T0 GOOD HEALTH Dull Needle Leave ll Bruise Ey OWN MD Delr Dr thosteront Would You discuss flu shots hormone inlecttonsetc1 Should doctor or experienced nurte be able to give an inlectloa without mak ing black bruised spot Some talks ray they can whua others st there isnt any way to tell whether the injection will cause black spotdin Fl One lmpartant consideration is tobe sure to use sharp nee dleas Media is reused it cIn become duller and HP pert that the sterilization pm ten tends to dull them Ioma what too Suds needles up and should be honed to keep them ahIrp but then dry new element has been addedneedle and syringe Ira Ivallabla in die posable type at cost about dime IhIt is low enough so it is practicable to throw one may alter single use This way one is ISSLIIOdDi very sharp nee die every time in Idditlon tn 111 lzrarest GThe Land at aura aZSoorIts Hot sue scartoan Pllyhoun 13 11 TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAhllLWN 12 PETERBOROUGH FRlDAY JAN l7 EVENING llSeennd Hundred dlovle 11m Cmuull uOuhldu 7Dfln lllclrlel 1111m tDeIttnauon spare v11 1wul Cnnnefl zMerv Grillln JGnurmet etlouu Plrly 11 Lava Lucy 111lua1 1xews 111 241er srueo e4th nr Come urncu a4 11 INewl Weather Sports 9Country alone mu llPettlroItJunetlun 90 Hm min 11mm 1111 ltMerv 1111111 Ill raoy llllllfll llllfld Iltlntltonel lufvrmrue soy llofllluck ran 3stanev Burke llLurllla p11 oArchla 11 have Luci rtPern amen 1111 stooaes 511 1Whlt1 My Line 17111 We At av limth Or Consequences lzFllntetonu chIoerrel tWld who met ï¬ï¬host Aaa Mn 11 7099nlion Entertainment thmx Lucv llliosaru lierors lzGaoel Mrs Muir 1Jannhv Canon esnev Bishop 7lole mu moody Vampire 111s 1111111 I1o 36 5mm $3er Tn lion otlovtu 11an Run 111112er tSky Party azla 2Nuhe at the Game JDon Menu 1Gomer Pyle usuc 1111 llltiavll Hllls or ontexumI ouovta tOrima Without Plain szls llNtwa Wrath some 510 lZNewr enthu shorts dchk Van Dyk IBtwlttlwd llilern lstrtnn 1lelohy Squld 9111 lliovle 11le The 111m Shield Desert 01 Fattwartm 111 Wild Al The wind astevr Allen lit lllOltNlNG AND AFTERNOON Center at the Earth onorky 1111 2Underdar 3sllnrm dlierculnlds amkurl 7antaslit Your 941th 111m lzatondta Iiovla t$word 1h The 1111 SATURDAY JA tlltlon 9Clttonrts 11121 Allen Tuna 1111 1Bowllnl 7Llnmta eanv Ind Cent Sportsmln Vnckv runes LCantaln Srulet llmu 1th 2month JArchlz 7Spldor lilln ouhcie Bobby 1111 llWmuih 11 25tnrybook Square lnndv Griillth asnman VGcorfl 01 Till lunue oluavia lranhort ennis Ka1elaoraort upukztbau 1Movln lllmoucktu 111 llClmerI 11 Canada 1111 ZEananI sour 3cheye tinntmInSuntrman 7lmi1tlc Voylxe 9Snlder Mun 1111mm rune 1230 11min ZUntamed World alvestern lIrnhorea avou ma Your Tnmllv 784 will Bill B°W tlatoment oi Truth Him SATURDAY JAN 13 EVENING 11 eNewr lzQuert 110 2DeIth valley 11m lzBevcrly llluhulles altr Academic Huntrtauee 111 ZAdarn l7 rznoua Guy HIckle GinIon Love LUCY 11My Favorite llllllln lOO zGet Smart 11 lZPro Hockey llCountrv club 1211111 1mm Hm ALSO Thll My Love ZGhost ma 1m 2stav Allen ltlulr 4Mv Sons 1Lmm Walk 11mm 1rmwhelt1su ltGunnmka 900 ZMDVIG 11111an arruzrae Hum 9111 arattlcoat lunot 7Holvaocd Palm SUNDAY JAN 19 MORNING AND 1131 ZGnrpel Hour arare the Nation 7Dlscovlrv stvlrn You era Here llFIlher Knows Best 111 1Enskethall 00 Gl Lauder neme UNtilém eneach For Th Ton 7flourney ll Rani tGolr llFtlm 111 12skiooy oour Great floutdoors viCwntry nluric Hall 1161111 aowuhp swtde world oi Span 11Andy arlmtn 511 ZIPorlcr washer élGlrlzct 110 2Wi11 wua Urn Stan aLana or the Giants 4News in lzBarrir and Company 1111 Ikiovls The GIrcM 1111mm The Pawnbralilr 1115 lZChamplonl 1111 LNewr lZans lluttlert Hobo lzConvursatlon 111 21mm ralant oNews sNatlotn Eualnods 71mm Portrait at Monster aMovle The semi ltue Fore1 hardwood 1WD lNlllnrtl Eualnul tPro Hockey 111 4111 11 Jerry oPteelo 7PaneyeGumbv 115 bGardenlnl rzcmay Calls llCuttaedral€l1lmer 911 Zlnlerlude 4hour 6Du Feu svr 7ltocket1htn zwma of Tomoflo 11 itallln Journal Sam mm 11 Hmlll Wfltld 6SundIy Monitor 15111 111 Hm Arts Guna lCIthedrIl ht Aomormw 111111 space As 111 ZMEEt the Press lzblm val Ilklirbhu llthll lzznn traou Caner 61111 