T0 coon tantra CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER East dealer py conlrlbutlng the nine and the iii Auction bridge jack urns the trumps failing in hf break 22 lens was in trouble Eiteminaie Boy Needs Guidance Afï¬ijia Main TEOSTESON MD Dear Dr mom have grandson who is very feminine have tried in Vela to make my son and his wife realize that they should do something about it He is six now and ever since he could walk and talk have been harping on ii He started going armlrrd ills his mothers high heels on all the lime until ï¬nally got my son to put stop to It When he plays house wtth other children he always wants to be the mommy and drapes himself with his mothers Jewel ry and cloths lie has said from time to time that he nould like to be girl could go on but think have made my point Can you help me make them realize they should do some thing beiom it is too late that am not picking on him but want to help him Mrs This isnt physical problem it is emotional or psychological agree that you are not picking on the child he does indeed need help before it is too late Several factors can be In volved is this an only childf Did the mother want girl Do the parents treat him like COM girl small child is not KVWOE fl his own sex lie gradually loam it Parental attitust are important if the mother wanted girl and refuses to accept the child and boy how does one ex pm the younger to react in some cases patina even use feminine nickname the mother may be reluctant to let boy got boys haircut may think its cute and thus encourage his feminine ways in his case molher should have stopped this boys behavior long ago From the psychiatric stand point one pmibility is that she may have deepseated hostil ity towards men and vents it by destroying her sons identity as male Bot in this case what is the childs father doing about TELEVISION proclaims EWFALD BARBIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILWN 12 PZTEREDROUGH MORNING VIEWIN uni rule if zMay snow zrav card lZMr Ema Ur Striker lulra1I Li an eca oa arrvo gthiytfmilylglntil Al llRahln Wilts 1154 All soon lfi orrorstu um ï¬ne vi zDivem Court Imaun for Inomser Mom 1° manner so romar iarrr en an Zmmfa 1135 mini Tuer 356 All ï¬cLuciii ruin Chm Harmon Piuhouu Van mite 142am tratlo gum kill Spender ithoeaihecblldfearorroacnt him Or what is the plaurof ff dad showed any grunptfoa be owldbaveputanoptolhtabo ion it reached such rude or oould the childs reaction be based on family friction arm or while with the boy tending to identify himself with mother The youngster needs madame aidlied guidance So ans Peci do it parents But it is still not too late to help the boy find Email and assume more masculine behavior it is not at all unusual for kids to dress up in clothes of the op posila sex as part of play fanta sy but when it continues to the extent you describe it Ls quite another matter it is no longer play fantasy it is building way of We Cant these parents oonfused astheymustbeseewbatllfeLr going to be like for this child if he doesnt very soon start being boy4nd wanting in be boy Dear Dr Thostesna ls lice hol harmful when used nightly to cleanse the face use it to guard against acne is ï¬rm danger of podrmarlrsi if No danger of podrmariu Al ncmows akin oils and tends to dry the skin hill il it works in your case anddoea not nause skin irritation or too mud dryness fine Dear Dr lhostesoa eat quite lot of licorice wiï¬dl seems to rattle my stomach and regulate me hear it isnt good tor you Can you explain why Mrr PGK Moderate amounts are all right but am aura you can find other ways of settling your nomads