Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1969, p. 14

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ARTS FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS POODLFS DACHSHUNDS such in II compeltin NE 33 In our hen in tor them In hm son to mind when you in one mo us in mind nutters indhunt Mus Wzmmhl mm him mu coir brown pendu iure not old registered neck eletvbono Atltston otter Dun lull sh en in for scale wibmfv 030m Dark brown with clack Ve ood nun don Telephone in SEED FEED GRAIN Iritliw inr tale about too scum bales Telephon ivy extlost LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nnissuN cvw tor rile duo anon hue turther tntonnsuop Telephene mstco New mueu itnnsrs bonded nor nulls exeel tent em seasonhie Urban Aiblm stroud PIGS Ami We lnd dyerNot SPF meteor nozsruu slur uIvu or late reiennoue Cookstoun tum tic noon youngdetsu tor gal surrou an in sI Tciszibune Cookstovm moon uter pn FARM MACHINERY PIONEER CHAIN SAWS IAccessorics Attachments DELANEY BOATS LTD Foot of anyneld St Barrie 72645413 611 hammer mill and mixer coh enrn crusher complete with scrre good LI new Telephone 72m PERSONALS in lbs rarpu Perm seacuu 5600 limit was war 0sz WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop St West 7282960 tSiIANTY DAY Kindergarten sehocl Linitted number or openings now vovplLrhle For intomuiton reie Dhnne 7zsllts or mlits Flam ivinterl Dton it with III old fashioned sleigh rule 720 mm stick pm as you have drinkinr rob llcm and want help phone In true gums nr P04 no narrie PDNDEIIDSA Country ctun Chliet ireplate milieu 150 let 57 mtc wussrice lead singer wanted roe onpinei rock blues band Tele phons moods between and Pm RESPONSIBLE iingli mini to as to share furnished apartment with get dbd°iéini°ils marathon BOOK YOUR PARTY AT HOE DOE VALLEY norr draw sleigh rides tubing lkatlzg likFlmlly fun day Every Sunday heated snack on and baby nltun moors DRESSMAKING PERFECT FITTING ennuist Made byEuropean Trained Tailor Dressniaker Choice from North American and European Designs NO PATTERN NEEDED 4363745 STROUD REPRINTS if you would like to have ro prints of any news pictures itako by our staff photographers please call at our business 0ft ice We aria sorry we cannot Eacceut phone orders I0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP teed tor maul Mir TIA Win to Bar in sun hm 5mm tilnd All It fits ALI applnlcliiom mooId for ED In Olnuhlnd mungéléle ants we we to RD Dill Anclu ucmsm mechanics cooqu po th tourism shout our com nation and benetit wane Addy tips1 ElmMitt mu reduired inter in winter tor retina and summer business sna dinn Tire Barrie Goon HAN our to tor snort trial surroundlnl Dlrfle huh pr what is worth up to 0500 in an aim rerqu euh bonus Air mail it otekersoe Pm Southsstern Pei roleum Com rt worth ieru iiioi cuss inlet mechmic wanted Good workinr condition and top pry Apply Charles itmn uIIcks conflilniprs loo Bradford sweet as alvantirnc commenti mdutt for automotive mnuntiril hy local dealership Reply in writlnl illi Lill nulllllrltlans and uhry ex peetro In Box no Burris mmlnu ilAititlln man wanted in work on he farm Good uses heated house supplied Telephone tat1301 it noun or after p711 iris reouire ullmen to there but run We otter the beat en deon plan in the city or Barrie fitra monthly bonuses demonstrator iumiled includinit an wash tour and insurance Contact John hull Series Maps er Atkinson Pontiac Euler ud ante Tele phone rmsz itnile JUlCta company uduiru married man for door to deer are ilvertes of their fresh iulcc Fm dutis in the City of Barrie is essential that the spentpt be In termed in Iinmclli dvanceénent thro hlsown nusn IorLdtTomnin rates of pay muss rescuer commisslcu point Write rat Second Avenue Owen sound xiving pertinent details concerning experience In etc MALE FEMALE ern progressive Barrie more local viniakinl conditions in hour week Write nor 111 horri kamlmi FEMALE HELP mung1 pgnled only high ti to am pm Ami st mi Telephnne 12 nousexsuan reduired immediate ly ror elderlv couple invalid wile neoly uov sol Aorta Ontario DAISYSIflEr missed died one emr en more utter tilt Knight up HOUSEKEEPER utreo lo the in nerrte noun memo malls worms swrnted pflst be yd ndoble the ex ertcl erred Apply United Cinr store Dunlop street is hairdresser to take over existing dlentflc Present unplnn luv ink Itil medical reasons eiephcns it no answer 7mm nousarmutzn reduired to euro for children while parents are on vacation in Primary Live in For rurther lntonnetlon telephone atr links at nitmo or meme EMPLOYMENT WANTE mini Paliillng and Piperhsng lug Dependhie service lieson nhle ntcl 1289759 wtu are for preschool enuoren in mychome auvtleld