gunman Robert Brown Ki of High Point NC LEFT and Wil liam Saï¬re Shear old IIIIIXIIQILIIIIIIIIIIX llilllllll BAGHDAD CPI The real revolution in run has been not the dramatic series of coups and countercoups that have rocked Baghdad since July 14 1959 but the quieter and more profound so giai change that has devel oped in the countryside during the last 10 years The land miorms under taken under law passed by the Kassem regime Sept 20 1958 have eaten into the moth of oncepoweriui feudalism which landlord families comprising barely two per 13 cent of the rural population owned nearly 70 per cent of the agricultural land is perhaps remarkable that after 10 years of Ieftw dietatorsh many of the big nndlnrds ill manage to sur vivcii with considerably re duced powers Officials bland Iy acknowledge inefficiency in thegovernment asthc main reason why the land reforms uplan has not yet been fully im plementcd Gen Abdul Karim Kagem ï¬g he is reviled here as the executioner but lifesize tatue of him still stands over Iru Ialau author and New public relations man are shown in the Hotel Pierre in New York City social Changes Mark Iraq Revolt thing did violent coup no sucked the following year Now the same factor which contributed to the growth of lraqi feudalism the inade quate government machinery is held responsible forthe slowness with which the forms are being carrlrsl out There has been inexperience and ladr of coordination in the official effort Land requi sion has taken place for too rapidly and distribution to the tillers far too slowlyleaving lot of land wasted and un titled Another problem has been the fragmentation of large holdings into innumerable smaller plots making for complications of management formerly provided by land lords Some progress to overcome this has been made through cooperatives in 1961 there were 17 of them with 385 memr berslhis year they are re ported to numb 41 with more than 60000 members How efficiently they are work ing however another mat ter imiusrn NOTES RGS On His Way To Florida Retreatj NAMED T0 WHITE HOUSE STAFF yesterday after being named special assistants by Presi dent clad Richard Nixon Brown will promote Nixons black capitalism plans and Safiro will concentrate on pol icy and program development AP wircphoto MILES Florida bound we decided to take off while the winter was rill in tbomaklng By noon last Friday we had our home pared for winter and left it to be looked after for us For the first part of thclrip we had slippery and treacherous driving but Iftel we hit Brad ford the snow was off the road and at our first stop over we were out of the white stuff However farther west the nut day we found there had been quite lot of snow and with the tandon area still ahead of us we may yet get into some wea ther PARTY SUCCESS About 290 guests attended the lnnisfil township employ ees party at the Nottawasaga ion The guests enjoyed the evening for the most part finding the atmosphere and sur roundings agreeable it will pro bably go down as one of the best with coluicii mcnbera making good hosts MEETING CLOSED special council meeting was held which attain took the form of committee of the whole and was closed to the public Consideration is being given to the poSsihillty o1 erecting it new township building and the task of obtaining site has been gtvcnto real estate gent it would appear that consideration is being given to Mllwmaaullumt Contqu Finth chars 55 billsth WIENERS 49 THE DAIRY CASE Hinduismrm 0NEESESIIOES IRA LARO LI lily S1 erecting beilding in the vic inity of the township shed at the ab line it seems that strand is not suitable location for such an establishment BUILDING REPORT The buildinglnspcctur rcpmt ed that dwelling permits to the value of $165050 were issued in November other types of home penrub totalled $10250 additions $61515 niscellancous $17935 garages $831 with the total for the month meson total of 173 dwellings and 120 summer cottug have been built so far this year with total value of 99335000 Thercport ended with the par agraph There is still consid erable activity all over the township and this does require in lot of travelling in an endea vor to keep up with the requir ed inspections FIRE CIIIEFS REPORT ï¬re calls for November totali cd four with one answered by the chief two by the Lefroy unit and one by Stroud Estimv atcrl fire loss for the month was $100 with estimated fire loss to date this year 5110710 There was one inspection and report and one complaint The chief held meeting with the liefroy unit for drill and attended mutual aid meeting at Pene teng Miscellaneous duties at tended towere call atJtrk Eden rc faulty alarm Barrie re installation of new tank in nlswood tiospitai re extinguish ersBell Ewart rc faulty space heater preparation of Christ mas fire facts for schools lifter altendlnr the Ontario tire college at Gravenburst for eourse Chief Burns was warded diplomas in fire preven lion The accwnls for the fire department for November totall ed 86067 which included the annual remuneration of $5000 paid lhevoiunlcus which will be allocated according to points for attending fires and drills Wine Making Is Doctors Pastime VANCOUVER UP Take good look at your fantily doc tora feet next time you go in for checkup if theyre pur ple hes probably member of one of the largest single youps of amateur winemakers About 40 of every 1000dac tors make their own winea percentage for above the aver age for other professions says Dr Kenneth Cambon anear specialist who hasbecn making and prescribing nine for the last nine years Actually the winemaker and physician have always maine tnined close association Egyptians used mixurc of wine and vinegar for cleaning cars in procticosimilar to our use of teardrops says Dr Cam bon The Greeks used the blood of THE MERE EXAMINER VEDKZLDAY DEC ll lassw BankOi Canada Makesflompuler Data Available OTTAWA GP The Bank of Canada announced Monday it will make its electronic com puter data and programs avait able to university and other re search workers The banks mlraputer tile of commonlyused economic and ï¬nancial statistics and its