Too much licorice can came excessive loss of potas sium from the slalom and cause retention of sodium which is not desirable TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 7mek cavett DUncll lobby it zPenonlllilv aAady Griffith IDanny Tasman uu Alina izPiek er wssa iloi when sarim ad lianran man 1953 no 310161 KJO OJII AKQIOI area were SOUTH autumn out in Final contractour spades doubled Opening leadfive of die moods The latesidney Lent used to tell the story of the time many years ago when he played gainst man called Mr Grunn py who fancied himself as fine bridgoplayer it was back in the days of Auction Bridge and as the bid ding at that time was different in purpose from that used today it is not given Suffice it to shy that the final contract was four spade played by Len South and doubled by Mr Grumpy tEIsU diamond was led and East cashed two diamond tricks and shifted to the queen of clubs Lena won with the ace and cash ed the AK of spades Mr Grum lfa had no entry to dummy to utilize the Hit of clubs and as East was marked by his double with the king of hearts tun heart losers appeared certain Howmr Lena led the king of clubs hoping for mistake by Mr Grumpy and that worthy gent promptly obligedby ruff ing with the seven of spades lit the same time Mr Grumpy remarked that Lena apparently did not even know how to count rumps and that he had obvious ly been fooled by the clever falsecarding of the is of spades fen by now had the rest of the tricks since dummys six of spades provided an entry to the 110 of clubs of course if Mr Grumpy had refused to ruff the king of clubs Lens would have gone down Blissfully unaware of the dam aga he had done by rolling the club Mr Grumpy twitied Dena for having failed to draw the last trump and make an over triolt in the doubled contract However when Lens pointed out that lhe contract would have been dctcatcd but for the gala eroua cooperation he had recele ed sadly humbled and deflat ed Mr Grumpy was obliged to retire meckiy from the field of bhtlie uncoa COUNTY news WilVEiiLEY ay MRS nae Damion Minor resident of this corn munity Jack run of Herschel Sash died in Saskatoon hospi tli Mr and Mia Ronald irew st Bruno Que Mr and Mrs Erna Cummings of Villowdale were visitors with Mrs Her man Traw and Clarke Mrs Waiters of Braceoridge and Mrs Hancs of Baysviila were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Owen French Mrs Irwin Elliott at Snflths Falls Mrs Brennan Mrs Stewart of Tor onto visited Mrs Mosale Snider and Mr and Mrs Ken Snider Mr and ilirs Joe Melnyk of Gravenhurst vi site friends here Mn and Mrs Burton 0r liiia with Mr anl Mrs Ellis Booth ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Harry Bands celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Dec 25 Relatives and friends surprised thorn with gatheringeinetlnitedeuiurdt hail Saturday evening and pre sented them with platform rocker Mrs Donald Brown and liar family presented them with pole lamp Mr McLaughlin of Oriilia sumo slides lunch was servedelho Burma drum ter Joy Mrs Clarence Forbes and husband and family of iranirfmd attended Pictures were taken of two sets of four generations home of Mrs John Miller with the preddent Mrs Robert Shear down presiding The devotion period was taken by Mrs fier man Trim and the program by Mrs Robert Jamieson it was decidcd to pack hole The next meeting niii be Feb owing to Slrncoe Presbytery in Bar ric Feb Lunch was served by the hotness Gordon Booth returned home from Penetnng hospital where he was patient for few days havingalien and broken log BELL EWilRT MRS auaaw aroonanr Sympathy is extended to Mrs