Lean more sxArsornrt meson oeramen lmtt to HlLPWANTED industrial We are Our ulary The Joined an nut but is not rue ill machine shop environment mt must have background coder DateNT essential University training would MALI HELP Engineers for men who are presently carom 5000 or more er will be museum uhb ability experience in ProDetro Worit experience rmst be in To lunis nil bcrcquired to institute and carry tbrztrghtcougomion strut studies die purpose of wbtdl will be to itandarda for all iundions Too company ls newly relocaied in new factory building with majority of now loudly and salaried stall an world renowned in the mini turt of diamond drill bits drilling product industry tor our manufac nery and diamond abusive Tb otitari liberal fringe benefit progulm ï¬etldmï¬ rlyreume lo the attention at the lodmtrlai Relations manager TBOYLES iNDUSTRlES LTD 256 HUGHES RD Orillia Ontario ANNQUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIALNoncm CASH Rome 1511 sou biarri es and Death uwflengimmm to wordal Cards no additional vim 6r per word In Manoran no verse 11 veraatper count tin stral Comm Events mï¬ï¬prgxt tag lIM le lnsiuan Mario in tor roan Hid DIV DEATH SHAW Jon LAl QM RWll Victoria hmifli cum on Mon any Decombor rt Ions harms mnludl El 10 Wu Ml lmh ear Eoloved usband tell elim EN plinth and dear lathe cot John Delml Anne hm i1ioozm snowus in Oil warn Main Street BaIrie lmr VIC IV llQoiS Funeral Oil Thom rum Procaodlltu 39st church burn for requiem your at to one Interment st litarla cmury MELELL UllmtM mt Toth wmmrii ital on Sunday Dec ember men Smoky her at ul balmed wile atom lien and our mother Sharronl ire JimSummit DI same ruann Mn Nidonl oi Tfllonta and Bobble lunlor home aar all of Dereth Mn Smith laobei liln l4 Amer INmuto and nut Sillle 01 Aurora Realism at the Jennetl Funeral ml in Bradlolfl Street Barrie torTurvlca on mumsash 130 DJ 61le an soon tun Cemetery rmuu GltAsLlY slnorl Vail0n Satur uy mimer as loss at Toronto Druiey no on sloth or Robert inn and aiater oi Recd Wis private serv ice was held it Iha turretLl chapel 31 emu Toronto on non Barrie AARDSOF THANKS 1011an and rem wish in experts our sincere thaniu our Ir no tnarznuurnm In audden puslnr or Pamela our deéurtvpreflluon to our ends urirnsoun0utnrin hydro wrst aene owe me con Thanks in Im Watson term Ind Reid and By tANNE ADAMS natural for lrappy days nights to comel Shape swings out below cult collarthe livellI line awented bumpstitching low tabs Easyllrinted Pattern 468d Miese Sizes 1012 14 16 18 Size 14 ihust Millakcs 23 yards soiNmfabIic SIXTYFIVE canrstss centsl iriï¬oins no stamps pleasel for each pattern Ontario residents add cents sales taxv Print plainly SIZENAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to Anna Adams carc of The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 16 Bayiield SL Barrie Ontario Short aftlmei More quick easy sew stylesiu our New FaliWinter Pattern Catalog Plus free pattern coupon Ste Newi instant Sewing Books Save hours cut fit sew mod crn expert way Over 500 pic tures Only ti blondu December ID 1968 m1 hchEAN Janina interment Uraorr szetrrr Lil auclt Prankemu at the new vmom anonI arfla on Ellen nl llJt arrm ban husband or mom Elnolalr oeu lsthor ur Drum Wonder than Ward at home MIN eon Beverley and mm linen minu oi aaom and Max Slul Ind Clara Samuel all Enlllm Relilna It ill Emile Nncnl llolne XV in he Barrie is at noon Service in hiedart January It one lutemen blineatnx Cemetery in lieu flowers anrllldomllarts In the art Foundation Mid be vit IA ImitT Adariii II ï¬l Saturday December mo rm lvan Halal In an mu yelr be nma nubno ol on army ork our Inner or Elisabeth thin John nunI St Emmi1 lam not to eea aan on son album randtatharotlflilr Ann um our thee of rerunIn thin Mowal Tudiopl ol umu non Mrs Clarence amp oi Dahten arid wIIurn deceased itest int at the Sieclrley rnneru Home to Wonic so Baxrte Ssrviea in the chapel on meaty December til at mo one interment Barrio Union deï¬mmmbnlg liouï¬lnlilnware rm con nna ml am loundllion would in Inbred lN MEMORIAM BUSHla loving memory fllll limbrid and lather Gordon aunt who period may January Iota Deep in our hearLi lies plcturo or loved nne laid to mt In mrï¬norys lrarna we nun keep amure he Wu on nl Illa beat Deepiv remembered by will MOON This ia the crater Lanna nus aa photographed tram an altitude oi nceriy 150 nautical mlch or the Apollo act craft orbltod the moo on Dec 7A 1966 Langrcnus is about 35 statute miles in Iti nrneter Command Module INNIerI NOTES ny 1165 Councillor Elmer arose chairman ol the lakeside town ship park in his report oi the accomplish1an tor the sea son claims net prolit lor 1968 operations of 5713613 ailcr covering all expenses New inn provemcnts carried out in cluded new concrete boat ramp purchase of new truck second baseball diamond and screen enlarged parking area recovery of more camping grounds north of the worirshop and tracing of rmiemcht shed and ioodyard Olhcr mainten succ items were new on pavilion water pumphouae built and rebuilding and sodding ol the septic tankbeds which cost $2000 in his report lhe