1Tb V°tei FIRE DESTROYSV TCRONTO CHURCH Firemen shoot streams of waier as flames leap through root of St hlnria Gorctti lio Iman Catholic Church in Tor onto Thursday nfternbon The church was built in 1958 and had recently been reno vated with $200000 exten sion CF Virephoto whisrn nous vANcouvan ca Van couver voters are displaying studied indillerence towards one of the largest and dailies civic election campaigns in the citys history was the Bat vote less than week away tbeas entail would Sell mm Al Hockey Ball Games InQuebec QUEER GP Premier JoanJocqucs Bertrand today introduced legislation to permit the sale at alcoholic beverages during hockey and baseball games Given first reading by the leg islative assembly was bill to authorize the Quebec Liquor Board to issue 8th permits that permit sale of al cohoiic beverages otber than draught beer Mr Bertrand said the bill would authorize solo at liquor at the Montreal Forum durlng Montreal Canadiens matches in the National HockEy League and at the baseball stadium where Montreals new major Reverse Adjustment Committee Decision or by lnntsfiis adjustment commit tee chaired by Wnrnica lost out on an appeal heard he ore the Municipal Board at Stroud this weeks The property in ucstion formerly ownedhy the ate Sproute had been sold to Dr Forbes ol Barrie The agrerment ol sale was sig ed in April last and apparently Dr Forbes and partner had decided to divide the lands into smaller units in 15 and steam farms Early in May an order came from the Ontario legislature that alter the date oi the order no iurther farms could be divided into smaller acreages Previous to the order Mrs Spronle had appliedto the adjustment committee to with hold lt acres on which she erect pd barn and house When the new owners of the harm applied to the local committee or per mission to divide and register the smaller lots the application was turned down as the order lrom the Legislature hudbecome ellective as of May APPEALED Drl Forbes and his associate decided to appeal the commit tces decision and the hearing held in strond this week with the result that the commit tee ol adjustments decision was changed and permission granted to divide the lands This decision may not allect many others as not many had an agreement to purchaseprevious to the date of the order disallowing division of properties without registered plant CHAIMIANS DEINIDN Warnica chairman ol the thrce man adjustment commit tee vhcn asked his opinion at therreason for the decision gainst their ruling said that ï¬rst ol all they had topnotch Press May Be Its Coon Enemy ommva tor panclv of scholars governme olficials Rd newspaper men concluded ursday night that the press may well be inemy because he bewspaper menJohn as assistant editor ofthe Ottawa Jounialu andClaude yan km of be Dcvoir of ontrealrl pointed eratures pf newspaper and broadcasting practice they said endangers the right to inlormatlonl The greatestdanger is not mnnaged moonstone hureh or Pente cost in Canad New iomlihso who crowned birds king of the world and ioughtthe United States pres depeyton platform pledging new Galdental Eden 13II9 NYlimmy waiter Herberts Il colorful Elation Hockey League star oi COflygress didlksifrom HUIL GP Public hearings of the lederhl housing inquiry ended on sour note Tuesday with complaintby or ganized labor that it got short shrilt at thelinsl session Donal MacDonald president of the uadian Labor Con press stalked out or the night sitting atthelluli city hall after receiving only 10minute hear rized organized laboradengthy brief for the housloglask force lben he replied law ques tionatrom commission member JmeeGillle Nwody also asked qirestlon and Transportfhltnlster Hellycr the inquiry chairman ypolitcly rlrEishop Homer gt tendency of tha has pr pub Grant said Marc Lalondc pressot liccr for Prime llt stervlrur dean andvchairman of the panel agreedthat tile rights olthe ges beyond nance of business considerations in the newspaper and broadcasts ing industry threaten the public right to information SCOPE IS LIMITED The scopeand variety of available information are limi ed by the alienation betwc what he termed the rinteliectual and economic functions of the press Mr Ryan cr cizedtapplica tion busine principleslto roe porting In tbedeveloprhen of newspaper and broadcasting stoups he suggested there is mistaken tendency to consoli date reporting along with the and breadth of Viewpoints Discussion took place in uhlic seminar organized by St Paul University to mark twoa versarieHhe 10th year since the United Nations proclaimed lreedom oi inform on as part of its Universal Declaration oi Human Righls and live years right to know Mr Toronto solicitor who lully out lined hls arguments and left no loophole in the points he brought up The fact that Mrs Sproule had been able togct Whore plot had some bearing onthe case as mostlv if place for home is reserved it is it smaller acreage Also the date ol the transaction and the foot that the