and Grim nu Telcpnone mans WILL lnnk after in or two ohll tireit in my home Campbell street area day week reieohhho 1mm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 rhuv ps1dcuorsnieo until roqu Pirnnluttcisrhiu time for Hindu IO HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS YOU CAN KICK THE STUFFING OUT OI ADVERSITY If youre in dead end 300 not coming high laconic and want the better things in lilequltiiy for an uniting career sales po sition withus No previous sub cs experience required You must be age at ur over ambitious energetic reliable ban positive mental attitude and high school education or better We will train you expenses paid guaranteed $500 per month to start and whats more you will derive 507 or more of your income from our established amunts BREAK AWAY Call now for pcrsunal appointment IIIR COSTANIINO 7283704 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 10 pm WANTED immediately experienced CAFTAN By ALICE BROOKS Dazzle everybody at the party QUICKIE or Just pattern pieces to make caitan glamurlzed with easy cm broidery Pattern 7480 transfer printed pattern 1012 14 tol till20 State size FIFTY CENTS iColns for each pattern no stumps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 16 Bayiield SL Barrie Ontario residents add to sales NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Ncedlccralf catalog over 200 designs to choose free patterns printed inside Send 50 cents nuw Netvi 50 Instant Gifts fabulous fashions toys decorat or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow Idealfor all occasions 60 cents iii Jiffy Rugs to knit crochet weave sew book 60 cents Book of 12 prize afghans Elie Bargain Quilt Book has is beautiful patterns 60 cents Museum Quilt Book patterns for 12 superb quilts 60 cents Book Quilts for Todays Liv ing 15 patterns on cents CALILVVUS FIRST We are Skilled Ili our Service and will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED salmon REPAIR GUIDE PLASTERING nothing and lastcriiig repair and new work wtth prices ireiota JANITOR SERVICE mama Poa clean cleaning tor homes oilicea slnefl Bloch cleunlnu Service mma SNOWPLOUGHING sNDWPLOWlNG driveways and lots Aliandale and distrch 72s tors anytime or mono eventtor DANCING NORTHERN SCHOOL OF DANCING takcs pleasure in announcing the opening of its new studios at OWEN STREET New classes forming in tap and ballet all ages Classes in Modern Jazz Classes for adults Fitness and exercise slim and trim Feel better in few weeks Free aptitude tests given in the home at no obligation Your teacbei Lloyd Gabriel is choreographerand has danc ed on such TV shows as Show of the Week Pig and Whistle and many others can mastic DRAFTING GENERAL fMECHANICAL peasants yum stewrt assent Mansfield CARPENTRV rate now roi home re novetlpnr remodeiuna and general cunhacting motor 5st recruitment Truck Lettering Proan service master crutnntn uo year experience 7mm RUG CLEANING SIMCOE CARPET CLHIIC stery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or In our MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA lLD PHONE 728476 PAINTING PAINTING dc DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN OORI YK 114 Ilst Street 7206876 mraiuoit Painttns and Prperhang lug nepcndsble Service lieapn Ibisrates 7mm House Painting interior uid was lnr Very elasvnabll cred estimates Celt we 7104725 ALUMINUM SERVICE ALUMINUM Top quality selfstoring doors Regular price $45 JANUAIIY ONLY $5 Basement SS Windows PRICE lNCLUDES INSTALLING ALUMINUM LTD ER No Stroud 436W MOVERS amaze nirruiure moving mum ston truck Telep on her 72mm iNSULATION univan human insulation Free estimates Gulrlnteeci work Telepth Scott Muir mm TREES sHRuas unconcerned Tres expcrtau Re Prolessianai carpet and uphol PRESSURE PUMPS PUMPS Washing Machines OSmail Engines noss PUMP sanvtda Phone Cookstown 4539075 LANDSURVEY im Kirkpatrick Duekwnrth Sirest Barrie 7251155 MAINTENANCE inclnail Maintenance Good maintenance in good protection over is years experience mom lRONiNG moms per hrne sshtnx and irontnr 5350 in shirts Pickup and deliver morass BUILDING CLEANERS BUILDING CLEANERS Sand blasting Waterproofing fuckpointing Masonry and Brick work repairs Residential and Industrial Metro Licence No E743 Cali collect Islington 1311592 PAVING Manieri Paving Italian Expert Co of Harris Free Estimate Work guarantccd 7260081 lailnssn RD its TheISeason 1710 II DIllltlfll Divilll llflllllln studio hllrtinl Ila94 In an exotic caitan Quick giam tax Print plainly PAiiElfN ti or corrections by mikegoods The ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Handouts urine and Death Birth Announwmcnts maximal Cards of Thanks wordsi iii stenciltnan