LAuira Lnunduhm DltIliin Album 11 Hockey 1111 21er is The Lita 3Hyrhh Book sLanaua Vivltzh oMela thou ZLlie at the church sCnurch shrvlce 4ln Process IZWould You 11111ch Ildullwinkls 11cohtinontrl Miniatures 1115 IZWnuld You slue Great war Believe SUNDAY JAN l9 IiVENlNG SJt 11111 ZlVlld Kinsdom poly Friend rony 11wattl71raeyr 111110 le world it ll out 1111i binaan bl lllayton 11 ixhtmpe sNewa Weather SporLI 114nm ZSttv Allen OMrlvle 111 WIatrel 11411mm rar thllellnl llfl oa alert at robe danla tNo Trees In The Scent Slllnvle 111 Gilli rzundrr Amok 1110 11111le E51111 oi Rachel 1215 slelhz word 211 6Wnrld or Mush lZUnder Attack 1111 44m PM Game 7Dltlnl Gama lllt la Written 1111 lzchildrrn at the Worlo DCar Ind Trick tllinrst Knehler 1211 Zgilovte nwamyl Lueuld Truth 4aurmo naunotaol 1hlovie Gay Pourree 01 12101 the rworld 1er Pro Bowl 7Chlllenn 1Dth rnomus lluttluat Hobo 111 1nlslosue 1rulee llTlny ralent Tim 5110 zluavle 11710 Time or Their Well 114111 Alive Llano the GlIan oPatty Duke 111 Lwalt Disneys World 1111112 Auea 4ientle pan Hummers Brothers llMovie Three on Couch 111 km Sullivan 14131 KGEHHE no lZllvmn Slrltt 1ulovle luutcaxts oi Poker Flat ormla Alrlhat Raven Allowe 11und at the giants 111 1Collega Bowl ZllIlt Disney erresldents lvl Known 11 ZMptheMlnLlw 01 Drum at Jeanni 011 znonmu unonahz osmnthm Brothers 1Movle Thelllfly camel DWd nerable The bidding has been minimum openinxbld having him at The West 11 Spigot assurance that loburine and needle are absolutely sterile veryshIrp needle is lest likely to cure dark IreI but remember thIt some people brulaa ve easily others do not Same the the needle will damage tiny capillary lust below the rltln surface there Is no way to avoid thin hlpputllll It timer Further injections given lust under the Iltin ltI more likely to can discoloration than those given deep in the muscle Ind not much con be dons about it lint some intertionr are intended to be given lust one way and not the other lurxevbore needle when rather large amount at mIterlIl on to ba injeaedi obviously it more likely to cause dlrcolorI lion than iina needle But the tart remains thIt it impossible to predict who may get discolored spot or when Dear Dr Thomson am to and had complete hysterecto my six months ago While was in the hospital had blIdder lnlrctlon and was treated with antibiotics Six weeks alter the operation had pains in my ride Ind now have kidney intention Does this usually happen with hys tereclumy or why did this hap penlltlrr There is no direct relationship betwcen the operation and blad der intention Such lniectlons are common in women Keep in mind also that they can rerur alter appar antly being cured in some instances an infection in the bladder ascends to tha kidneys or to one kidney More vigorous and prolonged treat ment is usually necessary then Dear Dr Thosteaan Our daughter 11 har started getting CONTRACT 1311111 ay JAY ascxah You are South both sides vul North net aunts West Pass Plus non Pass What ivould you bid now with each at the chairing tour bands 141111 v11 on not Iqaras 953 or 411112 14131 vxsaaa 914 +911 I111 some 11 411642 One spade it you play enough bridge you got aCCHSï¬ rained to holding hands like this once In vhiicllte host you can do udnm you get them is maintain riltrce unless your partner forces you to bid In the present case partners double is not tor penalties it is for takeout lartner wants you to hid and it is your duty to respond Situations whore part ner would have seven defensive tricks are much too rare tor you to treat double in this se quence as penaltydouble Log toally the double is tor takeout lt North wanted to deiend gainst one heart he would pass North would also pass with spoken his piece when he said onadlamnnd It allows Litera ore that North is better than minimum lï¬th onesuited hand he would probably hid his second suit Consequently he is likely to have aband that looks something like K1 rm synditll 1w 111 DAILY CROSSWOBD Aonoss 1111111111111ng Depufls Minute ollywond notable 981ula companion 10 craters for example 123w 11Par1orm limpetlike Wt linemen date lLnrclama tion 15an