Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1968, p. 10

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Elisha 11 anon 211 znzliwerrer Sex Hiy son MHZMusk nan runurermy 1111mm or canse 4Pamily Miair 91 1m Lucv Hum iomo nslmr Hum 5171 tCnrolBurnett tghh 3th a11 Take Thief MiZDBerville 1H$EQmeafiu Iialuv 511111 161111 turnu Em 1m Himim 3hour 011 The men or 121iruirhi115mmi 11min no Yoli Jeannie on SGhost 11a1u1r 11oo 3Trnll Master tGunsmokn 11 In ererry 111 oreno1 11 News Weather sFnrcst Rim 74vengars rusnnru 11 have Lucy 91111 and Martin IlPierra Burton II Perry Mason an 1211 Staple ton mo 2Whltr My Line 1112751111 or nu r1231 13635 Hook Lgnm rm Lucky oyxonPlare oplck m1 Hohnny Carson BKivdtchh JIInvl éifillcrre elliiaLriot in gflnr sNcw nee 11 INewr cnrurnre sowinvle 11 rams 1112 D¢u Dr Thadrlon am girl is and no pounds have been trying to lose weight ior Ibot week should have done this be ore beam diabeta runs in 11001133111111 1171111111111 111 Seeks To Lose afraid might get it Inthe ture Fleur help merLr Better to learn to watch you weight at than later butat 170 pounds you ohviomly are wry much overweight Dont expect to shed the execs In week or month But in sewn Ileing Word sPleoln DTIIXin 7I0DltlGIml7V IIIM mum Fatigue Zvllrédliagon 11 ca Ha mm 14 11 Nation mfififlflh 7nismerv ZFulh land n1v151 You were 13 twill Lm Football 7ltncketshln £32 WW lZCnunlry 111111 Ynumll mm figgndgmm arts rcnurcn Invitation Hc2ffimflm mgM 1m romnrrow Muesli Period ZThI Answer 55111 World SIIYlnn Hunk Hundlv Mumllll 412 cuner 7dlnfle orunnt LAquI 15111122111 PPM hm BThunWblrdl lhltlllln Album 7Cnaumze mm 111 anem anrwie 17111 11m 111 1211mm World 1m and shield sHmld ot Truth 12 of Fallworth 4hour Up and Live hum wan 11reun1n ounrue Vinnie 124mm onrri no zzxa 1101 1131 rlnt r17 2de Far Today 1211 Built Hatred Heart tTagmn Round Walt neyl ZPhyilh 17111 mar muck 0mm murmur Does It 4mm IIPtrlvn r1 Hunter 1010 1205 411m ilDramel oazetr MORNING VIEWING MONDAY TD FRIDAY 1011 sun 1Dick cmtt ZTadav Show 21m Card BUncle annoy 1211r nmfign Strikes StarlaLs 5e 4CIDL Kangaroo Ernvo gerggnmv Slinlvcxaltv oi Lt1n Air 1111mm 11111 HIV llPopeye lZEd n11 taggzvlififgntlgl 110 11121 Allen 1111am Metro new5mm 31 Au en 11m idlfflfuflffilnm IZFlclr Week PIng Court Huitool 1gt1ynnue n3 113111nr ror 1an tgfgivvg fig WV Wm figfigfifiga n1 soqu on mm 11 Help Noon 11 1117111 an 111 ions 1115 ortet Schools 4amr1y munuuer uNewr MONDAY DEC 16 AFTERNOON Banie 24o flown Ianrknuti 2Dnclnra 11124 11411111 iGnidinn 1111 MM 151nm Fuclnatwnl sCorunauon st owmnens wma IHIovie 71711 Game nmm Hm 1cm Younger DPenys Probe Gunllzhttrl lIPem Mason 12Calennar ZMlke Donal tieA r11 arid moo $403M 3° Turn ZAnnther World hgmmw 411 11 world noizrukem Elm 151 Turn Herretslurm 7nnv You 7Gencnl uurnuax my snoum ur oremue In Conflict £0111an or 11 UK III III on Waterloo Mad 11119 Many MHz12122 orvnun 1vnrin1a Graham llMntlklvh 171mm uremia you shde main let oi progress Since your mother has dia holes mine that she has taken the trouble to learn what may family liy mother has it and she always told me to watch mysell Eat didnt lls ten dont have diabetes but am TELEVISION 11106111111151 BUFFALII BARBIE BUFFALO TORONTO DUITAM TORONTO II HAMILWN II PETEREOROUGII SATURDAY DEC It EVENING 400 tarts 2w1n one 111 121mm and Stan Quest new 74mm Hummus 11min 1231 Attila nun HVflvm rain IIanie minus 1121 1119 IZGood Gun zmwn hum Gleason WI IliaMay Ina oow gym F111 11 Bartram nx onry owmn nl snort 35 124m llIarlz filflF and Greek Lhiv Son 1Slm Mkn lk chm