ouncilApprovéS134000SquareFb0t Pleas Examinm WEATH ER Seasonanle temperatures Wad with mainly sunny skies cloudy later in the day lay tonight to High Wed 32 For details R7 EXAMINER TELEPHONES Grculatioa uses Classiï¬ed Advertising mutt All other Departments 756531 TO lAX INCOME are shewitlbékepl it thh Year No 293 Life Detention Given In Thrill NEWCASTLE England AP Elcvcnyeawld Mary Flora Bell was found guilty in Brit ains sensational trill for thrills trial today as the psy nhopnthic strangler of two little boys She was sentenced to life detention Marys sobs rolled through the emotiondiarged courtroom as the jury of seven men and five women decided her guilty of manslaughter with dimin ished responsibility tier 13yearold playmate pNorma loyee Bell was found Innocent of all charges Techni cally she is free but Judge Sir Ralph Olsuck indicated he wants her to have hospital treatment The two girls unrelated but inseparable friends had been charged with murder of tinctwo boys orvalternatively with man slaughter Marys sentence meansifhat prison treatment centre until her psy chopathic disorderreported to the judge by prison psychia trists lmmedlatel alter the ver dicthas been ceared irl 11 Killing The judge did not spell out what should be done with Mary after her psychopathic treat ment is finished Under British law prisoners sewing life sco tcnce may be released at the discretion of the home secre tary PARIS AP With student unrest on the rise again in France mi Maurice Couve de Murville said Monday night the government will taler ate no more university sitins Four hours after Frances la student organization called for countrywide boycott of classes Couve de Murville asked in televisig address for students folders and the gov ernment to work together Contention must be ended he said This signifies that pol itlcs has no place in the high schools this signifies that first Orders Government Crackdown On French Student Protests of all no occupaton will he tai eratcd in the universities The student strike call was not considered serious threat to public order since the Christ mas holidays are about to begin not new campus control measures touched off list lights and other confrontations be tween students and police At Nanterre Universi stu dentsfoughtwith panama marched through the campus Monday shouting Down with police repression aftcrthey found national riot police sur rounding the university on the outskirts of Paris committee Will Study Language Rights Bill QUEBEC CP Amid Eng lishFrench ume the Union Nationale government succeeded Monday night in gaining suHicienlvole to send Premier JeanJacques Ber trands disputed language rights bill to committee study The motion of referral to corn mittaHarried so to 30eftec timely delayed the bills second treading until the assemble next session likely in February it followed by eight days Mr Bertranda introduction of the bill guaranteeing Quebec par ents the right to have their chil dren educated in the ofï¬cial language of their choiceEng lish and French But it was period of heated arguments and intensive lolgt toying much of it by the nation alist French unilingual Motive rneat pour integration scolaire snow synnis LlKi nusr In MONTREAL Montrealera apptar to be walking in mlstMonday as In windopmecch Monday night Labor Minister Maurice Bellemare pointed menacineg at the Liberal Opposition Any one who voted ogainst the mo don he said would be marked like those in uebec who voted for conscription during the Sec ond World War in the referendum French speaking Canadians in Quebec voted against conscription nitrite Englishspealttog Canadians in the rest of Canada voted overlt whoimingly for the measure Thwards the end of Mrulielle mares address the cry of parti des Anglaistheparty of the Englishwas hurled at the Liberals backbenobers Arthur Seguin lLMontreal Robert Baldwin said that in de laying the language bill by put ting it before the committee the blowing snow whips across the taper an eight to l7 Union Nationale government was calling and begging for backlash among Englishlanguage who are fno more reasonable than the other faction can demned No date was set for commit bee meeting but Mr Beltcmare said the bill will be studied in the education committee as soon as possible Nine Liberal MLAs spoke Monday urging the government to proceed with second reading oi the hill introdticed Dec Mr Beitrand had hoped it would be adopted this session HERES ONE Foreman Since this is your ï¬rst dayhere Doha will be glad to answerany questions JoeWhen do strike snowfall storm dropped ton aincb Jainebea on the Mimireal area extremists Ehrldarric Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday Dec l9 Only Federal Concessions Can ilvert New Provincial Tax TORONTO iCl