purpose of purchasing the lands was to make smaller units of them was another ar gument This decision is the ï¬rst re versnl they bava had imappeals to the Municipal Board and Mt Warnica hoped lt would not al fectthe futureldecisions of his Committee ASSESSMENT APPEALS Mr Warnica is also member of the assessment appeals com mittee Asked when the innistil assessment appeals would be heard he said that none had come through yet from the As sessment Board SCHOOIS FILLED Additional puplls continue to turn up at Innist schools and so far the boardls managing to lock them in some corner but with the slowness shown by the contractors it is doubtlul it this condition can be solved until ad ditions are readyL in sultieiently for working nsi SnpervtsorFraiur Ke ys it lsdoubtï¬ll if thcaddttlnn will be ready for use alter the March holidays huthe hopes they can continue to handle the new ar rivals Relerripg to tb recenlcoun ty board electionsMr Kcll said that when the list of candidates came on sometimes as many as seven or one seat he pri vatety ticked on the ones he thoughbwould be elected and was over so per cent right That makes good guessing mm PROSPECTS The new county board wiilvhe sworn in Monday evening be toreClerk Watson of the County who will be chairman until one can hechosen to handle the airs of the board Choicefor this eatcould be betweenbr Anders of Barrie and Morley Ford of Coflingwood both of whom arevery capable and both ol whom worked on the advisory committee over the past six months Donald Beatty was also member of that committee wannt sown Mr and Mrs KSeymour Kell are already in Florida and write that on theAmerioan Thanks giving Qay they had their din ner outside in 35 degree temper altarPope Paul Vls promui tion of similar right dismissed the threemember labor delegation lye been submitting briefs on behall of the CLC or 10 years Mr MacDonald com plained angrily to reportcla on his way out Ive never had an experience like this one We have important views on housing in our brief Appar eptly it did licl their inter ilullMaiyor Marcel DAmour the Hull Builders and Contrac tors Association the institute of Trail near andthe Points Ga and Chamber at Commerce allwere ecorded much more time than theCLC The sitting lasted rathan ram ature nearTa paWe hope to be enjoying this belnre long sing arrive until the day belore tho hearinglt was not in the hands of the commission members unttl the afternoon before the Hull sitting The CDC recommended the federal government low orh gage loan interestrates pro mote pu and ooperativev sing accelerates ederal sentbly tm nts onto the llepercent sales on buildingmaterials and eslt tnblish lede department of urhan affairs aid hehopea present th ak forceireportto thetcabinet by midJanuary This would leave time for gov ernment action to influence the compiled league hall team will play new seat outnumber the voters botherlng to turn out for meat white matings Thirtydive candidates we last wee spentthe eventh ltaly listening to and landing one umber Their sigma to tallal six including the wives at three of the Ipeakcrs Outside Van ver close to on persona are contesting some too mcnlcipal otllou in am incewlde election Saturday Another no posts including hall lhemayoraities were filial by acclamation when nominations closed Nov 25 The questlon of whether Van couvers water supply should be fluoridated alsois on the ballot Thirteen other municipalities in teams vote on this question Saturday but results will be given Dec 11 Vancouver which operates under separate charter votes next Wednesday to elect mayor council parks board and school board Main interest in the Vancou ver contest centres on the may oralty race where Mayor Alan Emmott of adjacent Burnaby in one ol six candidates seeking to unseat Vancouvers flamboyant cbleiilel magistrate Tom Camp Banirer Sine Oil Invesitnent Opportunities MONTREAL 1le Leonard Walker nowlyelected president of the Bank of Mont real is conlident lo the invest ment opportunities in Quebec despite separatist outbursts that have helped drive capital onto the province dont think Quebec will separate but wes got to solve the FrenchEnglish problem and Lids will require goodwill on the part of both the maior ethnic groups The paper maker apprentice who turned banker said Thurs day the situation has improved in the last 18 months There was evidence early in 1967 that money was being sent out of the province lnvesto were removing capi Inl Quebec tal tram Quebec and individuak wera moving money to books in such Ontario centres as Ottawa Cornwall and Lancaster fl Lhinktheres been tar too much talk ol Quebec separation and this is bound to raise thoughts in the minds of people not iuliy informed However said the ssyenrold executive theres good op portunity in Quebec where the natural resources alone certain 1y are not fully developed Mr Walker born in Kenora 0nt succeeded Mulhol land 64 who has been named vicechairman of the board Mr Walker was senior