Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1969, p. 2

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decrease instead of being up Cross johlingReaveMaurice tsaid he felt the increase of well ms the county council had been only tentative action was asked Recently inducted into the Kiliancn club are from left to right Verne Barrett Al Quinton Bob llughcs George KlNSMEN cult welcomes NEW MEMBERS mote Jerry Halles John Pugslcy and AI Harris Ex aminerihctol Ross Stephens Heads United peal Boclrd Ross Stephens Dunlop St merchant has been elected chairman of the board of dir ectors of the United Appeal Mr Stephen was elected at Education Board Names Area Superintendents The salary bill for admin istrative personnel employed by the Simcnc county board of ed ucation doubled last night when trustees appointed six area sup crintendenls Five of the men will earn $22000 per year and the sixth will cant $70000 The six men appointed Ellis of Midland Ferguson of Alliston Gardhouse of Midland ll Mackiem of Barrie Owen 0i Allislon and DFoxcroit of Barrie will be responsible to the board lor specific areas of the county and also for specific area of study The five areas are drawn long the lines of the prescnt high school boundaries Rough ly they are Barrie Orillia Mid landLCollingwood and Alliston hir Ramsay made point of explaining that while there would be area offices the area supervisors would work out of iheceutra ce to be located in Barrie ey can work as co ordinath team this lray he said The area supervisors will travel extensively throughout the coullty inspecting and dev eloping the courses given to stu dents The numerous innova tions being tried in schools will ontinue under the watchful eyes the supervisors ideas that re tried in one area and are ound to be successful can be out into ellect throughout the Icuunty with the system of sup ervisors the board is develop ng However thesystem is prov ing to be expensive The $148 insk Fer Added $149000 $1 or COunty AsseSSment An increase in budget of $149 423 for the assessment depart out was pl before Sim gde County council yesterday at iternoon and was referred to the finance and administration coma bruttee for study think council should receive in full explanation said Tiny lownship Reeve Montcalm Maur lice former warden who point ed out he had not been mom her for two years AWith the city in Orillliaout one would expect The blldgctnlesenled total llerl 5539715 lvhich included 5339450 or salaries $30000 for data processing $23000 mileage band $12000 for office rents Pro gincial gianttwould reduce this gure to $523775 council was told The 1951budget totalled 539 than and government grant of 25000 reduced thelevy on the county to NTATXVE NOW chumselh Deputy iteeveiiar vel 3100000 should be fully ex iained He reminded mem itnld the county system would ost less when it was decided to takeover these responsibil ities from the local nnmicipall ties The warden Reeve Arnold oucise of Nottawasaga said the annual meeting at the Uni the appeal secretary Donald ted Appeal last night He is Chiltlck takes on llle job of one of eight new executive mcmbcrs Mrs Arthur hiclean becomes 000 year needed to pay these men falls just short of the mount now required to pay the senior administrative personnel The board added another sen ior oilinial last night too Gary Alex oi Oro was appointed nssislant superintendent oi busi ness allairs tplantiat salary ol 919000 The bill for the administrative siatlficorpes to 5107000 per year not including the area superin tendents appointed last night Trustees are known to be un happy with some of the salaries pnid Director ed ucatinn lack Ramsay has continued to stress the scope of the job the new county hoard of education has before it iiir Ramsay Area superintendents appoint ed by the board of education last niglt will be raiwimible for the development and upgrading of subjects throughout the coun ty Each superintendent will de velop expertise inn particular area The six men will work as team out of the Barrieoffice They will be responsible to the board superintendent of academic alfairs Angus hic Kay for the academic develop ment of particular area gt The men appointed to the post tions last night have all taken given for councils consideration after study by committee mo tion moved by Cooksunvn Reeve Louis Monkman chairman and seconded by Midland Deputy Reeve Thomas McCullough reef nmmended to council and to the finance committee that the pro posed budget be approved and the necessary funds be provided for the operation of the depart ment TO BE REVIEWED As others moved to join Reeve Maurice and Deputy Reeve Cross in demanding more partic ulars the warden said This will go to finance committee first lor review and then their report will come before the council Members villbe given lull opportunity to ask questions on any aspect they wish at that mel The warden also agreed to request from the Teculmah depv uty rceve that figures on last years budget be fade avail able for comparisons The new members in particular should be given these figures