Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1968, p. 12

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dolile Kiss Unwanted in To ensure EXAMlNER SATURDAY one lltEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE MLS REALTOR Elaine loosen7234291 Helen HopkinsMISS INESON 7284294 Catharina MilneW Torn Foster725520 SHELSWELL Ills REALTOR 119 DUNwP 81 resrm WILLSON LOVELY SEEUDED HUNGAIDW with many ciilras in every room Five bedrooms three bathrooms fireplace in large living room separate dining room patio overlooking the lake electric heal double garage 751139 I115 IRShf Frill dclails call Norah Rallies FOR THE DISCRIMINATth BUYERMany flawless features in cluding largo entry foyer three large bedrooms and beautiiuliy landscaped grounds Priced under $0000 For further parllurlars rail Eill Dull 7261451 11115 1968 Jack lViIIson Till631 Deed Atkinson 7789196 Orca Brown 7287263 Bill Dull 7261151 Isabel Fisher mml Chuck Lamhcrt mm Evcrclt Loughccd 7282130 Jack MacLaren Keith Mcltaster 7284950 42W Norah Haikcs 7mm Gladys Sinclair 728369 lane Young 7234717 Norm Sheiswell 7233293 John Long 7285761 CHOLKAN o0 LTD iris REALTOR 10 Collier Si Barrie 7284401 Angus 55601 Shelburno 9253410 Vasaga Bead 4291640 STAYNER Invely split level home Ideal location or commuting to C01 lingwood and Base Bordcnulor more details call 9245717 Thtr esa Byrrle FAMILY HOME Large older brick home on large lot excellent locationI close to shopping schools etc Excellent terms offered For further particulars call Dolly hiorteliaimofid gt rznlor lessor Tia953a EdVlvlan uarnrr rrarlon Nuniah Allison Runes purer WinI79 wur Lawr 7234190 liler lrlein Hm lime Stewart Inda EAvmdr Ylonno Ruwh MEMBERS BARRIE ORAN SHANIY BAY low down payment opportunity for one acre building lot in prestige area Attractive sum mer cottage on tree covered property Only minutes from downtown Barrie Call Alan lardle 7768164 aircrnson tilt737 or on hareglanullit Norton guilds Idliar vn zit00 Pat Cartcr morons moons Hannah renti Hm EVILLE TORONTO BOARDS srma REAL EsrATE LIMITED Prioro MLS REALTOR DUNLOP ST RES 7237399 7W1 Charlie Read mood Hugh Proman 7250129 Don Campbell aroma Doug Campbell 7260243 Fred Taylor 7281205 Ron Allan 4565348 Paul Penman meals Don Marshall nailsl Smith Campbell 7mm Richard IDiclrl Beer 72th HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY in airfield Street Harman Funds Available PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7mm Free Customer Parking ARR CALL 72asla7 noosrrINMAN memo nIILDrLED MOORE GwnlA gossATz mom xLousTEnlIAN Assam my 113115 7259442 wu GDEIJEerNnT 7734355 LORNE ill rrAv masts GRANT hIacARlHlR nr067 RITA squirran nuns chFrorlD GooDrlEAn 725509 ls OWEN sr to PHUIO MLS REALTOR SiE APPriAIsara MORTGAGES RENTALS All Rose Dick Hartley ratioa Res maria Sill blackness Res 7mm Russell Smith Frank Jardine Rea 7289996 7283670 EMORY 7261881 REALTOR PERCY Form 7237030 sAlIlIY RBIHA Taoam Roamr FLEIVELLING Hosanna Gonn SFENCIm Tiasols mum MILLER Insult DIINLOP STREET 67 DUNLOP ST JoriN COLE EAnvsv wan PETER qualms DON MEREDITH EliorIY MILLER 7tbaoi1 Modal 7282425 Taoseas Tzanm ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor EAST At the Five Points Phone 7203550 EVENINGS CALL FRED EPLEiI 7289793 CHAS ROGERS Thais CARSON PHtYlO MIS so VORSLEY STREET Norm Synnott 7272573 Bill Hamilton 72841323 REALTOR TELEPHONE 7265431 ltuss Carson molar Rupert llIcGrath Elmvale Nobel Billl Lang merit FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor ID BAYFIELD STREET Frank wainwrir Len cavhnaurh Frank Nellcs mam EVENINGS CALL norm star Hammond