Kiss Unwdntéd1tems AGDozdbye Make Love To NewFound Cash $$ IOfliE EMIth EXAMINER WINDAY DECEMBER II REAL ESTATE if CHOLKAN oo LTD Ills REALTOR lo cclller 8L Barrie mm PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Bl llL5 Realtor 38 COLLIER 51 were amwm NANCY acmztl DWELL um and availhie TELEPHONE 7284430 IVAN Angus 96631 Shelburna Wasaga headW vrnsen mum LLOYD mu ALLlstON Antes OG Brand new bungalow garage landscaped immediate passemen 8L $3000 down carries or leg than rent Phone Teresa Byrne PM new 057 EARNE DUNIDP STREET EASEAI thl Five Points Plum 729556 Full price snsoo EVENlNos cALL Taxes 3160 FRED FPLIIII 739793 CHAS ROGERS Carries or 5100 per month mic let BUS OPPORTUNITY Tree CalCtEd int Paved road pART TIME Contact Allan Wardle rm ior details 5mm ONCE pnvnur leller new Hintrlson 7mm NAN Oh woaiAN uirlnn lemlu mam Dirracnll Sundylng established locations outlinem titlivl REESE mill nigh WTO will Lsurenu um Klein 19+ DUNIDP ST WHAT XEI kitchen piece bathroom with to sell GEI OUT OF TOWN Nearly everyone loves the country and this is your chance Near ly new bedroom bungalow in way North illins Charlie Rcad moan llugh Plowman mom Don Campbell 7260243 Doug Campbell 7250243 Fred Taylor mulls Ron Allan 4mm Paul Penman 7mm Don Marshall 7mm Smith Campbell 7287389 Richard Dick laver 72mm MLS REALTOR Elaine lnesonmiZsI Helen Hopkins7284662 on Baytield Street Mortgage Funds Available 726188l PERCY FORD sAIliIv DENHAM htan FLEWELL coho SPENCER 72mm Tieoral visors 71353411 KENNETH MILLER 613 am Rr CARSON REALTOR sn wonsmv STREET Norm Synliott more Bill Hamilton msszs FRANK lo nAYPlElD slltEEr Frank Wainwright Len Cavnmugn Frank Nellus Rollie Gatupeau 7mm 72111101 72566er noses corny Real Estate Broker and Appraisers on Dunlnn St Phone 7232119 131 and 2nd mortgages arranged no low monthly paymmls We buy your present Isl and Zed mortgages main MARSHALL mono GRETA lerrAnA 7235177 LAURANs maul Allan await M15 Realtor 109 Bayï¬eld StE72841071 Appraisals Listings invited ELVA MlLLS mum Teeurn resend on wood iide litilli hm Gullm Tlllcrull 715le MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS Slillll REAL ESTATE LIMITED PliOAO ILLS REALTOR Ronllly bungalow with attached garage located in West side res idential are large living room separate dining room modern ment compcher iinishcd spacious recreation room piece bath room truly modern home oiicli large living room With large picture window oak floors modern kitchen large bedrooms dry basement with walk out to patio age large lot 91 25o nice garden with sir berries and currant bushes lNESQN SHELSWELL 84 MLS REALTOR 119 DUNLOP 51 1231422 laclr Willson 7284631 Jack MacLaren m1950 Dead Atkinson 72851796 Keith McMaster 47745868 Orea Brown 72872165 Norah Raikes 7261135 Bill But 7264451 Gladys Sinclair 7283690 Isabel Fisher 77417531 Jane Young mam ChuckLambcri 72819001 Norm Shelswell 7783293 Everett Lougheed 72112130 Joan Lang 7286761 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY PnOTo MLS REALTORS EMORY MlLLERlt REALTOR PHUIO MI Bill Lang 7266114 Photo Mull Realtor EVENTNGS CALL JOIIN HlV1lt1E 7mm PII Cuter lluuub Pentium RES WW YEARS TREAT 726021 separate entrance hall Full base lu convenient living and priced excellent condition on No 11 High piece bathroom lull orced air all iurnoce gar awberries and rasp must to see it you like