Mrs James llenry centre was guest of Squadron Gray and Simcoo Foresters at the annual ten Sunday furs Ilenry Is shown with Mrs htelhatter Ileltt and hlrs Elain as they prepare to pour tea and col fce Mrs Henry returned trophy to Squadron which had been lost for so years Believer In CoEducation Heads Womans University HALIFAX t0 Sister Catherlna Wallace serenely attractive deeply religious only womans university be vwoman who heads Canadas only womans university he lieves firmly in meditation The president of Mount St Vincent University liberal arts and sciencecollege oper ated hero by the Roman Cath olic Sisters of Charity of Hali fax says she believes coedu cation prepam girls for life in the real world and also that Catholic girls should not be restricted to Catholic enlt vironment She hopoa soon that greater cooperation among four otth institutions of higher learmng am will mean sharing of facilities and bring her girls into classroom contact with others Sister Catherine dressed In arrlast blati suit with white sweater nylon stockings and pumps and snail hlack veil on the badr of her shortcut silvery grey hair sold in an Interviuw she thinks her uni vansity should relate to nona Catholic universities And in tum we would bring whole group of Como Ii to the university complex which would make It more representative of the popula tion Census returns for 1961 showed there were £60 104 Roman Catholics In the total Nova Sootian population of 737007 SOCIAL LIFE NORMAL Working towards closer co ordination with lount St VinA cent are Dalhousie University University oi Kings College Nova Scatia Tathnical College and the Maritime School or Social Work About half at the Mounts 627 undergraduates live in residence and the rest off campus and Sister Catherine says they have ample oppor tunity to lead the kind of so cial life coeds do Though she believes women should not be isolated aca demically or socially Sister Catharine says Catholics should have their own place where they can relate to other Catholics and discuss pool Municipalities May Need Authority CHATHAM CF True Da vidson mayor oI the Toronto borough or East York Saturday criticized the Ontario govern meat for setting up all kinds of singlevpurposel bodies without inviting municipal governments into initial planning meetings They the government de cide how it is going tote and then they come to us and tell us what is golng to happen she told meeting of Kent County city town and township repre senta ves She took the example of health units which she said in many cases would not belfollow ing the boundaries or the new regional governments Illlese health unitswere im posed on us in an utterly no reasonable dictatorial man oer aha said She said more and more gov ernment decisions were being taken out of the hands of the elected people and the single purpose rbodies wcra taking WET Mayor Davidson urged that the new regional governments Include in their powers all com munity services such as chll drenr ald welfare reereatlon and police protection This way one responsible Eavernrnant can make sure public money is spent prop erly SISTER CATHERINE lcms peculiar to themselves still believe that at this time in Canadian history there is place for Mount St Vin cent as womens univer sity She believes her university has rule to play in the Mari times in encouraging women to come to university It isnt enough to say Were here we still have to go out and look Ior women to go to uni varsity IilountSt Vincent takes special interest in mature women and has program of continuing education for those in their CIle and 405 More than 160 women many of them married and with children are enrolled in partLime and night courses to improve teaching and busi ness skills acquire degrees and improve acaderrnc status WORLD LESS DEIIIANDING Women come to us be eause they are not really happy the slim youthfth looking university president said womans world centred around husband and children was becoming less and less demanding and when the last child went to school the moth erwas left with an empty house and nothing much to do The jobs once done by vol unteers are being taken over by professionals and compe tent women are dissatisfied Ottawa Suburb Is Renamed VANIER CITY Ont CR Mme Georges Vanier widowof the late governorgeneral was presented with bouquat of red roses and unveiled new sign saying EienvonuWelcorne to mark the renaming oI the ot awa suburb of Eastview after her distinguished husbandu The change of name ap proved by the Ontario lagisla ture became effective Jan and was marked Sunday by church and state dignitaries Representing Premier John hurts DArcy McKeough provincial minister of municipal affairs said General Vanicr was man who made other men proud to say tooam Canadian Those attending commemnl rative mass In Nolre Dame de Lourdes Roman Catholic Church included Governorxlen oro and hlrsxRoland Mlchener Mme Vanier and Rt Rev Reed Anglican Bishop of Ottawa Archbishop Joseph Plaurdc oi the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ottirlva delivered sermon on the thtxna Love your enemy with the routine tasks vol untecr goups Sister Cothc rinc said Unless qualified by further education they had little to ccntive to move out into the world at other interests and careers Now In her early 505 Sister Catherine joined the congre gation of the Sisters of Char ity religious order founded In Halifax over 100 years ago after fInIshIng high school She opened the ï¬rst centrol Catholic diocesan high school in Vancouver