Christ appears to John on the Island of Patmos and in atructa him to send letters of Room any as IIEIION St Andrews Presbyterian Church Just for minute let me pre tend that am an atheist Ill ANGRY detest the pressure that society puts on me to look like Im religious If want to get married have to go to preacher Normally hesub lscta me to lot of spiritual pious talk that find boring and irrelevant To top it olfI hlve to take vows in the name of God dont believe In And it want to have wedding large enough to invite my friends have to hold It in building conse rate to this same non existent Deity If want to get buried have to call in the same prcachcr Ila will have the last word while cant talk backropeat Ingitovcr my dead body things that ohiect to to comfort no people love Dont tell me dont need frucher to get married or bur ed Technically its true But ly DOROTHY mum Years ago when young friend at mine heard that had been converted she remarked Oh no not Dorothy Why shes the tile of the party So often folks associate Chris tisnity with long face lack of enjoyment something that has to be enduredlike Lenten last Perhaps this attitude springs from the fact that so many Christians lack joy they have no thrilling testimony that at tracts people to the Imi have noticed that Chris ttana joy is governed more or less by his love for his Lord We can also see this principle worked out in natural love Some Iollra tall so utterly in lovethst it is joy to follow their love to the ends of the earth enduring htrdships and trial and countt lag not the cost Some folks are so niggardly with their love evaluation to the seven chu does ot Alla Revelation faithful Smyma ls cilaer the crown oiIlfeyPerurnos im ed individually Revelation Sardialauhurtedtolervo Ethuus larhod enthusiasm moral Thyatira wwidbeluds and witness Philidelohla vvu kLYtmmon For Atheists In Society OligIyodgy just try to get ludge to marry you without him making you feel like you are pain in the neck Just try and have some kind oi meaningful stratum marriage service in busy courthouse Just try and can funeral director into burying you without benefit of clergy Its easier lust to go along with the whole hypocritical gam Nevertheless it makes me am 87 Okay lets stop pretending Im not an atheist am Christian And because am Christian abhor the hypocrisy and sham th characterizes modern civilization The Church must rid herself of every trace hypocriay that exists with help those who are not Christian to do the same Therefore grcewhoie heartedlywith the atheist was moment ago And propose That the community provide adequate personnel and facilities so that the atheist can have amEaning tui significant marriage service and stipulations in return for the little love they show When Mary annoinied the fact of Jesus He told the people that the reason she loved Ilim so much was because she had been Iorglven much This is the secret of joy in the Christian life the realiza tion of the love and forgiveness of God which generates sense of oneness with the Creator This realization is the spring that feeds our fountain of vloy To ra alize that Jesus Christ has brid ged the gap between God and man making it possible or us to beoneatpeacewith the Creator The lord Jesus saw joy belore Him the joy of friend ship withman so He endured the Cross to obtain it If our lives are drabrt we would find joy that hitherto we have laclr ed let us seek His face for He giveth liberally and upbraideih that they lay down conditions By mm amour Why did Samson lose his strength when Delilah cut oft his hair IC Before Samson birth an angel of the Lord appeared to his mother and announced Be bold you are barren and have no children but you shall con ceive and bear son No ramraball coma uponhis head or the boy shall be Nazi irite to god trom born Nagirite was one who had taken special vow and in exchange received special blessings tor sccial servic Samson was to begin to deliver the Israelites