beehive DOWN IUnlt ut heredity Snack tor Dobbin 83elora LWork stoppages Source oi wont 1A great lniennIl Winglike pm To renew In 11 College battery Wtbnll contcrentll 2wda Zlhiualcul instrument 24 American indium 251mm jolnl 211mm gold er 21 Freighter 280110 01 1h lohnsnnd 21ctaaalty 1101am state Iohr Tiny particle 32 Cutting tool Mirror reflection 31 Leaf of book 8931111 of gotk led by Odin 011111 quantity 21 Cue usurp in her tau Are these xhlat they call rowing letul Maybe ltI th they call growing pllnl but them II no such thin Growing lant pain tul in me ld mm ei ther some not detect or shoes that Ire not correctly ï¬tted ld have the yornxster examined in hopesthat by early eorrectton you up uard Inlnst the possi hillty that some chronic loot trouble la dereloplns 10111 1111111 The United mum Women met Wednesday erentna Jan Worship urvica war takenby ltirs William Sutherland topic being Toward Understanding china hire Wilcox litera ture secretary diaplayed some tnterutlnzand usetul 1nIteriIl which will be heldul in the rtudy on Republic oi China Mrs Robinson was in charge oi the program and gave an excellent introduction to the study the Republic oi drinI She stressed the importance of trying to understand rather than hate these people who have way oi ilttluz in well and yet preserving their values Irina has very large population and extensive land area his kind with many letlends it has en dured many revolutions Ind WBYS hire Robinson displayed many posters newspaper clippings literature and books pieces of china bamboo and paintings hire Keller president con ducted the business period She thanked all or help given in 1966 delicious lunch was aerv ed by the homessex Mrs Kei er Mrs Phillips and hits Doug Jackson AJflZ ll 10 AQM KJSZ Your spade response does not promise values It is better to bid 11 spade thnn two clubs 1t lictrps the bidding lower Two spades This isnt much nl hand either standing by it sell but considerinz partners bidding game is distinct pos sibility one spade response would not reflect the promise oi the hand Partner might think you had terrible hand which you havent You cant make the same re sponse here as you did with the ï¬rst band Partner is not mind reader You must jump to two spades to show signs oi life Pass Partner is asking you to bid by doubling one heart but it is your premgative to change hiatakeout double into business double by passing provlded you have the right hand tor it You Mil probably trike our tricks One heart doubled is and North is also likely to take our tricks One heart doubled is probably the best spot One notrump The choice lies between one notrump and two clubs It bid of two riuba would not reflect your scattered highcord strength and could be based on very wank hand The notnrmp response is more en couraging and is never made with poor hand Since game is by no means out at the question you choose the bid that offers the best chance of getting you ere sun maul You mean you have to 11 11d about whether can leavepe ALL thinking iliteen minutes earl liJrultol RASD mam man no 11Corkor BE plug Eli LI lair LE Janene stand us 19601111 Vehicle 20House plant 315mm Yeltuleyl LIIu residents 21W 820112 33 Inllndl in rivers 34 sorrow 38 Mother of Peer Gynt 38 Undlvlded zr rhyurloua 21 Also 29 Setters 31 Exchange premium JULIET JONES BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS SKEETER SECRET AGENT DONALD DUCK GRAN DMA mrda eh forwardlln catch Joe Its olt LITTLE LERCN MUSTVE EATEN SOME OF HIS SISTERS HOMEWE COOKlES BEFORE1 roamsm mm Nahum moveto oo Ibtl HMiNG FOR 11er before the aatmtehrd otfieua can tF more ARE comprehend Mimi your BEST MEN 1115 no wanna nus comm 19 SO MUCH TROUBLE 1115 IMPOSSIME arsr MEN GFEM HE HID UNDER THE SOFA WHEN HE SAW 11512 COMING thH sAcKFUL THANKS FOP COMING TO BABYSIT HES BLONDIE SUPPOSE TILE MA OF NARCAITIG MEN err THE GOODS 0N OLIVE AND SEND WHAT WOULD YOU HOLD ON HES CRYING SOWATVDUCANVI THEME LEFT BLANK elm1 on THIS MESSAGE How About LuLLaavr SUAUZE spa1 1m v14 SO 01F SOMEWHEREï¬rm START OVERI GUESS HUME 5m RECKLED Willi REALGITE SMILE4 lilthEP 10 HAVEAgtLRU5il ON ME whiny with