CANADIAN PRESS WILNimnIlnauglnel mmpeaeednwrwarm mmmypmdthe worldhltathomelmsnme Annrloanslntfledandetleast ooeNogroloaderdoonnglidis Ilia needy reflected on mediaamendmon gvlytoihe WWPOIW the United EflflIM em Girisaan Imderstdp Can lemme Also the eounuy reaction tromthemaninthestreetwos mixed with some calling the speech sirleere inspiring impressive and other saying Hod III milieu want for the new prudent IbeNew Yofl Iinres which backedIliad the Democmtic eardidate in the Nowmher election raid Nixon close the gap hetwen rid and poor between black and white Almost uoamm praise harm from membmol both penis lotionmss partkvlaIy liked the em Ilhasison defamation politic po cy peace Senior Fulbright Dem MJ who as dmirman oI the foreign rehtion commitcc was one the most persistent eriL Its at Johmon ndminlirutlon Vietnam policies Nixon alloi the right button and he stnlck nil laces giant task in trying to T3 EAR EXAMINER MAY JANUARY SI I56 Roadienits Mixed To Call ForPeace of the dunes said Sen tor Blinded Muskie the mine Democrat wowmczslul vimresldeot candidate Gerald Ford of Michigan the Rmhlican leader the House of Representatives said the we Prime Minister lrrudem serl rnasagcs to both the incoming and WIN l3 Irudemr inï¬ll in to Nixon extended Ganth unsha and said he looks Ion ward to king with Nixon fer the bandit plboth our colmtrluyand forpeace and his doeln be world The Canadian extended to former presul entl andon Johnson on bchsli the govern meet our deep appreciation foi the Iriarldship and nndersiand in for our country which have drown during your sen as president Govemmï¬m uRoland illichcner In aflother message wiflied Nixon health hawt ilcssandsmslnhisoowm lob The leaders of the Soviet Union sent eoligrafu aliens to Nixon nnd nidfhe two world powers must strive to improve relations Through Joint efforts with other states Soviet Unlon and the United Sums mud do all that is needed to solve ripe international problems they found it confusing vague TEE DRIVER of this panel accident at Cornwall Out and 14 others mulled Monday tier Freeway it Cornwallr trod that vim involved in an in hospital in serious condi tion Four people were killed morning in series of aoci CPWirephotol dent on the MnodonaldCab U5 newspapers even those who opposed his election had graadarirmeadrdurharmralmrmag Dump Blamed In Crash CORNWALL CP Truck driven and police blamed trucks from nearby municipal dump lot adding to heavy fog which causcd mar pileup on the hIncdonoldCartler Freeway that took four lives early lion days But city oiiicials said only two or three small ï¬res were hurn log at the dump and fog alone was remmlble or poor visibil Ity that led to the accidents The accidents all happened within 10 minutes on three quarter mile stretch ei imoway near Comwalll In one accident two flatbed bucks collided and burst Into flames and in another live trucks and two cars spilled across the highway ï¬rst reports put the death tall as high as nine but provin cial police said that by pm the count had been established It four with 15 lnlurIES six seri ously They were reported in good condition Monday night Oscar lemsrche truck driv er travelling east of Montreal about so miles away said he slowed down Just beiore the ac cident because of the fog Visibility was about IO feet Wllh combination of fog and smoke coming trom the indus trial dump stopped the truck and got out and lit flares Then ran back west to flag down the other drivers could sense something awful was goingto happen Then heard hanggang hsng in the eastbolmd lane it was like gunï¬re during the war kept mnning and just as was getting close to the first pile up which Involved live trucks and two cars heard ve hlcles piling up in the other Jr lane ITS FUN ITS EXCITING YOU COULD BE WINNER LETS PLAY 4ng wonos Ir gt LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS Complete Insurance Coverage TRIIIMING IIEIIOVING CAELING FERIlLlZlNGvk STUIlIP REMOVAL RR BARBIE BATTERY CHARGE cold mornings good charge my be all it needs to get through the rest at Winter 7283781 Iinta Perm Postiehes Wigs Rcstyllog Complefe hair care Follow th Trailblazer this winter See The lIUlBililEiiliiiiili STOLLAR coNsmucnou urn Dininctive styling backedhy quality workmanship no Dunlap was72M BOLENS Snow Blowers 72664 BARRIE ANSWERING SERVICE Offering the area uhr prompt courteous service for the post It years 39 MARY 31 RED Line of Snow blower GE TRACTOR SERVICE Ilrry II 7M5 BEAUTY SALON 125 PENETANG ST Below NCR Dillon lidtrrï¬li biiflr hhlï¬ltkUdi kï¬riflï¬zfdptt hflï¬Ã©hudi entrant LA DEBCNNAIRE HAIR STYLING STUDIO No appointment necessary Iraeto Models and Hum 70 with Elec start standard equipment Barrlea Largest Soowhlnwer nlsplry CAL MADILL Hwy 11 Petes an DIAL news to assure lull Contact at all brake shoes All linings and cylinders com pleleiy inspected