cola lectinn of comvmer program forceonomie analysis will also be available to private firms and public bodies that want to buy the service Later the bank will make availale new experimental version of an econometric the grape on posttonsilleo tomy sponges to help heal the wound And at various times wine has been used as an aphro disiac lranquillizer for the in sane gargle and on elixir Drl Cambon says the discov ery that bacteria were the cause of much disease has tended to decmphnsilc the fact that sick ness can also be influenced by social anatomical and environ mental facors Wine could be used to help cure mnny minor illnesses he says For instance will sug gest that person with nerv ous throat spasm drink wine with meals The wine will provide gra cious atmosphere conducive to relaxation and the spasm will disappear Wine can also be used to treat an inner ear disease because it dilutes blood vessels For Research model of the Canadian economy operating on quarterly basis The bank has spent threa years building this model set of mathematical equations by which economic trends canba manned and projected it is believed to be the only one built to work with quarterly data Models at the Unielsity of Toronto and Queens Univer sity Kingston work on annual statistics The Bank of Canada is also believed to be the first central bank in the world to make Its computer research material available to nongovernment rb searchers The banks data will be made available through Computel Sys tems 11d the Ottawa computer service the bank engages Com putel in turn will make the service available to other sys Iems Vehicle Entry Down From 67 OTTAWA CPI total of norm foreign vehicles except commercial trucks cntcrcd Can ada in October 71 pcr cent below last years record figuro butllfl per cent more than in October 1906 the Dominion Bu reau of Statistics reported today During the first 10 months of 1965 foreim vehicles entering Canada were down 25 Per cent from 1061 but 99 per cent high er than the same period in 1966 momma norm mantra SIRLOINPORTERHOIISE WING SIRLOIN TIP ROAST BONELESS ROUND STEAK ilooking Baghdads Ahrir Squarelaid down period of kw five years in which the re forms were to be completed REFORMS KEPT ALIVE Kassem himself did not sur vive the period He was killed in the coup of February 1953 The land reiorms had barely got started by then But under the two successive Aref re gimes the bureaucracy quietly pushed ahead the scheme ugagainst some stern obstacles The new regime of Gen Ahmed Hassan Bakr which seizud power from President Ahdei Rahman Aref July17 106a has expressed its deteri minalion to keep the reforms going Harsh punishment am he brought against any one coming in the way of the agrarian reforms says Jas seln Khadem alAzzawi the monster of agricultural re form Observe rs see the root cause of lraqs leftdwing revo lution in the powerful and av aricious feudalism that sprang upin less than half century its rise makes fasci hating reading Under the or toman Empire lot of the most fertile lap in lraq bel longed to the Turkish sultan SHEIKS TAKE OVEN Aiter the breakup of the empire in the First World War all agricultural land in Iran including the sultans es tales became the property of the new iraqi state formed under the British mandate hut the states ownership was only legalfiction The land was actually in posses aion of the tribes which set tied permanently on it The tribal system has traditionally prov1ded for all propery to be held communally but before long the sheiks heading the tribes began treating the land or as thought it was personally theirs They acquired wealth rapid 1y by exacting rents from their tenants amounting to Intwothirda of the produce This left the people who actuall Avworked the land on bar ubsistenee level They rap idly degenerated into serfs By the time the government saw the need to straighten =thingsrout the young parlia meat had tallen under the 97 control of the sheiks them selves who frustrated repeat ed attempts at reforms naLIlvs OCCUR Seeing wealthy sheiks float lng around in Cadillacs with poverty all around them for ueign experts were predicting ftroubla by 1957 Something will crack they said Some HAIIVEY BLACKSTOCK District Editor Reads Lesson One of the lessons in the unique bilingual church service in Ottawa on Sunday was read by Harvey Eiaakstock now on parole from tungsten Peniteh tiary He is former reporter and district editor of The BarL held in Christ Church Cathedral and the choir consisted of 15 members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and 38 prisoners from minimum security prisons at Joyccville Ontario and Le clero Quebec One of them failed to show up when the guarda counted heads service Mr Blackstoeir took his text from the Old Testament Seek good and not evil that you may live lle resided In Barrie with his wife and family while working at The Examiner where his work was considered good and his conduct exemplary Since he returned to Toronto to do free lance writing he has written and had published the book Bitter Humor story on lifein prison French Dollar roars Reuters France had trade deï¬cit of 000000000 francs about 220 000000 in November it was an nounced today LAST 75 YEARS last 75 years former Examiner rie Examiner The service was after the Most nffshhrdllghthouscs win anew Pasrar 115¢ NIXE nous 451 Fiiiiis f2 63 FROZEN FOODS Sucre com 249 31813551 PEAS 5199 FISH ones 22 59 cocaine MIXES cooler rarer Pris 234 not PiOKtiZS ElyN54113 err cnvsr no 39¢ tmmrcomromnwous Mir OR ROMP ROAST BONE IN non ï¬n 6110105 93 roam 0111361 ED WAX PAPE PLAIN OR Rm EB new VIDEALITEM foil CHRISTMAS GIFTS zMIDINYLONS Primer n29t 33 Zr 3531 270¢ 49t ire49 llt arr ll trial on mutant AND rohur rm tutu Mt mam mm 11 111 columnar lollmm lstmi pom runw MARKET squatterst wonaaavanomuwascan SPAiiliETflttl sensumt orNAOAiiOlil lama all Plusaunr routes Alarm Inuit mm uu TORNOKI mu cuntsrigs IGAV roooLINrn 11 ESSA RD EESA Rn CAMP BQRDyEIN Wyn STEAKSnROASTS adosaw or nines cookies 3591 SAVE ON HEALTH BEAUTY AIDS Maire Hymn Warm for an your Christmas NUTS OANINES arm BISCUITS