Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1969, p. 4

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We could stand some more industrial who Putatishor Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Eeyfieid Street Barrio Ontario William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor THURSDAY JANUARY PAGE Some Problems In City As Year 1969 Emerges Now that 1969 has arrived what prob icmshas Barrie to solve This is another LltlcthlbyEal and the City Fathers must be well aware that the taxpayers will be watching much more closely than during 1968 Wevwould think that holding tho tax rate down would come under close scrutiny People are being milked now much too much by higher levels of govt ernment Ottawa for instance in Barrie the most urgent matter is downtown Parking space is badly need ed and several eyesores remain in the business blocks This is not to knock the plazas but it is fact that people measure community first by its ap pearance and facilities downtown grovth now Midland Coilingwood and Owen Sound got declared special ar eas by the government Look what hap pened newcomer here remarked in effect that Barrie became city 10 years ago and has been dead ever since The statement was unfair but there was some truth Coming up Is new ldhoie golf course for 1970 with curling club How much will this affect the present flourishing curling club Not much we think And there is the Save The Park campaign the park being art of the present golf course The ea is excellent but we have reserved feelings about the fin anclng If the park is going to be for everyone then it should be paid for by everyone not just those who will make personal contributions What we would like to see in Barrie this year is more rsonai involvement in community at airs If you look around you will see that the greatest part of necessary work is done by min ority of citizens Also it has become fashionable to buy property out in the country and build there Taxes are lower and there is also less likelihood of getting tied up in community projects The parks the waterfront the many things the city has to offer for pleasure and recreation are available to every one anyway This may be so much barking the dark but if more people would accept just bit more community responsibil ity Barrie would be better place for everyone DOWN MEMORY LANE ID YEARS AGO IN NEW CITY Barrie Examiner Jan 1959 Many citizens still hung over from double cele bration of New Year and town becoming city on same day Mayor Willard Kinzie at Royal Victoria Hospital greeted first citizen of City of BarriePeter Michael Drummond son of Mr and Mrs Gerard Drummond Dunl St Father is employed by Mansfield ubber Co Hajaha welcomed triui phant Fidel astro andhis rebels but mpact for ture had little effect on 10 peo pl William Willardihng stalled as resident Kiwanis Club by lurray derson of Toronto Citypollco began first patrol of newly annexed area north of Highway 400 on Highway 27 Cuddles First call of new year to police involved couple arguing over died Constable not only put them to bed but baby as well Barrie area Hydro staff celebrated 500000 accidentlt free hours at banquet held at Red Roos ter Elmvale Pearsali nat ive of Oro Township appointed Assist an Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ca ada Barrie Flyers moved into tie for fifth place with Marlboros in Jun ior hockey beating Hamilton Cubs Eddie Westfali and Dale Rolfe starred for locals John McDowell elected captain Snow Valley ski club At Parry Sound high school bonspiel win At nd ita place with ale liquor ws than Ontario Where The great southwestern state of Oklahoma thats where Tolbegin with it is illegal to buy or sell an alcoholic drink of any kind You can bu beer wine or bottles of liquor in Mali stores operated by private en terpriser but you cant just buy casual drink That is you cant unless you belong to club These clubs cover wide range from the superposh Petrol eum and Gattlemens clubs to the dreary 13 little Moonheam joints featuring Dancing Cocktails although dancing cocktail we have yet to see 12 HAPPENED IN CANADA AeicJIsLANo on oIeSOUTilEASftoAST often scaTiA $GIV5N our osscnwnve TLEevMAnmeas Thaw In is HOME oF WILD poms Mr fiNeserAihpflaIIHEDWWW Asamos monotone armor arr2 500V SNIPS WITMMAF WWIVise L155 IA 5MP am STIRIimfs IN filial$9450 whowasrsoberrenough to put babyetom Alanrenewmmvmrlammww WWWHWWMIya silo ning rink was from Barrie composed of Jimmy Wiigar Don Johnston Gord Johnston Brian Reevie Two otherlocal rinks were skipped by Merv Wice and Bob Dobson Jack Troyer with 27 topped pointscorers at mens jitney Barrie Curling Club Local citizens up in arms over remark made by Ashforth president Canadian Cham ber of Commerce Banker Ashforth was quoted by Toronto press in speech to Board of lrade Muscovites dress in Very drab manner like the people of Barrie Mr Ashforth said he was com pletely misquoted Rev Canon Allan Read of Trinity Church said Ialways vthought Barrie people looked very smart