Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1968, p. 4

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and Mrs George Crawford on letan clamation gOhr itiarrir Examiner Published by Canadian Nawsoanen Limitad it won Publisher ichristmas puts most people in the lhood for givingbut many writ alsobe taken Readers Digest article des cribes the most common frauds found In coasttocoast survey taken by Better husiness Bureaus in Canada and the United States Fake Perfumes Several million doll ars are extracted annually from Christ mas shoppers by this swindle ingeni ously designed to play upon the destra to get bargain Better Business ad vice Dont buy perfumes or cologne at your front door office or plant Dont buy at gas stations Buy only from stores and persons in the perfume busmess all year round Watch Swindles Here the Scheme is make the victim think that he is about oget rare bargain because the watch hawk is in instant need of cash An Inexpensive watch is passed on to the victim with false prices given In this instance Better Business Bureau adv1ses not to buy anything from strangers Fire Hazard Owen Sound Sunvftmes The grim tragedy in which two young girls died in aColIingwood area skire sort chalet fire underlines the particu Lar need for safeguards against such appening While it is understood that great care had been taken in inspecting heating equipment in this case there IS always the chance of mishap The style chalet forms natural chimney Should fire break out in the lower floor with the result that those in the second floor wheresleeping acconunodations are usually established can be trapped just as were the two girls It is there fore highly essential that means of es bape from this area of the chalet be 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Dec 14 192 Vital statistics supplied by Town Clerk Smith showed for November births nine caths Roy Sayles Renfrew publisher spoke to Ki wanis Club on value of local press to community Babe Bogardis for mer Barrie junior star left Port Col borne seniors to play semipro hockey in Minneapolis where game is catching on County Council established sessional indemnity for members at $5 day and mileage Barrie Customs Office put through $15137 value goods last month of which slightly more than $12000 was duty free This month eight engineers of ONE at Allandale are set back to left side of cab and same number firemen laid off temporarily Ralph Sarjeant of Orilliachosen to rep resent county in Older Boys Parliament tToronto Oro Station Beef Ring endered sumptuous fowl supper to Mr piversary of association John Sullivan chosen Mayor of Stayner by ac Meeting at Cundles Premier Ernest Drury outlined policies of United Farmers of Ontario advising more generosity less selfishness with but regard to personal politics Gosslings silver black foxes scored highly at Royal Winter Fair Good progress on construction WarrenOrgan Co factory Innisfil Township han dled record volume of business this ear with much paid for road work glax Murray returned to Ehnvale after adventurous trip by auto to British Cola llmbia thieves destroyed James Duggans barn ham EIT HAPPENED IN CANADA room an Auraucrtc Many People Lose out In The Frauds Oi Yuletide Barrie near Little Lake with mental cruelty Fire thought to be work of us Antone Is Dimesyr The Aurtaencls dose 16 Bayilald StrutI Barrie Ontario William Tailor Oanaral Manager McPhonon Managing Editor MTURDAYDECFMEEB ma race Unordered Merchandise Durln the Christmas season swindlers loa the malls with everything from cheap ball point pens and greeting cards to key rings neckties dolls and plastic weather vanes Whatever the merchandise the gimmick Is the same sending lowquab ity goods prlcin them high and trying to make you fee under obligation Re port to your post office all instances of unordered goods coming to you either insured or CODboth are against the law Dubious Charities Check all charities before donating money If in doubt check with your local Better Busmess Bureau Every Christmastime brings new swin dlcs intensive pushing of old ones Be wary do not expect to get something for nothing and on encountering decep tion or even an operation that seems questionable report it to the Chamber of Commerce at once It might help everyone enjoy lllerrier Christmas Ski Chalets provided and fully explained to anyone before occupying it There should be for instance windows which will readily open to the size to permit exit with rope ladder nearby Such chalets generally speaking are completely frame in their structure lend themselves to the rapid spread of flames once fire is started while more often than not help is not immediato at hand At the sametime as winter sets in the difficulty of heating them increases with more and more the risk of forced heating equipment There are many such type of chalets throughout the ski area mostly used in the winter months Down MEMORY LANE near Stayner Lloyd Livingston of Minesing had very valuable Cldye mare He also had registered Shropshire ram Another ram broke through fencgrand in fight that followfifune was killed Everall Patton of Thornton attended In ternational Stock Show at Chicago Fred VanPatterIeased hIs garage to new Ford agents Bandinaster Boyd Syl vester has begun studentband at Barrie Collegiate to provide new talent for town band Govt deposited 85 million Whitefish fry in Collingwood Hatchery record catch Electricity installed in St Thomas Church Shanty Bay re sulted in improved lighting Char les Wattle