Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1968, p. 4

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1s Brynid sm Walla Publisher TUESDAY DECEMB For most of us Peace on Earth Good Will Towards hfen has ring that as rather more than ironicat this year ovhen people have become so accustom led Iliave become dulled to it Our world we deel is far from peace and poSSibly no lone as this year draws to close is so opttmistic as to believe that his genera ntion will see the end of war At this point there Isnt even any visible end to the niresent cold war that is growing increas lingly warm in many sections of the iglobe And yet far as we are from lasting ipeace are we farther away than our fa Ithers were Dr their fathers Is it true fas we sometimes hear today that the world is slipping backward and losing ground hardly won in the struggle for peace Or is this present unhappy state of affairs just stage in the progress rlowards that ideal that is symbolized by fChristmas We believe in spite of the evidences nf individual national and international selfishness in our world that man is making progress towards true civiliza llion We believe that Peace On Earth tGood Will Towards Men with all that nit implies is the right aspiration of the human race and an ideal that is attain able We believe that thepresent state of pessimism is simply the result of our ifinding out that the struggle is harder and the road more difficult than we 55 YEARSAGO IN TOWN Barrie Saturday Morning Dec 24 1913 Ratepayers will vote on street Irailway bylaw Company wished to use iBradford Elizabeth and Dunlop streets which was main issue in council but was willing to change route to Sanford Eliza ibeth Clapperton Collier Sis This elec tric railway would be continuation of present TorontoNeivmarketSutton sys Item Mayor Alexander Cowan pre sided forelosing yeaigs sessionrojfllown Council He was granted usual $100 honorarium Routine business was trans iacted Building permits for 1918 to date 15170535 Citizens are advised JBuy In Barrie Dont Go To Toronto Option antiliquor bylaw in Barrie It was pointed out that conditions in 0rit ilia Collingwood and Owen Sound had fproduced blind pigs and hundreds of booileggers Brysona confection lery and tea room had almond ice Chiistmas cakes and mince pies at 10c each Speakers at Local Option prohibition meeting in Grand era House included Rev Dr McLeod St rAndrews Church Malcomson Walter Sarjeant Andrew Hunter JE Morrison John Stapleton and Shaw Manyconipiainis this season of men out of work high cost of living scarcity of money Cundles com munity complained re lack of lighting at Inorth end of Bayficld St Amos lOsbnrne of Grand Trunk Express at Al landale station resigned to take new pos CARBON MONOXIDE KILLS Ottawa Journal Four teenagers were found dead of carhon monoxide poisoning at Chalk shiver As soon as the temperatures dip Vthe tragic toll of carbon monoxide pois ioning increases Motoristsoften teenagerswill sit for hours at time in an idling automo Whats IT HAPPENED CANADA Ellie barrio gifixominer McPherson Managing Editor WishPeace On Earth Goodwill Towards A11 Menf to living on the edge of disasterthey thnught That was something we had DOWN MEMORY LANE Citizens League organized to fight Local OTHER EDITORS VIEWS on some rte Commons on mechanical MAWancEenirswm on Nuclear SUWNNE 054 WWDII osmotic one To IIIE will POLE WIZlIlG SURFMING Iii WGANIZEDA 55 on on unwise we PLAVERS mono unusuucuwmics VIII175 fillWWmiiflmfllfilflffl 5447 HIMmm MinoanIll WIflAIMIMWA WillW orm MillIII mumm lMteflmwrWfl II WIWIMVWIJ IfilIlfll WIIIIIIIWW ed Ct Barrie Ontario Willilm Teller General Manager In ma race to learn if we are to make further pro gress and when men get used to it they will put on their cloak of faith once again and move forward The basis of this belief lies in two undeniable facisthe first Is that man has become more humane Willi the pass ing of the centuries the second is that he has become more skilful in the solv ing of his problems Unsolved before him lie great tangle of problems in social relationships but he has already solved others There has been social progress Those who belittle human progress in fields other than material et thati not so long ago slavery child 1a and cruel exploitation of class by class were considered natural and inevitable even by men and women who were human itarians in their age Less than hun dred years ago scores ofcrimes called for the death penalty others for torture Brutality for the mentally illvwas pre scribed treatment These and other pro blems have been solved It might be saidand with tiutli that all of these examples of mans in humanity to man are still to be found in our world Yet in the past they were not the exception as they are today They were the general rule The old wish Peace On Earth Good Will Towards Men is as valid today as it was when it was first uttered near Thln II selection til edl toriala on current topica translated from tho Iy two thousand years ago Fumbhmm pm Canada arontreni Le DevotrWlth thekind of rapid action which has beedeharacleristic of him ition with New Haven Railroad Connec since he became premier ticut James Simpson of Toronto JHNWFS 8mm will address rally at Allandale YMCA in 33 VE£S°°J favor of Local Option Bakogeorge min proportions First Bros Olympia Candy Works had Christ he