Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Jan 1969, p. 19

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LIVESTOCK FOR SALE mun rare Inhdovflhflol EDEN Eurmu resnos PERSONALS START YOUR WEEKEND with soothing Sauna MINES have private SAUNAS lOpen Sat 10 am to 10 mar DAINFS SAUNA BATES PHONE mull Perms SPECIAL tow lieu runs WED ONL WICKS BEAUTY SALON LI Dunlap St West Tia1980 WEI um WLtluYT It In in old luhloncd deadline no im alter am LA you have drtnnu to inn and want help phone arr Mu or no no at Ennis RIDE WANTED Ann to Barrie rna or reliant school nus selenium mane LEARN HAIRDIIESSING Government Chartered School Tholough training in all bran circa 01 beauty culture ft DERWIN HAIIIDIIESSINO SCHOOL is wonsnuv sr noses NURSING HOMES cums compel or ur sla erly at you mnrhhthlg 53 low nswoo Am Halal Illa amn nN miss DRESSMAKING PERFECT FITTING GARMENTS Made by European lrained Tailor Dressmakrr nice From North American and European Designs NO PATTERN NEEDED creators STEOUD TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place your Articles For Sale ad in The Barrie Ex Arniner keep these points in mind state What item ls Brand llama Conditioh Aoeessoriea and attachments Specilications Prcloua usage Upholsiery Filiiail Aee Colorr IMalia it easier or the prospect tithim Reinanbcr the Articles fiir Sale classation Is the gt Peoples Market Place vFliSHION GOLD By ANNE ADAMS Youve struck fashion gold with this precious shaping that soars from high waist to cult collar In knits tweeds blends it looks groatl Printed Pattern 4060 MissnsSizes 10 12 1456 In Size it bust 34 takes ill ards 54inch fabric SIXTYFIVE CENTS 65 cents in coins the stamps please tor each paltcill0nthrlo residents add cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anne Adams glare of The Barrie Examiner atteln Hopi 16 Bayliclti St Barrie Ontario Short on timerMore quick uasy sew styles in our New git Winter Pattern catalog flen pattern coupon 50c va Instant Siswing Hook hours out tit sew mod expertvway Over 500 pic Only Si M11 Industrial Engineers We are looking tor men nho are presently earnio H000 or more Our salary odor will be conundrum ma ability The applicants must have bafixround in PeeDeter mined Standard OathMIN essential University tralhllu would beanasetbrnrnotessential Workmerlencormabclna moraine shop environment The selected promct The enmity other liberal fringe henelit program Send your realm to the attention at the manner BOYLES INDUSTRIES LTD 256 HUGHES RD OriIlia DRIVER Psrutml drive or School out day week Tvlqrhom Blah iamout name rnonuce pl loco clerk wrniro an tramp an chh one min to him Dhrisile of Chrhtlea mm Lu noun Inn mm to iouir alter fish tornadoes steel 16 amr to 515 am It won 5st rltl rrliu will man Minell Point Etch llut Company tom ouNa mrn ii to required to shun in Barrill math Mm erhln now in ur arrrte For innnuiian writs Box 101 male CIT tum immediIItv limit to ODHI restaurant In true be nor to take eomPiela chum of small kitchen and be Competent in menu nllnnln prien controlling etc Wr1e nor lJl nu rte Examiner tniinr exponent mi rhry expected SALES HELP 3r AGENTS INDEPENDENT SALES You miire It wenell it Write to Fox at arrrte Bxlmlner tor arrlc appllunls will liereelide to institute and carry throiutl to condualon liLTJi msdfea the purpose at whldl It be to act standards or all ninctIons The mommy ls newly relocated in new lacton building with amaloriwolnew hottrlyandulaiied malt We are world renoaned In the mining industry for our alanine ture of diamond drill bits drillinx machinery and timed abrasive inanqu heirloom Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED nu can available Monday to hot null and hon limb ore mo Telephonl will ANYTHINGFOE MONEY Prtull Investlntlnna iru All miles continentIII no nor emu minim WORD MINER culssi IED ADVERTISINO crra Dimddnt Rates new DIM lith In days Slnllo insertion it For olnid Two consecutive Insertion Wis per word oer lnsnrunn rlrm eonsecullvl lnrnrrlnnr 4c nrrnnre ner iorsrtlon total run six ron rseuilu insertion ner ord rer Insertion total ilu tlplo nunlony my be onion runeor to olpclllailon when suiirlneo resultr oatlure 10 ner cent nilionn mam ll nol outer within seven day hile Lman uox names charll of cents in road tor use or Examiner on Number ldrntity or her umhrr users rlrictiy contdltnt st Replies to Letter horn villi he held only to don utter lrrt outrunlion ANNOUNCEMENTS THE BARRIE COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED NOTICE0i Annual Meeting liiaAnrlualililee1irig 0f Shareholdch will be held on imam EVENING JANUARY 1069 at not at the vii and YWCA 22 Grove Street Barrie Ontario lL ll ROBINSON SecretaryTreasurer BARBIE ONTARIO DECEMBER 12 loss DEATHS mums Nslhshlel Georg 193 ruurlny December Nathaniel Goo Drinent nelovrn husband ve Donia Durton dear lather or Robert Dyrnerlt Irene Olive Dymcllt and Helen Hammondl and lalltel or Punk And Guy mond onirviiie Resllnn at the Steckley hincral Home in ivory lev street Barrie Service urn committal in the CHI on Friday January 34009 al1 van Inter merit Burl Union Cemetery BIRTHS nulllNaldalr and turn Walter Duolnski or 251 Highland Crescent Barrie wish to announce the birth or daughter tJenniterl on christ mas Day Dmmbcl 25 loss at the rlovri Victoria Hospital CARDS OF THANKS martianPete Inllairlt and Peter wish to expmss our sincere tnsniu ror our irlcnds rhouzhtrulness In the sudden passing or Pamela Our deep sonnettron to our rrlendr neighbours Ontuio Hydro West Bend CWL and CC ihuuu to org mean zarney and Reid and mu rt nilll SliANAaItNllrn Jun Shsnrhsn and innilvivouirl like In thunk all our iriunds relatives and nelghlt hours or their kindness and mu osthy received during urelr recent bereavement nounoi silicon think you to my relatives neighbours amt many rrlrnds for letters cards flowers and silts sent to me while in Itoyal Victoria Hospital Danie thsnla to Dr Zemv Ind Dr Gray and to nurses and sun or their nondeitul care Ind attcniion Thank to sit an my less be load your tor every one or you llunld Brit Utopir IN MEMORIAM Gnu tribute or love ior our sister Donn Jean Gray who nursed away January root Gone sur sister lone comer ilnw we miss your Imillhlt face But you kfl III to remember Non on earth can take your piece 41st remembered hyDIvtdr ornny Eva and Deanne GMYTflxmmd memories or my nrrnrm riruzhtrr Donna leall orry who plased wa lrnusry row It broke lien tln Jose you Bu I011 For prrt oi me went with you The aim Gad called you home Iteinemhered always by Mum 3mm land and loving memory rumy Butlsrr wan nouni DWI Iunuary lsi 1560 have Ion my lirer companion lite linked with my own And day by day miss her man As walk throurh life atone l40vlril remembered by our hand stldl GORDONIn lovlni memory or dear mother Birdie Gordon who passed rwn nnurry 1951 in our he your memory lingerr sweetly tender fond and true There is not any dehi mother That we no not think or you Snrily missed by your family COMING EVENTS ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday 25 pm Friday 25 and 743 pm Saturday 10 amr pm 38 Collier Street Basement of Jerrys TV EUCHRE SATUMDAY JANUARY pm to be heldat SERGDANIS MESS MERE ARMOURY Special DEATHS initial LinneIAt tho Sunny hrooir llespital Toronto on Nes dsy December 1311966 in his sour rur Lionel Player at nun vale beloved husband or llluietta Draper dear isthrr of Leonard at nowmanvtlir Edith thin Don French 01 Barrio shlrluy iiilrs Irrnrs Gleadall or coldnrter and Blll ot Brampton brother or any mood or Vasan notch and Hark ol Freoiion Lovtrlgly remembered by 11 srsndchiidren Iiestilll at the James Lynn Funeral Home Elmvur until 145 Friday Than toavycilrre Annien Chure timvsle tor funeral service lit Fan TcmDOIIly entnmhment Elm vale Cemetery IUST Two PARTS ByQALica nitooxs Crochet ashions popular cro cheted lace dress 01 3ply linger ing or synthetic yarn Pretty peekailoo lace flare dress flat pfecesl Falls into graceful pleats naturally Easy double cipcllet Pattern 7362 sims included slur calm SCbinsi lor each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care at The Barrie Examiner Needlecth Dept 16 HayfieldSt Barrie Ontario residents add in sales tax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Neediecratt catalog over 200 designs to choose free patterns printed inside Send 30 cents now Newt 51 Instant Gills fabulous lashions toys decorat or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow ideal for all occasions 60 cents in Jiliy Hugs to knit crochet weave sew hook 60ceiits lika 01 12 prize alghansr 00¢ Bargain Quilt Book has 10 beautilul patterns 60 cents Museum Quilt Book patterns or 12 superb quilts 60 cents Book Qllllis for Todays Liv ing patterns socentn gouation team on clearing 0n the bank 01 the Van Co river near Tay th yester day From front to rear are Specl James Brighhnm lo HELP WANTED MALE HELP wrsr BEND or CANADA LTD