Deputy Reeve Cross suggestel OVER DOUBLE The budget tigure asked is more than twice the original budgeLwhcn the county first took over assessmentme mu ni lilies it was pmnled out it is costing our municipality much more said Adiola Reeve Fred Baxter commenting on the budget in thevhall llceve Bax ter said his township used to now and full moon would Po set its assessing done for $1100 they will be reduced to raise Superintendents Responsible For Upgrading Development council didnt know where it was that local assessing was much The budget figure includes estimated costs for reassess ipaiities under the new provin cial manual calling for 100 per cent normal property valu atiors Work has already been started on the tunnel Brad fmd villngeot Beemn and other bollrMedonte Sunnidalev and Tossororltioaiso are listed for 1069 remnant Goldwater and Port McNin srnlrrnn DEDATE lous inteivaissinee it vias adopt ed by thcounty the county assumed covers 31 munici Drillin look after their own as sesement Drilliohad been with the county system in 1966 67 and 68 but chm to withdraw when it became oily although re taining most other county serv lea for six months lit Missiof when the new sub staniinliy lncreascd at comes back before the county council when the 1969 county tax rates are cpnsldcled trcam Five new tnlstces have also been elected for the next three maintains the board needs the stall it has appointed it it is to run the ill schools in the county properly The county boards are new concept in the province and there are no figures to use for comparison The cost 01 the new boards will be known in March wbcntbe board of educa tion advises the various munici palities of the amount of money on the boards behalf Funds for running the board are collected by the munlcipal ities throughout the county Dur ing the election budget oi roughly $30000000 ms mention ed by the candidates post graduate training Foln of the six have masters degree in education while the other two have specialized pot graduate degca in education All the appointees have years of experience behind them The youngest of the group Fox croft 34 has 15 years experi once in teaching Director of education Jack Ramsay said last night we were very fortunate to get the men we have He added that at one point the administrotive going to find the men it needed to ill the positions year baton the county took Over behave ours was only about 51300 said Vespra Deputy Reeve Cals Doran observing dleaper for ratepayers lug Ginrent plans are to to assess some seven more munic places creemore Vietonia Har stayner Elmvale Toltenhanl were done last year Topic of spiriteddabate at var palitiesiTlie cities of Barrie and Indications point to more live Rodgers Don Rosanna Robert Sarjcrnt Les Cooke and Ray Marshall Mr tooke last years cum paign chairman for the United Appeal told the gathering he wosrplensed with their recent annual campaign nflinb netted $10213095 which was 31 per cent higher than ttlo appeal of lective of $98870 The Boy Scolds and the high school students inspired the whole city and its environ into new enthusiasm about the United Appeal he said There were number of special events headed by some comp onies groups and individual that gave additional impetus to our campaign the newest partner is Canadian FM Base Borden to whom we are gently indebted for their lo terest and support Mr Codie said he plans to meet with the Barrie YinYWCA to discus Slime public objec tionsbo supporting that group through the United Appeal am personally convinced that the revenues received from volunteer support are pm perly applied to program and services worthy of thb mp port but some of the public is not convinced and there is growing dissatifiaction which mud be faced unmed lately There is need or total examination of all the YM YWOA services and clear distinction made as to those supported by the Unload Appeal There is also need for new public education program to in lorm the public of the true roled in our community he SEl Variable cloudiness and the continuation of very mild tern penahnes is the torsom for to day and Friday for the llama area Winds will also remain lifilt The Toronto weather office predicts low tonight of 32 and high Friday of 40 Noon tunneraune outside the Barrie Examiner wasio Synopsis The boundary line separating the mild air over southern Ontario bom the cold the cold air over northwestern Ontario will essentially remain unchanged during the next 24 to 06 hours Therefore no great change isseonin the weather through Friday The now excep tion is southwestern Ontario where some rain is elemted Windsor London Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Variable cloudiness and very mild today Friday cloudy and continuing very mild with sortie rain likely Winds light today southeasterly 21 Friday year term Those are Mrs John Im THURSDAY JANVAIY School Bd Appoints Advisory Group YMYWCll Elects New Directors At their annual liming this week the Bamo YMYWCA elected six new members to the board of dkedon The new members are Rev Keenan Home him Brian Pusher Stanfield hill