They are proud of this new city and show 1b ey walk along with happy gait Willidnrrfiradley was winnerrofrcedar chest in luckydrawat Bill Ciarkshome furnishings Cpl Knobby Clarks rink won main ev ent at Borden Yuletide bonspiel beat ing Herb Shannons Barrie rink of George Dangerfield Art Powell and Ken Walls in final St Monicas separ ate school on Steel St opened Editorial wondered if Barrie would have enough parks and open spaces for int ure growth Barrie rinks stripped by Mrs Dave Smith and Mrs John Ough qualified for Ontario Ladies Tankard semifinal round at Oshawa by winning district games at Midland Members of the high class clubs pay high initiation tees and dues Members of the other clubs join by knocking on the door or by just walking in Some charge fees of one dollar roost dont bother Restaurants are notallowed to serve early alcoholic drinks all of them cheer providesetups or mixers but you haveto bring the bottle Just to make matters more confusing quitea few restaurants advertise cocktails How can they do it Such places seem to be part of motels or hotels What difference that makes no one in Okla homa seems to know or care Well as they say It takes all kinds to make the world go round Tottveyatoatroiirtaunc comatosem2 In for DISPUTE OVEIE hi5 CANADIANU5 BORDER SPEaiFlC ALLYCONcEENING 115 BOUNDARYLINE 0F fob MWEL WHERE ll REALHED TIDE WATER oFTdB PACIFIC OCEAN ms semeo or 1W GERWM K4552 CAM To CANADA wmi suctisu Low WMILYDAY 54VY74AWiié IMMEDIOP moor Wiles74w more 404Dlflilfit4 am 72 72 013w Mot7V sortsu nus 31 TO THE EDITOR LETTERS wnono Dmscnou Dear Sir tltth due respect for the cour age of the astronauts and for the brains behind Eastern and Wes tern space research it appears to me that successful round trip to the moon at this time Is step in the wrong direction as for as solving our problems on earth is concerned Student protesters are accus ed todayof offering nothing as asubstituie for that which they condemn The mere fact that students today are to some ex tent protesting any education al or political system which would direct the best of their brain power to the mean at time that it is so obviously need ed on the plhnet earth is think reason enough to apprcc late their dissatisfaction with the statusqflo That man can new venture to the moon and be returned safe Iy to til family lswonderful Ill deed Itwillbe more wonderful when leaders like Robert Ken nedy and Martin Luther King can venture into the field of genuine brotherly love there on earth and return to their fem ilies without getting bullet through the head It seems to me that the hu men race is being asked to make up its mind what it prefers more harmonious space ships or more harmonious human re lationships Somepeopleremlnd usithat the space programemplnys lot of people at time when unemploymentis on the increase agree however also agree that the ma Nostra employs lot of people Does this mean we are wise to give priority to such programs BRUCE DONER Coliingwood iGDDD RESOLUTION Dear Sir This its the time of year for making New Years resolutions We resolve to do many diflerent things It would benth us all the most however it we resolv ed to read portion of our Bible every day The words of the Bible can be guide and source of Labor Troubles Worried fOur MPs camera NICHOLSON OTTAWAIliabnr troubles worried our MP5 literally up to their last working minute before Christmas The unsettlel dis pute between theCBC and Its 2000 technicians in NABEI threatened to disrupt broadcasts ing services even to the extent that the prime minister would not be able to make his Christ mas broadcast Then at the last minute Labor Minister Bryce hiadraseyrose In the House to announce settlement This largely stemmed from his precedentmaking rejection of thefieonciliatiorl boards report when he told the board that It had not exhausted its capabili tiesvand urged it to cover no less than 109 points left out stanling It was both significant and ap propriate that Hon Bryce nfackesey starred thus in that last item of parliamentary busi ness before the MPS wenthome for their Christmas break Mackesey 47yearold na tive of Quebec City who repre sents the Montreal seat at Ver dun has been aminister tor Iess than year but he has been making his mark on Par liament Hill ever since he was first elected six years ago lWdiscflndnaHng commenta tors quiddy spotted his political talent and his masochistic ca pecity for hard wont although moresrmeriicial observers have only noticed him since he began to win the predictable acclaim as Labor Minister Perhaps his first achievement here was his lead among parlia mentariens in fighting Quebec separatism openly He certainly considers that his native prov ince was being IeIt behind in the economic rat race but hedoes not believe that this was the re sult of any plot by the other provinces His overriding can viction is that Quebec needs Canada just as Canada needs encouragement and strength ev ery day of the yearsomething which cannot truly be said of anything