chair men mentioned the stall under the direction at the new park mannger Rayner who has attempted to make the area more pleasant place to live picnic or just visit Ile scrvations are already recorded or the coming season and Mr Grosoreporlsthot it has been pleasure to associate with the staff and people from all parts of the country who visited the park SHORT OF FUNDS In recent story we mention ed the innislii School Board havi lng lands to invest which are surplus tor iimguntil the de bentures are payab However in county in Oh re we to HELP WANTED MALE HELP PRODUCE 01 KIDCC and salary do encc and basic iLs lip 1y in per con to John Christie Chria no II Road clerk wanted nmuuuo MAN to look alter la nut busineu day work 745 nrn tn 515 nan Must work Sat urdays and Sundays lilusl like Inning Middle azcd man nrerrrred Mincts Pond Fish tint Company 72547182 bcrshlp now open NEWl Dnrss By ALIUE BROOKS Fortune to buy very easy to saw just four pattern nieces Sew an elegant callaninspir ed dress lavished with embroid ery in jewel colors Pattern 7063 transfer printed pattern 10 12 1446 1820 State silo FIFTY CENTS Coinsl vft1l each pattern no stamps please tn Alice Brooks careof The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 16 Bayfleid St Barrie Oninrlo residents and 3c sales tax PllM plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over 200 designs to choosn free patterns printed inside Send 50 cents now Newl50 Instant Gifts fabulous lashions toys decorat or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow Ideal tonsil occasions 60 cents la lilty Rugs to knit crochet weave sew hook 60 cents Book of 12 prize afghans doc Bargainl Quilt Book has is beautiful patterns 60 cents Museum Quilt Book patterns lor 12 superbnutlts 60 cents Ecol fQIliits ior Todays Liv ing 15 patterns on cents REPRINTS ityou would litre to have re prints of any news pictures take by our steilphotographers please call at our Business Oll ice We are sorry we cannot accept Phone orders rowan men 21 to 35 required to share in anrrIes owIIr iiiernr the Barrie lingers For Intonnatiorr write Isox loo Barrie cm required Immediately to soon to open restaurant in Barrie Must be sold to take complete chars at small kitchen and be competentka menu planning Drlec onntroiilna otc write aox F7 aar rleExImine stating cmricnce and salary expected SALESHELI AGENTS WHYTAKI leg then slow in month Openlnuln Harrie am for man over to with car to contact customers an mail Presidenl ncot no an 70 Station Toronto i7 onurin INDIsRENDaNr You make It we acli it vvrlu to Fox F5 Elma bramlncl II LEGAL NOTICE To cannrrdns AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of CHARLES the Township of Orb in the County of Slmcoo deceased who died onnr about the min day of June I968 are hereby notified in send fullparticulars otthdir claim to the undersign ed Executors on orhclora the 15th day oiJanuary i969 aitcr which date the estate will be dieribuled haying regard only to claims of which noticehas been cceivcd at Barri this 15th day ecember loos HO AIR CAIDWEILL and REY CALDWEIL Enecu tors co SMITH McLEAN lit Barristers and Solicitors en Street BAMIE 0n rI ing on cxPfll CALDWELL late of Pliot James Lovell lr do scribed the water its central posit and the conspicuous ter races on the inner crater wall shortly alter acquiring earth conmunlcations for the ï¬rst tlrno altcr iunsr orbit inscr Lion it the time the photo To Township Park stayed over for visit on our way south the schools both ele mentary and secondary are closed or the month alter rate payers voted against allowing additional funds to all the boards to operate or thebai ance of the year Pupils were given holiday for the month or December and will report bncltin January when the 1969 funds will be available We un derstand the pupils will attend school on holidays and do extra work to makcIIp for the time lost This is only one oi many boards across this rich USA which have run into the red through additional costs not al lnwedytorein their budgets Some of the Florida schools are hav ing the same problem BRIDGE COLLAPSED One at the two bridges on viii highway near Tarpon Springs collapsed this week and dump cd vehicles intoihchivcr with one fatality We passed over the other span of thisbridgc an our route licrc it is thought that sink hole developed ni iowihg the centre span to sink with the weight ol the traffic on it at the limo litany heavy trucks and countless cars use this route from the northwest crn part of the sinic CANAL ACROSS FLORIDA One at the lodts oi which there are live onacross staie barge canal was opened recent ly This canal will take water traffic across the state north ol Silver Spring and connect with the StJ0llllS River which flows southnom Jacksonville to the Atlantic Barges will be able to take freight across the state from the eastern seaboard to the Gulf ol hlexicoimm whéra they can proceed to the many pods in the southern part or the country without the long and expensive haul by rail or truck The canal is expect cd tomake an ideal waterway for pleasure boats and add to the