and was its principal for six years before returning to Halifax to be come professor of English at Mount St Vincent later she became supervi sor of the orders educational programs across Canada and the United States Justbelore she became president at Mount St Vincent in 1964 she had set herhaart on working In Latin America but she rcfnmed to Nova Sco tia because really fch can do something In the field of continuing education Parlay Ability Into Teaching Br ROBERTA ROESCII If you are hoping for some thing new to do as soon as new year starts you might ex amine your talenh and skills You might find you have spe cialty that you can teach to oth ersand make some money to boot Many women are doing this with all soru of talents and skills Some who came to my attention today are the hunv dreds of women across the country who are finding good opportunities to parlay their ability to play the guitar into teaching jobs or careers ln individual IESODS or group instruction they are taking ad vantage of the way the guitar has boosted the interests of youngsters tas well as adults in making music According to survey by the American Music Conference there is more to todays young guitar players than meets the eye They work harder at mas tering the instrument than many People believe especially those disbelievers who are in clined to believe their ears The average aspirant is said to practice nine hours week In addition national survey also indicates thatylio per cent of todays teen guitarists plan to continue playing after high sohml VARIOUS ENTERPRISES Women who are capitalizing on this marketand becoming parttimaor fulltime guitar teachers get into teaching in many different ways Mrs Anhedonos of Chicago for example tude hobby into Inb when her neighbors began listening to her music and asking her questions about the guitar Encouraged by their inter nmo AMP PERMTISTAMB Pupils Compete In Speaking Preceding the January moot lng orSL Marys Catholic We mens League students homSt Monicas and Muirs drool competed In public speaking contest Winner of the amt wu Paul Whelaa who chore Dem ocracy Ir hfr topic Paul will now go on to We on Iho regional levsLDavld Swlck was runner up speaking on the topic Jobnnla Bower courdsrANTa One behalf of the 6WD Rev Blackwell rescaled when to the boys antï¬commeodcd all cornestanu for Ihelr efforts Other partlclplnlr Included Betty Colern Vlfllyn Egert Gordon Kneto Angela Phil lIps Iana Saro and Harry 0co en Judges of the contest was Mrs Victor Ron Mn Cam cron and Video Monohrn Ed ucation convnner lira Hook arranged the program Hum MEETING Mrs Moira chaired the short business session which fob lowed In the absence of are ldlnt Mrs Petrlrrioulx MIrntIerr were advised of an lotapdenornlnatlonal meeting to be bold In Cantrlt United Church on Thursday Mn Hoenselor hospital visits converter reported 56 visits Ind been made during the past month The motor Imiect home card or willbe followed by argonartylnthsrprlrthLl anticipated that this party will be one of the flrst functions to be held In the nsw church haIL THE EARRIE EXAMINER WAY JANUARY ll I96 WHAT THE FOR TOMORROW Planetary influences promise stapvup in Icttvltlar on Wednesday especially in ac cupational and financial mat ters Make the bosture of lhtr help in trying to further worth while aims particularly ba tween II am and pm As Nets later In the evening will favor romance and social activi tes FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow Ir your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next 12 months could prove htghly constructive where both material and personal Interests are concerned Job andor burl ncss goals which you may have hitherto considered unattainable could well be achieved bolero years end if you capitalize on the Aquarlana rhrewduess In grasping opportunities Best pea rlod for advancement and rec ognition along the aforemen tioned lines February May July September and early Dos cember Creative workers and Aquarius boasts many ot these can add this June to the list of excellent months for attainmenL Some small monetary gains between Mayvlsth and July 15th could be most gratifying but look for real progress In your fiscal program between rnld Saptamber and mldNOVmeet Ith October tnrly outstand Ils Musician Or Career eat began teaching youngsters in my home she said Then taught adult beginners in an evening clns at high school and now Im teaching at the Old Town Schno of Folk Music In Chicago Saturdays still teach in my home Kay Kosth of hocklord lII started guitarteaching career alter she heard m1 and Spanish guitar played together at an outdoor show That was really an ocenA sion she reported knew then what wanted to do with the rest of my life As result of her perfecting her skill to the point where she can interest others Kay Koster now teaches zoo students and la bels each one as her favorite The incomes of women guitar teacheru vary with the location time devoted to the occupation and number of stude In urban areas fortcstance teachers generally charge from 512 to $13 for five lessons In rural areas rates may be lower Some teachers who work on pantime basis because of their families needs have montth in come as high as $300 STOCKTAKING STEP To turn your talents to teach ing Jobs with the guitar or with something elsetake stock of your qualificatioruï¬nd be sure that you have solid back ground iln experience or train ing in whatever you drink you can teach Next set up placelor lac sons and establish the hours that you can teach Then