fmm the Phillstlnes The Nazir ite vow usually had three parts 1a renunciation of wine and grapes and grape products any contact avoidance with dead body and pro hibltiou oi the use of the razor Samson had at least part of that vow and was not allowed to use razor In exchange the lord was with him and gave him the superior strength for which he is so well known Contrary to popular ideas Dev lilah did not cut Sainsons hair he did make several attempts to find the source of his strength and when iluailyvhetold her at the vow shecaileda maoto nine and shove off Samsons cits When the vow was broken the cutting of thehair the Lord felt Samson and his strength was gone What is the diflerence between Apostle and Disciple Cut The word disciplemeans acner and in particular one who isa student of some ceri tainteachersm the New Tesla ent therawere thasewho ac eepted the teachings hn the Baptist and became Ins Â¥iscip Vlas Some became 5pr es of Pharisees and somewcre disciples of Moses The largest number at reierences to discip les ugh is to the disciples ol those Who were living According to whatII tsugh The term apostle has foldmeanlng It can be applied in anyone who is sent on sptclal mission At the same not Bistsvoussrton Box of men that Jesus chose to be with Himvund to lay the foundation oilIla church All of the 12 apostieafwere learners of Jesus and therefore also dis ciples but not all the disciples were chosen for special mls sions In addition to the twelve dies an by Jesus as aposdas we have referencesto others Ban nabas was ca la an apostle because he was sent out by the churchat Abduction special mission Jesus Himself was call ed an apostle If you have any Bihienuec tions thatfyou would liketo have answered please send them to Bible Question Box Box too Barrie Ontarl crown fun Fay bunnyqu Aweicome extended tovltlr and Mrs MEI Fountain and family formerly of Waverley who are occupying the house on the former Anderson larin Mrs Newhouse of lying Is land New york USA and and Mrs Hubhert of Harm were weekendvisltors With and Mrs Cought Dale DWI lng oi Alliston is visiting Mr and Mrs anted iwo ladies interested in girls work to lead the next Girls cl What Miles CHEIETMAS IiIEETING Womens Institute Christmas meeting will beheld at the home of Mrs George Flower Dec 10 pm Roll call ACIuistmns treadln and stamped Christ mus card fora shut motto Blessadiare they who can give without remembering and receive without forgetting cam ment Gordon Dona ore lionesscs iiir Georga other Visito amass me twns applied to the group aliens The Church must also withoutbeing socially pressur ed into Church aJlfhat the community or those who are engaged in the trains at funeral tinaction make available personnel to con duct suitable service of burial devoid of ereiigious content make these proposals be cause respect the integrity of the man who does not share my faith Christian the vows croun THE Hotv lAND who our Bull Eiiiiiili is Church of the Nazarene Vincent at Grove and commitments that make belora God ara sacred The can muons that hold In mud to lite and death are Incredibly Important will not have my vows commitments and convic tions turned into empty lormhy people who use the Church un der presume for convenience fake PLEASE All church copy chen ges must be in to The Ekaminer offices by Thursday at pm Claristlan Business Mens Committee of Barrie om MEETING mo PM DEC 10th aunmN ave UNITED mum BARBIE Speaker Mr Frank Ste vens English teacher Park St bilégIate Orii Ii Soloist ltfr lloward Bak er ot Orlliis All menveicome Special Invitation to principals and teachers Collegiate and Public Schools Bar ria and district Tickets $175 Plaase in dicate to Chairman ll SplttuleI moses Secyi Creed 1253109 Dal ton Kirk 7760046 mammals cuuncu 200 Hayfield 5L Revrcarlv hull garter has 1000 Inn was mm nt Study 1100 arn The Church at Worship 730 pun Evening Service Wed It 050 pm CYC Childrens Hour Ilenty of Free Perkin avatlabla