Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1968, p. 6

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HOLIDAY TRAVELLERSIMARK CHRISTMAS WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS Rev and Mn David Proctor of Collier snail have their sons in law and daughter with them for Christmas Their Wests will iarlude Mr and Mrs Grant Date at Aurora and Mr Ed Mrs Albert Rempeil ol Fen On New Years Day Mrs Proctor will entertain several Korean families now living in Toronto tumult Mr and Mrs Hamid Cooper at Ross St are spending Christ mas Day with their son lt in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Arthur Hurdle and family of Scarborough WI Miss Mary Jane Hagan teacher at the high school in Pembroke is spending the both day vacation period with her parents Mr and Mrs ll Hagan Eccles St The ltag ens SMIilllflW and daughter Mr and Mrs Donald Kirkpatrickol Barrie will also spend Christ mas Day with them titanium Mr and Mrs Heber Smith of Collingwood Si have Mr Smiths sister Miss Ellrabcth with them tor Jarnic scar and year student at Trent Um iversity Peterboroudh and Bob hie student at Upper Canada College Toronto are with their parents for the vacation per ind IKKflmfliKi Jilr and Mrs Bruno Favero of Maple Ave will have 28 fam ily members at their Christmas inner party Guests will he ir and Mrs Ralph Carson Mr nd Mrs Charles Moslnr Mr Mrs Charles Jermuy and lr and Mrs Wilbert Jenney oil of BarrldHiir and Mrs alarms Pnuk and family of 0rlt in and Mr and Mrs Frank Jermey and family of Kings on Also present will be the averos son Philip and their 2aughter Miss Nancy Favero nd hcr guest Paul Spearinoi llarrie rmnaumuw The Voodcrest Road home at to and Mrs Jame5Dulheld and daughters will be the seltr rig for their leslive holiday din no hosts parents Mr and Mrs orry Duiiicld and daughter Miss Dianne Dullielil Mr and Mrs Donald McLean parents of the hostess and Mr and Mrs nay Dulfield all at Barrie Mr and Mrs Marvin Rutledge and daughter Susan at London and Miss Heathcr McLean of Toron will also be Christmas dinner guests Mamm Ottawa will spend Christmas holidays with the farmers broth er Dennis Kirley of Dunlop St mununuuuwm thlr and Mrs John Mltcbln son Sr of Barrie Beach will tlava guests from British Colum ia joining them in their annual mily Christmas party The hosts brother in law and sister Mr and Mrs Davis Victoria are here tor the hol ay season Gathering at their arents home for the festive day ill be Mr and Mrs John Mlt inson Jr and our children it god Mrs Harold Brett and their ve youngsters Mr and Haughton and three ch ien all of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jack Tyrreli and family or Goldwater IKKIIWKKKHM John Fraser of Owen Sound high school teacher at Penetang dishene is with his parents Mr and Mrs Albert Jansen Sun niiiale no MIKMHIWKEIN Mrs Marie Eberh art ol Maple Ave will mark the fest lve holiday with family Christ masdinner party Her guests Will include her son in law TOYS FOR EVERY our IllTHE aria Toys 150 of them were pre sented to the Paediatrics Ward al the Royal Victoria illospltaluhy the Junior Auxil ary on Saturday The group as had the childrens play nm nstheir special project for some time This latcstdon VEi and daughter Mr and Run Dalgla and daughter Lisa Marie of Rudele Ml Ufldll Eberhardt of Toronto deuzhter ot the hostess Mr and Mrs Timothy Daigle of Angus Min sea Bernice and Gerry Dangle of Toronto Mr and Mrs David Bohler and daughter Deborah of Water loo will speod the holiday season with Mr Boblers parents Mr and Mrs Bohier at Agnes St The hosts daughter Miss Donna Bobicr will be home from York University Other gums will include the hosts brother and sister in law Mr and Mrs Clair Bohier oi Kitchener Wm Mr and Mrs William Clem ents ol Allan will spend Christ mas with Mr and Mrs Irwin King at Strand MW Mr and Mrs Alex Brand ol Barrie and their daughter Bon nle will spend Christmas Day with Mrs Margaret Howell in Toronto Mr and Mrs John Burke ol Drillia and their son Joe Burke will spend Christmas with Mr and Mrs Jim Burke in their Highland Ave home staminasum Mr and Mrs Wui Beaver at Barrio will spend tomorrow with their son and his wile Mr and Mrs Ken Beaver and their children Nancy Debbie and Peggy at the familys Don Mills home