Jud kin Mrs Paul Hamis too and Bernie Smith 115 Ernie ilounnn wm also In elodod in the find meeting of the board within followed the an nual meeting omenr wen elect Mrs We becomu pre slch of the Emil Std Kind lil llrot vim pmadent Did second vice Merit Mrs Ernie Rotanan leuetary and Mrs hiary Fey treeum frank Helios Bd President Prank Nellm was clawed pm idem of the Bowieand Dis trld Real mm Board during the boards annual dinnerw ing held lostnLgbt ILtho Air Form Association Cantu in addition to the election of phloem Jock Sugg Barrie law yer addressed the group on spate of the problems of draft ing purchase and sale contracts encountered by real estate sales men Other misran elected were lime rat vice drui dent and Enc Dew snap Lou Goedemondt and Run selt Carson Immediate past presidem is was Robert Not Sauve Made Statement In report in yesterdays Ex smlner Aid Philip Sauvc was quoted on saying he knew of the citys policy requiring boards and commissions to cover the cast of their own short term financing DISTRICT WEATHER Mild Again On Friday and Friday Winch light Hamilton Toronto Niagara Lake Ontario Haliburton Southern Georgianbayl Varia 341 BAYFIELD Parking Authority and allOtta wa alderman huts MORE FAST rusemm SERVICE Open Daily llll midnight Friday Ind Suturdly Ill 15 912 Ald Roberts actually made the statement ble dotldlnem and continuing very rrnid today and Friday Winds light Sault Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury Northern Georgian Bay Tirnagami Algama 50an em White River Damn Coch rane Macmillan ratio and drizzle and continuing very mild today and Fridw Winds 501mb ery 15 Norman White River West ern Cochrane Intermittent lifllt snow and freezing drizzle today and Friday litla colder Winds masterly 15 leom James Bay Inter mittent light snow and little change in temperature today Morncal Ottawa meal with low cloudy periods today day variable clouding very mild Winds light osllllls Ottawamellow Homer 50 chairman of the Ottawa Just about there suggests Crawford prisident of Goongian College Air Craw ford and mentors of his doll spent few moments in yes terdoy afternoons warm sun The citizens save the park committee hopes to be able to retain ss acres ollhc 210 acre former Barrie Golf and Country Club for parkland chairman Dr VTed Benton sold this week Dr Boston was talking to dinner meeting of the Barrie Lions Club Ho said the members of his committee had met with city councils general government conunltteerlo discuss parks and recreation commission rc commendation that would limit the amount of the site to be used for parkland to 36 acres it became obvious that we will have at least obtained park of 36 acres but from the sale of 44 acres that would be left There would appear to be no needvlol ourcampaignat all ilut lids is not the point Thlrt sixtacres is just not enqu it was unanimous on the it of council and to look at posslb is locations for the name plate that will soon be attached to one of the outdde walls of the recently opened two storey building on Duckworth Street On the the parks and recreation com mission as well as our campaign committee that every last acre must be preserved for parkland and it not available or ready use then put in abcyance for development at later time he said Dr Benton said from discus sions with the parks and recrea tion commission and the general government committee his cam paign committee had developed sliding scale campaign when the city purchased the former golf and country club property last year the save thc park committee was given the responsibility of raising $01500 as condition of the purchase of the $237000 site Over and above the 36 acres of basic parkland for each 32 000 we raise wewitl add another acre to the parkland Dr Becton said describing the sliding scale campaign COLLEGE EREliDY FOR llNllL TOUCH extreme left Peggy Day the presidents secretory was critiosi eye at the choice objective while on the elitism right is Ann WellerlElraminu Pho to For Sunnidale Roadequ if we reach our objective of $61500 this will provide us with another 30 acres or more which will give usa 66am park He called on the citizens to donate the park campaign in or der to retain quiet sanctum where man can medilnte obi servevnntum and meet his tel iow man Canada seems to have the doubtful honor of deltroyingy more wild landscapes faster with more waste with fewer people to do it than any other country on earth Most people want land and water handy for relatively sim ple activities They justrwant laste of nature at tho and of grueling day orrweek he said The campaign has so for rais ed only s2500 by donation and 51200 by pledges They have until September to raise the remainder of the 501500 total DELICIOUS Your Choice SliVER DOttAR SAlE Aii our bakery products are prepared fresh daily in our modern bake shops according to our laboratory tested recipes Only the finest quality ingredients are used JELLYROLLS Assorted Fillings 59 Many of these hoveoSilver Dollar inside Buy several and you may win Silver Dollar

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