Verse Vern to count lino euro Coming Events BIRTHS WARDMr nd tire Jetnu wins an Dortl Noblet III happy to wannee the clue 1552 all in unitary the mt peri unsolul Toronto Human or bu Ind In HEIDI Noble or Barrie FREE From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very useful mortntcnt of well known items for mother and baby Yours FREE when you place May announcement of your babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column of EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce mcnt writer will assist you in wording your announce ment and arrange tor you to receive your free bioth ers Pak from PLAZA balms PHONE 72824I4 Barrie and District Residents Only lN MEMORIAM GRAHAMtn lov em or dear nun Ind rap er1 haul Gil hg who passed hvily January ls We often think or b31017 when we were Ill together The family chain broken now Iiut memories wiu live for ever To ur me has not gene may Nor has she tnvrllcd or Just entered Godl eternal home And lett the all Jar lovin iy remembered by hue hand He and lsmily llAitlfLTONln iovtnr in dear husband and the Hamilton who passed away nuarv is toot sunrhtns ruler and shadow fail but met renternhrnnce outissis nu Alwas rent by one Tlny family WOIIIJ MINIMUM CLASSIFIED unvmsistuc cun ntseount RItci sooty it paid with in days one or two insertions be per word Three consecutive in eertlon the cr word Dcr inser tion that at so ennsecuuvn insertions 41 wont per inren tton toiu $51 Multiple insertions my be otdcrcd lubicct to clncollav tlon when satisfactory msuiLs ob tained in per cent sdditlnnli tilinile if not plld within seven ya Buttons mi connamoris Ail phone insertion orders are accepted as convcntcncc to the dvsruseu Thereinr the cinnlned Advertirlng Department renutm all advertiser to kindly reehtei their ndver strnent immediately utter first insertion in order that any error or omission may he re ocrtcd herhro am in order that game may he reetltied for the tol lnwlnl dlv publication Tho air rls hammer is relpnpslblo Lfll only one incorrectly printed lnflh on or any advertisement and then only to the extent or portion at no that involves the inlspilnt Errors which do not lessen the value at tho advertisement are not eligible tunic Examiner reserves the right to ctsssity revise or reject any want an PATTERNS 4914 SiZES 210 eHliPPY CHOICE ay ANNE ADAMS To ruffle or not thats the delicious decision little girl must make about this swingy skimmer Quicksew with few seams its adorable in cotton checks plaid taffeta Printed Pattem 4914 NEW Childrciis Sizes ii 10 Size Ii takeslh yards 35inch SIXTYFIVE CENTS 65 cents each pattern Ontario residents add3 cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME Annnass STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adams care of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 16 Baylieid St Barrie Ontario Sii0rt on time More quick eas Sew styles in our New Fa Winter Pattern Catalog Plus free pattermcnupon site New Instant Sewing Book Save hours cut lit sew mod cni cxperl wuy Ovcr500 plc additional lords he wont in coins no stamps please for pelch crewman CARDS 0F THANKS hgiuuld our our end mans end relum who helped the night at the idem Thou who sent rdI DIE Inch Ind vLIIteit dining our stay In hurtful an erenod accord speetoi thanks to and hurts she Rev Weir 0dr melt thunk dob comic and Wm ncomu would Ilh ti thank nux mm New Mllh bonny ninthr for in love ly MI and bull in umors use tutu die on committee And an it 332 12 ni n5 CItziIilI Giana We wish Inthlnk friends and ninth for acts or kindness memges oi nmpnthy and tieri tributes melved during our benkvemenl of our mother Special thanks to Reverend seduce Dr Aiina and lnhiswnod Print item ltsl and the Jmett new epic iirs Walton Ind Mn time Baxter Wimsmrne unit or inny WhitHid or ihnk friends nhimopun Ind re iatlvcs tor their setr of titrate nnd noni trthutu during one monument of our door rather special thanks to doctors and nurses at iwyat Victoria with and um unghu Funeral 0c cooktown COMING EVENTS BARREL HUNTICUIJIURAL SOCIETY Tour to the ICE FOLLIES Saturday January 25 Bus leaves Wellington Hotel am MATINEE at MAPLE LEAF GARDENS at pm Some free time alter show Green tickets Adults S3 Stud ents $150 Bus tare all 3215 To reserve call Miss Yeates 7289660 or Mrs McGhle 726 6037 or Lloyd Qinnlngham 726 ANNUAL MEETING OOOKSIOWN AGRICULTURAL SOCIHIY WEDNMAY JAN 29 1969 10 am UNITED CHURCH OOOKSIOWN Dinner banquet 1215 pm Tickets $200 to be ordered by January 27 ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday 25 pm Friday and 79 pm Saturday 10 am pm 33 Collier Street Easement of Jerrys iV Trade Deficit To Double In 69 TORONTO OPP Cdnadas