Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Dec 1968, p. 1

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WEATHER Cloudy and gold with snow flurrics tonight and Sunday bow tonight High Sunday is For lull details see page too EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circidatloo Classified Advertising 7mm All Other Departments T5651 tMth Yui No so THE APOLLO it spacecraft which took three astronauts to the moon and back on jour ncy of more than halt mil lion miles is hoisted aboard the USS Yorkton Friday at harm ISIturdIy December INS Barrie Ontario anI xaminrr Not Nor Then it For Copy Page smo AUTS ARE Czech Govt Agrees To Quit Recovery of the spacecraft was made in the Pacific 1000 miles south of Hawaii AP PRAGUE AP The gov ernmcnt of Premier Oldrich Cornik unanimously agreed today to resign In order that new federal regime can take of Iice Jan Prague radio revolt Bd The broadcast said Cornik presided at the final meeting of hh government today and stated that from don the AsTRoNAUTS William An President Johnson as he can their flight to the moon and prime recovery ship the i155 ders loft and Frank Borman concentrate on the Words of gratuiales them Friday upon the successful completion of back in the Apollo Erspace craft They got the call in the fInquiry Ordered Into Loss oi The Pliele SAN DIEG0VCalif AmA high court of inquiry has been ordered by the 135 Navy to study the lease the intelligence ship Pueblo The court of five admiral was directed Fridayvby the Pa cific Fleet commander Admir ai Jothn Hyland to inquire into the circumstances relating to the seizure of the Pueblo and the subsequent detention oithe vessel and the officers and Basic issues to be decided in clinic whether the PIIEDIDS skip per Cmdr idoyd Bucher had the power to resist when his ship wastakcn by the North Koreans spokesman said the court also will consider whether state mentsallcgedly madeby the crew members during their 11 month confinement constituted violations of the military Code ofConductalthough the navy said such violations are not criminal offence and oannot be prosecuted the court will not matter several weeks until intellin gence dobrielings of the crew are completed It can only make recommendations to high er officials and has no power to take punitive or disciplinary action the navy said ELEVEN wannwounnan At the same time the navy disclosed thatihe two top offi cars and nine other men aboard the Pueblo at the time of its capture were wounded by North Korean gunfire ohe fireman Duane Hodges of acrcswcli Oral was mortally wounded The injuries of the others have healed the navy said Buchcr the execu tiveoiflcer Lieut Edward Mun phy and the eight others will receive Purple Heart medals in ceremony next week The navy also disclosed Buch er issuifering from physical and emotional exhaustion and has been moved to private roomin building separate from the crew quarters In explaining the court of in quiry Capt GalelE Krouse Pacific Fleet senior illdge adve cate told news conference there will be no speculation on what could or would be done to members of theucrew for the loss ofthe ship and for any ac tions while they prisoners of North Korea Johnson Expects fiction Soon In Stalled Vietnam SAN ANTONIO Tex AP President Johnson says he has been told by his No Vietnam pence negotiator that there are indications the stalled Paris talks may move off dead centre soon In news conference in Wash ington Friday the president said that Cyrus Vance rdeputyv UIS negotiator at Paris told him earlier this week that he believes we can got going on substantive talks alter his re turn there and we are just pray ing thatcanbe truo Vance returned to Paris Fri day after trip to the United StinktES to brief officials on the ta Johnson said the failure to end the war was the major dis appointment of his five years in otfice He leaves Jan 29 He said that despite the sor row andvrcgret at the continuing deaths of Americans in the war he has enjoyedeveryminute of his time in the Wllite House And the presidemadded he is proud of the achievements of his administration although he said there wasmuch more that should have been done The president was clearly buoyed by the weeks events in cludlng the success of the Apollo moon mission the re lease of the Pueblo crew and Pejaée Talks Cambodias re prisoners We are generally very happy and thankful for the good breaks that are coirdng our way he saidihe only thing that would make him happier he added would be peace in Vietnam Purple Hearts For The Pueblo SAN DIEGOCalif AP the skipper the USS Pueblo and nine of is crew members will get Purple Heart medals next week for wounds suffered at the time of tho ships cap turn the Us Navy said Friday Most of them freed men probably will be entitled to the Purple Heart for injuries suf fered during their it months in North Korean prison navy spokesman said The announcements came as some of the crow began their first full dnyoi intensive de briefing The Pueblos skipper Cmdr Lloyd hf Bucher remained under medical cm apart from hisAcrcw Doctors saldhc has respiratory infection and physi cal and emotional exhaustion Yorkton AP Wirepboto Quebec Takes Over Steel 69 MONTREAL OP in major move to bulidoze weak nesses out of the Quebec econ omy