country 7284294 Catherine Milne73541010 Tam Foster728634 7266153 Free Customer Parking RAWN AARN KLOOSIERMAN 7285485 IIIILDREDK MOORE 72H GDORIA KOSSATZ 72147511 nil KLOOSTERMAN W204 one one Real Estate one nAvPlELD sr molar RITA SCANDRm 72114565 CLIFFORD GODDHEAD 7135092 SPECIALIsz Pnoro Ins REALTOR nunAl PROPERTIES Evennlgs Call gt W79 Lalllry Torrey moons or Raw 4sz lAPPRAlSAVLS MORTGAGES RENTALS um WW 423337 All Rosa Res malls Bill Maekuess Res mm Simonfleekhwn 72349 Dick Hartley 7mm Russell Smith Res mom Frank Jardine M70 67 DUNLOFST JOHN COLE HARVEY WEBER PETEII WHEELS 77aanx1 annals 72am TELEPHONE Mill nus CarsnnT 7mm Rupert llicGlath Elhlvale 739nm NELLES mute Stan Hammond 715 Mike Magus 7153212 Ernest Watts Home Bubsuter 7134875 COUTTS AND 00 OWEN sr Tamas MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo 11th Realtor NINGS SANDY COUIIS 734233 WALTER COUTTS 7282311 PRIVATE saIDPosusal conudmble neuron 10112er Danie min price 117nm $3000 down anyman Wll carry or same rent Telephone 775047 LOTS FOR SALE nailtnrz areslo Acre lot also High 17 am sidedWIT 22mm ToroIrln BARRIE EXAMINER mason irontnge 415 deep bedrooms EVE GORDON corms 7257275 LAKE SIMWE OUITAGE South Barrie large 120 lalre large living room and kitchen piece bath hot cold water screened verandnh well built sleeping cabin tor guests tur niture included Asking 325500 Contact EARL BABOOCK Bar rie moles 1w ACRE FARM Excellent clay loam no acres workable 20 acres pasture bush and good pond good barn so 73 with tieups and box stalls good wells SrOom home piece modern bath and piece downstairs garage good buy at $40000 Contact EARL HAR OOCK Barrie mews BEDROOM ROME Immediate possession living roaril kitchen dining arearec realion room large lot 66 165 Asking $15000 with $1100 down Contact EARL BAB COCK Barrie mm 11 Elm 1117 REALTOR ARE REPRESENTATIVES Babcoclr Parrie mm Colbourne Stroud imam Spencer Thornton 451mm Show Streud Nile Ed Green Barrie 7284123 Betty Nelvtu Hawkestone 0172103 Lillian Roberts 7160927 Marguerite Moore mass and Fltzsimrnins Churchill 4564610 TorryStevens Elnwale i77W 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 487333 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appralsais Mortgages to COLLIER ST 7777252535 Hairy 57MichleV Appraiser Ted Erignell 726mm Paddy Miles 7284200 MLS Realtor GRIESBACH 7289844 Gibson Willoughby 11115 Realtor LARGEST FARM AGENCY IN CANADA 29A Owen SLY Evenings Larry Dawilde Miller 7281241 7136253 TIE1062 to Purchase nrnn will even lend you mom on your mortnrnl Enuilln norm Flintlllil72dettl WANT ADS WORK WONDERS zArTs Ton RENT Emu two bedroom unturnished in your area with the sensalt ttoual now iresh brewed cotton Ienllce that provides coffee at SolCup oh the spot at plants ottices etc Exclusive with HAYIIOES MOUNTAIN 8WD COFFEE You require $1600 to cone menee Bank financing available with reasonable deposit plus to hour per week spare time For lurlller information write Box Fla Barrie Examiner It won mm CLASSIFIED nDVLnTlsINII cm Dluuunlflltu IpPIJ it Doll with th our single lnxertlnn 5c Per word lwn consecutive linemen Ilse per word per lmerllon Three rnnreeutlva lineman to our ward per Iludlttnn tntnl nu Six con necullvc lnsertlcm use ner word per insertion total not Ilultlple Inunlonl only be ordered Toolch to unoclltlnn when satineta result obtntned