foreigntrade deficit will more than double in 1569 says the Fnidential Insurance Co of America in its annual Canadian economic forecast But an upsurge oi business spendingthe first since 1966 and sevenvperccnt increase in consumer spending should help Canadas total output of goods and services to keep pace with last years The insurance company pred icts Canadas Gross National Product will rise 82 per cent this year to 92600000000 compared with $671000W000 in 1968 About 33 per cent olthe increase will be accounted for by higher prices leaving real growth oi almost five per cent exactly as much as in 1968 The largest factor in the GNP will lie consumer spending of an estimated 541900000000 or 33¢ 1000000000 more uranfn 1968 This is turnabout from the last three years when the in crease in spending discounting price increases declined Government spending is ex pected to rise even more steeply than consumer spending total ling $14700000000 or $1 400000000 more than in 1963 CBC Employees Live In Poverty OTTAWA CF More than 1000 CBC employees are living below the fpoverty line set by the Economic Council of Can arlnf the Association of liadio and Television Employees of Canada maintained today The associationsaid in brief to federal conciliation board that 45 per cent of the 2215 CBC announcers office workers and salesmen it represents earn less than $4042 year The association is seeking zupercent wage idcrcase or the CBC employees and mini mum increase ili $1000 The sal ary range for its membership now is SAM$10338 The Economic Council of Can ada governmentestablished body had shown real concern about poverty in its annual rc parl last September the brief PEOPLE NOT MONEY TORONTO CF Short president of St Lawrence College of Applich Arts and Technology said Wednesday dualitied people have replaced capitals the single most im portant requirement in mod ern industrial society lie told the Electric Club of Toronto that national prosperity depends on high level of education through the population TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS lures Only $1 PHONE 728 2414 Canadian Prime Minister Pierre mam smiles at Maltas Prime Minister Dr NEWS ROUNDIIP MONTREAL CF The Bank of Montreal announced Wednesday paid on true savings deposits The bank will increase the per cent in line with similar in creases by Canadas other char tered banks At the same time the Bank of Montreal will increase to 5V per cent from five per cent the interest into paid on true snv ings deposits The other banks did not increase this rate came day attcr three major Torontohased chartered banks raised their interest rates tol iowcd by increases earlier Wednesday by the Montreal baserl Royal Bank of Canada and Banque Canadienne Natio hale llousing Stress TORONTO CPI Su icrs general manager of Ontav to Housing Corp said Wedncs day the government agency is puttinggrflater stress on cone dominium housing to lessen the need for public housing The more condominium housing we can create the less public housing ls needed he told the suburban North York board of control In condominium projects pcolt pie buy their own apartments or town houses instead of renting them sharing ownership OI the land hallways elevators or other areas in common use ISwingers Tour YEIILDWKNIFE WIT CF The selfstyled swinger of the Northh invited Prime Minister Trudeau Wednesday to join him on weeklong sieighride to find out what the arctic is all about Duncan Pryde 31yea rold member of the Northwest Terriv toriai Council for the High Arc tic said week an dogsied would convince Mr Trudeau that the man of the gun and trapline do not live romantic lives by choice but are forced to do so to survive Tell him the swinger of the North Wants to meet him Survives In Bush GRANDE It Alta Ernest Running 64 missing since early January in the No Lakes district 100 miles south of this northern city was picked up chnesday in re tglale area by an llMP snowmo ile Mr Running who said he was anxious to wash up and sleep told his rescuers he built loan to and bada tire at all times Expo Architects TORONTO UPI Expo 67 provided tremendous spur Iur Oatarlns landscape architects says Bruce Evans nl Toronto Mr Evans immediate past presidcnt of the Ontario Land scape Ambitects Association told the gmups annual meeting Wednesday that Expo gave On tario architects the challenge and experience they needed to cc cl the industrys growth Association officcrs estimate that landscape contractors and maintenance companic do about 550000000 wurtll of busi ness annually in Ontano em plpying about 10000 increases in its prime interest rate as well as increases of the interest rate lending rate to seven from