autumn Mr and Mrs Gordon McLean and family at Thornton RR ivill enjoy Christmas day in the homo of Mr and Mrs Wallace Mdczia Thornton RR IKIIWKKKIIKI The first Christmas for Tiny livemonthold Wismcr ivlll ho celebrated with her maternal grandparents and paternal grand in The babys parents Mr and Mrs David Vismcr or Vancouver St will have as Christmas guests Mr and Mrs John Croly or Cl tawa and Mrs John Wismer or London Stephen Wismer Toron to brother at the host will also met party Guests will include be holiday amt Kathryn IHHKXWUCOQQQQQ Mrs Margaret Lakes of Bur ton Avc is spending the month in Austin Texas as the guest at Mr had Mrs Gus Gonzales Mrs Gonzales the tamer Miss Sandy Aistrop of Barrie is Mrs Lukes granddaughter KKKKKKKKKIKI Christmas guests at the home of Mr and Mrs William iieller will include Mr Tellers aunt Mr and Mrs Jim Kiron of Mrs Mary R1 orinos his sisteriiirs Harold Friar With her husband and sons Bill and Bob daughter Mrs Bruce Elson with her husband and son Mark The Tellers other daughter Nancy Is home or the Christmas holidays from Hamilton where she is attend ing McMostar University KKKWKKHWKKW Brian Emery third year stu dent engineer at University of Tomato is spending vacation with his pawns Mr and Mrs Donald Emery Oaks Shanty Bay Rd sandman David Seagram chemical en gineering student at University of Toronto and James Seagram student at Trinity College School Port Hope are spend ing Christmas vacation at home with their parents lilr Mrs Charles Seagram Mary St mmuuuuiauu Mr and Mrs lvan Gracey of Sophia St will have as guests on Christmas Day Mr and Mrs Ronald HarrisMia Eva Gracey and Appleton all or Barrie and Mr and Mrs Lawrence and sonsfiod alion marks their last official act as they have now become amalgamated with the Senior Auxiliary The recent enlarge ment of the hospital has crea ted an increase in opportuni ties for Auxilinry members to be at assistance New mem7 Mn ltnn Chiirch Rosemont or Mildred of St Calh White and diaries Brook and Todd of Ridtmtuid Hill Durinl the Wales vacation period Rod and harlos Lawrence will be guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Harris RR Barrie Dr William Little of Nanalrno British Columbia is spendingChrlstmps week with his parents Dr and Mrs Little Toronto St and sister andbmtherla at Mr and Mrs Charles Sesgram and family Mary St Larry Smith is home for the Christmas vacation with his par ents Mr and Mrs David Smith Puget St Larry is in his thiid Year as first string goalie for the University of New Hampshire varsity hockey team at Durham NH He formerly played tor Barrie itmlors rum Gary McWaters of the Univer sity at New Bninswielr at Fred crlcton is vacationing with his parents Mr and Mrs MeWaters Melrose Ave Form er Junior Tankard ship in Bab rie he has been getting in some curling Down East mm Mrs Isabel Chittlck is spend lng Christmas week in Barrie with her brother and sister in law Dr and Mrs Ross Turn hull Dunlop St East Mrs Chit tick is stall nurse for tho Ont ario Hydro community at Fra serdaie Northern Ontario mum Mr and Mrs Donald Cameron ol Mulcastcr St have in Barrie for Christmas Mr and Mrs Pater Buitenhuls tElspeth Cameron of MeGilI University slnlf Montreal and second daughter Christina who has been taking post graduate stud ies at Brown University Pro vidence Rhode island Also with the Camcrons are his sis ter Miss Vinnllrcd Cameron of Toronto mums Mr and Mrs Warren Wligar ol Sophia St East have as guests Mr and Mrs John Dan lcl Patricia Wiigar Blidftlmily of Toronto and son and daugh ter in law Mr and Mrs Jamcs Wligar University of Waterloo numuuuuirmu Miss Grace Rowe ol Toronto is the guest of her brother and sister in law Mr and Mrs Osmond Rowe and family Owen St lunluuuuuuuulu Mr and Mrs Walls Weio guests on Saturdayvat the wedding in St Lukes Anglican Dianne McDowell to Elle Witter Evenhuls of Ontario Hydro stall Orangeville The ceremony was parlornod by the churchs rec tor Rov McLaren and the organist and choir director was Mrs William NeedlesMlss McDowell graduate nurse of Royal Victoria Hospital is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Hublt ert McDowell of Rosemont Dul lerin County ltlr Evenhuis is the son of Mr and Mrs Will iam Evenhuis of Toronto St Barrie Reception was held in the