ricotor Teariot liiRe ridrus 72mm sass Erncol walls noose pol surcr Rollie oawnean CORBY Real EstateBroker and Appraisers no Dunlop St Phone maria lat and 2nd mortgaged arranged in low monthly payments We buy your present lat and 1nd mortgages unanimous vacIlse GREIA ZIETARA azaam LAURANS mu Allistlln aware ii Mtsfneailor WHITE 109 Bayfield St 7231071 Appraisals Listings invited ELVA MILLS 7mm torin WHITE mono COUTTS AND CO OWEN ST mains MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON COUTIS 7287275 SANDY CODITS 7234233 WALTER ECOUTTS 7232111 PRIVATE nIePouermn llpu 1corzlfortnhld hodrcom homcili Harrie Frill oliee noon 33000 down payman lvrl ca or no rent Telephone Tiaom ILOTS FOR SALE EAllrtlz arealoncre this river at Ill wa 221773 Tomi In TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE viaom MILLER PROPERTY FOR SALE ILLS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST IAdlulrimaTn Twitmi vr man sum BIDWELL Mortgage funds lVlUIrhiB TELEPHONE 7284430 TIC2 Mir Litmus own RUTH LLOYD HKEITHi REALTOR SUITABIE NR VLA bedroom aluminum siding house born on to pores high socoic all conveniences an pmximnleiy miles south of Barrie on paved road Asking $5500 Contact ANNE SPEN CER Thornton ASKml BUILDING WT Good corner at Tollandal orid block from latte all winterired homes in area Asking $5000 Contact ANNE SPEAKER Thornton WI ACRES BUSH Approximately miles south of Harrie suitable for dividing approximately 500 frontage Asking $0000 with $000 down Contact ANNE SPENCER Thornton 4569211 IEIIR 131 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcocli Barrie MSW Colhoulne Stroud 361381 Ii Spencer Thornton 45092 Snow Strond 0303119 Ed Green Illarrie 7mm Betty Newton Hawkestone more Lillian Roberts 7250927 MargueriteMoors M2256 and Fitzsimrnins Churchill 4552620 Torry Stevens Elmvalc 177W 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 RAWN Real Estate Ltd £03 BAYFIELD ST 7289451 SPECIALIZING 1N RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings call Larry lorpey 4260115 Bill Rawn 7Zo0999 Dick Draper 7283373 Simon Beekhuizon 728 rm NIS Realtor Deanap 72683ti6 ANITA SWIIT HARVEY SWIFT Till0755 ERIC DEWSNAP new Gibson Willéughby lilLs Realtor LARGEST FARM AGENCY IN CANADA 29A Owen St Evenings Larry DeWilde 7283253 Miller 7261032 PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEWHOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER I29 Bradford St 7235541 NEW lpaclnus bedroom brick home 15 minutes lrnrrr Barrie lzao soure leer Iurl Ilnlshcd base met heated RINK attached rea rures stone Itrcplace stone planter at entrance rtone walled driveway Lot 75 zoo Prilatenle 7260057 Barriev Eric TIEM55 7231241 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE kit and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL OMB FARMS AND cordmcuu PnoPrmrim 907 OF VALUATIONS If You Need Money To consolidate deed Pay all author mo Ixu or manure rpmfng ua llama mement Anyanr wnrla nun Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding om SrmpsonsSearS 119 DUNWP ST Member Ontno Alhnlilll Brokrn Association no Ton OWN lortlue Rudy cull avauahla lo pmehara rams Wa will turn lead you money on nur drtruar in Truman Eudora momma BUS OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY nu dulenhlp avalicblc no lnrcsl ment our eicctricai apphrncer are on consrapmcnt to ion IQ and new In your community Anni now wrtir In Desludlnl 138 Danlcrlh Avc Toronto Ii Ont iiPAng tlml money Extra money every week with your own lucra trrn cllmllc vendlnr mlrhlrrc buslncu zstnhuxhcd by our com Pany Ior you in your own area rtcrlablc people