adver tise your new paying project by word of mouth community bulletin boards and announce rrientr in local publications TRY EXAMWER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 Never needs an Ink padl Fast Easy Efficient Can be custom ordered to meet any size shape ormessagc re quirement PERIIIASTAMP will reproduce colors fine lines small type faces logo typeseven photosIn true accurate detail COMMERCIAL PRINTING DrwsroN annals rXAMINra STARS SAY By ESTRELUM Ing lnthis respectaAll gains made by Aquarlanr during the next year will have to come from sound Investments and op erations however Stars deli niter frown on speculation especially durlng the first two works of September Where personal relationships are concerned both romance and social activities will be gov erned by exceptlonally good In fluences particularly between June 15th and September 15th and between midNovember and January Ist child born on this day will ha extramer artlsllc In his leanings but as rarely happens In ruch cases will also be unu sually shrewd In business mat terr ANN LANDERS rowsrs Goats And Their Scent Do Not Dub For Cologne Dear Ann Loaders Your reply to the wife who stated herself Clothespin Nose showed your Ignorance Ana It is obvious that you have never been around wellcarcdfor goats hinandnndlhavehada dairy herd for several years GoaLs are the cleanest and must finicky animals on our farm Ihey do not have an offensive odor cannot say the same for our bursa cows Piss ordolrk cos 5o Ann in the Interest of ac ulracy when you wish to de scribe careless or unhygienfc person please say he smells like horse not goal Dtaak you 4R0 MISSOURI Dear From was Mined In Iowa and Lhe goals encoun terod were not exactly the as sence of cologne It Just Isnt true guess that when youve smelled one goat youve smelled em all Please give my apolo gies to all your sweetsmelling Nannys and Billys UNJUSI COMPLAINTS Dear Ann Loaders had an outofwcdlock chlld last year had to more in with my parents because couldnt make enough money to pay babysitter and rent an apartment work hard all day My moth er seems to think should also keep my room clean and help her with the dishes And thats not all She fools should do housework on my day off lily doll is always bugging me about my social Ilfc am going with very nice man Dad gels mad because see him every night am 23 years old and resent being treated like child Dont you agree that they should gal or an back PICKEI 0N Dear Pick No Your track record is nothing to brag about Maybe its time you listened to somebody You complainbecause your mother expects you to help wlth the dishes and do housework on your day off Has It occurred to you that your mother doesnt get day off Shes at home P7 gt auod ANN LANDEIU every day taking care of your child As for seeing your boyfriend every night Im with Pa TOO LATE Dear Ann Loaders Amity mous wrote to you recently and said When my husband was courting me 13 years ago fell In love with his broiler It wutoolata toull offtllo wed ding married Arnold know Ing be was not the one for mc Now the lady wants you to back her up so she can dump Arnold and marry his brother because she has streaked rand pretendadlon now Id like to add my nldrelr worth mesher of my lininth lImIIy pulled the lame rotten trick and It landcd twcofbcrktdstnnmcntalhoo pital Tell the LatterDay Goopaira thntlfltwssloolatatoeallott the weddlnl before It happened It years and three kids later Ir one whole of alot too late MADE TEE SCENE bear keao You told her bet ter ttun did Between the two of us she should get the mes sage Council 0i Europe Plans To Protect Au SIRASBOURG France lieu Icral The Council of Europe ls considering proposals which If passed will make life confl erably more secure for 50000 nu palr girls worklng in Europe One or the councils first aims will be to define clearly the po sftion of these girls who leave thclr own country to Ilve and work for family In foreign country The council social committee has proposed definition of their role or The status of being au pair consists of the temporary placing of young foreigner with family In ox chnnga for certain allowances with the aim olImproving that persons knowledge of Ian gunges and eventualh profcs rlonal status and generally to Improve herself culturally through better knowledge of the country she is staying in The shift is clearly away from Pair Girls housework and the emphasis put on the cultural aspect of being an an palr At present there are about $0000 an prlr girls In European countries mostly between 13 and 15 years old About half are students and the rest malnly secretaries and office employ ecs Nearly threequarters of the total number of au pair girls In Europp are over 11 and coma mainly from France Icst Ger many and Switzerland Britain and France are the most popular choices of the girls followed by West Ger many Each year Brltaln ro celves 18000 au pairs and in any one year there are 25000 In the country The need for European con vention on the status at the girls Is hlghllghléd by the fact that Francois the only country With legislation to protect the girls PUBLIC NOTICE wE PURCHASED THE COMPLETE FACTORY OVERSIOCK or QUALITY MATTRESSES Box SPRINGS AND CONTINENTAL BEDs TRAILER IOAos or QUALITY MATTRESSES HAVE ARRIVED wr AREIINPACKING DISPLAYING AND GETTING READY FOR THE ollrrrrsr urnrrss SALE IN OURHISTORY Watch Tomorrowls Newspaper For CompleteDetailgs DUE To LIMITED QUANTITIES THIS SALE WILL as CONDUCTED ON FIRST COMEeFIRST seavr BASIS to worth BARRIE ONTARIO