atures dip the tragic toll of carbon mon 16 Bayflald Strea Walla Publisher VMcPharaon MONDAY JANUARY standard School Building Plans Needed In the interest of economy and effi ciency there should exist set of stand ard schoolbuilding designs for Ontario There are plenty of areas within which such designs could be left flexible to meet local needs and tastes but thobasic construction should be standardized The school board of Metro Toronto is now claiming that if project it has in hand succeeds the construction industry in that district will be five years ahead of the rest of North America in school construction The project in question called Study of Educational Facilities calls for design and contractletting techni ues borrow led it is said from the space pro igram pilot reject will employ ten subsystems lch would fit together me building with no fixed interior walls and with lighting air conditioning gand equipment completely mobile This pilot construction project will in volve an existing school replacement for Rodeo School and will begin next Gite iï¬iairie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited Barrie Ontario Wllilam Teller General Manager Managing Editor ma PAGIH In Ontaria September By 1971 SEF hopes to have built 42 schools costing $40 million It is anticipated that the greater To ronto area will need $500 million worth of new schools within the next ten years It Is hoped that the new plan will ellmr lnate or minimize costly changes to schoolbutldings in the future In dismissing building in this nowaga we have quoted various authorities who have castigated building methods of to day as inflexible unimaginative slow and unreasonably expensive This new system can be used for any kind of bull ding or complex of buildings There are dangers involved of course It takes skill and flair to design prefabricated sections which will lend themselves to variety Also set building plans are an invitation to monotony But these dangers can be evaded The basic idea is good and there is no more vitalnecd in construction than the pro vision of new schools It took them long time to come to it We wish them luck Canadians Saving More Today in many different waysCanadm tans ara saving more than ever before close to 05 per cent of their disposable income with the chartered banks share as personal savings do sits in some 15 000000 accounts rea ing an unpreced ented $185 billion according to the Ca nadian Bankers Association In the period 194061 personal saving of all kinds was an at annual rate of 04 per cent of disposable income jumping to an annual average of 85 per cent for the period 196267 In 1907 the highest savings figure of any 12month period was registered nearly $4 billion or 05 per cent of income after taxes and liv ng expenses against comparable fig ure in the United States of to per cent the CBA says The banks new ability to pay compe titive interest rates for deposits as result of the removal of the interest ceil ing on loans last year has already had farreaching effects and steadilyin creasing proportion of all savings are once again beinglentrusted to the banks To illustrate The number of personal saving accounts increased by 947960 OTHER EDITORS VIEWSe STUDENT SMOKERS Peterborough Examiner Students of Toronto suburban school deserve little support for thair campaign to remove smoking ban while on school premises The students are at tempting todrum up support among those who sympathize with pupils who have been ordered to trim their locks sideburns and whiskers Smoking is banned as healthmeau sure by the school autboiities Their decision is supported by recentmedicai orts It is sensible position for the gel to take since it is notthe respons ibility of school authorities to make the decision as to who may ormay not smoke WINTERS SILENT HAZARD Ottawa Journal Four teenagers were found dead of carbon monoxide poisoningurecently at Chalk River As soon as the tempera oxide poisoning increases Motorists oftenteenagers will IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Manolo ciluoeii HalIFAXTit ONLV BUILDING munitions 00M NDNGYEAR moi5m before they die Di sit for hours at Him in pn idiinglauto ©iia oF rite UNITED siiiés FAVORITE iny IN If ï¬ElllflffL daddies57mm between April 30 1907 and April 30 1968 whereas between September 00 1983 and September 30 1968 the aver age annual Increase was only about 536 000 Similarin total savings deposits in creased nearly $17 billion from 196710 1968 whereas the total increase in tho Efleilliod 19631968 was only about $18 on The MBA Bulletin seesfurther evid ence of Canadians new interest con sciousness in the recent massive growth of deposits in the banks various higher