created roya commis mas special featuring chocolates and aim to inquire into language bon bons Brotherhood of Locomo the he tabled imimlet tive Firemen and Engineers elected am°l WM kn film Cheesman president Edward i°tti1tsmlf 35327 Little presided for installation officers Barrie Orange Lodge Mayor Cow tion For years now people in anentertained members ofTown Cnun Quebec have been discussing linguistic questions maintain that the French speaking group is moving rup cil and ladies at Iroquois Restaurant in Barrie John Saso brought incaI load Florida oranges for Christmas at my inward disaster 0th mo dozen Barrie Cltlzens Band take the opposite point of view will charge $2 couple for New Years and claim it is making pro Eve dance at Town Hall including midx 3251 Tutsznufl night supper Rev Dr Mc SP Leod has been nominated as Moderator igallgtlfigg of Presbyterian Church in Canada great dices and often from political honor for Barrie Commander Ale convictions derived from all bert William wnsiinoyai Navy es of this no one has really teemed citizen of Barrie for many years Aljflzgfiplhagmdayflmafl died at Weymouth England This newspaper firmly supports Local Option no mum The creation of an inquiry and money bylaw to remodel Barrie Col body has provided the answer Iegiate Institute on Blake St opposite to this problem In recent St Vincent Park Collingwood YEBTS the has bee Fa Shipyards launched new lake steamer figtlnglrcmmfigis Peleell Hugh Calderwood of harm speaking mum me was designer Andrew elect Quobec government has very ed preszdeni Bame Conservative As skilfully placed the accent socn Hotelmen engaged wherc it belonan the situ Creswicke KC eminent local lawyer to an I5F9599°1Y° represent them in Local Option cani $2 milfihrléfiglgriéow Bllcld paign Jeweller Howard Felt wish the language of the great ma edveveryone Merry Christmas jnrity of Quebec residents There is also provision in the mandate of the commisg sion for protection of the rights of the minnrit and that is essential But the obiect of the commissions work is to delineate the situa tion and future of the French bile with the windows tightly shut Car bon monoxide gives no warning to its victims it is invisible and odorless Until automobile manufacturers de sign car that wont leak carbon monox ide into the passenger compartment motorists should always keep vent or window at least partially open Shiver ing is sign of life fault with that We welcome the creation of the inquiry commission and the accent which the govern tion of the commissions man date on the status enjoyed by the French language in our in Whammwmm Uh florets Examiner 16 Bayfield Street aim Wi 37 Barrie Ontario EEEAMA Authorized as second class paneled mail bythe Post Office or WARSI partment Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Return postage guaranteed ous Daily Sundays and more demolish Sfatufory Holidays QMElEm HATED excepted uncommonan Subscription rates daily by iufttrlthtofilllEBEC carrier 50 weekly $2600 AREDECDPATED wrnlr yearl oglo copies molly lillflARSmnslePfi mail Barrie $2600 yearly oFniaUsA Ontario sisoo year motor throw off $18 year Out W754 side Ontario $20 year Out M6 VBfi Canada British posses WIMPAWN vs sions 325 year USA and is arer NaiionalAdvertisin Offices vvrnmpfi 57 lflgfipfic 125 University Avenuge Tor to 6441 Cat cart St ltfont GAMING VIE EXT WIMIPMV INMIIIIAllllW real Member of the Canadian Pressaznd Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press irex elusiver entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in thislpaper cred ited to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and alsoythe local news published ther MAS Mm Xruxm XMI6 will GREEK tEflElz Wtwcmeu AND ClII l$ vai INITIAL LETTER ordeal EKWORD mtevtisr mom Oimvaumlfrumawuwmnumwnmn languageyand uhocan find ment has placed in the definia aliiullons and actual life We expect from this commission loyal examination of all an peelsof that reality and re port with conclusions service able as basis for an equita ble stable and effective lin gulstic policy Mr Bertrands decisions are from all appear antes the fruit of hardwon eompromlse between opposing schools of thought which had clashed inside the caucus of the government for several weeks However we have the impression that this has been an honorable compromise les tifying to the regard each school has for the higher good of their people It only remains for both the language and those advocat ing tolerant policy to get into the spirit of receptivcncss and cooperation which lhe royal commission will require of all organizations and indiv Idunl citizens Once this in quiry is finished it willbe necessary to come to dfficult choices to decisions which will have lasting effect on on futureClaude Ryln Dee ifll Trnlsfllvlerea Le NouvetllsloA major confron tation lsshaping up when the federalprovincial consti tutional conference begins ln Ottawa We hope with all our heart that this confrontation will not be diplomatically and skilfully swept undei the rug but rath er that the parties concerned rid us once and for all of this abscess wc knowas domi ncering and dictatorial feder alism Ever since ltlr Trudeau came to power as head of the federal government we have seen the steady appearance of this new kind of federalism which certainly cannot be ao copied byQuebec or by any of