Pearl Baxter in the recent death of her mother Mrs Gibbons Mrs Gibbons was full years old Mrs Verna fiombley is pa tiitirnt in Royal Victoria Hospi her son Albert Rennie Mrs Pearl Chapple is home aftertvisiting her dauginererr Allen Prophet in Toronto Manyiish huts have been moved out onto the lake The flu seems to have hit Bel Ewan as many people are sick Mr andhlrs Glen Stoddart and Jason of Bolton also lion Stoddart and Dawn Murphy of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Bill Stoddart on Sunday DONALD nucrlt SECRET AGENT Mrs Ada Quanta isivisiting GRANDMA GRANDMA is PAINrims HER LIVING ROOM THISAFrElzNOONJ MNDER Hour SHES vows THIS WAS ONLY DEMONSIRHION IF ff HAD BEEN F02 KEEPS our PAIR wouad HAVE BEEN LONG DEAD 10 it 11 12ltETVO Che Helena no0 VENUS now easeta School 1y muslin 911 BALE lumperaiure on the planet United Church Women haid Venus probably exceed son de their January meeting at the rrees fahranheit WELL NEW ENGAGEMENTRWG AND was THE Look nab isNr Ir UTIERLY cancerous MONDAY JAN EVENiNG HMflllklyl 00 Latin Gums manna gatecumin Gourmet 700 kHfllllh PW ZHllel Di Love Lucy 3th Three vilï¬lfuel Miraaervui 51 it mm Giill Illa Hilnd TNell WEIiiflPa 1030 74m one 9sme Affair sMamiz WV 11Hero Coma ra sFelon sound Foray soldier and yam no You iznmihn Linunmet 1100 it Nam Wanner EvilDarla DI Spam FAWN llPlesjra lurloa mum and Martin 11 anowan Ind Marita zNawr wanr son 141 am 5wata My rise uMum hwy swnere nthlion ado LUCKYBUV Lrdiï¬fï¬idimm OFFICE HOURS ms moo Sm Haul auraett pafltmcgr canoe rake Thili nahla of Mn llHOt Lin co equenceo amour This stingyecon HuNwafaua suuti 4le ï¬an Mrwiiched IFrflnl Pill UPkfll Berton unlit IUnfvtraity of th aao Lala berry LII 9er 1asoile Mr wuhter sport rT roe ï¬rith owning manna er manner Tgf asrovla 0395 ii 157 atmr no we Lsoaoch Lleaturapl 2193 Slim Fm 53min tinyhue Ind was Eel tamed Adonis H3351 litï¬r 111 gamma ow Hatfield 11 is tugms 333 133 s35 smitten 2a 3211 1215 Gun fevul urerry season 12Oct mil $30 bael amt ncutooaa Road EPleo apnoea flaw in lurface Lituth in 153eerapigot ï¬nialanus iaaoa 2Anblher wma Mouth juay Mm EatMay sum in HZm3° mg Emmet moms 24m 1Chfidrenr Doctor lGaneral an im Alfulna nirvana letter damask amp 5Pcopla ln onfiiet Sirladow tea mama agnyugm ii ror Tomorrow run akas standstill Amariean tannin or iiiiiii new email Wk IVilntltont dLove is Many Nfrnt uts llwmgl bunk Bbum Ilï¬iauctiln an weeadgeldnisnelng ï¬gfazmlynd firm mï¬eln umuy altGroupa land 1M rviminn Gnurs 7Newnwea Gum iirnc iii mil min if promontory TUESDAY JAN 21 EVENING mumps 11mm SZtDecay King 128hearflne otthe 358electby gum Hun amtw n5flmsemn ziinn linen alphabet yore Negative Lunkmm 5th sun sur Barn Endunlor ahitilna lttlrcouri mm ï¬I Love Lu 1123 ny 131361 11 oder Attack mm pars ZdiAhead 41Nawa urnuu on Him Day Wyn11s £25437st n° to mm izrliiiiin time anew illdill Tru or ï¬rst iiiifiiin ï¬fllunlt and X0 rmm Wm 31Innln es ans In TV twig mm uMv Sons Hum Spatili 3951am pRuakri iiohlu noon inaenaia Love Lucy To n4 lila Merry you mum iridium hams an vane Na 03 thvnati luv user fling Mm 4113 lion xenn sur ogyiitms Laotorleea iiTruth or Money lMovld baer consequent comm Autumn 7Mo 515 uNzwr Weather ï¬lflgï¬um alone And one surmount no 91mm CANT WE HAVE LIKE THEY on no stth mamas ziiyi know the 1H Dawn BLQNDIE lCordnatan FORTHNATFLYy LOLA EFT THE KEY TO MV ROOM ONTHE NSIDE OF THE POOR 0R ID 50 MIGRTV HUNGRY TWAY IEL HAVE TO oer MY OWN nitrika Homers SEE monument sAtAMI THlNK ILL HAVE SALAMI FOR CHANGE ZZ SAWYER aKhuusnhlm mvus oururven nniaarramni VM rip Rims 55 LEKEETER WT ME 5W on strum ifoiia no rco ei 11hour uNXED mu haithaoirme