fflfifuefiffifi IIGnnamnke Gigigr uConvenntlnn mm mm hm 21111 oMnm Hm dill°rifoe 122n r1 6111i balm 911 ITiro 111 1111 um fifimhhiiii 17 run hggrfm IiPrlaullcr fifim DSpnm Hot Seat was 1511 AM IICnllegc 111cm lanix Anne SIiNDAY DEC 15 MORNING AND AFTERNOON 1190 1115 LN 11o Bu in 4Torn at Jerry erlim LiaL1 Gun In firvghiiyor 1111 lntlen 311 1215 VEulluillkla BGNII war 31 IIContlnantal 101 131 Valley Mmlamipe ZNavy r11 Ililnrstrxoehler SUNDAY DEC 15 EVENING 100 romm Cousteau 1111 Tfinifigfih 10 2€é1usin Erratumnoon $3 WM 1211211 inSuortr lzGmfl Lflflrkaifim Hhhtnm Brotheru =1 Hun 1171 than ar i1 11 Talent run mum whim IManAIlve Eng aUntmeu World moo fiyfifiin llGenlle iicn 3111 Sullivan 7ra1 aLGenuu Bun 131 1115 IZChesa gullothOrtrlnvLaw oaen or Prob 7Tiiiefiiaesort ans mm 900 $3354 61112Bnnanu flmm 1111mm 71mg The never ran Lita Grnrm 11un1 Row tSmnthera Brothers giflAIIEWalrtuRfiney lZllnderAllack eaieet The 111111 11111 111 SLimchenn Date 1Cornmlndlr Tnm 53onnle Preunaon unartnr Diary 1Newlywed Gama 118an MONDAY DEC 16 EVENING 211am 1711 2RomInend Martin How mm Weahtun spar Mince mm and what types or food In par ticularly fattening Ind should be avoided Heres what Id our Wk tau your mother to see to it that you have three meals day whieh will supply the en protein and vitamins you khanan her land yotnselil not In at lat seconds aPrornise youran not to eat between meals it you are 170 It age suspect that youhne wolldeveloped habit at liking candy and pop and ice cream and icebox raiding For you its had hablL Break It even it it Isnt easy tDnnt skip mats Dont dull hmaklast lot of girls skip meals trying to stay slim but it isnt good for them and usually It doesnt work anyway Theyre tired all morning lo thargl and inactive but then eat too much at other meals SIamit yoursell to one slice oi bread at meal And it you have used lots oi butter and lollyil reduce the amount Over low weeks that can malts difference sDonl have dessert 0r limit it in dish at gelatin no cream on it or some trait 7When you have an unconlt trullable urge to eat something learn to assuage it by chewing AND YOU CAN WATCH BARRI xxzuxmmnmltxzmummurltltxwmmzm anuybeny 111113 7anl 11111 Ia My soul 1n manna wu aUruvrrnt or dI ceptionnl play CHANNELS CHANNEL PrBUFFALDV NBC CHANNEL 4BUFFALO CBS CHANNEL 7BUFFALO ABC CHANNEL BVTOIIONTO CBC CHANNELSBARR CBC CHANNEL STDRDNTO CTV CIIANNEL 11IIAIIIILJ0N IND CIIANNEL ItrPETEREORD CBC CHANNEL ETDRONN CHFI FRIMUSIC AND NEWS CABLE TV For Installation Dial 7253644 unmammmmnaanmmmnannn DAILYcrosswonn It In calories In lanai Inks hut the Ictof doth tlkutheedzentltheuneth eat Carmt links cdery wedge Ant raw cabbage or let trithr even 0th vegetables xGd more exurclatt It doesnt much mutter him but physical exorcisu uses up it rice and will help you Ihed your extra pounds IBellein In ymireelhYou can reduce Anyone can With your lamily trait diatom it In even more important to you it Is to others Good lunlr or Dou Dr Thostemn When person has epilepsy nan worry or getting new brinlzonat tadrsi Shouldnt person with epilepsy be made happy all the time to avoid spells Am nghnn Only slightly light Exeasin nermu tension aometlmee brings on attacks But making person happy all the time is an impofiihility Lite isnt like that The person with epilepsy should live nor mai lite as possibletake the bitter with the sweet Learn to accept disappointmean without brooding or flying into tan trum person with epilepsy can learn to roll with lifes punches as well as anyone else nan tie shouldnt exped evcry DONALD