Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1968, p. 12

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Iim swim comer REAL rsmre PROPER FOR satr MANN lullEL mm on summer pm your lot now with reply for wring 300 trvnlago on Hwy II 50pm on lnolsfil Beads MCallHarohImvistml mm REDOMEm hero site on good road Amoximately acres is bush with river running MW Harald Dm Mt mm slHNIYBAYGolfCourseRd mootammunitle tam matte Ubiflgel£ Ilus ltuooo heellow touted on lot our frontage 210 deep Harold Davis 7001 new HAROLD DAVIS 728754 DENNIS HIGGUII 730041 Head Oflloo 1499 YONGE 91 TOEONIO Teletilono 9252211 SHELSWELL MW WILLSON 119 MIN SI 726143 WHAT GIFT Girlstman il coming and YOU canbo Santa imagine the excitement your family will have in this beautilul custom built bungalow IAcaled in Painswidr this sir roonled home boasts of oversize bedrooms panelled living mm and broad loom To look at this home call Gludt Lambert 7230001 wr tumlinter Vin bileot calls to lsabcl Fisher mom No lito SPECIAL AND sPUllmThreo bedrooms kitdlenlivirlg room dining room family room combination Recreation room Poured wncrele bascmcnl Attached garage IMMEDIATE PWNION Cull ltlrs Brown 7187255 No JIM0 PEUIO ms REALTOR ROS APPRAISALS HORTGAGES RENTALS non DA AND HISflLAD 66 bedroom alows un er constru on on lecont loot lots in lnnizillglowrlship Everything from double stainless steel sink to the piece bathroom Ls on theone floor so there will be no steps to clirlth One should be ready for occupancy in about 30 days The other depending on wentllcr Mm 59111 and 5028 7232370 FENCED LN FOR KIDS AND PEIS Building once is troublesome and costly No need to here as lt is already done the home has bedrooms 114 bathrooms forced air gar heat and only mortgage Let 13 show it to you today our TLC TENDER LOVING CARE always shows You will see tile restllts of elmllent ltpkeq here ltis home that you would be proud to entertain your friends in bedrooms famiw room den ear port and oval mortgage are some of tho foattnes ltlts 5720 HOW ABOUT THAT Who would have thought Youd find place with two bedroom apartments The owner is leaving the city in the near luture so let us have an offer No 324 All Rose Res 1283110 Bill blackness Res moles Dick Hartley 7283MB RussellSmith Herr sullll REAL carers ullrrED room llLs REALTOR lat DUNLOP ST RES muss maul MAWLAME WIS overlooking lake high dry ground Wonderful View 10 miles northot Barrie Buy now at bargaln prices mm BEDROOM EUNGAIAIW out of town fully mod ern Large fireplace adds to the decor o1 this exclusive home attractive modern kitchen warm dining room spells hospitahty Attachéd garage makes frosty mornings pleasure Charlie Read 7202017 Hugo Plowman Don Campbell 7200243 Dong Campbell Fred Taylor 7281205 Hon Allan 4565343 Paul Penman 7280313 Don Marshall 7282357 Smith Campbell 72373119 Richard Dick Beer 7264189 R=CHOLKAN 00 LTD MIS REALTOR 10 Collier 5L Barrie W401 Angus 440ml Shelburno 9253440 WasagaBeadl 42pm FOUR BEDROOMS Two 4piece bathsliving room tamin room with fireplace double garage in one at Bar ries finest subdivisions Phone Yvonne Rowe 723ml can DEALERS on INDUSTRIAL me exposure on No Highway at the City of Orillia Large show room offices and limiting area Excellent loca lion and buildings Tcrmsto suit client Thispr0pcrty is priced right Call Ed Wood 457 motth 726m galow at Angus and includes piece bath full basement car port forced air oil Brick veneer conshuctionon so it 210 lot Well lrcpt $17000 ask ing price Terros can be ar ranged Call Frcd Kenney 435 6406 Alliston or 4245691Ior more details DOW DOWN PAYMENT Three bedroom bungalow in small village close to Camp Borden Creck runs through property Low taxes and low interest rate Call Evian or llarg Wakefield 4246465 BUILTme Five miles north of