interest nonchequing accounts In to tal these rose from $3325 million to $0 520 million between September 1960 while in the sameperlod deposits in chegueable personal savings accounm paying lower interest declined from $0 148 million to $6617 million other significant trends Were noted First the average size of indiv idual savings accounts has shown fair Iy consistent increase from $365 in 1963 to $675 in 1987 and $870 in 1968 See ondly consistent with the trend the pro portion of individual accounts with bal ances over $1000 has shown steady increase mobile with th wlndovm tightly shut Carbon mon gas gives no warning foits victims it is invisible and odor What was particularl tra about the Chalk River tragedy divas that wait ress going to work at 740 am spotted the four teenagers and thought they were waiting for her toopen nearby restaurant When their bodies were dis covered at 830 am the coroner sub uently setthe time of death at am Until automobile manufacturers de sign acar that wont leak carbonmoh onide into the passenger compartment motorists should always keep avent or window at least partially open Shiver ingisasignoflife ODDSTOO tow Port Arthur NewsChronicle The Dominion Bureau of Statistics says on the basis of out of every eight Canadians can to be treated in xpec sychiatric institution you ever get in that nastyi ood when you thought the ï¬gure of eight was vfar too low LEGENDARY HEROES was mommie wanicreaaoaaoweo FROM aauaoa usaosoms menmam WfliflKfllflfliflï¬w 7441955 50 ï¬llJuli at 45046 WMZD IMVLVIWYaIWTEP EPIflkllflnE FM WENN5 nF TIE MTEaFldMS 50 WTWAPMNIAG muggy5e IE7150 IllIUD TZE GEMD AMIY0 gt This not ms MEI1W WIADI M47554 JILL MM IVAWM SVWES III IND57005 ifEEWSN WM HIPM 1066555 7iY chVEID IIIKM Ellil WWW MIMI57PM KIMIAIN WZMgiuï¬lvfld new as oupuw present figures one dictum postage guaranteed Auld Lang Syne THE WL air rule I6 ELLOW THE FUN House To LB Johnson by rimar name Foreign Alftr Annyt Biographera will spend mom time trying to describe Lyndon Johnson in years to come than they have spent on John Keir nedy serious author will inevi tably find the complicated Texan ihsdnating study No one in recent history has com blned on so large scale such clollection cl defect and quail man who talk like coiithr ern preacher on TV can be tire some éxcept when his words suddenly and obviously spring frpmhia heart and the spiritual overtones stop being cprny Lyndon Johnson managedtobe uplifting on some OCCIdnnsllld dietitian grentoecaxious as in March 1966 when he made hla magniï¬cent speech on civil Ille The prototype soutiaenier meaiunginvthe House olEepra sentatives pounded home simple message with power iihe timefordelay gone ourrysffpiiiiic by non onnanN WRONTOIm the wonderlul world of theatre the dirtiest most despicable wordvia upstag Ing Upstaging means that lesser p1ayai takes the play laway froma senior star Its manoeuvrein theatre that of era good actor or actress tho opportunityto show himself or herself to best advantage at the expense of thaproven star One of the finestupstagers in theatre was the latelobn Bare rympre Even llni his youthful years in the theatreBarrymoro Tillie ammon ismynela Street Barrie Ontario Authorized is second class mail by the Postotflce De partment Ottawa and for paynï¬ient of postage in cash Dally Sundayaand Statutory Holidays excepted Subsclipiionrratee daily carrier 50c weekly $20003 yearly Single copies 10c By mail Barrie $2600 yearly Ontarla $500 year motor thrown off Slbtyear Out side Ontario $10 year Oub side Canada British posses slona 25 year USA and foreign $32 year National Advertising offices 425 University Avenue Toron tooto Cathcart Sti Mont real willha Member of the Canadlan Press and vAudit Bureau of CKClllatlfllns The Canadian Press iacx clusively entitlnl to them for republication of all new dispatches In this paper cred itcd toltor The Associated Press or Reuters and also we local news publishedxthereln Premier Rbliaï¬s In Upstages5 The Prime Minister actor downslage to therigbt or People could not be asked any longer to wait for Justice They had waited too long already Ila said he wanted to be known as the president vino helped the poor and this proud title hlsto rians will probably accord him He did make America conscious of the poor who are not numer ouscnougb in the 116 to matter electorally as much as the rich and he put Negro In his cabl net whereas Richard Nixon has not dared MAN WITH ECCENTRICITIES Lyndon Johnsons work against poverty will be the main tlilngbe will be remembered by when all his irritating habits mrlorgolten by everyone but good biographer who will one hopes put them in perspective In retrospect these habits may even seem amusing eorentrlclv