Provincial Treas urcr Charles lilac Naughton said Monday Ontario is prepared to establish prev incial income tax unless the led cral government makes signifi cant concessions in fiscal ul fairs Mr MacNaughton told the legislature the only way prov incial income tax can be averted is for the federal gov ernment to turn over greater shnrc to the province from federal income tax now col lected in Ontario He said while separate provincial income tax would fragment the Canadian taxation system Quebec as well as many states in the United States nowrarc operating suc cessful income tax systems Speaking in the throne speech debate Mr MacNaughlon said establishing our own income tax system must be taken scri ously Tho treasurer said the ulti mate decision on provincial income tax must await the re sult of the federalprovincial lis cnl conference which starts Thursday He said if patioin brings The Examiner TODAY AnnLamlcrsV on news2 Classified10 dangn Deathsif District13 Editorialt Sports8 Theatre5 rv Listingii leather2 VomensLG llsironauts Prepare For Moon Orbit CAPE KENNEDY Fla AP The Apollo astronauts are using spacecraft trainerto sharpen skills for their sched uled launching Saturday toward an orbit around the moon Col Frank Barman Capt James Lovell Jr andhlai Wil liamAnders plan several hours in the simulator today mainly rehearsing what theyll do as they circle the moon for 20 hours on Christmas Eve and early Christmas Day Sunday and Wirephote governments about an Income tax it would take less lenient position with wealthy people than our fedcr at counterparts appear to take hfr MacNaughton said he does not believe wealthy people are evartaxcd We are convinced that the lifted from those families With low incomescspocialiythose on fixod tneem cs which have lshrunk through inï¬ationï¬i hfr MacNaughtnn said He said separate income tax could also offer some distinct benefits to the province and our people in the conduct of fiscal affairs Unden the existing collection agreement we are denied any opportunity to design and use the income tax to meet our nb jcctives he said Property tax relief for example could be handled much more efï¬ciently through exemptions from the in come tax base Allowances for home mart gage payments could be provid ed to lowerincome families lie said with its own income taxgsystanthe province could nlso develop now Atonï¬elds in Volving capital gains and rams as The Saigon negotiators in Paris say they will yield no fur ther in the dispute over the shape of the table for the Viet oam peace talks The South Vietnamese delega tion has gone far enough and cannot diverge from the forma la of twnzsided conference delegation ofï¬cials said Saigons view on the procedur al dispute holding up the peace parlcy was conveyed again to the Americans Monday night at dinner meeting between nego tiators US Ambassador WAv rell Harrimari and his deputy Cyrus Vance and South Viet nams VicePresident Nguyen an Ky and Ambusador Phatn Dang Lam Earlicr Monday Ky denied US Defence Secretary Clark Cliliords implication that Sai gon was much to blame for the continuing delay in the start of the conference He said ever since Clifford succeeded Robert McNamara SearetatyyClif ford hasshmvn gift for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time couscous BOTH The new lchicf of the Viet Cong delegation Tran LBuu Kiom censured both the United Sta es ondSouth Vietnamequat LAGOS AP Heavy light ing was reported on several fronts in Nigeria today and television cameraman reported Biafran troops have reentered Owerrl and virtually encircled Nigerian troops there The cameraman from Swe den France and West Gennany visited the Owerrl front Sunday They said Biafran troops closed in on the town from four sides and bitter street lighting was in progress The federal troops had taken it in September Biafran war communique Monday rte Nigerian troops had pushed Bialran forces out of two locations can lured earlier in Want It gave no details But the cameramcn said the Nigerians had been pushed back is miles onthe owerri0nitsha road to the Biafran airstripat UliIhinla The Elairan communique said Blahan forces repulsed tee rian counteroffensive in ltot burden of taxation must be Shape of Table Still Stalls Talks FiercefBgtfle Rages ln Nigeria also claimed Biulran forces had UNITED smrns trcro sury Secretary llcnry Fowler left and Canadian Finance Minister Edgar Benson look over seating plan for Cnnaa dlan House of Commons dur Not More Then to For Copy l6 log visit by Mr Fowler to at tawa Monday Ofï¬cial Otta wa said it was farewell courtesy call by Mr Fowler whose Job will bc4ï¬ilcd by David Kennedy when the Rich ard Nixo rt adnuas ration takes ofï¬ce in Washington next month but other smtrcea said the two men were to dis cuss