The plunging neckline and here back were two at the swim shown in Toronto re oently as part the American Wen Coast collections Made up at high lashion and resort California designers zoom THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22 19699 Services And Work 0i VON The Opli Mrs Club oiBar rte met Monday evening in the Skyrnom Lakeview Restaurant lor the January dinner meeting Mrs Ken Mtflutcheon intro dueed the guest speaker Miss Dolorus Grondin oi the Barrie unit or Viclorian Order of Nurses The speaker outlined VON In the Barrie area Miss Grondin also explained the in ancial stnreture at the organi zation Mrs iienry Verstralon thank ed the speaker and presented President Mrs Chris Hastings was in charge oi Ihercgular dinner meeting or the Kioelte Club eroBarrie held Monday eveningat the Continental inn Six Orillia Kinottes joined the 20 Barrie members land tour prospective members attending the session Reports included one by Mrs John Bate secretary Mrs Gra ham Tattcrsall treasurer and Mrs Gary Norris weliare Members voted to cater for the Kinsmeos Prospectors Night to be held March l2 at the Em bassy Hall Blake St Mrs George Harper was appointed chairman oi this project Mrs Hastings reported the club supplied toys and mittens tor theKinsmeu Chi Christ mas hampers Proiits lrom ticket sales from the Consumers Gas cooking school were reported by Mrs Don Cordy VOLUNTEERS the duties and Servicesol Ihe Outlined To OptiMrs Club her with cup and saucer on behallol the club Members decided to IorTrI girls learn or gym games on Saturday afternoons it is hoped the team will be organized be fore the next meeting The anti Mrs and the Op timists Clubs will enjoy son Ial evening and sleighride party in February at the Ponderosa The Ways and Means Commit tee will chair the next meeting to he held Feb 17 and guests will be invited Kinéttes Observe InterClUb Visit from the Kinsmen tor volun teers to assist at to Snowmo bile Rally to be held in conjunc tion with the Barrie Winer Car nival The Orillia Kinettes present ed the Barrie club with travel ling banner to be passed on to another club within the month to encourage inter eluh visita tions Discussion oolr place regard ing memorial to the late Mrs Andrew Gray member at Drillia Kinettes it was decided the two clubs would work Io gether on this project GUEST SPEAKER Following the kindness session Mrs Ross Burwell introduced the guestspeaker Don Shanlt non representative oi local hobby supply company Mr Shannon spoke and demonstrat ed the use or plastics and dis played articles ranging from request has been réceivcd WHAT THE 2i For Tomorrow Stellar influences will beex tremer generous toward crea tive and intellectual pursuits on Thursday also iavor travel DIld0or7interests and personal relationships Make the most of good day FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you should attack major objec those connected with your occu dpation Do not look for immediv ate results hutstars do promise gratifying recognition for past ellorts and new opportunities for advancement in May July September and early December Those engaged in creative or scientiï¬c enterpriseswill find he same months highly produc ve but they can add June to the list oi months in which now ï¬at accomplishment is indicat Where financial matters are concerned all Aquarians will have to be conservative for est ol the year aheadespe eially during the ï¬rst two weeks or September This is no year in which to engageln speculation Through careful management and wise investment or assets however you can make some lino gains notably between May tom and July 15th and be QIIecn midSeptcmber and mid November also in earlyDe ccinhcr Personal st should prove highly stimulating duriru Ie next 12 months with empha sis on romance and social activ ities between June 15th and Sep cmhcr 15th and between mid ovember and January lst By ESTREIIJTA gt one will be periods in which tives vigorously nowespecially swag lamps to ash trays made STARS SAY you 3ean make many new friends as well as influential contacts who could prove inva luable in the future to