WORLD 53mm Worker 7B Equipment DOBIEJAKE Out CPI Herbert rs oi Dobta Lake was killedThursday when piece at equipment he was helping load onto turd tell and crushed him Dobie Lake is about 20 miles east at Kirkland Lake PROIESIER CONVICTED TORONTO tCPt Kevin Gordon lienley at Toronto Thursday Ms lined soon or 90 days in jail on charges oi as snulting policenod causing disturbance during an nullViet nom war demonstration April 27 TRIED TO BURN HOME TORONTO CPt Keith Wal ter Fran38 at Toronto Thurs day was convicted oi attempted arson and sentenced to six months deiinite and nine months indeterminate for trying BE sum Particle leaves the FairGrountis ol tobumhishornelulwalere eeivad ansddltlooai three months on charge of attemptv ed theft when he tried to rub Canadian Imperial Bank oi Commerce branch wlh toy pistoli FINED 00 SUDBURY it Hayï¬eld lliley to oi nearby Copper Ctiii Thursday was convicted oi dangerous driving and lined or two months in Jailln connection with an Oct to det in which Reginald Gareau 23 oi Cobalt 0nt was killed WATER RATES GO UP SUDBURY CP The Sud hury board at control Thursday ripproved ispereent increase in water rates clicctive Jan mil hiriher risesIn 1971 and to oliset onstoi capital eon struction and inereoscd surv rum Puma answerer The lodian slain in noininr nation it lodirate that Canada indlanh in kind tninedin riot techniques Robert Andrus kit withmuporttotio told the Common Thumy lie was 16 PM to Mon by Don Ma unkwru PCVegrvlillel who said than BC nyldiatlon said huh draining was held given to indiau ACQUIT DRIVER IDNDON Ont Michigan man was acquitted Thursday or charge danger our driving arising iron on Aug 19 collision in nation in which two persons were tiled Judge Jacob dismissed the charge against Franklin Lam bird of St Clair Mich Gor don Humbert Ramsey st and passenger in the ear Eileen Catherine Barry 21 both of Marion we killed Vim SAVED TOMMY CPI Doctors said Thursd 45yearold George Revuy is alive because policeman Infused to give him up or dead alter he flopped breathing during heart attack Wednesday He started breath lng again as Constable James Jones administered moulhvto mouth resuscitation at our WATCHTH dealers am where an new on Mnonmarinm immunity Edward don oi narcotic or the pupae oi unlï¬cklnxwho says he Ls descendam oi Jesus cans was remanded Thunday to mental examination No date at ingu hearloxhin M192 it minlry lt ear weeks ago Petria recelr sup port from Ibout so selfstyled disciples Mao protested maiuat drug laws outside the courtroom No one Appeared um STUDENT mmvm co Asodsust siudents conierenee will Lbe héld Deenzms It Kart House University or Toronto Tile con ierence will discuss leSso the international student aims of the student power movement and the rolelof stul dents in the struggle for so ammonium senr ro min Gonnmtnr on CP Jo noncapital murder charg at the conclusion at preliminary hearing Thursday into the Feb death oi Gwendolyn Pin 25 my Petrie36chlrrcdwtthm trial oiSirhln Elahln Sirinll charged with murdering Senalt Wflaiiniimu un In Prosewtlon and deienee law yen approved cl tel avlslng oi the proceedings to an auxiliary pru room the trial ha bcullcheduled or next CAN DABENDS BOOB ronror SPAIN matters =l1leCanadlan government has givenï¬lhe Trinidad and Tobago Tenehers unionhood hooks to distribute to and secondary schools St Elmo Gopaul secretary at the union brnflzhi the hooksMillth on his return irorn Canada thls weekniie had been in Canada on the unions business GRANTS CREDIT BUENOS AIMIS Reuters West Germany Thursday grant ed Argentina an open credit ior about 321000000 to ï¬nance its ilrstnuelear power plant Con struction oi the atemegawau Wow THIS sAruRnAvTnEc7th at15PM proceeds via Essa Road Bradford St undlDuniop St to downtown Burrie run one mares Aim being carried otlthvyflemenIAGoqutGer MWAXOMCAVW nant tan AetresxOIroiynionu $lhovhylmdeéandtim tater sports KEEPS otthe Klimt Sieden linden Canadian mark Brant II rewardirocm Increa noun aouounr mtlDONr APt When Susy nanoy goat Wu presented to Queen Mother Elizabeth during royal visit to an old ioika home Thursday she showed scant respea ior etiquette With lunge Susy slieed oil piece oihe royal bouquet muuehed ictI and apparently found it deli ous rnvons ivnonnronm QUEBEC or French Genernl Andre lieuuire said Wednesday NATO is outdated and needs tobe relormed to cope with lhemenseo oi nu clear war Gen Benuire told news oonierenee nt Luvul Unl versliy the deienee oi Europe was almost entirely American since NATOwas under Ameri fulU hundledat lhehnpeln Space Research Ornninu ons teflind Illa near here Wednes du night The rocketthe lost lauuotimill in Well na on campaign to study polar storms and meant ic disturbancesreached height oi 170 miles and deliv ered the necessary inionna lion pilicials said swarms SPRAGGE Ont hlik ins Kolev oi Eliiot Luke 0ot was killed Wednesday while working at the 1900 loot level oi Pronto hline owned by Rlo Algom mines Ltd Cause at death was not immediately available Spragge iarrbout so miles east oi Sault Ste hlarlei DOMECONSIIDWD EDMONTON CPL Bill liner oi Bdmootm chIirman guard at eaten Judi my lumen bland Ihditm will maior ult lo capacity in Edmonton might mean National Hockey lam lranchia Hunter owner and peach oi Edrnontoni Oil King said Wednesdaynlxht he had learned from talki to mman that theyme dearly loveï¬ tohave ICanr dlan division aompriscd ei Van couver Edmonton Winnipeg and two or three eutern teams mum ram NEW YORK MWJohn Shapiro president of Laurel RaceCourse was elected presi dent bl the ihormdbredjiae ing Association Thursday sue eroding Louis lea Hanln ll prelldent oi the Keeneland Ar sodallau BEARS car HEFFNER DENVER Colo AP Doll Heitner who managed Cin cinnati Reds in the National Anglia ln11566 was named manager at Denver Bears ior next season Thursday He Iue MAMY YOUNG Most Colorado indians in Ec uodor marry heiore their 16th birthday ceeds Billy Martin whv has been appointed field boss or Mlnnesotalvlns in the Anteri eon League After The Parade SANTA WILL ARRIVEVatIWOOLWORTH atapprbx had etiuipped with 2speedcontrol horny headlights rear view mirror eleciro magne gt tic self braking motor nonworking bump ers Length 32 width 20 height 14 GJ SPECIAthaXE Weight 28lbs 12 volt CSAVapproved batr iery Speedto mph moon above except his single speed contr andaverzigespieed oi zlmph Equipped wiihhheadlighis eiectro magnetic self braking motor nonméikingbumpersl not illustrated Length om width 14 might13 1Weighi141bsAverageSpééd12m vOlt battery GSA appmvgdnf