Barrie If you cant find thehouse you want then have look at this beautiful scenic lot outin Mid llurst Good terms to suitpur chasercan be arranged For further details catl your lriend Lovely two bedroom home gmlgmv Jim mggmm mr large living and dining rooms Lots of cupboards and closets Located in village close to Camp Borden Phone Theresa EByrne 4146717 HOWCHEAP YOU GET No acres of provorty in An gus or only $6000 This prop city ls great investment Cal ob Hanson 4584500 moms INVESTMENT This triplex has two 2bedroom apartments and one 1bedroom apartment All rented with hap py tenants Close to schools and transportation For further details callJoseph Dirrncolo 72541567 SPOTDESS HOME lovely new split level brick home with attached garage Large lot and nicely land scaped OClose lo schoolsand bus route PhotoML swat vellum STREET oosv AND charmer immaculate bedroom oiled in knotty pine iron abdurearporch and Mustbeseen to be appr ated Full price only $12 For early possessiongoall its COMPLEDE Mhnmroconnnllon up made gh any one or our sales representatives sununer kitchen sttllatal 1n Allondaie district REALTORS 7282485 Highland Park Village on south on Highway No no city lhjnits an melt turn ltn off 0rd road alter railroad Little Ave and 0m model homes are on first road to tho loll Phase FourNow Ready For Your inspection l0 Houses To Choose From PRICE RANGE $l9995 T0 $2l500 mamas Architecturally de Choice of brick signed homes where applicable Taxes approximately Custom designed kit $180 chen cupboards Built to NHA Lot size 00 125 Specifications and larger Aluminum storms No hardwood and screens floors Your choice of colors 30day occupancy HOUSES OPEN son YOUR lNSPECIlON 1N THE NEW PHASE FEEL FREE no llvsrmmllrsh Hours now FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL GORDON COUlIS Office 7282485 Residence 7287275 HAROLD FORSTER owrN sr EARRIE Barnes Finest Location care and everlas ingbéauty of Altan AIUminum Siding blended with Anel StoneorBrick bl Next to SteeleSt school in the New Residential Area of Lovely Homes EASTVIEW The Home Illustratedlavagetfi Five Distinctive Models Quality Built in Featuresjof GEORGE DAVIESVHOMES PLUS All services underground lN FACT All services paid tor highly extras including the no maintenance Eli Sm be mad 1° d1 gigglfigcsfifilmnir home complete and ready tor comfortable liv Lot nodded front End rear man YOUNG hun imately miles from Barrie tatend and mortgages arranged onlow monthlypaymcnlr mortgages COMPANY rlloro lilLS REALTORS to Baylield meet Ilortgaga runs Available EVENING CALL AMIN KLooSrmltlAN GwRM KOSSATZ IRENE Fonbrs LouNr ill tltV RITA SCANDHLTI rhoseas Irsam 12ml nelson 7254046 115 Realtor 33 COLLIER sr WILMA nlpWiLLL trluw llollrusort VI Sm nectar 725993 71580 CARSON PHUm M15 NWORSIEYSTREEI Norm Synnott 7202533 Bill Hamilton 774115575 MLS REALTOR Elaine mesonmam Helen Hopkins7201602 ROGERS Photo DUNIDP srnEEr SMALL HOLDING House barn and 10 acres close to highways and commuting distance to Barrie or Toronto bedrooms all conveniences horn equipped for hogs Con tact ANNE SPENCER Thorn ton 45895111 HOUSE IN VILLAGE 2storey brick and garage inlet village piece hath oil furn ace close to stores churches Suitable for retired couple Con tact ANNE SPENCER Thorn ton 4589210 gt uINWENlMENT 40 acres mixed bush approx bargain at $8000 with only 53000 down and easy terms Glutacl ANNE SPENCER Thornton 4509211 KEITH Luz REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Eabcoell Barrie 723509 Colboume Strand 4301007 Spencer Thornton 4509211 SnowSlroud mild Ed Green Barrio WES413 Eetty Newton Hawkestone 4374103 Lillian Roberta 7160927 Marguerite Moore 7202250 Trflnd Filzsimmlnr Churchill 4562670 Torry Stevens Elmvaldlflw 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 