it guests at that rdcn New Years Daraining at the base LEFT To an cadcts undetgoianltT are Hashim lutezo Col Lee and Judge lHamilton both of during the Base the road to be tural centre No nts occurred that will have on this city ginning otstring elementary not happen all the result of or the phone utlord was for this inr gt Your Previous 533 Slips from Mosty are worth on yo aunt Home Wednesday were irogres and W4 adfld provincial grant otatontague has been is 11 post at perman ent con Eater the regional slidEation of interest orchestra Young awarded the Orllhmianis Festival These you Ezople will also strongly at Ute musical suph isticauon mm One Oi least choral con ccrts ot thBEwas presented 43 musicians were mlscholarships at by the Pro society last spring The cant orator lo The Creel by Haydn was given Eliteriormance in Barrie and at in Grillia The King Ed IChoir sent to capacity ho an Evou ing of Music ish the year Street Unit ed Church Choir mhined With Collingwood Clad and the Chamber group it thellurv onia Symphony iti produce concert tth HE is hearts of 1e Area large crowd with the Christmas spirit events that emanate from our own area artists that ill have the most important and perman ent eiicct en the city and on the people concerts have been brought to Bfalric through 1968 Availability sons for the continuing growth of this City Collegiate Concert Series are the two organizations brought artists at internation al lame to the Collegiate Audi presented dents here lith these organiza tions are stalled by our own cit IZEnS who give their time and eltort tor the good of the com munity and with no thought of Oelrciidcn lien llsuya Mayor it Bentley Gerrard Alkude and Ma Clerc Thor lcvee at city hall Examiner Photos SlVeE true It is undoubiedly the musical Many interesting and exciting top periormances by great rlists has been one of the rea Community Concerts anti the that rium They provide service tremendous value to resi sen DISTRICT Mostly cloudy in snousqualls tonight I0 25 The Toronto wen high Friday of 18 Noon temperature Synopsis The weather will change Winds will become snow squalls wlil through the around Lake Huron gian Bay although will likely be much Variable cloudiness today and Friday light on Friday Georgian Bay cloudiness with Heavier snow squalls some localities toda north westerly to 25 Ste Marie Northern James Bay Variable with low light so today and Friday cold reward They deserve grateful thanks from all of us joy the results at their hard work Looking ahead Barrie tvill probably have of consequence The Huronia Symphony will play complete concert season in Barrie and Orillia The Guilegidtes benefit from special concerts by the symphony lhe Collegiate Band will continue to play at high level at artistry and will retain its popularity with the students We will hear more summer concerts from our Civic Band especially when aband shell is built by the City These are my hopeful dreams youth To All Frieniis An 80VBoyfieid St and 90 Bnytield St for the year 1969 area tonight and Friday with oe casional snnwllurrics and local peruture will remain cold and winds will be northwesterly predicts low tonight oi and Barrie Examiner was 13 and Friday it will remain cold Srowilurrics and locally heavy snoubclt spread than on Wednesday llaliburton Lake St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario llurries today Chance of some light snow tonight and Friday Winds vcstcrly is today and London Lake Huron South crn snowflurrics today and Friday Sudbury North Bay Sault Bay Algoma White River Ti magami Cochranc Western Ottawa Sunny with some cloudy periods and continuing today and Friday Some drilling snow today Winds west only but gusty to 35 todn chosenby ed Queens night Hall law lic Sdiool Board tee of Adjustment oi Ooronlo Wrnrlnh Local Snow Squalls Predicted For Friday the Barrie The tom tonight must create in all our people the titer ollice Nineteen sixty eight has eating at participation at own wmm 1° been tragic year when vov crship we cannot be spectators ï¬ghm recall the assassination ol Mar to government outside the 2° tin hither King andnobcrt Harrie has this year seen an Vihgiam zo KENNY may 531i awakening of civic interest un pzum 3mm it has been an extremely matched in Canada tor Ility Hula today St Catharines 25 political year party icadorshms oour size Tills Interest is hmmo campzugns clections and the the cornerstone lor building HEM lemma 15 some events in the United great city great city where Kings 20 States the participation and involve ontinue 0won Sound zo it has been year ol unrest meat of its people leads it on areas mu 15 and concernstildent dissent the path oipropcr development and Gm North Bay 19 19 separation Vletnam and the Pause it you Will tor its activity Blatrnn conflicts momcnt and reflect on UI less wide it has been year at unbe of ouis Think about its no my flurrics are likely in other HES CITYS ILglOlIS Toronto Hamilton Windsor AFIBST BABY and cold leiv snow tam Ru Harrie In born New Yurl Day Variable Second baby occasional likely in Winds carbon at nurton Georgian cloudiness owtlurriea tour hours who en use which tailed at orchestra will BUFFAID NY answer charge at at 55 miles an