Orange Hall lllllflfllltfllltlul lilr and Mrs Robert Arm strong and daughter Robin Toronto are spending Christmas with parents in London and St Thomas Western Ontario Their son Douglas flew to London England for Christmas week with an associate whose parents live there of the Toronto ad vertising agency where he is employed lluulmuumal For Christmas Mr and Mrs Ralph Snelgruve ol Theresa St have son in law and four of their live soils and daughters Mr and Mrs John Creelman Lyn Snelgovel of hers will be welcomed into the Eroup Anyone interested in loiningmay contact Mrs Roy Tod of Marion Vcreseent Shniun above left to right are nurhc Mrs Sheppardera Stan Cohen and Mrs JStol iar of the Auxiliary iii John Barrows plays thorole at big brother iiith enthusiasm as he hangs iittia Jennllers Toronto Norman ot Trent Urd verslty Peterborough Ralph Tim of PortPcrry Eloise who is with the hond house of Nes bitt and Thomson Montreal branch The fifth Miss Eliza beth Siielgrove working for British Broadcasting Corpora ta la Medan Enslimd wont get home this year She has an apartment in Chat sea with Mario Anne Murphy daughter at Mr and Mrs Murphy Puget St Who il also with BBC anonalumnu Mrs Jane Nawbon of John nesourg South Afrioois visiting her parents Mr and Mrs ll Howitt or Shanty Bay for the holidays murmursair Mr and Mrs Jaok Kerncy ol Owen Sound will be the house guests of Mn and Mrs Jack Kerney Downsview Drive for Christmas ruuuuuulzmuuz DOUBLE GENERATION Christmas Day has special meaninglor Mr and Mrs Dan Wood at Guthrie as it is also the couples 19th wedding on niversary This year for the first time the couple will mark the double celebration away from their own fireside The eeiea brants and their sons Ricky and Larry and Mrs Woods mother Mrs Emma Burtch of Guthrie will spend Christmas day with MravWoods brotheriniaw and sister Mr and Mrs Bob Mur ray of Toronto 0nChrislmas ova the family will be guests of niece and her husband Mr tand Mrs Jack Baker at Town mimic CHRISTMAS EVE Mr and Mrs Sandy Coutts of Highland Ave will have their family with them for the Christmas holidays Miss Catharine Coutts at Etohicoke on stall of Special Education public schools arrived at her parents home on Friday New lywedsli1i and Mrs John Coutts will also spend the fes tive day with the bridegrooms parents Mr and Mrs James Craig ol Conksvllle will also he Christmas guests of the Coutts family autumnal Mr and Mrs Frank Gritfin of Burton Ave are entertaining at family Christmas dimer party Guests will be their son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Brian Altman and daugh ter Lori Mr nndMrs Hilliard Webb parents of the hostess and herslster Missllclen Webb ol Barrie mammals Mr and Mns Stephen son of Napier St will have their son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Allan Clegg and three Children of Windsor for the Olaistmas holidays HHIKKKIHIII Mr and Mrs Dan Macdonald and children Cindy and Kerry of Ottawa will spend Christmas with Mrs Macdonalds parents Mr and Mrs Fred Kaighin of Shoreviuv Dr ruuuuluuluuuuu Mr and Mrs Paul Borysiuk and daughters Lisa Lynn and Andrea at Peterbomugh willba in the city Christmas day to vlsltwith their parents Mr and Mrs John Borysluk ol Baylleid St and Mr and Mrs McVeigh of Penetang St suuuuuulrutsuiru PUG FAMILY Holiday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs John Pugh will include Miss Lorraine Bar rett of Toronto sister of the hostess On Christmas Day the hosts sislcr Miss Frances Pugh and Mr and Mrs Street of Barrie will be dinner duals Later in the week the Pughs will have their daughter and family Mr and Mrs ll 1er lord and childron of Don Mills The day after New Years will stocking for Santa to lill John who is almost six years old and Janniler who will be three next be the occasion of special cel ebrationat the Pugh residence Their granddaughter Miss Cathy Burgenor will mark her lath birtlidayiit family party Cathys parents Mr and Mrs Robert Burgenor el Scarbor ough will attendtha party with hers mantle Miss Ji ltohlnoon tourui yoar Pharmacy University of Toronto is with her parents Mr and Mrs Alvin Robinson oi deriagton for the Christ mus vacation Guests at the Robinson home on Christmas Day will he the hosts mother Mrs Charles Robinson and the llgtess