487333 lzeaaoo ANITA swun ERIC WSNAP healEstate oker nd Appralsers up Dunlop StE Phone malls buy pressumnodzod nun mum mom Lawns GmA ZIFIARA 71le mus lump ctr1m BIDWELL Rupert ltchratll Elmvale 739ml Bill Lang 77541114 lNESQNI EASE At tho Five Points Phone 1m EVENINGS CALL FRED 7230753 CHAS ROGERS 736501 726645 Free Customer Parking nlmmm Moon main K1005 TERMAN mot amnlni°Tml3¥t°nln 7250mm CLIFFORD 00me mm lliortgnge fundsnvallhhlo TELEPHONE 7234430 mu arbwm usam NANCY ucxmzm 72asale nllrlr LLOYD mm moron commons man Russ GarSon 7266161 7284294 Catherine Milne7250040 Tom Formmam CONNELI Realtor Gibsoin Willoughby Ltoj LARGEST FARM AGENCY IN CANADA 29A Owen St via1241 THIS IS AN INVESTMENT PROPERTY youwill never re gretbuying Has approximately 2030 footfrontage on Shanty Day Road vnth variable depth Total parcel contains 10 acres more or loss Walking distance from lake Veryrea sonable WMENT PROPERTY Includes latgos room home Lot 90 x100 Located on Little Avenue across from newmotel FARM WANTED FOR CASH 50 to 100 acres within 15 miles of Barrie ONE REQUISITE GOOD HOUSE Barn an asset but not necess ary Possessionany time to May at 1000 Evenings DeWilda Miller 10o Dayfield st 7281071 Appraisals Listith invited ELVA Mills 5mm 7203253 Larry 726 032 AND on OWEN SI 71824115 MORTGAGE MONEY EvEanos tycoons via775 SANDY COUTIS muss WALTER ll BEAVER LUMBER 120 Bradlord St 1mm hamletmp tvblt null MLs Realtor M15 Realtor HIVTE Gravclled driveway Hook up installation dryer EXC HAROLD FORSTER AND CO 00 BAYFIELD 51 RAWN Real Fstato Broker 50 BAYFIELD 51 7289451 SPECLAIJZENG IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenulga Call Larry Torpey Bill Rawn Dick Draper Simon Beekhuizen 7281022 BROOM brick bu nluw or sub at hum iec noun drivewu gutlo lociuii 7gaglo mum Tekpbnnl 425ml 7268999 ZS3370 llrsmnhv brick house bed room rzlttlllly also In Barrie iii GEL ihlhlidli the on on up relop one moles nvnluulu nows bedroom house downtown Area with view of 11 ruu prior $162200 Private sale Telephont 7mm PRIVATE ulmsrusslon January controltsqu bedroom home in Barrie hill price $17800 $3000 down mom will carry tor llllle rent Telephone 72m Noam of Huntsville restaurant and clmnllu armor about Ice es with 75 rout lrnlttlgc on er wonoedul opportunity here For further hulls uu lle llllls sale 7150051 BUS OPPORTUNlTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FIE dcalerahln linlIblt no invest meat our electrical appliances an consignment 10 you sales and service in ynur community Apply now write to CD23Jardin5 130 Dlnlvrlh Ave Toronto out blINEIVS rolNT ltsll Hut Com pany tor sale All propane nested two and tour man huts Apprvxlln Iter 1o mp capacity per day Double tratkllusky Snow Mrcnlpz liner and tackle miscellaneous ar ticles rut buslnm ppmtu punt er 11111241 ltltltltl Point Anklnl Ill1 800 wrlt Post orrlu Box as BanXe COFFEE Vondlnxltlachlnea nbcp Ltd bugle is our outmnl vond Im own up er in must let xmaooooo north or cotter Ind not chocolate maniacs 50 mmunu in as have used Three pt lour hours vmlm nu it require um machines would shift mm at wo mm looltnl lol that extra lpcpnn Frown money maker willpurvhcsc nu hmbnu willAlan tan mll down pay ment or ipyuntu your pm in moo Inch property awake mortmo Ito and excellerl lflnu on bllmce Containman willbekivcn or any onevvvbo would rennin fwel machines Dont tutu thl opportuplty to so into your own bustsrm Please contact Home nicks sphm Ltd 4513qu imp out no Monrollers mMEDIAlE lot and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL Hours mulls AND commons moraines 90 or VALUATIONS If You Need Money To wnsolidcld debts Pay on existtng mart ms or as catalog on hone 7260981 Mortgage Funding SimpsonsSears em so BrrikmAlrrlutetlon pllzhydnuowrt up lunch We will even