hour 31 Customers Barries first baby of the new year was nix pound ounce boy Wlller Beleshy Inn at Mr 1nd Mrs Ronald llelesley wear girl nix pound ii ounce Klthlcen daugh ter at Mr Ind Mrs Dough was born at 408 on Jon Stan thbette electrical nu erintendent with the Public Util ities Corrnnisston reported the cause of the blackout was son Street sub station The trouble haSbeen alleviau ed and no fulfher hydro prob lems are expected by the PUG FAST IN THE SNOW Dennis Frey 25 of Lancas ter will appear in court in the town of Clarence Saturday to miles an hour over the speed limitin snowmobile Officers charged Frey with zippng along Peter Mills and John Ot too were among 12 lwyen the 0mm money geoeralt department to be alm Counsel nresday ltlr Mill EPIde from the llatverslrtid at Toronto and did post unte work at mode School Mr Mills has been practising law lor 12 years and is now with the ï¬rm of Stewart Men Mdhlrl Mills and Didt la the pan Mrl Mills has been member of the Harflo Pinn lung Board and in convicted his term with the ongoing Pub Qirrently ilr hlills is chair man at the board at the Hurionla Symphony Ordiestra and member of the Barrie Omnmlt hlr Otton graduated in teal lrom the Osgoode Hall law School and did his undergrad uate work with the Untverrity Montreal cloudy with sunny periods and drilling snow today Friday mainly sunny and con tinuing very cold Winds west erly 25 gusty to 45 decreasing to FGRECAST mammarunm James 1210 lm the new live sn Many City Homes Without Hydro New Years Day Hydro was out in parts iiiBor rie yesterday between one to the John NP going no inaus QC By Attorn pradlce in Barrie pa member at the Barrie licvable accomplishm polio it showed us many more touched looted our thoughts world community of these events does create leehhgmt frustration left out The immediacy DI the blazing speed of meat in these has the oilect belief that we the passing scene We have nchoice TENDERLOIN CENTRE cur COLEMAN RINDLESS LUCAS BOLOGNA BONNIE oz PETER MILES Mr otton has been practising law 16 years and has his own All or these events and tudes which surely rrialtes us all realize our involvement in the The awesome magmitude of in the in vtdunlrater riblo feeling oItiiisignilieance ital progress the visual involve great happenings at of creating the are spectators ol We are nott we are part panw we are the passing scene Point SAUSAGE CELLO on waxso DOG FOOD we WOllLD LIKE To WISH EVE White or Brown Two BarrieLaWYers Named estGeneral JOHN OTTEN the lodge in 1960 Mayor Bently Optimistice Over Barries 69 Prospects and by modernization of bylaws and planning concepts positive one eat as tion is facilities its us allI al and atti man tor this cit at tlrnes of being television technolog insist on it choice BRENNANS END PORK lOlN COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS PORK LOIN CHOPS or ROASTS BACON Loni 42 Maple Ava Kiwanis Club in our is cur renlly active In the Kempcnlcldt hlasonlc Lodge and was master at playing passive role or my opinion Canadian de mocracy alters it we all do not choose the posiiivc course at action Our governments lcd cral provincial and municipal tion its access its land and waters and you will apprc even more your unique in this great land of va project your obs lions into goals o2ltd and you will rcal ize thatiheréare no limitations nwhnt this city canrbcrtew cities have this opportunity There will be many spectac ular events in 1969not quite as spectacular but of great impor tance will be the policies and announcements of the provincial government in respect to region govcmmcnt The provincial government must be made ware that we want to have say in our lutureln fact we annual to meet their elect represent olives and to see council climbers Barrie citizens met to the mayor and ci members the boys who have been Elected by their ldlow Stu dents as Mayor of the Week Mayor Bentley and council members said they were efl pleased with the number at people who managed to 29 through the storm to nitth the citys iirst lcvce HANS GDGO PATEHSON NJJAP The city excise board has an proved an oldinnnm bannml logo girls lroln Paterson cd to thecily Barrie at all cities stands on the threshold at opportunity The eh ce it creal greal City of unequal ed quality That is the challenge of 65 lo lay the loundation ot quality by legislation by selective in dustry location by moderniza tion ol bylaws and planning concept we can drill to mediocrity or worktowards quality The challenge to our down town is tocoopcrate in the creation ol vibrant modern businesseore The challenge to council is to have the vision purpose and couragcto make 1on range de cisions and nounailments oi quality The challc ptdihi£ one is to be two ved and rdci pate and challenge to all is no meld our individual desires to mortified community dri to excellence FMS Lbeliuve Barrie caudo to sudl degree that the at titude so engendeer will create an unstoppable momentum to progress of quality Accept with me the chain lenge or 69 and have re warding beneï¬cial and Very Happy New Year aosonos Mormon The erosion ot the rights and powers of city must berestor l5 ox tin Lead can absorb more radio tion than almost any oth metal raves FOR COMPLETE ME on