the Illa vanity tor Instance that rnade blm cboo such extrava gantly decora olllces when he wasmalority leader of the us Senate and 50 many Europe could force an experienced the left leaving himself centre and upstage He was then in commandof the performance The Barrymore type of up staging has been used by Pre mier John Roberts during his current tour of Europa Father John as some of us call him al Queens Pa upstaging Prime Ministe Trudeau Mr Trudeau hasheen attaini lng the conlcrence of Common wealth prlme ministers He has admittedly captured the alien tinn of Canadians and people throughout the world with tha Trudeau rcharismathe kiss the blowsy blonds the lunch gthe suggestion of marriage that might finally set him apart from hls bachelor predecessor the late MackenzleKing RDBAETSIS DIFFERENT Meantime Father John lio barts the father image very delinitelygscts him apart from lbachigirs liliko Tirudeau endagbe ate not ante taons about the business in Etulyrope of organizlng capitalinvesunent in Ontarlps future development Mr Roberts has in mind the fact that there Is nioneyln Eu rope today for investment in Canada and that mostof that money wants to come to On tario His government can bor row it in Europe for about six pyr cent against sevenper cent in the United States Untllx he petunia towardjilhs cndof tnpnth hinikobarts scussed Ontariosin dusirialéfuturej with financiers in Italy Switzerland Germany and Britain Andbecause Prov incial Treasurer Charles Mac Naughtonis with him Mrillol barts discussions In Europe must be considered thavOntariu govemment alternative toithe money problem posed byrottav wasirefusal to grant more to the pl our 81L about his 53 With an unusualiyblsh ments current review of Its ior Talia elgngand defence policies proportion of statuesque blondea he called honey His vanlty thpt made him carry around copies of the Gallup Poll when he was very popular and made him wince when it was mentioned after he stopped being popular His vanity which drove him to try controlling the release of news so that Itwould all be written in headlines that DAMON 11 We take the opportunity losvlsb everyone new year and rectify maul serious omissions which occurred In other section of lids loinital last week in reporting the Commander bevce at Can adlan Forces Ease Borden two very pruninent Barrie citizens re left out in the guest list of those present for the Jan jmorning sipping of moose milk And they Alp good Frank Tooka and Robert Hunter bli Tooke who outrwings our prime minister and la much younger to boot operates this cityI first and only advcitialng and public relations agency Mr Hunter is sales manager for mflrln Rule but beyond that be is president of Barila Chamber of Com mrrce Now how could we have missed tbch Mr Hunter should have brought his trumpet along and made4 hll presence imdi more aware IN THE usr of seven direc tors Installed for Barrie Kiwanis Club there were just six namen Somehow Chgllea Rogers the eminent realitnrgot leftout So now they are in Al comment ed earlierwe otten makévmis takesgdeliberately to check how ifaithfully subscribers are mad DA Ammonia rv lTrudeauCommenta Interest Soyieta MOSCOW tori Prime Min later an statements miabditCanadua mle In NATO arebelng given detailed atten tion in the Soviet press for the ï¬rst time Several cgntrall newspapers are carrying dispatches from Auden or commentarles stress ing British pressures on Tru deau for continuing Canadas NAN role without change There baa also been lengthy report from Ottawa by Tass lha otliclal =Sovlet news agency Canadian govern The sudden Interest by Mos cow in Canadas foreign and da fence policy reviews follow what appeared to be calculated and discreet handlingby the So viet press in the past about the possibility of Canadian with drawal frotriNAlVQ Vasily Tarasovy leading started LBJ SAYStllisvnnl commentator with the Soviet ty that made him put his initials lovemmept newspaper lzvcstla on everything including his unmes in frontbase uhcla fortunate wife whom henlck that the country which cele mde Lady mm mat her brated itdetb anniversary of undenvear would hear the man ogram L3 its eidstenea in 1967 now is forced to admit its independ once is rather peculiar Puniicllonci fBRIErUNITEDiABPEAi Excerpts from Barrie United AppealConstltutlon ARTICLE III SectionBThe annualmeeting of the members of the organization shall be held inthe month of January at such place and onsuch day and hour as the Board of Trustees may determine Notice of the annual meeting shall be given through publication in news paper of general circulation in Barrie not less allphases of the ries complete respo the dateof suchirieeting AHlICIE Section AEach