in per cent dlllclul chem it not one ullhlrl seven am BLIND Lump uox uIPLIBa chums or cent and tar use at hammer Box Number identity or Box Number user lricily contdlentlsl Rnplle to Latter Boxes will be held only to day lter In nubllutioh FARMS WANTED FAR waan to buy within in or is miles or Dunc so to mu llust have guns building nd not more lhnn mile run highway Dox D911 Rants mam iner MOBILE HOMES For the Ultimate in Luxurious Living ACTIVE MOBlLE HOMES New on Display SEE THE WESTCHESTER 60 It 12 it made today IOYEAR MORTGAGE PLAN AVAILABLE KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA 7284I li TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Northlander Parts and Service SALE RENT Cash or Terms up to 10 Years 11 Hwy Burton Ave 7289566 lNSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to transter your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS 1111 DUNIDP ST 72611101 THE WILLOWS 255 Duniop Most centrally located bdm maisonette for rent Upstairs downstairs Balconies or Patios Electric heating Divided washroom BROADLODM Over low so on space St Phone 7mm SI°V° 1629 washer dryer Iranch srove tor rule burner RENTALS Telephone mam Allison DOGS AND PETS Collect FEMALE HELP Irnlflï¬ï¬‚rmWzï¬dï¬Jfl or ask for an my him Ml JOHNSTONS PETS NOW IS THE TIME 11 mm at Telepbnno TROPICAL SH Dams NICK5 DEAD STOCK fumeIt warlg be AND suppugs ZENITH 91130 No CHARGE to look into the Elil memo neurlrn it acclaim Street hoursrial Nayamt ohm Ilvhï¬vonkllaxsaflaglttlénu ANGUS RR Fomud Ontario von ppor unity me ynn Open Evening 6504 Mopp mlétcelloca he WP mu 36 Saturday Wu YWrite today tor interview st FARM MACHINERY route Amt Rains POODLFSDACHSHUNDS WWW PomWhim llu monthly Apply Vin EQUIPMENT cont EL Apt lI 313 ï¬zï¬lï¬nflwmfuhluw WAYNE BEATIY Pro TEEunle Amt en in gm or mm PATZ SALES tr SERVICES to ml gm wwwhgg £23133 IPA flu Sllo unloaders Cattie Feederr or phone 75551 729 semen manual Dam flew no Mam room ï¬lmulna Profentnnal 00 lPlEtE STALLA AHIHVAWLNWWE wickw us no smouo 4363717 LADIES EARN $40 lint tutu and hydro Ilrpplted weekly pm In wllh ruuvr PPM blue Milt 03le HANK BROWN mm noon mm um pay AUTOMOTIVE nouauuflu Mind or mun ransom bedroom onusn Delaval ulna none Pm line To do um Ithed Refrigerator Rotacheek nd look aller on no am up CARS FOR SALE 33 98 59M Iour yur old Pnr plnlcfllln lcls pitcdidldo monthly rned eon DAIRY FAMl EQUIPMENT Doom mm uter Na nle epbonc 12am January nble February Fireplace in Otlloc uox led Burle menl with recrcltlan room IIIe close school and bus Good resident l1 area 70 Nlpler Street Rental H75 per month Poss Ilon Immediately Reply to Hal FR Barri Bummer ROOMS TO LET PUnNIalmD noon nd kitchen tor sale llol walar upplled csud Telephone mow ha hatcth TV Ely mus IVE Hell 1nrlnllim 299 Pattcnoh nd post BRIVEHII CDOIBI IIEN mrIW TITIN IIOUSEKIEPING room linen IV llcd on the Ru mute warning Tin prclcrred Teltplldrln wise Funmsuub bcdlittlllu room or rent llncn nddlne supplied hinnclte Ind use at nlri erntor very ccnlnl Bushnell xlr only Telephone motion ARTS FOR SALE PIANOS NEW MASON RISCII Also Good Used Pianos Free delivery and tuning Low est prices anywhere 147 Bruce St THORNBURY Ont near Collingwuod Dial 5195992713 Open till daily PARTY DRESSES Wide selection oi styles and colors in velvet sheer organ za lace etc Some with head ing OTginal