no ortered lull assurance service and rlnanclnr Good credit more important thin cuh to enter business which re nuucsonlv in Ii hour or your weekly lime to begin with For rurrher details write lncludtnl phonc Plumber In our mt Blnld Examiner BUS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED WANTED to rent or lease Stuck bar varlctv starr with rlvlnu quarters write to nor FG aarrlc Eliminer LOTS WANTED SERVICED building lots wanted Demo and area call nae5327 ruchrnond irllL Arr Knowiel or wire hex m1 Barrie Examiner FARMS WANTED FARM wanted to buy within in or is mues or Barrie so In loo acres liust have good buildings and not more than mllc rrnm lltlhwly on Ear arrla Exam ncr MOBILE HOMES For the Ultimate In Luxurious Living ACTIVE MOBILE HOMES Now on Display SEE THE VESTCHESTER 60 ft l2 ft model today lOYEAR MORTGAGE PLAN AVAILABLE KNOTIY PINE SPORTSARAMA 7284 TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Northiander Parts and Service SALE RENT Cash or Terms up to 10 Years ll Hwy Burton Ave 7289666 TRY EXAIIHNER WANT ADS PHONE mom INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to trandcr your INSURANCE had it you need extra coverage at my kind roe STEVENSONS 118 DUNLOP 51 MINI 24m FOR RENT THE WILLOWS 55 Dunlop Most centrally located bdm maisonette for rent Upstairs downstairs Balconies or Patios Divided washroom Over 1200 sq it oi Space Stove fridgc washer dryer Electric hcating $140 per month Phone mull Two llnlworr unhide mcnl retriaeroiur rtovc bur viild water supplied close lo Idsooll and bus nop smoo lncludtnl his TV Telephone moms Two pabrrooyl apartment untur rrtshrd rtove and relrlgentnr new 1v redecorated Downtown lhclllnn of Who o¢ Tilt or app ne rruii co l1 Chapman St DIN ungnoorr aphlrlmcntkfor regs rove an mmnrl or ar monthly Allandare didrrlellnivlll able now Telephone 7251160 IIEDROO nod1rd furnished aparllnenl downtown silo mohthl ulclude hut Ilghr water par lull Available January No pets telephone 77mm alter pm ONE BEDROOM Aprrtmani or rent slis monthly Avrrrahle rm mediately Cali loo nirncnlo 71a 0567 FURNISHED Apartment or rent rclr contained treated very cen trll rvIIh same Available lacu ary lo iienr Sroo monthly Tele phone mm pNz Dannoo Apartment ground iioor with module entrance cnicd in cast and on bus route Steve and rclrlgcralnr Telephone Allison Illyncs masts 1e SANFORD st Two bedroom Inarlllrcnt available Immediately Now rcirrrcmor and stove In new buildinc Cable Tv AdulLr onIv lTovglzephone 7231215 or Orlllla n5 snlALr two bedroom unIurnIshed apartment slllrc bathroom Alinn dale district 35 monthly Available lrlmrcitlllcly Telephone mmr ONE BEDROOM suite available ov erlnnktng st Vincent Park Added tortures are adjustable sheivlns dining mom chandelier Draperies avnirhi Laundry and parking Ia cillries clcvhnne TiaHal unANn new modern bcdrnolu unnrrmcntr avzllanln December or at Il Cumberland Street neat mo Carl Fred Taylor represent ing Campbell lira Estate dyr 12am ovcnlnrn 777111205 SELFCONTAINED rooms and bath rimc rcirlgerltor and null ties supplied Parklnll month Iv Avollahla January would suit couorc Telephone 715nm alicr pm THE KEMPENFELT Luxurv lchhlllldlllx beside thcbaY only Icw letL Inside garages rlit bnih all clecirlc ncarlnr to Street Telephone Hurst ONE bedroom nonrtment for rent on Codringtonrstrcet rlcrrloerntor nnd srovc Hume on bus route Telephone macro Allison Haynes BEDROOM apartment All can vcrrlenccs nave reiriceraror bai canv elevator laundry room 17 alake St lclcphnne 7zdn447 cENTMLar volslcv street he tllccnfiwcn and Muicosiar ufl slhirs apartmcnl bedroom chen