Midhurst sustainedpainful injuries when horse bolted and threw him from buggy Weather so mild this month some citizens report pansies in garden butterflies in bush north of Major Jo séph Rogers auctioned off 1200 lots at county tax sale This is 58th year he has acted in that capacity Main attraction at Capitol Theatre was movie Where Is My Wndering Boy Tonight Where Is MyWandering Boy Tonight Whos Kissing Her Now Pertinent Paragraphs Overheard Im goingto apply for divorce and lm certainlyhot going to flatter that soandso by charging him Hell is getting nearer every day says an evangelist This is doubtless be cause an increasing number of people are raising it 54m LAND MASS COVERED WITH ICEWHILE TAIL ARCTIC CONSISTS Aeénc soteLvoFngarlNelcE MAW prone eeutveDdcks Imam stiourspeeosarovoz loo Mites Noon N0150 rav seerooenicnsoomn Is 65 1b 10 MM Motle forel virgin denim TABLE AT 801 The moons LY END UP wrm clicUtAR my use oiscussmu OVER TKO SHAPE OF onus TALKS ONE mm whores soon one TH AROUND THE WORLD Refugee Movement Trouble For Arabs ny PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Analyst The Arab states have allowed Frankenstein to grow In their midstand not one of them is able or wllllng to conlrol this monster The result In that the Middle East problem may be even less soluble than it has been heretofore This Frankenstein is the mili tant refugee movcmcnt For years Arab states have allowed the young of the refugee camps to be tralned by Algerian and Vletmlnh commando lnsuuc ytorsThere may now be thou sands upon thousands il they have something to do other than light If they have hope of good life in peace But the Arab refugee comman do has nothing to do but light no hope of good life The al ternative to fighting for the ref ugee commando Is to rot peaa ceany in camp This is no al ternative for the best among the refugee men and they of course reject the alternative of rotting in the refugee camps But could they not be reset tied and thereby given decent challenging alternative Resetz tled where Iuslde Israel from where the refugees originally came therehas been con siderable increase In population There would be no room for the refugees Even on the west bank of Jordan before Israel conquered that area there was overcrowding to such an extent that there was no room for the refugees outside their camps EMPTY SPACES There are empty spaces in Arab lands With massive inter BIBLE THOUGHT Then Peter sold Silver and gold have none but men as have give the In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk Ada 316 good Christian will share his faith and his finances with those who stand In need The Torrie Examiner ls Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office De partment Ottawa and fort payment of postage in cash Return postage guaranteed Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by 50c weekly $250o copies too By $2600 yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw off 518 year Out side Onla u$20 year Out side Canada British posses glans $25 year USA at $32 year Na nal Advertising Offices 425 University Avenue anon to 640 Catheart Sh Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audi Bureau of circulations Press Is ax to the use for fepnhlicali ofi all Iléws dispatches in this paper and itcd IOIIOI Tho Associated Press or Reuters and also the ilflcn news puhllshud therein the coast of Brittany New Brunswick Louis JIiobl national help the upper reaches of the Tigris and in the Euphrates Inplraq lhe origi nal location of the Garden at Eden could be reclaimed the soil cleansed of the unit that eventually sifted up from lower layers through overIrrigation during long centuries But this would take years and while the land was belng slowly and painfully reclaimed with all old going Into the recla moisture T0 The canon The Examiner Invites con trlbutlnns tolts Letter to the editor column on the ed Itoflnl page Whenrpnsslble letters should be restricted to 300 to no words and they should be signed Write may ulae npen name If they do re CANADAS STORY Acadiansv Expelled From Maritimes By BOB BOWMAN Television programs movies and books about the southern USA often involve the lives of the Cajuns who livedfor the most in undeslrabla parts Few people realize that the Cayuna were originally the Acadians from Nova Scotia in 1755 The exodus was practically complet ed on Dec when 1600 Acne dlans sailed from Annapolis Royal the original Port Royal founded by Champlain It was cruel development for which French missionary Abbe de Loutre was largely to blame He Ineited the French settlers of the Maritime to con duct guerrilla war against the Britlsh even though most of them would have preferred to be peaceful tillers of the soil which they did well With war against Franco rapidly ap proaching and the campaign to capture Canada the British could not risk leaving the Aca dlnns in position to attack from the inside and so they were taken from their homes and shipped to the southern USA and to France They were not welcomed anywhere and suffered greathardships although France did provide some of them with an island of Fortunately many them or their descendants managed to return to Nova Scotla New runswlck and ripe Edward lsland where the old Acadian ding still files on feitlva occa lons There are about 200000 Acadisns inrthe htaritimés and one of them is the premier of ehaud who was elected July 12 on suds nry of the Acadinn expulsion was recounted by Lou orimn system one 1755 First post office In Canada wasopcned