designs and teen styles included Sizes 10 lo 16 PRICED FROM $5 it BurlonAve 7mm anytime SKATE EXCHANGE NEW AND RECONDITIONED Euy Sell Exchange Repair Skates MARTIN RENTALL CENTRE 437 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Open Monday to Saturday730 em to 5210 pm Friday night un ORTHWAY RUG co LTD The house of line broadloom Remnants all sizes and prices DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED good candlqu Reasonable new APARTMENTS TO RENT of MilNon Irian In an Codnnllon strut errienld and were tinted On bu mute WI HOUSES FOR RENT nnlu bennoou 11mm milhi Pouring bedroom home our In mm separate dlnlnl morn Close to Johnson sL public school nd Eutvlevv Collertate Abnlllmn only uls per month Writs Post Diznltooil name tor rent Ilvln room llllcllon and bath lull buc lrlnmtpr ne rtnvc centnlly In PURNISIIED bedmom lnlle lndy on to to lo ARTICLES FOR SALE FRUITS VEGETABLES IAN QC End II DcUclouL Mu mulamfu In Ml ll MIN MINI Kerv Johnston Motors Ltd YOUR Barrie Volkswagen mu flooring prnllcr ndlo Inow Talenhnnd mom lsa memo turn it tinder ulonuuc radio wilfully17 ayaod miles Al power Mention we or 7mm Alter on DIRTY CAR TRUCK Inteltor Ihlmnw molar clennea nslnlod ox Jobs ruronnnlv ntu xlcenlsnr scrvlee menu ms mnn Falcon or sale excel lent condition 35000 ortgtnal milel new Ituddcd rnnw than 311M utnmma with radio hon mom ma Pursuit FARMERS MRKT cammlulnn rm Nils ush bonul DAINES me privale mum benetIL us you mum SAUNAS No vc IL No experience need Id Well 17ch you up with cnm Open Salt to din to lo pun plate tnlnlnn mnlcrlnu Ind one Dead or crippled attic and DAINES SAUNA BATHS lo HELP WANTED DEAD smelt MALE FEMALE horses Small nnhnal removed gimmimuï¬ Wkï¬gou tree Fnr last servtce wuu Telephone utuu PIIONE BARBIE 716200 Complete line at Mr Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 7250335 EMPLOYMENT WANTED SNOW SHOVELLING monthly Call lo mm Khalil Itfldml mun or on mm mm DEMER HARLE HURCH Iigfliris Tvefcgagmvmflfol six mom solid brlolr mick Gownn St at Esau ltd Dorm 5C lurnlshed stove my mum sl 7263433 larm supplied on Service ANYTHING FOR MONEY mdlm wm Privltr lnvesuznuon Ipcctllt nil Iminhm Du omslllonlu VI Iutomflc Case New Holland Will to All Nailed mmldmml Box 11 name hammer Davla Brown Beatly SALES HELP AGENTS CASH TRADE TERMS BURTON AVE mm OPPORTUNITY PERSONALS T0 PROFIT There in nolden opportunity lul all Independent worker to cover START YOUR WEEKEND the Burt mlrkeL Weft Ply huh with soothing Sauna ol the induitry bent sale no SALES AND SERVICE COOKSTOWN 4584442 Allis Chalmers Equipment SKIDOO 69 AT RONS Snowmobile Centre Sales Service Parta Accessories 151 Iiliin St 7237592 MOTOS Salesriandjervicoï¬ï¬u Repairs to all makes BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE 24 Toronto St 7266440 BOASKI SNOWMOBILE RENTALS Hour day weekend weekly Reasonable rates DALTON OOUGIILIN MOTORS 7234081 or WWI SKID00 VALLEY TRAILS 100 acres wooded trails NIGHT SKIDOOING RENTALS or your own machine Cottee available eth Linc Vespra north of Snow Valley Road GEORGE Prop moors IAUTO REPAIRS hflm Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists its ltlary St 73841241 FARMERS MRKT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ALBERT KELL AND SON WOMENS COLUMN lo HELP WANTED Rmum MAN to tnnlr alter this hutJluslnBSs days aweekrl mm to SI5 pm