DUCK ETTAA KETT ahinmmunmiaanmnmuammmnuum Mr across DOWN 151mm nan Luquor LRoden 195w kcwsqgnzlcoy train perrumee down AEIASNETfi Jaunaita zwrmn 2LTmnp It LSpanleh democrat 221mm GOES seaport nyrensram river was era uantrne ammo zaauue EETcrgp 101mer dinner not name 2Norseepio 4Reproven deem vac 12 1011 ramn uranium tion E1151 $3 upsidednwn well 241611112 momma EErubede jaw YummyAme win and 25Criclrei 34Aatrpnnlt over Garrawny term iners 15111111 70alaiogue 27Chomital word chieflalll entry nnnx 35Display 113elnoarreol 85wiss anmyrng sign mMeaIInthe clty names 51Wornwit11 toreeaatle pgsa IZJ callero1 gt 20GuaL Smalldng capitan dropper Bench onshort Singaraja 311111 Nigel Wardwith saw 41321112 lt aLWoruuru were abnormal Inna11 In manor man swelling Que seller 221mm neita 23dKnnck 99 own 261mm with film 29 Scottish Mulligan ggfiggegggk AHIIIHII 565icllian landmark EPreruppoee 40Fanati1 42Iirldot v1 eury pulpit 43Finelur in MPoetiotime olday Anne JULIET JONES SECRET AGENT X9 returning to the tower room with the drug SHES TRYINé To GET EACH OFEM no TAKE SPOONFUL OF HER HOMIMADI COLD TONIC IS GRANDMA JOGGINS WITH THE TROTTER TWINS raw vegetables They contain body else to make him useiul minerals and roughage happy By JAY BECKER South dealer and South wound up playing the NordiSnuth vulnerable hand at the practical contract Now of six clubs instead oi the theor Q103753 cLical contract of six nolrump 9112 The slam would undoubtedly QAKt have gone down one but for an $8 unusual play by declarcr West VEST RAM led he ace of hearts and would religions 5H2 surely haveuntinucd 1111 11 0916 Itgrfihad South allowed w1th 45 4103 Baum But dcclarer roalmng that East would run hoart contin Ks uatiun unlm he did something about it cleverly dropped the +AKQ191542 king on the ace it then became um my diliiculLlor W959 to play another Mk WE Nam Em heart and nightlyor not he Pm shifted to the Jack of diamonds lt PM at trick twp This permitted Soth to dispose at his heart loser and he made Opening lead ace of marl the slum as result at his bril lt While the groat malarin nl llanl Ialsecard Pelhaps West hands are determined strictly on shoud not have fallen Inlo the their merits there are some trap but it was certainly not where one side or the other by Clear lo hlml trial 59 had reason iarv exceptional play dropped the king wmner on nhieves better result than the ace instead of the live would ordinarily be anticipated loser For example take this hand Actually South couldnot have where South becomes dcclurcr been 100 per cent sure oi his at six clubs on the bidding king play at trick one Wests shown it is true that six no our heart hid might have been hump wouldhave been better based onsix heartslnstead pi contract and as matter of seven and in that case the false Iact it would not have been 1112 card could hare been fatal But gt ieated irrespective of how the South backed his judgment that EastWcst cards were divided West had serenuard suit and Euttheory nnagnracuce ara was We rewarded ior hi 1211 in twoentiron diilelellt animal aur use Rahal TO sn macaw PHONE HIM MAYBE HE WHAT ARE ALLruesE LITTLE monevcaus You GET ALL DAY LONG gt THE LATEST GDsSIP BULLETIN5 GIN WA RUNNING W95 ALI HUMEV VIRUJOWN ONE OFTRESE PUPPY PM SHOT HE FELL snmwnv 1115 noun vouaws m1 SEARCHING CHANCES AKE lllEY LEFT THEIR our 111 THE 1m 11111 nun mourn AMBIEH wan mars 111111131 noirr rm Mnguv 1135121131111 SANlh LEVITATED HES evenssows WEE lFYau NEVER 1121121 or H1MHownmu KNOW HE NADA

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