say nothing or meeting members ol the opposite sexwho lor the single could prove of more than passing interest Dont take sudden hut seemingly glamor ous romance possible during the first week in August too seA rlously however child born on this day would make an exceptionally ï¬ne dramatic actor or writer along sensational lines will have vivadous and outgoing personality gt NoTICEI TURN To PAGE 924 ron COMPLETE perms in run GREATEST MATTREss SALE INgtIJUfl HISTUIIY Now ON AT WOOLWbRTlI UEIAEIMENT STORES HIGH rrsmbns roe SPRING Wear for spring and sum mer the collection is by lop Wire photo WDIIKED LONGER hundred years ago the aver age American worked hilt hours week KEEPlNlHE ranI Channel Your Thinking To Reshaping Your Figure Faults IDA JEAN KAIN Enjoy mesru to take pleasure and uItslaetlon in experiencing Do you think you would enjoy being duper weight it the very dream tluickem your splr it then channel your thinking in that threaten Etluke this stimulating ed veorure in essence stop trying so hard not to do something not to indulge in atlenlog are instead switch your emphasis to picturing your hearts desire The power of an idea rightly pictured approximates sheer magic Thebasis at most sellhelp book Is thisidea on positive mcntll picturing What subtle lorce influences the pictures you harbor in your mindreihe pic tures stem lrom your under lying altilude whether 1th de lear ratonallration or the with lovdo and the willtwin Can you Imaginnuvely cap ture the exuberant state of mind which would be yours ilyou could walk into store and buy your right size dross Can you sense the blissful lceling that would well upwhen you re solved compliments Try it The challenge Isexdting in this hopelul stale ol mind you recharge your enthusiasm and your energy What it from this momenf on you determined to think picture and act as BEST BUYI sAVE on Bravo Plain Sauce litoz tin rré LANCIA SPAGHE MACARONI SAVE Bel KRAFT MILDvCHEESE VCRACKER BARREL III or on bag 1202 WEDGE SAVE l0=l LIBBYS CHOICE SLICED BEETS SAVE 4c KELLOGGS CORN Errors l9OZ TINS for 35 1202 PKG 33c SAVE lQeerUNCAN HINESbeluio Layer Style CAKE MIXES EEATUREI HoNEV GIRL IIEIIIEIH0NEY 759 SAVE 4el PLAIN ORZSAL WESTIINIIRACKERS BEST aUVIf SAVE8é PRODUCE CHIQUITA FULL FLAVOR BANANAS DELICIOUS BC ANJOU FEARS GENUINE LOUISIANA SAVE dcl RED WHITE SLICED 2402 LOAF our pkgs 85¢ GOLDEN 2ib plastic tub is PKG 39 TE 51 MBA TEA ants Full SizePaek Rise Shine Orhngovqrystais plus 7eCoupon Torso REFRESHING NEW TREAT No though success in streamlining were absolutely certain Your mind would be constantly on the alert or ways to make your wishes come true Whenever pick Irp letters lrom desperate overweight readers who plead for help pointing out that they really undid give anything to reduce but cant lor the tile ol them stay on course ponder on how best to help them Science has the way by which ideal weight can he achieved But in some obscure lesbian those who tall are unknowingly exercising the willatolail The winners are In variany the ones who develop builtin slimming system Makethe eliorr to examine your real goals That wonderful machine the brain is geol secker Your mind will help You get what you wholeheartedly want You cant win il you loci putupon by the necessity oi cut ting calories in that irnme ol mind giving up iavorile rich ioods seems anunbcarable sac rifice Realize that in thistou are working against your will Think oi tnie will as being in tiucncori given power by your mental pictures nnd youpre on the inside track You are aims ingtoward goal Then enling for normalueight is not suh trading Irom your joy in in it is helping you to achieve what you want cu ll Ill By GARRY MYERS PM Some years ago hire Myers and were dinner guests In the home or an executive lle had bright daughter During over hull an hour heleredinner this kind lather kept amusing his daughter by drawing oiclures or her to enjoy and by Iolding paper to make iamiiiar objects or creatures Not once did are her draw or make single thing alone Some mothers at the child two or three spend most ol each day amudng their youngsters Many mothers wear