Ilnd you money on your mnrttlllol Ettuuup nonsu unplu mom raopsllrv women Ind bedroom south testor put to sell well do in cpn Emory ltllller liel Eatta 1mm 51 West nutrte LOTS FOR SALE Mobiltfllomes $76632 OSEAlmrm WOODEDSIIE cwo bedroom housl form to BEDROOM brick burial Idortme nun 53 lop Street Stovor1dge tvnshcr ing without for washer LUSIVE AGENTS HIS REALTORS MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service CashorTcrms up t07 Years 170 BURTON AV For the Ultimate In Luxurious Living ACTIVE MOBILEHOMES Now onDisplay SEE THE WEsrcllESrEn so it xx It modcitoday litYEAR MORTGAGE PLAN AVAILABLE KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA 7284111 so 10 vzlrle dlfibille Home In expp up you room bedroom raking prle $55m Telephone 4145515 or further plrllrtllars TRAILERS For SALE H0053 tnller 10 lb lrso Glenda latte stem equipped wlln tolln elect11c refrigerator propuu hert rl asking $1200 Includes car hook up and awning Telphono 7255118 let p1n RENTALS usss FORitENT fKEMltENFELT VILLAGE 15 mile beyond the city llniits on the Shanty Bay Road TOWN HOUSES Jlo DEVELOPMENTS Barrie Ltd BEDROOM UNITS OMOVES AND REFRIGERA IURS ELECTRICALLY HEATED NOW RENTING 3115 $200 monthly TELEPHONE 7224500 All or Completely Ipmlshed will on or two Irnlfl chil dren Kenton Rdnlrcd $15 may Telwhono plazas prur Rh pannooln house to rent Allan dIIovarel For Iuflhlr Intornu Lton Telephone mml to nubile and peppyw echo North Collegiate large 11 llldelt use also manila iptlum hut it lithV Ayliilbl Janulry 7134331 or Merlin it after Still pzn 111me house rpr rent hm strand Available lmuuy 300 with out hydro ntruehmre nutml nl bop cranes cents114 be ted ner APARTMENTS r6 RENT THE thlowsf 051 centrhlly located bdln mat onelte for rent Upstairs wnstnir Sp Over me so it dryer lectric heating 5140 per month Phonevnuu ma NEw HollEcosr FOR EXTRAS nuns 27110le mm on um duplex bedroom dintng laundry llcilllillv central Tour RENTALS APARTMENT RENT ncnnooll ppmme rrnlencer um refrigerator lul my elevator laundry Wm 11 plurst Tfleohnnv lie0m hcnnptm uniumlstl at Iplflmcnl rot rent llminu vi ill gas pan leiullu inflame71p reeln one ltllthll Illflirflllfilshl one bedroom unitnan up mtg rclrlgcr bilge In wn er fnrrnd Appiiu ClarkSlug MODERN two bede apartment stove reiflfientor hint and urnuryrlgtlkuuflpfipplicohlgu it man pr decafIla Telephone lielids unrunmsuzn uppr In hm mm tum for rrlrlgentar the stove plied my autumn PIrltIn hospital up MLL Telephon All can HEATED tlllllin Iplrtment for XSultrnlgéolur WLlLrrllfflémlfi nefl mun Avenue Teitphlmemul ANGUS bedroom duplex Sall puntrtnco modelh conveniences Kentsfih Telzpbnnc tztssos uncunmausn uputauu one bed room IFIrimflnilc¢nlttlh incited plrklllt minor for one two Potions Avnlllble Immediately 70 monthly reupnop mom alter pm ah zbcnnooal lplrtmenlnr rent heat and hydro ruppueo 3100 inanth AlrpLV It too centre Street Angus between and Sundny Minot Abutmentr bed rooms sanctumthen Print gingm adultxonly Talepbona 401 Two badloamtmlumlxhed lput merit newlly decallied 0n btu roulc pork print entrance lltllltler Allamll mu LARGE TWObedroom optimist vitlérbllcvgny tillnin roan neutr Iveuhoryann1ripl rseuldu ms maullib PAdulu only Avallnbhlmulry late phou mm SWMTAleV main floor ailment living rpm kitchen bedroom no path 10 minutes mu downtown ndultr 720 um decorated and bedroom heated artlnent hitchn uvlnz Mamba vita entrance wasy Wind elephant Ilr in bedroom apartment or llntn suitable for worktnl couple 15 monthly Avllphls December Apply to Vinnont street BMND modern bedroom npsrtmenh ltrlihbl December it It sl CIImbIrlanld strut nent 155 CCIII Fred lelot represent rm TW tinnitus one1105 room on nltlfll llmlm stove and refrigerator ear port No tolldrop rlso monthly Teln ggm We run