atust work urdlyd llshlnn llllddln sized mall pretext IItnetsPoln Fish llut Comp 77mm Kg YOUNG men 7i to 15 required to stun in BIIfleA erlv at reusonane monthly rate nnvv mllnbln at Innlswnnd Nun on Home Ills Brun TLN 7184163 Government Chartered Selim Thorough training in all bran ches ot mauty culture DERWIN HAIIIDRESSING PHONE 72mm ï¬lm IIVudSiiveAm Pulvlcnn tor ale Inue wnn moron WM mwmnen All wn nwa es In nor in Vlntcrlmiayttwtlh II Sollfllud Flint AM VIIIIIJII Wrlllrvsniril Im EIHMEJPIT nor Manual To one TP wuv TAIL tn Ihln upon in °WM°35 lillhilivliiiiiy i3 thrown li 7238934 01 ED 110152 Rude Egomï¬nl Ago IE 7flslmén 0x on POLARIS NURSING HOMES nfrornnlo i7 onlulo Snowmobiles curm compeln can lor eld INDEPENDENT SALES You make it we quit erlt to Fox F5 Harrie Examiner LEARN RAletESSING LEGAL NOTICE TO CREI11tRSl All persons having claim against the estate of CECIL CLIFFORD BARNES late of the City of Barrie in the Coun ty of Simone Shoe Factory em ployee who died on the 18th of September 1968 must forward same to the undersigned on or SCHOOL WORSLEY Sr nilM MALE HELP 1969 alter which date the as sets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the administrator will not be liable to any person whose claim he shall not then have and Sundnyr wth Mum beiore the 17th day oi January oerbin now CIIBP required immediately4 or soon to open restaurant in nrrle Must be able to take complete ehlxieunl lsnnll ltllcnunl and be eumne menupalmn controlling etc Write Box PT Im ris Examiner stating experience sud salary expected industrial We are looking Our salary Inian Standard DaiaMTM be all assét but is not essential machine shop environment The company is newly We are world renowned in titre of diamond drill bits product Send your resume to manager BOYLES lNDU the attention of the lndustrialltelations STRIES LTD notice 1968 for men who are presently earning $9000 or more otter Wlll he eonurlensunate with ability The applicants must have background experience in PreDeter essential The selected apldicants will be required to institute and carry through to conclusion MTtM audios be to set standards for all functions relocated in new factory building with alnajorlty of new hourly and salaried stali the mining industry Ior nur manuiac drilling machinery anddiamond abrasive The company oiiiels liberal fringe beneï¬t program DATED at Barrie Ontario his on day or December An BOYS SEAGRAM AI ROWE Barristers and Solicitors ll Owen Street Barrie Ontario Engineers University training would Work experience must be in the purpose of Mridl will ngephone mms or 0111th 725 nnd party dresau All mmcnt in rAl condition and treshly cluncd some Ilech out Burton Av nna7zom7 uyttnle memo t1 per basket wilhtfll and ironing that llJlILIIPIckllu nd deliver 11601153 3140 no hemmed on p1de 0N Phone 1234341 iahï¬m Méï¬ll glean no to 71535 as BUILDING TE es turquoise nu $1 nu NEW HOME my ng23gfgylfï¬g eggs dies ma condition in 14 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Orima Onfa 30 water supnueo class to Idlooll 73 PHONE 7282414 ContactPeter Light and bus stop sinv50 Including 5mm Wu BEAVER LUMBER Mm ghltfuï¬wlhoï¬zdlefamlgéiADI TWO 173mm spnrencnt mu or 129 Bradiord St 7285541 Lsncd to Available at alrrlo minim nud omc MORTGAGES mnfitgggth Sglhlï¬glkézgï¬ enormous cleaned rlplired rnm co17 cum on