thentheryprovinces Two recent decisions of the federal government have been the backbrcakcron undersea mineral rights and educa tional television Without even bothering to consult the prov inces on these questions uhich nevertheless under their jurisdictional competenceMrf Trudeau has imposed his will and closed the door to ailpossible din lozue The federal prime minister considers all question of juris diction as not subject to neo iation All well and good we share this belief But it is per BLIGHTY BINGO EMBASSY yiuu ace BLAKE sr when 78 EM Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc proponents ollhe hard line on THE QUEBEC PRESS SAYS haps quite fitting to ask him wbnt in the basis for his claim that undersea and cducntonal television should be placed under feder al Inrlsdictlnn The tuition Northrincrica Act makes no mention of one dcrsea mineral rights much less educational television which do 1867 wasnt even fanciful dream 0n the other hand the DNA Act does say explicitly that natural re sources and education ltfnll under the exclusive jurisdic ltion of the provinces in other words undersea mineral righls and educa tional televisloilircrlainly can bcconsidercd natural exlcn sions of natural resources and education Mr Trudeau ap on take for granted which isnc specific set doun in the cons all that was overlookediol couldnt be foreseen then itc comes the property of the fenv era power This remains to be proved or at least in be discussed or negotiated Sylvia Sf Amnnthec to all Quebec Le SolonTho testi mony of Leo Cadieuv and Mitchell Sharp before the per manent commission on de fence and external affairs was visibly markerI by the worry aroused in Europe following slovakia and the resultant trauma in the NATO coon tries One of the effects of the in vasion was to remind us that the which weighed in favor of the hirlh of NATO still prevail today ifs assurance of the security of Europe and that of n1i members of the alliance folile THOUGHT Hy filth the will of Jericho fell down liter they were com pessed about seven days He brownie Quit worrying about your walls and march on them in faith and watch themvcruflible Is there anything fooliard for the Lord acral rights the Soviet invasion of Ciccho fSAlURD NIGHT nEoWo csi ILES or ELMVALEH cannons snort Pleasant Story Canadian History It norm on were signed John Qulncy Adams who later be came President of the US pro posed tour tiay the gates of be termite of Janus here closed not be opened auto for centlllyl Ills wish came true although tightlnlcontlnucd for The Obsolescence 0i Individuality ny Philip Deane Forclgn Alffro Analyst lnd duallsm makcl for lnef cy There Is no room for it in the type of socicly most people prefer Americans Euro peans fiusslans have opted for this type of society fly now we are all so committed to it that the trend is irreversible The kids may be rebelling against some aspects of what is to come but they are rebelling against the inevitable The speaker was very learned man scientist mathe matician expert in computers and In the latest management and planning techniques His point was that if one wanted an tomobilcs washing machines televisionsctsand all fhcothcr gadgetry of modern life one would bnvclo have as the pride for all such gadgets the substi tullnn of efficiency for eilery other kind of faith or myth There are men in Russia my lnterloculor said who want Communism abolished because it is inefficientnot for any other reason The primc movers of the Czechoslovakrevolt were the superefficient technocrnis HOME She igljusi l8 Dunlap Sf IN RIHALS erssavi aevull months owing to slow bcen strong and secure AROUND THE WORLD vlhing lndo at first bill has be and other delicious FullCourse Meols nésémens Lu and Sunday Dinners alNORMANDY lREsrAURANT of cornmuoloalioos in these We BritJin Canadaand the U3 have never fought um web other since then lithium go have been Nobody won the War of 1le Britain lost the final battle at New Orleam I114 the Treaty of Gbell had been aimed but the US failed to captm Oamda which had been its obledive Boundaries remde Im durigcd If any good came from the war it was remix the begin ning of Canada as nation feeling of unity that had never been felt so strongly before Canada and the us have rea son tobe grateful on liristmaa Em that their friendship has To the average Czech the revolt meant freedom from Commu nist control But what will re place Communist confrolis the new worldwide control of the ef ficiency crpert who does not want production interfered with by anything Efficiency of course urea ntcs lls oun lucificicncirs and lhcn efficiency demands that no correct the for the sake of of iicient production we have pol luted the water and the air which was not on lncfliclcftt come inefficient non So this inefficiency will be corrected Eventually we shall have to do something about manengcn defed inefficiencies Genciiccngineering wrlrmako this possible We shnll make sure for Instance that we pro ducc only friendly people Con flict is Inefficient There will be no need for competition as stimulus to production he will all be locked into lilo plan our the plan will have its own force and Its own momentum sides the major role in the im plementntion of the plan will not belong to man but to machines COOKED ncheons ran2213 urn

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