or 725 our bedroom unlurnish tputzupt wlth stove ml refrigerator piece bath am 12 fluid Ivltn Dcou hutumAwll leh un per mph omen one or mu AVAILABLE immedhtetv ben MODERN ed upstairs Ipartrnenl hut 39$ month Working eon AVAILABLE rrnu room heated In an torgo Incite ttelrlnehrrtor 01V lflnllkliied up ur xou Apple or slap monthly lephone FURNISHED apartmentFons Ind twp bedlvcm luxury apartments on nli sildlfii It ll hope loooval wealt IYI AVAILABLE mdirtoly room leflcnnulned heltgd nnutmeht hnp bedroom nu nursery 47m child only typ downtown rixrlnr Telephone onerous one bedroom npmmmt with garage stove and relrl tot opuanl heat and utl tch pllrt Close to downtown Avail lhzlso lmmedhtely attention 63 AFT summon rpsrtul rmlurnlshed or unrumunza lm $31500 pbeu Rut estate om to SlNANI To tartar RENTALS ROOM AND BOARD Win in pm horn21 ma flunkgoon reactpr Ufll Tm amou morn spa bond or youll use no mornu mp 1114 for lunar details Tm when ROOM AND BOARD litput Immediately lunches 1111 Lion murmurs now NUM 7150710 new commbu mums opp tllwbone mo lulu nau ton Imusn room but quality hm tooled mill lam mu rd fimxdmntgy bsmmtuuua onl mo in that nu elcorne mums rv not rumor tor mm worsen elderly M¢Teieonpno 15ml noon Mini unibk nu hlla mm In print home Park In summon sexed nm mans p521 ROOMS TO LET lor gigolon Ligcllrpwlnd on own up taills Telephone boom liter pm SLEPINOm0ln centrally located Linen lpppllcd Parking rprce 1y 71 stm or born on In n02 Imam room lvliilhil room rtepea and linen ohm ed vier Lv close to downtown lllklnll Wm Telrphanl 7187115 rulzxrslnn mm or not cullHi location For runner bummitten Telephone mszu pupalmun room hmllnltllllllll NIvlluu linen nuppueo an the mu route min Street arcs Tell poop after pm mom MED lo lumen pu lllun etuan khy mun llclllllel W17 rue nlomhle floor 3150710 SPACE 0R APPROX 1000 It on etc or Induxlrtu ortveta lh0ln3mAnnlal St Perkin mmu AUTOMOTIV CARS FOR SALE VLVO KITCHEN AND Son 170 ESSA no they Rays SlMCQE MOTORS RAMBLER BI Tilllll St 1282317 lssz VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe Ex cellslit pmlttup relllinlhlc Tele Dhnne mason Always Laced selection rt hmlr Kolléswagcn nowu strut It ran on MUST sell immediath er MH cury iioltlclall our sedan breexewuy window 52 cubic ultll autflmatic llntuavuhte tnmurnout Telephone 7206212 utter Ind wcokeuox DIRTY CAR TRUCK lnterlor shampoo motor clashed minted our jobs reasoniblo rules KleenKlr Service twp unpp PARIS100 Chevrolet standard transmission cylinder mm rile Telephpno steam 19s CONVAIB anzr automatic transmission body and motor in excelilnt condition Phone mom or 43 Downsvtew Ilrlve lssl umom BelIr Good um in out runntnr condition rum it in Mater cylinder tonal 8400 at but utter Telapbono can lose copy 11 motor mm run 1an pverhaulrd recently wdln chrvrn rings rod burtpn ulyu rrpunu elm hu burcl curb clutch fllu etc complain wt clutch bell notup lndt speed Closest pm to Priced to sell uy G1 lelt Edema er sun ourstter pm TRUCKS FOR SALE 1964 DODGE lfiTON truck lbmlltht condition ml sell trnrncdlltely remnan 17 or name mo roan cab over so cubi InuitJlrbahe packetr 11ml loaders exec apt condition For emur inlorlnltlop telephon cpl handrail175 SNOWMOBILES TRAlL BLAZER PreSeoson Sale 18 hp Snowmobile JLOZ96CCM With road covor double trailer and cutter hm VALUE shops SallePrlce $895 Limited quantities KNOTiY PINE SPORTSARAMA Highway 21 Midhurst 1284111 close ratio tum Forrso Fun TRY SKIROULEI HI PowElrED Low PMGES WESS GARAGE 005 Millets PointRoad 72843891 Res72dtfio leadstlle rest Canadas best gBOASKI Snowmob es at ALTO OUGHLlN MOTORS Bradford St mll 7287001 776 aon areal lightncasmcnd rpm Inca GM ll ll 011 It Barrie lint at up unl Snow Vpllflwllen Gowrp horn

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