to ensure proper braking action Erake lluid adde necessary FRONT END ALIGNMENT CHECK Outulalignrnent wheels calls last wear of tires and suspensiorlparis We take pride and core In Industrial Commereiol Residential Complete Decorating Service VAN NDORTWYK CALL 1286876 Long lasting plants Fresh cut bouquets Artistic arrangements Order now for local de livery or world wide through UFC Harris Flowers 88 Dunlop 7266 Spcciali1e in cutting tinting and perms Wigs and heir pieces Low prices Stephen NewmanJones 166 Napier St 7234693 Erich week word will be scrambled In two advertisements on this feature Read the ads Ind the two Scrambled words and spell them correctly mentioning the two names DI the advertiser In which the words appeared Send yourranswer to The Barrle Examiner éo Quiz Editor The Illsttwo correct answan drawn Coloring Styling VIIelt completely helpless Cutting tor lowreo OBlTlillllY JAMES ALEXANDER SMITH former Caprool re sident James Alexander Smith died in Sudbury General Hospital Dec gt 16th1968 Canadian National em ployee for years he retired in 1963 owing to I11 health He was born in Hawkesmne and lived in cams and Barrie before moving to Capreol in 1915A iewyeam before his death he moved to nutter Ont He was 43year member of the Brotherhood of Railway lrainmen Nickel Lodge 894 and member of National lodge 5881 and Mr Smith also served in many capacities for the town of Cap real treasurer of the parks hoardgand member or the town council for live years In 1926 he married ViohHunt er at Hamilton Ont who sur vivas He Is also survived by two sisters Mrs James Campbell and Mrs Iolln ston and brother Jack Smith all of Drillia Revr Craig Creber and Rev Begg ofï¬ciated at the service at Doolittle Funeral Home in Orillid Interment wasin St Andrews Presbyterian Cemetery crime Dec lath Announce New Healing nemauihxwpmmwm mun Iodrrpllr amps agar renowhed research inatitule bu found uni ue healing substance won thesb ty to shrink hemor xlsnldapalnleealyltrelieveaitching url dmenï¬gï¬nin Figutea an Ipeedanp go all red inflamed tissue In ease liter while gently relieving an actual reduction ahrinlage ml pupa More important or allresult weroaothoroughthntthiaimprove mentwaamninninedovornperind ii of many months This was accomplished with new heaiih substance BioDyna which uic helps heal injure cdlam stimulatesgrowthofnaw tissue Now BioDyna indexed in oint raruerraru oaitnrv form called nephrqu Ask for itatnll drug Itorca Satisfaction or your money refundd Ladies dc Girls Hair cufs JOE GALLES 7260921 West End Barrie Plaza BUSI NESSMEN Try our Special Lunches Fast courteous service pi Daily Menu changes NORMANDY taurant Steak House more wln the cash prizes wlaam Isl Mrs Thompson 2nd Mrs Smith HENRYS FISHNCHIPS We Fry Halibut Only Oninn Rings ShrimpNï¬iipr BARRIE WEST PLAZA SHELL SERVICE Mileage is our Business Poiots trlugsfluneups Goodycar Snow Tires Drive Safely this Winter 158 Burton Why Wait Skidoe It Now RIDGE ROAD MARINA ALLANDALE FUELS VBruce Peacock Petroleum Ltd 51ch Countys Largest Indepehdeatï¬i Suppliers Stove Oil uroaee Oil Gasoline zlHrr Automatic Delivery Service Metered Trucks 7285226 LAURENCE SE NC KNITTING CENTRE for Pia Sewing Machine rKn ng Yarns Needlepuint Rug Kits 20 Dunlop 7266164 snvrnos armiull Tommi zroz Reg 29r FDR 25c STEWARTS MARKET 132 Peiletang 1289351 728 2682 24HR SERVICE LOCAL LONG TISDCEAN 443 Dunlap St 1285229 SHAGY PU PS euro DINNER or All sizes and styles One low $500 price pr Treat your act to comfort ROBSONS SHOE STORE Anglia 151m norm RESTAURANT or wedding reception at reasonable prices call 7266944 Hwy 11 DELUXE JANITORIAL SERVICE Commercial Industrial Residential 72540370 Day or Night Bondedand Insured lie weatherwlse Wlnterlze runny AT monomers SERVICE CENTRE oil changes AntiFreeze tunealps Snow Tires Hwya 26 27 Fashion Magi besinl with rVOGpEo ARDELE FABRICS LIMITED The dust ol Qualin We stock Vogue pnllums 45 Dunlop no erasm 4372211 RIVER GARDENS murmur utilities for no Liquor licences available For successful banquet Fbee lubrication This is Where Winter Fun begins KNDITY PINE SPORTSARAMA ï¬rm21 Mldhurst mini ny Hair Styling Experts TONY7S BARBER SHOP Hair Coloring for men only Angus Plaza mam rowan numnrelans Installed on any Gas or 0ilFurnaee HAROLD YANcH HEATING LTD Propylan Co $10505 Yd lnstalled with underpadding GEORGIAN BAY CARPET SERVICE plmra 4234213 sluriv PEOPLE Do REAP SMALL ADS 72641092 $3699 Firestones complete brake overhaul restores sale stopping poyver and carriesa 40000 mile guarantee Heres what we do install top quality linings onall wheels Resuriace all brake drums Inspeetali wheel cylinders Bleed Ilush and relili hydraulic system Adjust brakes tor correct pedal reserve Check master cylinder power brake unit brake hoses fronr bearings and seals Road test for braking eIIieierlcy COMPLETE Fireetude BRAKEOVERHAUL