitutional pro visions governing federalprey inclal jurisdiction in title area Cardinal again emphasized the modern uses of telecommunicw tions for purposes of culture and educationwhich are subjects under provhrclal jurisdiction He said too that the British Czrech Trocps On The Alert PRAGUE Reuters Czech oslovak troops with orders to crush antiSoviet demonstra tions were on patrol in Prague today for the funeral of phlloso phy studentrian Palach who turned himself into human torch to protest curbs on the countrys liberalization pro gram Italy TeoyRecognize Communist China ROME AP The Italian government announced Friday it will recognize Commurist China and the Socialistarty today was reported pressing for similar recognition of North Vietnam Earlier this month the direc torate oi the Socialiï¬ party manner of italys centreleft co alition government unani mously approved document urgrng communion at diplo matic relations with Hanoi Socialist VicePrairie Fran cesco dc Martino has been mg mg Premier Mariano humor to accept this recommendation sources said hit so far We has been no public lndic Humor and his Hrristian Demo cratic party are willing to agree to this The decision to remake Communist China was an nounoed Friday night by Social ist Foreign Minister Pietro Nenni in his first major policy address Nenni took office in December when Rumor formed new oentzelett coalition For years time had been pressure rum various political quarters in italy to exchange ambamdmrs with the regime ol Chainma Mao Tsetung The Lodge Calls For Mutual Withdrawoi in Vietnam table 26 feet across in his toric confrontation Hanoi and the irontvconcentrated on politi cal aspects of prospective set tlement while the Americans and South Vietnam zeroedln on themilitary aspects Both tira NLF and the Hanoi delegates insisted that if the United States wants settle ment it must as the North Vien namcse representative put it seriously tank with the South Vietnamese Front for Libera tion itallan Communist party the largestintheWestJougtiorlt si no the Communists took power in China 20 years ago APSUL want Let Bevel Defend nay NEWSff llrc troops were put on the alert Friday night alter the gov ernment announced it has pivot extremist elements might try to provoke disturbances during the funeral which was expected to attract more than 100000 mour BEIS The government moves fol lowed series of recent special precautionary measures which included the reinforcement of Prague police with ut units and the stationing po lice at key points in the city Palacb 21 died Sunday three days after seitlngfirc to himself in rwellCESlflS Square in the heart of Prague Since than he has become symbol of nation al concern at restrictions im posed after Warsaw pact troops invaded Czechoslovakia Aug hummus Term rarer cerium coon Judge prise Battle told Rev James Bevelrhlriday he may not help defend James Earl Ray against made charge in the assassination at Dr Martin Luther King ran are judge said=la Bévei is not lawyer Lone iiower Challengésiitlaniicflf 10th an naraman rerurrlaaraueporw today can wdli after travelling 100 sales of his planned sine trdleloimreytobecome the ï¬rstrnantomwmebtlanicaimre IlrgeCurb On Colored Immigration warnsarn armada was Edward Heath Cmrsavhï¬ve party leader urged the labor goverrurrent today to clamp even tougher curbs on colored srmistrathnto prevent aflaaewhrmoialtensioarbrkinaing Question French licior On Murder rams hem French movie am Alain Delon ï¬red and drawn hanged from police headquarters hera early todayafzaï¬botleotahmstcootibuousmrestioningonthermh adornsme Britain Sympathetic ToMidliast Plan WNW 0P Brithr lan inid hence it isbesi synrpalheirctoanreoï¬rrgrrtthebigFornpowersontirehï¬dil East Myanlymdertbeumliaoltheihrited Nations drpiorna tl reportadtodayr BanPirecracirers In Tet Festival saroou theaters The South Vietnamese govarnmartbae banned all ï¬recrackers in Lima New YearTetdeaivltles null month the Saigon nuiioary governors ofï¬cennnornrced in corn muniqueioday