current US Canada monetary exchange agree ments GP Virephotol PlansFullScaleReview 69 Economic Outlook OTTAWA CF Finance Minister Edgar Benson is plan ning fullscale review of the economic outlook for 1969 and is prepared for hard bargaining on tax division when he meets rihursdayrwithrpravincial trons7 urers government source says ly upon his arrival from Hanoi Monday Preparations for the meeting are being dragged out by the delaying tactics of the United Statcsand the Saigoh administration he told not wel comers at the airport Kim is considered the for eignmiuister of the ViciCungs National Liberation Front Sources say the conference might last only day The conference originally scheduled for two days was to follow meeting of provincial premiers with Prime Minister Trudeairpn constltutionalfand other qucsttons Butt pIQA micrs conference was post poned because of the illness of Quebec Premier leanJacques Bertrand Officials in the finance depart ment said postponement of the premiers meeting is not affect ing plans for the finance minis tcrs meeting But an attempt is being made to complete it in one day with forenoon after noon and evening sin as planned Newlyadded to the cooler eace agenda is preliminary look at the governments policy paper on wage and price re views lt will be outlined to the conference by Consumer Affairs Minister Ron Easford about the same time as expected to 5000 18 Marines In sweep Against North VietnameSe SAIGON AP Five thou sand USmarines backed by more than 200 air strikes are sweeping the mountains miles southwest of Da Nang in major operation us head quarters disclosed today Lifting the security lid on the lid drive Operation Taylor Common spokesman said 123 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong have been killed and ti suspects captured since the operation began Doc He said til marines had been killed and 73 wounded it is the second massive ma rine sweep south of Da Nang in less than five weeks 011 Dec 7000 US and South Korean marines and South Vietnamese Ekpene killing lalicderals It driven the Nigerians six miles in two days in Abagana but heavy fighting was raging in the Asumini and Afrikpo sectors infantry ended 20day Operation Meade Liver Sitsquaremile cordon centred limits south of Da Naog in that sweep the marines reported 862 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese and 95 marines killed and rot marines wounded be tabled in the Commons by Mr fhideau MEET EVERY YEAR The federal and provincial fi nance stcrs normally moot about midvflecemberoach year to hear aconï¬dcntiat outiineof economic prospects by the Bank of Canada and to discuss infor mally their tax plans for the coming year This isnot acon ferencelthat normally makes hardandfost decisions but is one in which ministers have their celebrated fexchangonol views Added this year will be fur ther discussion of dividing tax revenues between federal and provincial treasurics Freezing weather Stabslnto florida MIAMI Fla AB hard freeze chilled the Deep South again today and drove tempera tures down to the teens in parts of northern Florida Cross City some 20 milesm land from the Gulf of Mexico along Floridas west coast saw the temperature tumble to in degrees before daybreak Tampa near the midpoint on the states west coast had its coldest Dec 17 in more than 25 Years when the temperature dropped to 27 gt Readings in the 205 extended northward through the Caroli nas and west to Louisiana CAPSULE NEWS Brazil Govt Purge ls inspected mo DE JANELitO AP ernmcnt is expected to launch sweeping wage stripping dreds of its opponents of their Bra militaryslorninatod hun politicaf rights after President Arthur da Costa Silvas first major speech since the suspension of Congress last Friday Says Public Backs SBegion canada woman or Premier that public reaction to his proposal to convert Canadas 10 vinoes into five regions has been 95 per cent in favor of lzcnuett said Monday no 179 Plan NewCaech annual Assembly PnAGun as Communist leaders will meet in early Jan nary to discuss plans fara new mier Petr Colotka said today National Assembly Deputy Pre Bumham Leads In uyanaJElection Gaoncrrrown erReuters LePrirhe Minister Forbes Burnr hams Peoples National Congress party pushed substantially ahead todnyln official returns from Gwanas an independent country firstgeneralelection as Expect To End Holdings Limits OTTAWA CPI Announcement is expected today that Cana da has been released from alivelyearold commitment to the United States to maintainian ripper limit on its holdings of foreign exotiame reserves Canada has been negotiatingwilhthellnited States throughout the fatl about thereserveslt greernent which sortie authorities say has unnecessarily liniled Canadian freedom to manage its own economy