livloeroorn Available John on rltn No illlltlrclr Telephone 7256910 alter pm AvArLAnLE January Two bed room hunted apartment storafl lecher Refrigerator stove suprlId on bus route Ample parrllnll sits monthly Apply 27a st vin cent St Apt BARRIE EXAMINER WANT Abs WORK WONDERS Finest L0caiion The easy careand everlasting beauty of Cleverly inlrihe New Alcan Alumirlum Siding tended with ngel Stone or Brick Next to Steele Si School ResidentialArea of Lovely Homes EASTVIEW The Home illustrated Is One of FiveDisrinctive Models with the Quality BUIII In Features of PLUS All Services All services paid for litany extras including the no mo white plaaticiwl siding screens and storms Tavelled driveway 90k up installation dryer CHAPOLD 08 BAYFIELD 51 if to an 22 vi Lot sodded front and rear IN FACT underground ing without oils REALTORS Co GEORGE DAVIES HOMES intanance Every etiort has been made to make each home complete and ready for comfortable liv md THE NEW HOME COST iron EXTRAS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FQRSTER AN Iltlltlllll 7256453 yea£1 and RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT Tina album lrouaa rallahla January as monthly all do MfrEpic moan axialOoh Home or rent Iiih humor Immediate matron no moathLv Telephoto III mend Inlld Mel cornfield tuxarmed stove nu wuher Armani lmmcdialrly Write nu Barrie hammer on call au dios Toronto Enhance badroom home run we Mmary room In no room no room clue to loanost public school and hunt colloclnle Abltalrrm our ma per month wrlle Port on liar lu Barrio allan home or rent llvlns room kitchen and ham mil bare mcnl with matron room lame close reboot Ind bus Good resldcn al am to Napier Street chrai 13 month Pm stop immediate Reply lo Box in lurla Examiner ROOMS TO LET rllesrrer Moor and kitchen for rare riot water ruppued ro mremnr and sum Centrally io cared TIcpbona mm vulwlrnnl room to rent mm cleaned and linen cbmsrd vrcelrlv downtown location Good portrtiu racuilies Tciephone Trump FURNISHED bedroom Ilflllc lady in to use pl rllchen Tv dellelu mull have unen toms nation 799 Putrnon Rd put 21ch cooler rierv norm noussstPlNG room rlncn rup plied on Inc bus route lvnrklnl Plrl prercrred Telephone mom ruRNrsrrsn hadrltilnr room Inr rent iIncn and dishes supplied nanxeite and use or rel orator Very central Basins 11 only Tclepllone moose ARTS FOR SALE PARTY DRESSES Wide selection of styles and color in velvet sheer organ za lace etc Some with head lng Original designs and teen styics included Sites ill to 16 PRICED FROM 35 Burton Ave 72am anytime NORTHWAY RUG co LTD The house at line broadloonl Remnants all sizes and prices DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM 67 Collier SL Phone 7261311 FISH lioilsz rnr sale $15 For awry Inionnauon telephone 77a alarm1 aTovr Inl sale burner ln good condition Reasonable orlcc Tclopnonc 77m Limb uintnl coals alre it to 15 srrnl innnnl brldcgalLdTLss csflltmuotscfyclIfiVT mxlcr nlty en good condrunn also it 7136673 TELEVISION for sale nioborola consul model 19inch rc In xood working condition cash Telephone mono GUITAR Inr sarc Haastrom Ii one year our Original cost $725 Must sell auiokly Corryln case strap elc Telephone 7257506 SInNs inl nln IDX12 Div whltc cardboard lexlrrlplctAnt to Rent House or sale Etc Available at Barrie Examiner Ensl ness Office nIANs rult forHie navy bluc size to In very good condition Reasonable Telephone moons nor st home service carchS up holslnrna draperies rarest Inbrics Harris Tcnt and Awning 7zos477 SAILING lid batteries Ill Sill Milli Zenith Dealer MacKlyl Pharmacy 63 Dullan 7132901 SAVE