ethalitax 1m College moms Reduncouth were expelled province said death resulted from reIc WANTED ONE mation work the in go would be living In stern for bidding and Vtrultless environ ment hardly calculated to soothe their lndiguatlon The lndlgnatlon would be turned against the host govern ment as It was so turned against the Jordan government last month In other words the Arab refugee trained to fight and hate brainwashed into be lieving all his problems could be solved by theforceful recapture of Israel is not an acceptable Immigrant for Arab states He Is too menacing They do not wanthlm Hey do not know what to do with him In Jordan he ls too powerful to be totally disciplined Even if one Arab statesman should decide to discipline the refugees as Hussein has tried his political opponents would exploit refugee frustrations against him Meanwhile Israel In retaliation strikes back after each attack by refugee com mandoes and the atmosphere of hate thickens Lennoxvllie Que wasincorpo rated 1m Death of Robert Baldwin the Father of Responsible Govi ernment tats First train arrived ntW nipeg from Pemhiua providing railway link with St Paul mo CPR opened Connaugbt tunnel tbrough the finches nso Prime Minister aunt of Erltaln visited Ottawa WORLD Balers MAKES OFFICIALRUN TORONTO OP The Otha new Turbo train with all 800 seats filled completed Its first public run from Montreal on time Thursday without Inci dent The trip required one min uta short of four hours Toronto Mayor Wllliami Dennison and Metropolitan Toronto chairman Wflllam Allen were on hand to greet the train STARFIGHTER CRASHES GLUECKSBURG APt West German Not Starfighter crashed into the North 593 Thursday and the pilot Is miss lng the Gluecksburg naval com mandsald It was the Slst West GermanStnrllghter crash FLOODS CLAIM FAVE SANTO DOMINGO Reuters At least five persons were re ported drowned Thursday and thousands were homeless as the central region of the Dominican Republic was flooded by torren tial rains Navy launches and hello ers were trying to resA cuet ousands of persons strand ed in various parts of Duarto HOUSTON Tex Milton Wackstcln 5A Flushing NY died Thur nynlghttn St Lukes Episcopal hospital two ee alter ha received noun planted heurt Hospital officials month to resume the Warsaw Io Vietnam pence falling short lawn Madman wasammort ice Frost dentelect Richard Nixon may flndmora room to alter United States metro policy on China than be expected Tbaopenlnlfofarlstlnylnd it may not widen But it could servo start on nudging the UScbinn rclatlonslnp back at least Into the dialogue ended Jan If not on tho road to broader cooled Nixon who will be naming his secretary of state and other cabinet member Wednesday night has emphasized that he take special Interest In for sign affairs He has said ending the war In Vietnam la the first priority and laid special emphasis on patch lng up NAN Overall Nixon and aides such as minlty adviser Henry Kissinger wlll ha working to avoid any future Vietnam by asklng regional grouplngs in many area to take on more selfprotection and expert less from the US kind of world policeman T0 RESUME TALKS Notice of possible thaw In Chinas hostility was the Chlncstr al1atc last meetings Feb 20 They were cndcd Inst Jununry at Chinas request Several lines of speculation exist about the Chinese step One is that the chaos ot the cultural revolution Is settling at last with Chairman llloo Tse lung in the saddle and China more able to look outward again Another assumption is that China could be resigning itself of total victory over the US that It has been urging on North Vietnam third Isfhat China still hit terly at odds with the Soviet Ilka ainmouunpwm mr till W53 froml ILm mm Whydz pun Last show 1430 JAN2I FEB Sat and MATINEES Openan Night Enclosed is ctrMO for tfon of the new heart Continuous Sunday Mon Tues from eomplet Union is moving Just hit dos er lo the U5 China may well fear tba Soviet invasion of Czechorlovalda mean more threatening and beltlcosa neigh bor on its northernand disput tadborder Obsenen ray Chinas han dlinr of normal foreign affairs seems to be getting back to nor mal home and In areas loch Afrlcn All mines ambaaso don were normtoned home at the peak of the activities of the Red Guam and few have roe lNTERPRETING THE news NixonMayFindMore Room To Alter Policy 011 China merged Nixon made several refer ences in his election campaign to putting uschina relations on more realistic baer If pos sible Stability In Aria aflerthe Viet nam war will depend on China to large extent datnaa mm for ending its boydolt of the US or of the United Nation art removal of the American pro tectlon for Formosa OKEEFE CENTRE FR TORONTO our WEEK ONLYlh oncnmnn is 10 21 TRAGEDY THEATRE use is 11 Eye Man To Sal Dru L10 9111 so $150 $275 um Wed Ind 51 MalS am mo ms mo SIM Open 11 um an fifi Performed In Greek Lannala LAST TIMES TODAY mwlunaysmurmrmmam DorisDayRobeitMorseTenylhomashldckONeal Where WererY Vthn The Lights Wentpu household it FOIIIES row WEEKS THE WORLDS MOST BEAUTIFUL SHOWI ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS nveunvcs Tue wm Thurs Fri 1mm sat 9pm Sun and non Sold Out Pilcu 1200 saw $400 saw tax incl Junlm is under Half Price to Wed Thun pm Sat St pm Sun MAIL TO Maple Leaf Gardens 60 Carlton Toronto for nrronvrus Dec 1a to em Dec or am minimums Doc 1718 Biol Dec ll Mat ONT lg YONGE 3N4 GREEK ORHIM no out nit nary to Antilan Marius rumor World Champion Donald Jackson adults

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