Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1968, p. 6

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THANK YoU MR MINISTER Savenyearotd Annabella lope thanks hlinisier Machineth in Toron to Wednesday alter be granted her and her mother tback immlgration ground landed immigrant status Mrs Juliet lapel and her daughter had beenasked to leave Canada by Dec be cause Annabelle could not meet cams mu Dec anon Soropumiata Vcnluriltl ind guest enloycd turkey and all ltoastshumidu served by women Georges Anglican thumb Mrtiilldrotn Moran entertain ad with Quiltmas readings The animal fashion show with everyone 403101 chooalnl the clothes to be modelled created fun aada wtpol Meado cided thewioaen who wen Wilma zoom Kay Stewart unarmed program Marion Wallacepand with clot members Dorothy Vance Flora HeGregor Edythe Maxwell wail received The contour and let desin were in k307i with the mean The play preceded the visit from Santa who distributed tilts to all with aspeciai hamper for SPEAKING oripsoPiE ANDJ PLACES DOBCLIMS Tbs DeliSlims Club of Can adian Coast to Coast Caloric Countua tFive Ca met the countrys health require mentaJor immigrants She is deaf and has heart mur mur OP Wirephotot First FWIQ president Selected By Ace1Qmation Mrs Austin Zoelter 1m New Hamburg was named pros ident of the Federated Womens Institutes oi Ontario during the Annual Mcetmg held at the King Edwardsheraton Hotel Toronto Mrs Zociler succeeds Mrs Ev erett Small of RR Essex who has completed her three year term This is the iirst time in the history of FlViO that presi dent has been elected by accla malion since there were no other nominees irom the 31 directors mm the Provincial Board Miss Helen McKercher direc 0or of Home Economic Branch is honorary president Mrs John Charlton Paris was reappoint ed secretary treasurer and Mrs Clarence Diamond RR New Hamburg reelected pub lic relations ollicers for fourth year Mrs Gerald Holder Mono Road is otficers conference seclt rotary treasurer with Mrs Roy Wastlake Brampton named as aistaol Regional vicelpresidents are Mrs Archie Bennett Amprior Mrs Williambrankiin RR Dryden and Mrs Homer Judge of Lotidon The recommendations of the Scholarship Committee were ac cepted to use $2000 from the Ontario international Scholarship to help pay tor the training of young woman in Yaiova iur key to perlorm duties of mid wile and later giVe courses in care at babies general nutrition Churchill Receive Reporis Accepting an invitation from Mrs William Richardson Chur chill United Church Women met at her home or their November meeting with vice prcsident Mrs Gordon McQuarrie in charge Fiitnen members ans wered the roll call Mrs McQuarrie reported in detail on the Simcoe Presbyter ial Convocation held at Alliston and Presbyterymeeling at Strdud It was decided to hold the next meeting wcek earlier than the schedule date Mcmbers agreed to assisttbe stewards of the church in project to augment church lands The ladies were reminded of the hate items to be ielt with the committee at their earliest convenience Mrs Gouidcn and Mrs Stewart presented the program or the evenings Tha commi ee assisted the hostess in serving lunch my Emotion wand Ans raoun mini neon You Buy For Compare As To HAW EWLE WuBKMANdiHP aim Annvn ALL PRICE tau screcuan do sou cm auom saute Your asp No obumloa await countess winninsruns Barrlcic Exclusion dar year and Branch liscat year and sanitation Turkey is one of the newest alliiiata oiihe As aociated Country Women at the World and this Ontario contri bution to their work will be ad ministered by their Aberdeen Scholarship Committee explained Mrs Small Mrs John Charlton Secretary Treasurer reponed that Ontario Womens institutes have contri buted $2943 through Coupon No 390 towards the construction of rural training centre at Villa Maria in Central Columbia South America Under ACWW this pilot project is supported by the United States and Canada groups and although costs haverisen from initial estimate at 513000 to $2000 the goat is in sight PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Relations report shownd that communities in Ontario reaped the most benefitsvoi Wo mens Institute etiorts total of more than $101320 was rais ed for community projects in the branch liscai year The over all trial or Public Relations exceeded 3309460 More than $95000 was designated lor Cen tennial purposes as contained in the 2yr reports because calcn do not coincide The 75th