st gggggf ï¬mgnsndï¬hgfalrï¬ 5k cev Ve MMEDIATE Llwn Mower Service mm are rm our $th in WI ov and gelAm kin lst and 2nd mnnThly Allaodale dis MIL IivIIlsr ï¬ffï¬lï¬ï¬eï¬ fm°f Prompt Attention Mortgagamaus Anywhere able now Telephone 7251150 éiedhufl ï¬gmhaso Madayrs IZNOAIIXEIIIIIMALEPXAAOIPIEITTTEsn itll Sillémsnoxitlilyflmgie it Jennies siar Tynawrilerén CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE 90 OF VALUATlONs mime can Joe Disneolo New Sim Went mm If YimuNeed Mono mwa suit fnr no my on gt To consolidate debts Futurism ADIflment or rent ï¬gmggmgn 4150 him fligng SIGNS SNOWPLOUGHING PAINTING Ply all exlstlnz no age sell contained heated very cen title tinnitusan re aggglnngyysnrngn no launch new itt£tltalltfm wttny wniLlltlwhtle 572 Phone mom nrrrleTcnlsno may 115461 so years axporlcncs 72mm lm rhythm or 7ZlM15 zvontnra Clll Eric Tallem rl or one am nannocm Anarlmenrmm lleAnINo no batteries Ili nlrcr leuLATlON RUG CLEANING PLASTERING Mortgage Fundlng film 311th grunge reignm lg Auth Zenith oerlsr Mack slnvc nvlrnrrlycrc rill Telcpimné Wm 5° 111 72 noowmo mfln lnllilltlon SIMCOE Lathlnl ltndlplglkrtlnl r7aznallr cal lntllsnnsSears Allison Illynes meals Pm eattmates Gulniiteed work new nor wl prees 454 snvg rno on quality winter Nahum Scott unlr 7mm CARPET CLINIC nrll°om mi Rn swoon 57 bedroom iflhlnwttgr°mfg REFRIGERATION Brokermomma awn5g ayunrl gmmegmrlw you It my rings Incl iRONlNG slgzesggggmgï¬bï¬ï¬ HgME he oohvoumogvlrr annrtnusr nerdy hirlfll1EClAIIlrTIVAAOLÂ¥ITIIA until mm mm av or in our MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA RD PHONE mam rtnrct an All DRESSMAKING Bus oppOR UNIn55 SIT alrfllctmoiruilflvnursii BUILDINGlMATERIAL ALUMINUM SERVICE lizungdialely Telephone 7mm Restaurant equipment nvcu stove nraumlhlnl nd ltouennr Mndl WANT lillldeep llyel all gas heated to manure with rcnsnnahln Tatu DNE mnnnonr rulls available up plsnwnsner mto pester veun cu mono alter am UMINUM mm ml my ï¬rlloloklng st Viacenlibflr mile first Iliad Arm mad mittton arealu el nor vnr ERTHEXITHNIItIarLOXWIIQ ell£15 dintnuï¬croom ohndeuu Draperies baildmmltflhlsv an on Eghimmnoviirfutmï¬uu orriren Suitstaring doors and windows Exmlncn Ivlllabla laundry Ind parking in Annns manor and in alterations whorl 5mm 5mm mugs eludes Telephone manor LOTS WANTED ARTICLES WANTED coMPLErE INSTALLATION TRIALS lifILmnltgl°l TREES snnuas Direct Want prices senvrceo blilldlru lou wanted or atrium sum Rent WANTEDmmtthtuvu Iggttr no area 11 um Incer Aisha Antiques note summons rm expertI no alertiniond out Mr irrlnwlcr or affltbfï¬ldnfl l£f£ nnd lrnnd Shop M70 provl gllntlnlr priming Icrtlllzlnr Bit STROUD 4362079 wrlu Hoxbmfllmc hamlnui 92 mm 7251105 mm mm Mn rlnrnn lining mm THE KEMPENFELT yÂ¥tty°l JANlTOR SERVICE SHINGLING Tnv EAAlulNEn WANT ADS Luxury new hulldlrll beside the my only low lett inside paragon our chllil llluwnn PHONE newt nuns pain All cleclrte hunting Elm Street Telephone maul lilvrr clock httolt Dunlnn 17ml rurnlture Anuouo CallAr Loomo Fun clun clllnllll tor homer nttlcu xivm Blnln Clllnlnl Santa TIA711$ KIIINGLING Plat Itnoltng laven lrnunhlnr cord Imus Into stroud on REFRIGERATION senwce Small Engines Ito SLI STAN BRYSON uCiapperion Street PHONE hadron PUMPS Washing Machines ROSS PUMP SERVICE Phone Cookstown 4539015 LAND SURVEY in lr llr eetl nnirletkfzorllfa Tuckva