Rosemary Green Singers Musicians bee 9th lliru 15th nu nurtured swarms asstroan encouraged to rentals new no liaodieea hindered by wealth Revelation yi 19 Despite evli conditions Christ still knocked on door of the human heart uttering salvation Revelation 320 21 GOLDEN TEXT Reva tian mo FIRST CHRISTIAN asronMrn CHURCH SICVIINIIISI Rev Van on Be an Pastor gt WORSHIP SERVICES io AM mo PM The Back To God flour Toronto CKEY see430 mm Every Sunday hlornlnl ALL WEIAJOME nu ma sungm an on menu am has inn has can scan as haul Worship Walton always welcome rnscHURcu or THE NAZARENE St Vincent at Grove Robert Ellioch 7mm no Sunday School 1100 AhI monNINononann NurseryCare PM TGIIR THE HOLY LAND Dr Hilly aham An unfurlellhle motion picture experience Where the Action Ia yvVvvavvvv 204 204 204 HI WA 204K 204 wev non IT AGAIN Aii previous records amashudl In Sunday School and still growing Ht0 PENTEGOSTAI ANNEsr so ilWY has special lace for our tarniin this Sun ay at 94 mm Adult and youth classes Junlor classes forall ea Nursery care and facilit es Informs on phone 7289941or 7286709 All welcome Franlr Griffin Supt THE CATHEQRAL or TUMORRDW IIIESI NTS IACH suNDA no TV smo to co um av 8100110 Special nuie llme change on Barrierlu NFL Foolhau leasuu IsotoMonis CHRISTMAS snowmef An ageold problem lacing all man How to guarantee happy uni preparations Bouillin CKBII at 83 Fimliy Bible hoo 11 hive 545 0ulatlndfng mualc mansmear eraele of the am the glory of the incarnation pantsr causes in an vnvcchsr Ilev mausoleum ts nn summitInnat Midltatleutl Murma GODIS STRATEGY sums scaooLzzts eon hire ï¬n Presbyterian arm Can alum Mn ammo Banlo olllllfl Mr Quail IIEV mBl MA 030 an arch Schools Junior to Senior High III Adult Ilihle Study and Dlmadoll Group 1100 anluhlle Worship Sacrament at Holy Communion Nunery and Kludergar tea are open during war ahlp so that parents may attend and worship tole ther Visitors welcome SHINE Pilllll CHURCH OF CHRIST Grove Cook Sunday Schedule Sunday School 10 am Assembly 11 am BERALDDF TRUTH EM CKVILTV Evealng Meeting 100 pm Thursday Meeting 700 pm Ityou would like to read about Churches oi Christ begin with your New Teslament MINIflEllS Wesley Jone Data hideout 45 Grove mm tumannucuuncn or gt THE GOOD SHEPHERD 220 Steele st amino church heated at user It Steele and Cook am II Black ResidenceMint Ml nunBible school moo mm talcum and Civil Government 700 pun Special Guest Speaku Mr Charles Feaver President oi nantytnena Christian Auodaltu Soloist Mr Bruno Owen 815 pm Plclum of tho fliaalymena Work in Canada Special thslc both services warm welcome to all NORTHSIDE BiBiE CHAPEL Gunn an Sunday School 930 am Lords Supper 1100 an1 Evening Service 100 pan use Prayer and monster 51 more enuncn RomnniCoiholic 85 MULCASIER ET 7252935 nsv IllIZNIK aunonn ismcos IIARRIE mom EVERYONE WELCOME ST ANDREWS nuasnvraman CHURCH 5991333913 Elev Ken IIeronBA 817 Orgunls Hail Mary Blessed Art Thou Among women 1730 pm roux WORSHIP Sublect Community on worship Bentley join us in dialogue Church School 045 am VStnlor Church School 1100 am Junior Church School and Nursery SUNDAY MASSES SUNDAY mass am EVENING ucvorlous Wednesday at 730 Our Mother of Perpeiusl Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730lli5 am till earns CHURCH CLAPPERTON at WORSLEY Pastor Rev Harold Aliaby an monolithic school 1100 am GIDEONS SERVICE lilr commoners Mr Wiltonicreed 100 p111 THE COMING one Young Pioplel Meeting Wednesday PJII Prayer Meeting YOU are Welcome at First Esptlll 315 vutwn Welcome The Ahglicdn Church of Cunndo 5T GILESIICHURCH 95 000k Street Rev Roney Holy Communion and Church scan Juutovtee Party to ho is congregations Ereusoul Welcome cousin Christian science It ea CIGIB euuoav or names vrmNnv enuncu gt Collier Street Next Post attics as tewar undly sensor Nursery 4on Communion cv stewrt All Sciatica scum usequ Street Church Service Sundayschcol 11 AM Testimony math and Wed each month onAchIult rova ah Cook so