anni versary fund of $0000 goal or expansion and development atMacdonald institute Guelph has reached more than $8000 Wis sponsoring child under the Canadian Save The Children Fund contributed over $15000 Cash donations toother organi zations exceeded $16000 Mrs George Clarke Newioun land president of the Federated Womens institutes at Canada will be extended an invitation to visit Ontario oiiiualLV in 1069 Mrs leouard Trlvcra past president conducted the election of officers and later present ed Mrs Small with an engrav ed watch in appreciation or her ellorts lor the past three years Good things come in small pac kagea said Mrs Trivcrs but there has been nothing small aboutthe eilorta of our presi dent and she has earned the res pcct and admiration of all WJ members Mrs Austin Zoellcr Mrs Clarence Diamond of New llama burl President and Public Rela tions arrich respectively and Mrs Erna Donihwaite Stay ner convener of Agriculture on FWIO hoard ro appointed delegates to attend the third Coulerence on Agriculture to be bold Jan 10 17 and 111 at Sea way Towers Toronto Mrs Zocller was named delegate to the ProvinciatTralning Course Feb 915 sponsored by the Run at Learning Association at Gen era Park NATIONAL CONVENTION The FWlO Spring Board mect lng wittbe held the week of ApriLzld 1009 National Con veation oi Federated Womens lnslitutesol Canada will be in Winnipeg Aug 7143 two The 13th Triennial Conferenc the Associated Country3Womeo ol the World will beinNorway in 1971 bedroom 1an omit day evening at St Andrews Presbyterian Church An inter esting talk and demonstration at household products was given by member Mrs Sheila Carton Plans were made for Christ maaparty Doc 17 At the ncxt meeting on Dec 101111 Henderson Home Eu onomist or North Slmooawill be the speaker Club President lira hoes Peacock annouoEcd that members at newly lorrnul five Ca East End Club will be special guests Papier Iiliache Mod Mobiles TORONTO CPD Toronto boutique is selling whimsical modcolored papiar mache mo bile birds created by young mother who first hit on the idea as way to decorate her childs The birds whose tanciiul shapes and colors reflect the wacky sophisticated world at swinging youth hang and swirl from delicate frames or rock to and frompedcsiah Janet Nawcome got the idea tram the real birdllie fluttering around delightlul little old bousa she occupier in green oasis smack in the middlaof the concrete iunglo of downtown To main ivo always Enjoyed birds she says urcd1to spend all my time in the bird room when went to the Royal Winter Fair Mrs Newcome in graduate of the OntarioCcllege of Art and used to do department store window displays Tied totbe house by her ycarold daughter Kristin she continues to indulge her artistic hair by making the birda and selling them to boutique in To rontos mod district of Yorkvilie She firststaried making the birds to decorateKristina room because aha rays aduii room makers dull baby lint when friends saw the de lighliul shapes swirling around the room they convinced her they wouldrretl on the boutique market andearn her some pin money dont know who inin them Janet say frankly mother wouldn But what does Kristin think of her mothe creations She nlr my birds are ripe ply delicious says Mrs Now come She grabs them when she gets the chance and tries to sodx and pro intended to cover the general social ills of tha cityDlelrict ueddiagl partial traveller and viallon yarn altitch oi interest to reader at this page Your hipJn applying this news will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrio Exp amlaer mom and can or Andrey Caulsoa or Slbyl no berts at the Womens Depart ment gt FROG PROth Central United Church Couples Club wltll mark the annual Frosty Frolic on Dec it in the church hall The party will include lestlvo dinner lol lowod by dancing and games The evening will conclude with special Christmas closing acr vice Tickets for the Levant must be obtained by Dec Arrange meat or altondlng the party can be made with Mr and Mrs Martin at 7107052 or by call tag the church office LEGION EUCHRE mixed euchre party will be held Tuesday evening in the Legion Hall Collier St beginn logvat 830 oclock Winnersol the previous euchre tncluded Mrs Maude Semmens lone hands lira Cecil Sutton oi Shanty hay high lady itrs Mildred Munroe second Grant hw high man Mrs Pearl Burton second honor2N wnonma Mr and Mrs Wlilred Parr oi Uioplawero guasta of honor at 05 family dinner party at