themselves out at doingso The working mother may ch smial urge while at home to amuse her young child desirable objective not easy inr us parents to keep our eyes on Is to doiorihe child at any age just enough but no more to cause hlmvlu learn ways ol amusing himsoll also to ï¬nd amusement later with other children at his age This principle also applies to his learning to wait on himsoll and doiorhimscll what he is able to do it may be tar easier for us to amuse him and keep on doing so and to do for him whathe could do alone than to culti to scllvreliance in him in direction Ins INTEREST Alter your child can toddlc he SPECIALLY SELECTED VALUE cchKeo TENDER YOUNG PORK E69c TENDERLOIN YOUSAVE rwrcc wrru TRIM nNorrnrcr Lh GIANT eooxso CHICKEN 4V2ILIT Tin woh Broth so To CARTONf 79 25 ea 19 Hothouse RhUbarb 359 iLOlNTPORII CHOPSi ZISWIFT PREMIUM MILD SEASDNEI SKINLESS WIENERS Thrcc Meals ii OnoRoast Fry so LAMB IN BASKEST gt BESTBUYI SAVE loci PMIRIIIIIJID DETERGENT 89c Lo 29 usesr auvi sAVE INSTANT MONEYIN 55c Cultivate SelfReliance By Teaching And Trairiing may like to go with you about the house as iou do the house work Since you will spend too siderahlc time in the kitchen that will be dangerous place till you have trained trim well to stay at certain delincd sale places lher hard riod tor you is be are he can walk about with you Frorn his businctte or later in his play pen be may like to watch you Helore long he may complain long and loud ly while you are out oi his sight You will be inclined to go to him and try to amuse him or pick him up and rockbim Your problem is to know how long to leave him out oi your sight and hearing how long Io let him complain cry and whine then ll you cant bear to hear him complaining you may spend most at your time with him As he discovers he Nil thus com mand you he will work haIidcr to do so Suppose you are In the kitchen and he in the next room in his playpen and he cries al most continuously when he cant see you Post program by which you will go to him at in tenuls oi Io isor minutes and stay with him ior Iwo or more minutes inducing him to operate some oi his playlhings As he discovers that you dont come to him immediately at his command he may gradually ORIION it iii LB AVE Essex Mild Seasoned Essex Mild Seasoned BOLOGNA on FREEZER FILLE Whole art and Wrapped PORK LOINS III to 13 lbs avg learn to amuse himsetl longer Your sums will depend on how well you can stick to your program and are able to lengthen the intervuls grld ually When this child two three or older let him also learn to wait lor reasonable periods lor you In devote your Whole time to him tor short while read ing to him rocking and end dling him doing and making things with him it there is an older child who sometimes amuses him he may olten say Make play with me Wisely you will at times encourage this older child to play with him but you should rarely command him In do so Please remember this other drilds rights and wishes Try to help each one ï¬nd more early enjoyment with one or more children his own age Answering Questions OiSupposo children lrom two to live or six were read to daily at home tar as long as they watch TV and suppose older children read as long as they viewed TV what do you think would happen ANenrly all these children would become good readers and in school would be far ahead oi the average children of their age They also would speak bet ter and write better Lb COILPOIISH SAUSAGE 69L LIT he pieeel RSPECIALI 79L lienlth fr beauty Features REG sic MODESS Feminine Napkins Reg 61c Allrfllflllflse Towels JCLOTH 53c VBirrls Eye Brand PURE ORANGE JUICE Supreme cur GREEN BEANS FEATUItE llEl It WHITE fPEANUTiBliTTER iiirmcuoicrooc APPLEPIE FILLER PEA OFt VEGETABLE on 2491 TwiN PACK PKG 0F 12 39c REL $1M Adorn 701 Tin HAIR SPRAY $129 rRozsNEooo FEATURES Enr Tins for 95c 53c raoz JAR 39c lidOZ PKG 79c iiioz TIN Ale lies 2302 Tle aEsTeuVIREG sum JOHNSONS LIQUID dost rack znmin 35KIEARIIUIJRWAXI sAyE IiclCAsu YOUR l0 cpueon IIIEerIEIEIIEII IVORY sNowEl 09 OFF PACK Giant Pkg rEATUREI NATUREls BEST enolce GOLDEN also 99 GIANT PACKAGE 99 1401 TlNS