the province took posses sion Friday of the multimillion dollar steel industry developed in Quebeeand Ontario by the Dominion Steel and Coal Corp The Quebec Crown corpora tion Sidbed deposited $23000000 in Trust General du Canada for more than all per cent of out standing Dosco shares The Crown corporation at cost of $32500000 assumed management of steel rolling millat Controcoeui Quel elec tric furnaces hillotcastingr and other facilities at Montreal steel falnlcaung facilities in suburban LaSalle and wire plant at Etoblcoke Onto HERES ONE Sharpe Youre Isupposedito be lawyer doyouknow any thing aboutwills Dumm generally get paid for telling what know Sharpe Okay hereh 50 centstell me all you know and give moths change xi The Examiner TODAY AnnTLndcflS Church11 City News2 Classified12 Li Comics7 Deathsin Editorial4 Sportsd TheitrH rv molars7 Wlllbcle VVVVomenilG new federal system will take of fact He recommended therefore lhnt the present government should resign and hand its re slgnatlons to President Ludvik Svobods the broadcast nddcd Tile ministers appmvedthis proposal unanimously There was no word on when the resignations would be suly mitted to Svoboda but this was expoded shortly The new government expect ed to be headed by Cernik as remier but with smaller cob net is to be announced later probably by Svobodo in New Years address high ranking Soviet dolcga tion arrived Friday and is hold ing closed door talks Czechoslovak leadersn PUEPDSE NOT STATED The Soviet delegation headed by Konstantin Katusdlev did not announce thelpunpose of its visit But diplomatic sources said it probably came to check on Czechoslovaiuas plans to change to federal system of government Katuschev the Soviet party secretary in charge of relations with ruling Communist parties plays key role in Soviet ef forts to assure the normaliza tion oi Czechoslovakia after the August invasion The Soviet Union was said to have opposed earlier Czechoslo vak plans to decentralize gov ernment authority under the new federal system with it all oleaflj Mortgage Rate Will Soar orrawn or The ceiling on National Housing Act more gage intelest rates Will bounce uptoarecordatthestartofthe New Year along with income taxes and pension oontnbutions and benefits Central hiortgage and Hous ing Corp will announce the new ceiling Monday and it is amt ed to be per cent compared withfllil rilinng tbeWpaSt tllné months The rate is adjusted every three months and geared to the average yield on longterm gnvlt crnment bonds at market prices During the past four weeks this has been shade over to which the govern ment adds 214 percentage points in determining the ceiling GREAT SH PE Debrieiing Then Chrisimos Await Space ihe Apollo astronauts contin ue physical debriefing aboard this carrier today before flying to the United States and belat Ed Christmas with their land 95 Theyre in great shape re ported Dr Clnrence Iernl gan space agency doctor aboard the carrier Jernlgan said Col Frank Bor mnn Capt Jamestovcli on Another Heart Recipient Dies In Canada MONTREAL CF The number of survivors of Con adas it hearttransplant opera tions was reduced to five Friday with the death of Ludgcr Sane chat 35 of Liiuzon Que Itfr Scnechal youngest Cana dian hearttmnsplant patient died two months and two days after receiving replacement heart The operation was car ried out Oct 25 He had returned home to his Wife and two dilldren several weeks ago and was reported doing well until last Friday spokesman for the Montreal Heart Institute where Mr Sene chal underwent the operation said the patient died about am Friday of what appears to have been acutcrojectinnof the transplanted organ No of the nine heart reci pients operatedat the Montreal Heart Institute are still alive They are Rosaire Eden so who re ceived his replacement heart Sept 30 and has returned home to his family as Canadaslong fatliving hearttransplant pa ient Airliner Hits Hangar 27 Dead In Chicago cameo or ANolth Central Airlines twinengined propjet airliner attempting to land at mistcovelcd OHare int ternational Airport Friday night slammed into hangar where drum and bugle team had been practising and exploded in flames North Central officials said 27 persons were killed and Cook County Chicago authorities said 21 bodies wore counted in tbe wreckage which burned for more than an hoilr The airline said It behaved there were 42 passengers and four crew members aboard the Convair silo Eight boys members of dnnn and bugle wrps which had just ended practice ses sion in the empty hangar were among 27 persons admitted hospitals VTerrorists Will Testifir TOdClY ATHENS tar Two Arab terrorists endured of shooting pain Israeli airliner at Athens aumltfiiursday were brought before aGreek magistrate today for pretrial testimony One of the men Mahmoud Muhammad issa 27 made victory sign with his fingers for photographers His alleged ac compliceMaher Hussein Sullei man 19 was lodred up in an adiaccnt room tovarwait his turn to testify Issa cruerged from the magie trates offica 40 minutes later and was tdken out of Ihe build ing He bore signs of clubbing he received from an ainpolt po lineman gt Sutleiman followed few min lites later They were drivcn back to their cells at the socu rity headquarters Magistrate Nicholas Styliariak