River ITIMEE HAVE CHANGED MONTREAL tCP search by Otfice OverloadCo into womens iob outtetsyshnws ihatin 1091 the leading occupa tions for women were servant dressmaker teacher larmer seamstress tailoress saleswo man housekeeper laundress and milllncr inEiCOLoRrul CHRISTMAS 1S Re Gardens Restaurant The oéca atont marked the couples ap proaching goldeowodding anni versary on Dec 11 Guests rludcdthe ceiebrauta son Ja who will leave the area Sunday tor Goose Bay Labrador tor year with the Bell Company CG VESPER SERVICE Carol singing and candle lighting ceremony will mark the annual Canad an Girls In Train tng Vesper Service ousunday night at Central United Obmh commencing at oclcok 0611 tender Mrs Gwen date will be the common the topic Why the chimes rang SKATING PARTY Central United Church family skating party was held at Bar rie Arena last evening with ap proximately 300 mothers latbcrs and children taking to the ice Afterwards the lamilies returned to the church hall for rctresbmentr Arrangements for the party were directed by Mr and Mrs William Demimo EASX END CLUB Women interested in weight control and living in the east section of the city have banded together to form new club at Canadian Coast to CoastCalorlo Counters The East End Club will meet each Monday evening in St Giles Anglican Church Cook St Assistanca in forming the club was given by Mrs 13 ll Elliott of Davidson St board member for District Five Telephone Elections morlrcd tho session with the allowing slate of oti ers Prosldent MrsEllzabeth Forrar Vice President Mrs Doreen ClarkSecretary Mrs Ada Gales Truman Mrs Jcan Lusty Weight Recorder Mrs Fay Perry New members will be welcom ed by the club executive and lur tner intnrmation may be obtain ed from Mrs Farrar moses or Mrs Clark 7204553 Both outerspace and living oorrivariali RCA Is No IN INNOVATlONS We hadto me up wilhspocinl We had to perfeetrsolid copper suits for ital not is NO tyuasuaaluw The solid copper Vrcuits inyOur act oration one reason why ltCA IS N0 lN rorutanirv For picture ciorily and quality in color TV peturoin from hardor channel changingand popular most ofall forthat nl andworks thacworks togar Ito onsfF ANNOUNCE anchor Mr and Mn Francis Der rick Hargreaves of Barrie an nounce the rag meat or their daughter Ma cllna Mur ray liargreaves toWallace Moiiat Laurence Roy son 01 Dr and Mrs Wallace iioffat Roy of inlington The wedding will take place on Dec at pm in Saint Marys Womens Roie Relegated To arrAwA it Schools contribute to the attitude that women are secondclass ci sens Mrs Joseph Klein nl Dita wa said at womens rights seminar Monday at the National Conleronce on Human Rights Mrs Klein said she thinks girls in school are made to eel not mentally or physically lit for public life Shc also was bothered by the apathy at women in general to wards politics MacLetian of Ottawa raid that the fact only one woman now is member of Parllamcnt is rother sad commentary on womens parm tlclnation Miss MacLellan one at the seminar leaders is chair man of theNational Cocncil of Women of Canadas committee on womens slalua STAMP LiCKEliS Mm Therese Casgrain ot worn omen Mounts Church Birrie Miss Hare graves is graduate at St Josephs Morrow Park Town to and Bresda College ilnl veistly Western Ontario Mr Roy graduated lrom Neucllatci College Switzerland and the University at Western Ontario gt months Stamp Licking Montreal who prepared work ing paper tor the panunar said womens role in politics nnlortu natcty aoema to be confined to licking and stamping envelope and doing work in the kitchen She did not think women should be satisfied with crumbl want wit dish baton die Mrs Caugraina per pointed out are oi iicrlminttloa against wo ca Ne woman had ever been pointed to Quebecrl slatle crunch and the num women elected to the it lglrla tin assequ war not propor uonatewtflo thy nutnbor of men in Quebec women were prev ented tram being called to tit on Jury She deplored the situatlo where woman is appointed an important Job to rail certain current of opinion 155213125 PICTURE rune MODELS AT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS raters for the New Automot sss fTHE astiaaLeMaN You RCA stir NOWEOREcHnsIMis BigyTradelnsg pievrmslos assumption company use infspa when the up than cant go note about 260 trouble sin Tuner thatpulle that grant Fino Tun that smooths out1 comfortable in ng of newtting Hour Budgoiiksf pm 2059

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