moncy 0n nullity Winter clothing at fraction til the brilliant cost Ladys tcens glris hays Dlllll mens mens indoor and outdoor lvcar Maternity clothes and party dresses All garments In Al condition and freshly cielrled Some never worst Burton Av enue mm BUILDING MATERIAL Restaurant equipment oven stove vmrl deep trycr all on treated Dishwasher Folltd prelor table and imm unit Radiators hardwood flooring Ind variety oi building materials it Roocruon Anlnrs moses ST VINCENT DE PA STORE HOURS Wednesday 75pm Friday 25 and7r9 pm Saturday 10 am pm 33 Collier Street Basement or Jerrys TV FRUITS VEGETABLES FANCY LG Grade hirer spy nelicloua Bring containers st an up hp at sulrord 72dé310 APPLES or sale Knole Con cession Oro Telephone 7201007 Please bring own containers Nn stem Sunday rarer DOGS AND PETS PUPPIES part chlhuahuns also part manicured tick hounds Iemnle beanie Aro others Ncasonnhle morn POODLES DACHSHUNDS nullity mlwica at competativr ces noes ore our business when we plan or Inem on have you ln mind whrn you are boain one keep us in mind my peerleyr Irlehurst Poomr Trimmlnl Proressional mominu all breeds pickup and delivery 7Zsa717a POODLES Purebred black miniature pondlel regulated reduced 01 Christmas Telephone Til3095 ARTICLES WANTED WANTEDnunlturc sinus anvil Inces dishes antrouer Roth ond Hand anon ranisle usErr clothan wanted Rood duality all types all rlzu For resale TIEN our china ulossware Iurnlrure rilver cram banks Antlduo Cellar zoo hunlop mam CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 72824111 Sec AUTOMOTIVE amrAL while they rut ELIfl heaters Inilaiicd in nu Parrot to limes Bras sinu Triumph Crud nd Jamar sIL Your new Ilrfl Flat Renault and Alla Romeo lcr PNI Robinson Halon 1921 II have mlru norm ol am CARS FOR SALE rm omaMorslu vs automatic bill O10 IMI Wand epbnm mast minutiae iiardi umor automauc radio millerii uh mum All power Telphone one or mine char pm DIRTY CAR TRUCK Inun sham Danton slum parrlled wu lobe rcuonlbll rara KlrenXu Service 1M ms rorur Falcon Inr rala excel lent condition ssmo oflllnal mllel new lluldtd rnnw um tinder Iulnrnlllc MID radio nylon min VéaCOfiVAlléwzfth 19 en Inc In ls ll 01 her drlvrnr Student mar moiivy Telephone mom METEOR mde or ule blur dud two door um much on In and now one owner Telephone 796 alter on ma PoNrlac random or ule door room power rteerinr hull ed and winds icss than miles Orlnle Terrohonc mallar rm cnhvuur 1door hard top blaclc interior bucket sub mrrom radio tachometer trpccd Iran nlinlhp with Hunt danced chaprcr Tlntrd vlss Sad cubic inch Engine loo horse power Porlrrutlon rur end crnrar rialz wheels and aloe Oval urea Extra moan mounted rm miraaac owner must roll on to tour disability from In Icel Llan can or icon at r7 ulnvlew IIold mam VOLVO KITCHEN AND SON I73 ESSA RD mam HAPPY NEW YEAR from Rays SIMCOE MOTORS for AM BASSADO no Tiflin SL 7ltifll7 SNOWMOBILES SNOWMOBILING AT PORTAGE TRAILS Half way between Hwy 90 and Minestng off Simcoe Rood is follow Fort Willow Road RENTAIS MEMBERSHIPS 7181637 NEW MERCURY SNOWMOBILE Built Better Inside lo RunBellcr Outsidc GULL ROCK MARINA Oro Station 4872122 havent tried show Ma chine until you have tried the fast smooth easy handling YAMAHA of Double Track BOLENS DIABLO See them both at ALCONA TAXI Stroud 4361473 For 50 Fun TRY SKIROULE HI POWERED Low PRICES WESS GARAGE tooMinets Point Road 7233891 Res 7284606 POLARIS Sales and Service HOLENS LAWN AND SNOW EQUIPMENT CAL MADILL Highway 11 Petes BPt 7258536 SUNSET SPEEDWAY ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE Sales and Service The Cadillac ol them all