Urgently Requires Male and Female FACTORY PRODUCTION WORKERS Wewant only mature workers with proven dependability and good history of anploymenl The shift required to work will be pm to am several women are needed to do general assembly line work and the men will work on automatic sanding and butting machines Also required is one Line Inspcctvr and man or the setup department This employment to begin on Monday January 1990 with interviews scheduled before that date All interested applicants JnIISL apply to Mush Kent at the CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 32ADiinlop SI BARBIE PlasticContainer inspection Moulding Needed Experienced operators to set up adjust and make running repairs to Husky and lmco injection moulding machines Successful applicants will assume responsibility for set up and operation ol equipment tor one entire shift Needed traineesgrledlanically minded individuals interested in learning trade in the plastics industry Opportunities for advancement in progressive organization APPLY TO PERSONNEL ASSISTANT Chemical Oi CanadaLtd 122 ARROW ROAD eston Ontario Telephone 7428910 RCA LIMITED FIRST CLASS ELECTRICIAN forplant equipment maintenance and repair The man required should have several years experience and be able to work with minimum ot supervisim shill work is involved with shift differential paid Groarp insurance medical plan and Ontario Hospital are company pal DOW Apply in Writing EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATOR PO Box 310 MIDLAND Ontario FEMALE HELP EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Baxter Laboratories Oi Canada Ltd Alliston Ontario Requires mature and conscientious individual to act as secle Lall In GENERAL MANAGER The sucoewtul applicant should have minimum of to SYcars experienceitn all phases of secretarial duties high level oi proficiency in typing and shorthand Is essential in this position Interested applicants may apply in person to Mr Wlildrbrirlll LYNCH Baxter Laboratories Oi sCanada Ltd 31 Centre St Allision Ontario arterial AMERICAN PRISONEBS inet Cong guard motions to three US prisoners as they are led out ol the inn gle tor release to US ne Ocala Fla Spec Thomas Joncs Lynhvillc 1nd and PFC Donald Smith Akron Fla AP Virephoto by radio from Saigon lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP LADIES EARN $40 until out time with Puller relep one mom usualmz woman sit In my home am to not opproxirrlalelv or days weekly One nursery avlmlll child one in Codrlnxlnn school am no MATURE our litter required night nee ln exchange or room and imam in Angus home Telnphoill motto after 110 pm moist VAmtzss wanted must be ex perkneed ton waiter Day or night shirt Apply in person is nunin street on phone calls nlesse GIRL FRIDAY with rmrtarioi auntilicatlonl or challenging post on oilcrlnl nttraciltc remuneration Apply to Peter liiunton Cholkhn and Co Ltd mainl or mason Protéstants Block Demonstrators In Ireland ANTRIM Reuters Giil rights advocates on 7Zmile march rode through this North crn Ireland city in police vans aiter extremist Protestants blocked their way and refused to let them walk through The impasse occurrcd at bridge on the outskirts of An trim when the 60 marchers mostly students tried to enter the town alter 12mile trudge from Belfast The march was planned as smallscale copy at the poor peoplesmarch on Washington The marchers plan to walk 72 miles Irnm Ballast Io Londonder ry to protest aliogcdrdiscrimina tion against Roman Catholics Police hastily formed cor don between the rival groups and an argument began over whether the marchers should be allowed to walk through the town plans DRUM The Protestanb beat huge drum throughoutlhc discussion Finally the students accepted the compromise solution put for ward by police They agreed to travel through Antrirn in police vans The marchersspent the night ill hall at Rnndalstown out side Antrim and will continue their walk Thursdayr Protestant la warned that similar confrontations would take place at every town on the route ill Honor Astronauts NEW YORK AP The Apollo ll astronauts will be lion 0reti with medals at the White House and with traditional New York City iiclrertape pa rade Cal Frank Borman Capt James Lovell and LtCol William Anders will attend day of special obserlanceln their honor in New York Jan 10 Governor Nelson Rockefeller announced Tuesday night Tile astronauts received the invitation moments matter they