pleasures of the thousands of owners of such craft BACK IN THE WARMTH southerly wind or the Gulf Stream drifted across the date oi Florida and drove oil the lrosbbearing Arctic draft that caused much havoc in its two night Tomatoes were the hardest hit It costs about $1 tlooJJI an acre to get tomato crop ready for picking The plants have to be grown to met my and staked up to keep the fruit from touching the ground Sonre growers had harvested someof their crop while others were not so lucky as the plants are very susceptible to frost and thagreen tomatoes were dam aged Small vegetables such as beans and corn have soared an price and may be all so far Florida growers are concom SUNSHINE Sunshine and warm winds made one target the few cool nights and with the tempera ture the msandhigherin therentrc of the state summer clothing is again in evidence The rain forecast for the week end may help td lessen the fro TOIlRCANADAL VANCOUVEIt tCF Jap anese hockey team coached by Roman Catholic priest from Toronto arrived in Vancouver Monday night for i7gama tour of Canada The Saibu teem opens its tour NewYears Day in Victoria The coach is Rev Bob Moran who once played with Laohlne Que Mamons He went to Japan four years ago as iiilS noon nounrm uousa Alia to One hundred thin deht indlana from the Robber ms mam t5 mileaaouth Edmonio are pmVlul that tile lneientstwdegmebelow zcro can be comlortable or at least tolermle Bil with one or two modern innovations suds as Plywmd This was reported lilonday by Turn Campbell of the Edmonton Journal who visited arid Rob ert Sandbar 67 and the men women and children of the Er rnineskin band who ioilvwed the chin into the mountains olcén trol Alberta last mailer to start lilo ninth They aimed to revert to the ways at ihdr to fathers Their primitive it got it first big test during week end when brisk wind com course raon arouo was made Lawson was bout roo nautical miles sorhh of the spacecrnlt ground irarlt The camera was point ed souihward The sharp anall circular crater nearby is Langrenus NASA Photo via AP Wirephoto damage to the fruit in the groves where the semi maturcd citrus are still on the trees Estimatesarc that thou blned with temperature at to below zero Products wind chill estimated ot the equivalent or 70 below There were no cries ior help STOVE PIPE EMERGES The Indians camp at about 30 tents each with stove pipe sticking lrom it is almost con cealed by trees few hundred sands of boxes at fruit wcra hurt Elderly homeowners have CARRIER MISS YOU ll your Barrie Examiner carrier bu not arrived By p111 ohm 7282433 and copy Examiner will be delivered to your home by pan VAllEY rAxI DRIvsLYouRssLF cans srRucKs Thora is no charge fcrthia urvlca yarda ott tbe David lbnrnpsoo him rod ate can and trim The outatde walls wen banked with anew to at Few Homeowners Accept Deiorment TORONTO al Few hormonala over so to Metro poiitan Toronto seem willing to notes relief from education taxes in the form annual dc laments In mu onry llt1 elderly homeowners of about 30000 in Metro obtained delermenia Title year the total was hm Municipal treasurers believe that elderly people are con corned about placing lien on their homes whichis require ment in accepting the deter meats been able to apply for an annual determent at education texcetu maximum at $150 for two years are Indidn Tribe Returns To Natural Life two feet sneeta otpropd aor ered eoch wall to bulb of three test Plywood also gov ered moi of tballoor Heat waa provided by small coal and noon flora and mod tin bellel Fir an by chain saws provided fuel Campbell iouod the tent un comiortably tram It nlndquarter of moose lay on tbs tour our the door Other wortlea Remix at Rocky Mountain llotue with money tmm welfare cheques and part of oil royalties paid to the relations reserve Chlat Smell salt his poodle have not been discouraged by the cold and that orin two lami lies have loft The grain has been lolned by nlhtl lndians since the break with the to serve NANCY TO WED HALE HOILYWOOD Reuters Singer Nancy Sinatra 23year olrl daughter of Rank Sinatra Monday announced she will marry television producer Jack Haley Jr so alias Sinatra was previously married to singer Tommy Sands noncr Io EXAMINER SllBSCRlBERS TO CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT directly 330 am to 530 Mon to Fri and Donn 7266539 up to 200 pun Sat BARRIE EXAMINER elly Circulation Manager in Eirivin 15 to Ir Mn LKWL latth laamii ï¬llet mum cs in iï¬ï¬mglh cut Natl lflhr Em mfgn or it You HoveA TrcosureMIIpr AlYour Fingertips in The Examiner Insulin Pages Trace your way through Itselebundonce of treasures you findin Examiner Class ed Ads Youll find to treasures homes of every description cars trucks trailers and boats Youll find smellar treasures too pots musical instruments cameras appliances furniture and sporting goods ioull even ï¬nd people in theClossiï¬ed Ads specialists to Ibuildvroom additions swimming pools andgmgas and to repeir roofs floors or plumbing Youll find iobs and people to hire Reed Classified Adataguieriy and go on time and money saving treasure hunt its funl