Test drive on the speedway you will be amazed at the heliu ty and exclusive features Low payments Sunset Speedway Stroud 4363577 Free club membership with each machinist Open until pm BOMBARDIER SKLDOO The first the foremost the only one that went to the Arctic on display RIDGE ROAD MARINE Ridge Road and Con ti Oro Telephone 2211 MOTOSKI Sales and Setvica Repairs t0all makes BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE 24 Toronto St 7266140 OMC SNOW CRUISER ACCESSORIES FOR THE SPORTSMAN Trailers Cu ers Sleighs Dress up or inter cold in one of the lined Inowsuits especially made vfor outdoor fun hilttshoots helmets gag ales etc All sizes Mena Womens Childrens DE LANEY BOATS LTD Foot of Bayfield St Barrio Want Ads Dont oatThey Pay SNOWMOBILE THEALL NEW SNOW CAMPER HERE IS THE ANSWER to the hunter fisherman sports rnlrr snowmobilcr the racing butt It sits on hills You can sleep In it eat in il stay out of the cold winds and best or III use it all your round See it This Weekend KNOIIY PINE SPORTSARAMA Highway Tl Mldhlrrsf 7284111 SNO PRINCE IlHPISIHPMIIP Bctter handling more traction snnfl looking CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 17 HP SNOWMOBILE PLUS SEATER CUlIER FOR ONLY $838 Bring the family tor free trial OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL HANDY PRO HARDWARE ALOONA BEACH RD norm MO SNO FUN Some tips for snowmobile owners Study your owncra manual Learn as much as you can about your vehicle Weor warm and windproof clothing that wont hinder your movements OCarry solely kit and em ergency fuel supply OGet adequate insuranoe pro tection For more insurance information BERT MAW Halnnislii St Barrio Phone moon CIAG INSURANCE norm LIFE AUTO BOASKI SNOWMOBILE RENTALS Hour day weekend weekly Reasonable Tales DALTON OOUGHLIN MOTORS 7237031 or 4288321 SIGD00 VALLEY TRAIIS 200 acres woodedtrails NIGHT SKIvDOOING RENTALS or your own machint Coffee available Elli Linc Vespra north Of SiloW Valley Road GEORGE Prop 72808 FARMERS MRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service PHONE BARRIE 72345200 Collect or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE or hours day days wool RR Forunead Ontario Licence No 290C Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Pics wnmn Weekl and overNot slam mama to lbs Farm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH nixm Suppllea Service Case New Holland Davro Brown Beatty CASH TRADE TERMS 176 BURTON AVE mm PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Accessories Attachments DELANEY BOATS LTD Foot of Hayfield SL Barrio 7266413 PERSONAle WHY Fraur winter Eu or an old lashloned iielghhlytlltzl Vlad om liter pm AA you have drinkinlr 1cm and want help hphe ytlrnh an unease or Po Boxpfl SIrrle ANYONE knowing the wherclhulll or Miss SillrieyAbraham rezenliy married and now min in aarrl Ontario please have her contagt llr Archie Luctrlrr Kris nth Ave ville 5L liicnei Montreal Quebec ELnEhLv couple witha good tilm could make it tnterutlrlg for young couple Interested in tannins Write Box Il Barrie Examiner HAVE your bridal hridrnnlfdl dresses suitr etc cartonl made by professfnnll Speclhlfxe or larger women who are hard to in call now for appointment set71st NURSING HOMES CLEAN compotenterro or the old erlv at reasonable nmntnry rarer Pchctanl now available at lnnlswood Nur ll lfIK Home lilfu arun NN rsz WOMENS COLUMN Perms SPECIAL MON runs Ir WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlop St West 7102500 EXAMINER WANT ADS $600 Items Goodbye Make Love To NewFound Cash ONLY

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