contributor to the fund of the organiza tion shall thereby become an individual member of the organization for the year for which his contribution was given andshall be entitled to attend and vote at all membershipmeetings during that period it Ihefollowing prodedure to béused by the Nomination Committee for the selection ofzcandidatesfordhe Board ofTni ameeting oftheBoardon July 10 1963 NEED FORPROCEDURE llieIBoard of Trustees is responsible for Barrie United Appeal It determines policies and car bility torithe successor failur of the annual ries complete responsibility for the success or failure of the annual campaign The Board should not be group of prominent citizens who experienced capable men and women who are suppoers of the United Appeal and wiilingito do their share of the work to ensure the future success and continuity of this serviceto the community They should be recruited from wide and balanced range of occupations Recog nition should begivan in their selection to the sources of the financial support for the UnitedAppeal PROCEDUREEach year the Nominating Committee of three trustees appointed by the Board will make up list of important classifications of occupations such as housewives retailing public utilities organized laboriprofessional people teaching profession industry etc When the classified list of occupationsis completed and in reasonable balancethe Nominating Committee willconsider suitable candidates in each classification To ensure that theflbest available people are imum of three oaudidatéswill be considered from each chosen min occupation To permit publicparticlpation the Nominating Committee will invite donors to suggest names forconsideraiion by placing an ad in The Barrie Examiner atleast 10 days before the annual meeting is held The NominatingCommiitee will have the power towork fromthe names provide balanced slate for approval Nominations to fill five vacancies on year term willbe accep mittee Mr submitiedand their own list to at the Annual Meeting PLEASETAKE NOTICE THATilt an annual meeting of the Barrie United Appeal will be held at iheYMCA Building 22 Grove St at pan on January 12 1969 WALLIS THE TEST COLUMN Froni Corrections To BrOoiii ilnd Stone By KEN watts Marys two former husbands are the Board of Trustles for three ted by the Chairman of the Nominating Coin oss Siephens4 Letitia Sh Barrie on orlbeforé Jan uary 29 I969 Such nominations must be in writing and indicate the approval of the candidate toletlliis name be used Chairman of the Board at Trustees Barrie United Appeal nani horn Toronto one day last week was of local interest it Involved the Hamilton sister discussing men and they pailI ed no punches unibare has been In Barrie on mural occasions starring In Spring Thaw both formerly of Barrie AS FOR WOMEN My mo ceedcd several years ago in crashing curling even If they havent made It Jockeys yet Mills was aboul the last club in Ontario to lose its defence to the dialaIi side When the old club was downtown the men wouldnt even let them In to watch bonspiels Finally they started curling on spcclal Ica at the comrnunlty arena when they did get permission to curl the curling rink they had no dressing rooms etc Had to go outside somewhere However the old male dlebards mostly card players rather than curlers broke down evenniallyv with the beautiful new building on West St everything is happy now in lilariposa SPORTS PAGE retcra to the well known Simud family as the Gliding Cempbells ind they are truly remarkable Since many readers of this page would not even know where to look for the sports aocllon we bring you uptodate Thtle was mens bonsplel at Barrie Curling Club recently in which the ather Marshall and all four sons were on the Ice at the same time But not on the same rink Skip Mar shall who calls the shots on his dairy farm as broil as on ice had sons Doiglas Ross and Dennis on his rink Son Paid was curlingwlth rink from the Avonlca clubof Metro He is go ing through for chartered ac countancy Ross is graduate BSaA monoxqu and Dennis are at home On top of that the mother Dark and only daugh ter Linda are excellent curlers too As Paul once said to me several years ago tvin have curling for breakfast lunch and dinner at home Dad plans his plays on the table with sugar cubes and forks BIBLE THOUGHT Widow lbe whichcnnse also miter those things neverthe less am not ashamed for knowwhom have believed and am penuaded flint he is able to keep that which have committed unto him against that day Timothy God can only keep and bless the part at us that is wholly omitted to Hun Commit thy way unto the lord trim also in Him and He shall bring It to pass than 10 days prior to stees was approved at