else However many people are or am Examiner is Hayfield sneer Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office De partment Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Return postage guaranteai Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekly $2600 yearly Single copies too By mail Barrie 52500 yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw off 518 year Out side Ontario $20 year Out side Canada British posses sions $25 year USA and foreign $32 year National Advertising Officesz 425 University Avenue Town to 610 CathcartbtI Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau oi circulations The Canadian Press is exw cusiveiy entitled lo the use it republication oral news dl patches in this papercred ltd tovit or The Associated Pr ssor Reuters and also the news published therein Wdittliil lmstraied In their efforts to do this reading by the difficulties involved in not knowing how much to readeach day and in the selection of passages For this reason time good inten tions soon dissolve and are un frtunately forgotten If any of your readers are in terested have is supva of charts availablefree and without Tenyobligationovhich will help them in to to 30 minutes day to read all of the Old Testament once and all of the New Testa ment twice in year any ofier you and your road ere all good wishes for spirit uaiLy profitable New Year JAY hillES 51 Warnica Rd Painswiek Ontario BIBLE THOUGHT Casting down Imaginations and every high thing that oxal teth itself against thehnow ledge of God and bringing into captivity everythought to the obedience of Christ Codi thlans 105 God expects more than good word now and their from those who claim to know him EAT NEARLY ANYTHING Cntlishcs have been knownlo swallow rags newspapers ruh hcr heals scraps of wood and burlap Quebec He travelled widely as hackbench MP making speedics explaining his view of the Quebec prohlun and his practical common sense akways impressed hls enthusilnlc audi ences Meanwhile as chairman of the Liberal caucus he utilised his position in the delicate task of hoidng together the dis arate and eager elements which made up that caucus lie enjoy ed close personal relationship with lormer prime minister Pearson and did great deal to ease the oileq difficult path of the mane whom he always called with attention as well as with loyalty The Boss The highlight of this phase of Mack escys usefrdncss came when he turned badt an incipient revolt by Quebec Liberal am at the Noihing eons Up like Examiner orient Why waste than searching if image space fo winter clothin sports equipme that Ya know an winter And why keep theseitem of furniture and in fit into your new spring deco your home List your dont wants elephant 7232414 visors will help you prepare for sale ad wh your unwanted items into ext cash he with the Want Ads that was Kirkland Leke and It CANADAS STORY Manyllchiev Of Great Exp By BOB BOWMAN llIda mud an utter do develop metan produced to then sold worth Dammit or prev that dinosaurs once lived to do explored Pull province of Alberta The were some of the adaleveme of Tyrcli one at tr Drama Ma ade his trip 1mm matest prom but to Consuming koownhuocsotCanadian ywrrconsuch lmlla discovery of dl 1i And in nur sheldons In Red Deer mu by toy is rated as bung the on snowshoe wow flodotiuuodon downtown continent becauu it won to crawl nth gladlylib valuable innate lama once the velopment the world 1mm out The gold mine he devel firwmxnmnfi um for is gilnfillczafig hairdo tliable and added TookHugth Nd can to lite ducted cold worth $100 nearly and other Tyrrell dismvcri F1 Mn disease star anger but llmi to largest coal Lawn life and hi rum events INVITE TTE The Examiner luvll trlbntionl to Its Le the editor column on lforlal page ban letters should be res to 00 words Ihonid be lined Writ use pen name It also my chaotic conditions people insPrivy Council Supreme Court decision versy came Royal bank of Smelting Company at Trail EC Ottawa convention to preserve Falls istrike until Jan 10 and averted thr ell feet rather taxdilv Bu tlon calling for An nt basis Bryce should res ti he may fall victim to is an cians syndromepCa his country disc quick tinnidng was 11 continues to warm mots private full into repetition of the solve the Mercantile pd du tack suffered at the pair Entirely on gt convention the reset travelled to New opkb 10 long day and night heard the Wall eetnlilf an to organising and Mr Rockerleller him on behalf of his pet when he explai stance and propo Mill9 Already one of th which became In some ingpowerhwses in ment perm193 like idling Readers of Willem 15°C mt have oiten notic ingenfiyewggga Ema mm seen certain to win the coming year ahdhla that had not lwyflmlhcoSa vars went on strike IBMGrand Trunk olllsion near Toronto kl itoba separate soiled not Merchants Ba INSConsolidated Mini loosRoyal rnlnt letsCanada and SHCPI employees jers who bring their pral theilkesofhlrnand serve even greater aod

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