sisterrnnd lamilprr and Mrs John Ramsay all of Barrie ruuluuuuuuuuu FESTIVE mow 77777 Besidean of Grove Park Home were guests at festive Chiislmasdinncr in the Home on Sunday turkey and all the trimmings were propared by slatf members Mr and Mrs Alex Olcnuik and served on tables decorated with Christmas candle centre pieces After the dinner Clarence Rib tenhouse administrator of Grove Park Home distributed gills to all residents further treat was provided by the Young Peoples Society of St And rews Presbyterian arurcii who arrived with the minister Rev Heron and entertained with music and carol singing Humanistmu Miss Linda Atkinson daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Eldon At kinson RE Barrie is spending Christmas week with her par ents Miss Atkinson is studcnt of Atkinson School of Nursing Toronto Western Hospital minimums Miss Sue Turnbuil daughter of Dr and Mrs Turn hull of Dunlap St is home for the Christmas vacation per iod of AtldnsoniSchool of Nuts ing Toronto Westem Hospital inanimate Mr and Mrs Richard Gates of London will be at the home of the farmers mother Mrs Audrey Gates of RoseSl on Christmas Day mutualrun Miss Sharon Tunibull first year student AtkinsonSchooi of Nursing Toronto Western Hos pital is spending the Christmas week with her parents Mr and Mrs Jer Tltrnbull of Codrlng on at 0n Christnm Day the Turn bull family will be entertaining their older daughter and farm lly Mr and Mrs Norman Ray eratt Todd and Timothy of Agnes St and Mrs George Couison of Angus mother of the hasten Illuminations Sgt and Mrs Al Calhoun and family at Saskaflawaanlvd Base Bolden are visiting Mrs Calhouna mother Mrs Steven McDonald of Chapeau Quebec tor the Christmas holidays Humanism Mr and Mrs Nica of Mc Donald St will be spending their Christmas in Canada at the home at Mrs Nices sister Mrs lD Evans Brock 81 Mr and Mrs Nice are farther residents of Cornwall England muuumumu Mr and Mrs Glenn Terrell of Barrio will attend family gath ering of 50 reiativns at Claim mas dinner party at the YMCA banquet hall Toronto lunarairmaqu Mr and Mrs Stanley Jennett and family at Holgatc St will spend Christmas Doy at the home of Mrs Jonnetts brother andzslster in lawllr and Mrs Calvin Kirby of Rich mond liill euuuieicveuleleieuuii and the hostesa sister Min Ihlialruerlte McKinley Ill of Bar mm Mr lag Mrl David GENO way of amaycusb ar rie will loin their sonth and daughter Mr and Mrs John Milan and faintly of Scarbomxh tor the holiday season On Christ mas day the lines and their Hurst will observe Christmas dinner at the Holiday inn Scar borough mum Mr and Mn Fred Coulson at Rose St will mark the lestlve day at the home of their son and daughtervinlaw Mr and Mn Don Coulmn and leniin of Castle Hill Drive Agintourt Other guests will be the Barrie couples daughter Miss Doreen Coulson and AlDrumrnond at Toronto manila Mr and Mrs Ted 0keend daughter Wendy Blake St will be in Huntsville lor Dalst mas at the home of relatives mmumm Mr and Mrs Gary Reynolds and family writ attend family EVERYTHING is READY For slum birthday are the children of Mr and Mrs Burrows at Sun nidale Road Barrie son of Painswiek are going to Howick Quebec for tho holi days ivhcre theyv ll be guns at relatives in route home Young Gicnanica will be participating in the Novice AllStar Hockey Tournament in Rrockvdic Mr and Mrs Gibblot Barrie will attend the tourna ment with the Warnica family HEMEEEIEEEE Mr and Erc Fowler of Barrio are Visiting relatives in Ottawa during the losLive sea son ammonium Miss Marian Radka who has been teaching in school for Eskimo children on Baffin lslt land will spend the holidays with her narcnts Mr and Mrs Radko of Oakley Park Square i2fiiiififlfit€i€fil€é Mr and Mrs John Corbett of Caroline St will have the has tess brother and sisterinelaw Mr and Mrs Norman Nevils of Cankstown as Christmas guests Other guests lll include Mrs Eunice Nevils ol Cunkstnwn sis tcrlnlaw ol the hosts JIMMKKKIERILKKM Mr and Mrs Pater Webb and son Andrew of Mississauga will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr Webbs parents Mr andMrs Harold Webb of Val ley Dr Other Christmas day guests will be thehosts brother inlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Michcael Vieder and son Brian Mr and Mrs Milln3 Wariiim and