is said that both men had been given until Monday to prepare their testimony and find slaw Yer The crackup occurred when the plane apparently missed runway in the fog and drizzle shrouding OHara worlds bus iest aimart The planeFlighi 458 originat ed in Minneapolis North Cen tral spokesman said it may have had an extra passenger anoftvduty pilot who may have been riding in jump seat bo bind the pilot Spokesman for two hospitals nearOHare said many of the injured persons suffered smoke inhalation The pilot Capt Marvin Payne of Lakaia Minn the first officer Gcral lf Levalloy of Bloomington Minn and the flight officer Richard Kargelol Eumsville Minn were killed STEWAEDMS INJURED The stewardess Jean Krbciiek of Minneapolis was in court employee quoted Sill Iciman as saying Israel is my enemv did well The men are accused of shoot ing and throwing grenades at an El Al airliner with 56 persons aboard as it moved Wards the runway for takeoff to Paris and New York Cong Seek Deal Ior Prisoners SAIGDN AP The Vict Cong today broadcast new offer to meet with US repre senLatives on New Years Day to negotiate the release of three American prisonersofmru It cameonly hours after south ern allied announcement that there wilibe noccpserua lIan similar meeting Christmas Day broke down when US rep resentatives charged the Viet Cong tried to hire them into jured The fatalities were the first in North Centrals 20year history The airline operates in ii Mid western states and had flown 31000004100 passenger miles without fatality Forty members ofthe Vang guard Drum and Bugle Corps od suburban Des Plaincs had been practicing in the hangar which is shared by Eraniif and North west Airlines minutesL before the airiinercralshed through the front doors andvirtually disinten grated and exploded in flames Explorers hiajr William Anders seemed to be ill better condition than many astronauts who returned from earth orbital missions They look great and are looking beltcr all the timecom pieter alert and very happy Jcrnlgan commented after the astmnnuts completed an exten sive fivehour cxnminntion fol lowing their pinpoint splash down in the Pacific Friday As the craft bobbed in the water crew member in hell copter overhead asked by radio What is the moon mode of its not made of green cheese at all Barman replied Its made of American cbccse The astronauts bad bccn in space for six days three hours during which they soared out ward toward tho moon for 69 hours circled it forzo hours then made Mour run back to their home planet Ihcylanded in darkness with in three miles of this carrier and were quickly retrievedby helicopter The landing point was Lots miles southwest of Hawaii Bonnan Lovell and Anders planned to fly off the carrier about pm MT today head ing for Hickam Air Force Base Hawaii where they are to transfer to Gift transport plane Iona flight to Ellington Air Force Base Ten near their Edistbnllb They are to arrive at Ell ion at arn Sunday where their families will be waitingio welcome them After late miristmat cele bration the aeronauts will begin nine dayaof intensive dc brierings in which expcrts will question them about all aspects of the flight from the perform ance of the Saturn rocket that fired them away from earth to their views of the lunar surface and the performance of their spaceship They have already descnbcd the moon as being colorless desolate spot highlighted by boulderstrewn plateaus cra terpocked plains and rugged mountains Eut prolimlnaryanalysis of what they saw and iearnedlhas strengthened Americas desire to land men on the moon next year The astronauts reported they had no trouble detecting land features or navigating around the moon and they said spot picked as likely landing zone is very good one in deed PINES THE WAY Space officials at Houston told news conference they were optimisticvtllnt the Apollo flight would lcadthe way to iunar landings large space sta tions and tripssto the planets KPSULE NEWS Christmas Giltlor Miners Families Tannyrown NY APThe families of the 73 men lost in last months Mannington Va coal mine disaster each received Christmas cheque of 3450 from benefactor they know only as afriend British Villages Isolated By Storm LONDON AmRAF helicopters flew food and blankets to snowbotlnd villages and motorists in Yoikshire and Lincolnshlre today as heavy snow and shivering cold gripped parts of Britain Fuel Barges Collide llnd Bum NEW YORK APTwo gasoline barges collided in the chan ncl between Staten Island and New JcrseyFrjday night forcing the evacuation of some waterfront homes as flames snared 300 feet Iiithe air Some of theworids most advanced firefighting equipment was needed before the six hours later rxpecl Bertrand Beer In one QUEBEC icPLPremler JeanJacques Bertrand is expected fierce blaze wasextinguished tobe bHCkinlhiS legislaturh office the second week in January ssource close to the premier said today The 52yearold prem ler entered hospital Decs with heart he has rested at his Cowansville Home tllccuscli Oi PiotTo Kill trouble since Dec la VCADIIO ReuterstSoven persons including two former army officers today were accused of plotting to assassinate President Nasser and overthrow his government by force lastsummer

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