splashed down in the Pacific after their moanorbtting mis sion tickeriape parade and state dinner at the Waldan As toria hotel is on the agenda for the astronauts Rockefeller said President Johnson will award the astronauts the Distinguished Service Medal of the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration the agencys highest awareran TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7181414 Med lo habys THE BAR EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY 1001 Snow Clogs Celebrations licross Canada run CANADIAN passe Show clogged much oi the Dr nadian ohlerva lies at New Years Day as motorists were warned to Iay all the roads in southern Ontario Quebec Prov inch and New Brunswick Hundreds of travellers viero immobilised in muchcentral Ontario when storm with rntleanhour winds dinrvped the to eight Inches of snow blocking htghmys Paris of New Bntnswick and British Coiiunbih squciDd Irom floods caused by melting snow Vancouver and Viaorla two cities usuallH cnloyliix moderate winter eon tioas found them selves dlpgtng out from many tnrlna mu steady rain Wednesday turned Ihc snow to slush as thaw followed five days of freezing weather Ilia snowfall cancelled some traditional celebrations though the annual polar bear swims took place in Vancouver and Ilamliioa with many swimming in the icy Pacific and Lake 0n tario flicrav was rain sitct and show In the Atlantic provinces land eidreme cold on the Prair es But still there were hand shakes and kisses family reu nlons walks in the country and resolutions HAVE SMALL Enos Alligator eggs are about the size of chicken eggs One ny $240 TI 955 pansFri Sun 345 am 930 am Saturdays 1030 am 1030 am 05 exc Sun 10 1030 am exc Sun 1030 am exc Sun 200 pm DAILY 735 pm BUSES LEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY SATURDAY ONE DAYIEXCURSION TRIP EXPRESS TO TORONTO $265 ROUND TRIP Read Down Read Up 930 am Barrie Terminal 705 pm Yorkdalo Centre 00 pm Toronto 530 pm on Excursion Trip Only and ondate of sale BARRIE TORONTO SERVICE CHANGES 510 amDaily Local Trip changed to run Mon Fri 400 amDaily Express Trip changed to run local Sat Sun Hot Holiday Mishaps Claim 22 Lives By THE CANADIAN PRESS lit least persons died acct dealally In Canadn during the atom Years holiday 10 in trai Canadian Press survey from 0pm local times mes day to mldnlzht Wednesday also showed one drowntnx four killed in fires ono doad of can bon monoxide poisoning an other of exposure aitd one killed in tall Ontario led with nine deaths live on the roads and four in files Quebec had six tthto deaths Alberta and Manitoba each had irallic death woman died of Iiiluries received when she fell from window ot her home at Vegreville Alta and girl died 01 carbon monoxide poisoning tn Manitoba Nova Scotia reported traffic tatnllly and Newlnundland had drowning In British Calumlt bin Gordon Rollie it was found dead In deep snow Wednesday we yards irorn his home In Vancouver suburb Police said the boy apparently died 01 exposure New Brunswick Prince Ed ward lsland and Saskatchewan wem lntality free The survey does not Include natural or industrial deaths known suicides or staylngs DIE IN CRASH CAIRO AP Fourteen per som were killed and 35 iuiurod when passenger bus collided Wednesday with truck on the CairoImam highway to the Suez Canal TORONTO Ity Bust Low Fore Good Any Day Return $435 TABLE CHANGE Effective January 5th T0 PARRY SOUND SUDBURY DAILY 150 pm Via Pt Severn 735 pm Via Gravenhurst 155 am Via Pt Severn 730 am TlMMlNS TRIP now To NORTH BAY ONLY wrrn CONNECTIONS FOR VAL DOR FOR DAILY THRU SERVICE TO AND FROM TlMMINSHEARST SEE TIME TABLE NO DAILY 1025 am SE 705 p111 To Orlllla 1250 pm gt 735 p111 405 pm To Huntsvdle 1000 pm To Orlllia 555 pm To Orillia 230 am EXPRESS Saturdays Only TO TORONTO DAILY 400 amSat Sun H01 510 amaxe Sat Sun dz Hot 635 amaxe Sat Sun H01 710 armSat 150 pm 050 am 310 pm 1030 am 555 pm 755 ppmFri Sun DAILY ENPRESS SERVICE TO TORONTO 150 pm 400amexc Sat Sun llol 555 pm 350 am exc Sun H01 715 pm 855 pm 055 pm rSun T0 COLLINGWOOD AND OWENSOUNO pm Sat Sun Hot 05 pm DAILY TD Coliingwood Only 35 pm exc Sun Hot 00 pm Sun H01 To WASAGA BEACH 735 pm exc Sun it Hot To MIDLANDa PENETANG exc Sun IS H01 1000 pm Sun H01 TORONTO AIRPORT sxrasss SERVICE RUNS FROM ISLINGTON sunwAv er Tickets and Information at BARRIE BUS TERMINAL Maple 8r Simone Streets Telephone 72855 Byrns Agent

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