their twin dang tors and Mrs Bnibaéheri reunion dinner this evening where guests will include ldur paternal generations 0n Christ ms in the Reynolds thirdly will attend dinner at the home If Mr and Mrs Minnikln where tour maternal generar lions will mark the gathering Human Christmas dinner goats at the Toronto St residence at Mr and Mrs Green will include the hosts sistcis Mls Jean Green at Gait and Mrs Evelyn Aruadell of Orillla other guests will be the hosts family Mr and Mrs George Boorman Barry and Wendy ol Glenwood Dr Hamid Green at Toronto St and Mix Judy Johnston ol Phelpston Winn Miss Eleanor Peacock of Van couvcr British Columbia has arrived at the home at her par ents Mr and Mrs lea cock Strand where she will spcndchristmns week lifilKIKllfiKI Mr and Mia Fratcigh Cmive ofSunnidaie Rd willhe enter taining lir Crowes parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Collingwoodduring the Christ mas hoildoy Mr and Mrs Hunt and four children at Toronto will be ollier Christmas day guests at the Crowe resi dance KHKKKIIIMIIK Mr and Mrs Willard Kinzle ot Shanty Bay Rd will enter tain Mrs Kinzies relatives in cluding her parents Mr and Mrs Snider or New Hamburg Other guests wllLbc Mr and and Mrs Jim Snider and Mr and Mrs Cressman all at New Hamburg The hostess brother Russell Snider olLakelieid will also join the Kinzie family for Christmas Day Humanistic Dori Hener of Kempentelt Dr will be with his parents Mr and Mrs Hendryof Gum bélland Drive Portzciedit dur the Christmas festivities Immunisaqu Mr and Mrs Calvert of Rose St will hold Christmas with their immediate family Home for the holidayswill her sons John of Ottawa and Gary of Tomato and daughters Mia Jolie Calvert ol Toronto and Min Margaret Caliert enroll ed at lakrsvore Tuahem Cal lege Toronto mummi Mr and Mrs Bruce Reynold of Ecol St are spending Oirimnas with their sonind and daughter Mr and Mia Al ex Robertson and unity of Ton onto Other guests will include the Barrie couples daughter Miss Janet Reynolds and their son and daughterlnlaw Mr and Mas Drum Reynolds oi Toronto INNIII McPherson ot Yonge St Barrie is spending the holl day in florid with his son and daughter in law Mr and éJrs McPherson ol Blake KIWIIMII Mr and Mrs Alan Gundry of Sunnldale Rd will entertain their son Stephen Gundry who is on holiday from Lakehead University and their daughter Miss Brenda Gundry who will also be home lrom the Univer sity VollGuelah mulumun Mr and Mrs Arthur Harri son of Beech Ave will entertain guests from Niagara Falls on Christmas Day Mr and Mrs Molnar and Mr and Mrs Porion will spend lho day with them Walnut Mr and Mrs Hancock ol Steele St expect Mr and Mrs Jack Harper Mrs Milne and Mr andllrs Tom McConkey for Christmas day Mr and Mrs Beverly Rowe ol Thornhill have been Visiting the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Fred Rowa of Dunlop St rmmmmli CHRISTMAS PARTY The annual Christmas party of Phi Alpha Theta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held at the home of Mrs Sheila Gallimore Dee l7 The chapters donation of $15 to the Barrie Unit of Can adian Cancer Society was pre scnted to Mrs Jean Ruth pres ldentfiol the local unit Mlss Jaclrle Weatherlll of Strand received the Ritual of the Badge wind and cheese but let was feature of the social hour suumlluuuir CALIFOIlNlA HOLIDAY Mrs Jack Moore of Barrie has returned home after spend ing three weeks with her sonin low and daughter Lt and Mrs William Walls in Long Beach California Wldle there she at tended the baptism ol her intant grandson David Barnum Walls by RevxllughOReagan atl Naval Chapel in the Port Sponv snrs were the babys aunt and uncle Frances Anni Moore of Cleveland Ohio and John Moore of Si tatharincs Lt Walls is medical officer aboard the aircraft carrier Valley Borg which leaves Long Beach at the end of Jan uary fora tour of eight months active duty on the waters ad jacent to Vietnam and Father OReagan is one at the chap laias attached to the carrier Mrs Walls expects to return East and spend this time with her parents in Barrie and Dr grails family in7Ynungstown lfl admirer27m January inn OFF ON All FABRICS IN THE sroar salmon on ON ALL DKAPERY anoras TAKEN intuitShopof Barrie l6 Collier 72827712

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