The banks announcement Borg Olivier ictt sticks out his blood to on him farewell as they and others lett Marl on MORTON sauutmN Shulman May Quit BRAMPTON OP Di Morton Shulman New Demo cratic Party member at the leg islature said Wednesday night that if his party does not win the next provincial election hell quit politics The day get out til politics will be very happy man Dr Shulman told meeting the Brampton Young Liberals Association Dr Shulman who represents the Toronto High Park riding said he had approached Liber als to find out about the partys policy before he decided to run as an NDP candidate But the problem with the Liberal party is that it is mid dleutthevmad party and its very hard to define that road he said Dr Shulman said the integrity of Robert Nixon Ontario Liber al leader is never in question but added that Mr Nixon can not control the Liberal caucus Commenting on the provinces financial problem Dr Shulman said Premier Robartg and in re Charles lilrac Naughton are making mlstakc in borrowing money in Europe Robbery Arrest LONDON Ont CPI provincial police spokesman here said Wednesday night man arrested in chmer Ont Tuesday has been charged with armed robbery of Rodney areafarmer last October BetSgt Dennis Alsop fled the man charged as Gerard Rodrigue 34 former resident of Rodney community about 30 miles southwest of here Sunnybrook Clinic TORONTO CF Sunny brook Hospital Wednesday opened 52dnctor clinic which will offer patients the lull serv ice of specialists as well gen eral practitioners Dr Allan Knight head of the medical staff said by working at the hospital general practi tioners could rely on the full services of specialists Fewer Dairies TORONTO OP The num her of dairies bottling milk iii Ontario dropped by the curl nf last year to 173 from 196 year earlier the provincial agricul ture department reported Wednesday Department officials blamed centralization of dairy opera tions and the switching of many small plants to warehousing op cratinns TRUDEIIU BIDS FAREWELL borough House Inndon at end of the Cormnonwealth Prime Ministers Oon forencc AP Wircpitotot Bank Of Montreal Ups Loan Interest Rates McClure ls IeeIed amion top Dr Rob cit McClure moderator of the United Church of Canada was jeclcd Wednesday night as he criticized Canadian Jews for being obsessed with the prob lems of Israel Dr McClure told an audience at the Toronto Zionist Centre that we think we dctcct slight guilt complex in ihc Ca nadian Jew caused by his live ing rather comfortable and al tluent in relative peace in Canada lie replied to charges that Itis church and its magazine The Observer ore anti rncii The magazine was criticized for it series of articles written by cdi tor ltev It Forrest following visit to lsracl to report on the aftermath of the war in June 1907 Continue Flights OITAWA tCP chcral permission has been granted Canadian Pacific Air LINES and KIM Royal Dutch Airlines to continue flights between Canada and The Netherlands until April despite the lapse of an agree ment between the two countries The agreement expired Jan as part of Dutch power play for lucrative landing rigth at Toronto KIM may new land at Montreal while CPA may land at Amsterdam Thin Out Deer RIDGETOWN Ont tOPI Twentyfour deer were shut and killed Wednesday in Rundeau provincial park by the depart ment of lands and forests James Lever park superin tendent said the shooting was necessary to maintain the parks deer population at ap proximately 100 animals The venison is to be turned over to the lndian affairs branch nithe federal govcrw merit furldisiribution to needy Indian reserves Ridgetown is about 717 miles east at Chatham Find Pilot Dead COLD LAKE Alta tOPi Searchers have found the body til Starlighler pilot Ll Br Kaiser 22 of Victoria pilot of CFlM Starlighter that crashed about 50 miles southwest of here Tuesday night The wreckage of the aircraft on routine training light from Cold Lake 125 miles northeast of Edmonton was spotted Wednesday by helicopter No cause for the crash has been given and board of inlt entry has been called by the Air Defence Command Plastic Tarill OTTAWA tCP fourday tariff hoard hearing on pro posed increase in import duties on polyethylene plastic pellets is drawing to close with most of the opponents deserting the scene Four big foreignowned chem ical firmsCanadian industries Ltd Dow Chemical of Canada Ltd Du Pant of Camda Ltd and Union Carbide Canada Ltd arc urging the board to ruc nmiieitt boosting the present 7séepercent import duty on at most pun polyethylene to 10 per cent with consequential amendments to other polyethyl cue import duties

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