executive vicepresident and general man agerLi before assuming his new D0 Noitedrilminctojr Fred Claiki Dies HOLLYWOOD AP Fred Clark 54 veteran character actor who played the explosive boss or neighbor with slow buro died of liver ailment Thursday night in hospital An accomplished dramatic actor he became known to mil lions as the televisionnetghbor of Burns and Allen shotving un controlled indignationat the late Gracie Allensantics Tall audbald witha brush moustache he was hit in Dont Go Near The Water The Mating Game The Bells are Ringing and many movies His second wife Gloria vlves His first wife was One In Eight Can EXpectTreaiment In institution onmWA rear on the basis of 1965 statistics now available one out of every eight Canadians canhe expected to he treated in psychiatric institu tions belore they die the Do minion Bureau of statistics re portedThursday The bureau saidlotheis will need treatment but will not get it inga mentalvinatitution and others will die without ireat ment gt The ligures arejcohtalned in special report on mental health statistics TheExpectation of Admission to Canadian Psy chiatric Institution The report was based on eomputer analy sis and prepared in the same wayas lite ins nce tables are Inï¬nity told reporters it should be no ed that the CLC brief did not 1969 building season hadpo children Clark got the acting bug in college play at Stanford Univer sity At the age ol as he became navy pilot early in the Second World War He entered the army in 1943 and spent 23 months in Europe After the war he started to win movie rolessuch as de tective in The Unsuspected with Claude Rains With Dean Jones and Diana Baker Clark costarrted in Horse in Grey Flanel Suit as dmgcompany president who spenses stealcall stomach pill That picture comes out Christmas Day tresssinger Benny Venuta Ha Clark costarred with Red Buttons in TV series called The Secret Life of llenryPhyle High housing costs are partly due to the highcost of money and ofvlandl Another factor is high cbst ob construction which is partly due to the redtape jungle in thehousing industry Somehow above to take the broadaxe to the underbrush of red tape he said Mr Hellyer rejected sugges tions the nnulry commission couldhove done as good job had it stayed in Ottawa instead of travelling acrossthe country Moving outside thocapltal was theoniy way to get thollnvor and feel of the problem through informal talks with people as well as through lormalbrlefs public hearings The pu be FIELDS rim Stewart Goodings acting dlrector ol the Company of Young Canadians leans over to confer with the misdir color of finance Glen brown left as Mr Goodings was testifying yesterday before the Corrnoon conmitleo on miscellaneous estimates Mr Goodings who will be leaving the CYC in few months re fuscd to retract his statement Itaiidï¬ Poor Defend Priest MRENGE Italy APiv parade ol the poor defending rebel Roman Catholic pried marched across Florence Thursday in parish revolt against church authority that sent shock waves into the Vati oan thousand parlshoneis mainly women children and cripplesmoved slowly and in utter silence across bridge over the lliver Arno trom their drab workingclass parish of is olotto into the Renaissance splendor of the citysCathedral Square Massed before the shuttered residence of the Florence arch bishop Ermenegi do Cardinal Florit the parishoners pleaded moiety with placards for the cprdlhl to give them back the priest he ï¬red lor disobedience The dismissal of 43yearold Don Enzo Maui was officially on nouneed hours before it touched oil thelirst such time matic deliance of ecclesiastical Sees New Move To Negotiations 0n Cyprus issues UNITED NATIONS VICP report from Secretaryfleneral Thant says that at lastthe emphasis on Cyprus seems to be shitting from military eon frontation between Turkish and GreekCypriots to negotiations But the report adds the time has not yet come to withdraw the UN peacekeepingiorce thnt has been on the island republic since 1964 Canada makes major contribution to that force Thant asked that the forces mandate be extended to June is 1969 and adds plea or in creased financial backing to pay thecost authority in Italy in the post war period Don Mani was ousted alter childrens catbechism he wrote with the help of his parishioners went on sale last weekend The ï¬catechum stressed Christ as leader of the poor against the rich Cardinal Ftorit noted conservative forbade priests lp hisdiocésetousclt tle fSWlSSrMAlDrBAltEitY Vandl Only l85 Duniop gt PINEVIEW VARIETY scone soon cm Anous 16A COOKIES neg 5113 LIAMENTARY criticism that House committee minn ber had grossly nuslntcrprcb ed ncYCs consultants ra port on the companys pro granL OP wtroohoto OLD WURLI liiADlllilN NEW WORLD PiRiECllilN ZionId gilttoll LONDON WINLRY LIMIYED WEEKEND agoecirzfl APRLETPIE Doz SAVE 29c 89 mm AND sATuaoAY oNLYt LakevieW RESTAURANT manssist DUTCHERS GRUCERY FLEETBAMS RED WHITE ADDTES CONFEWONERY CERISHES IGA VSIMOE mono tOiOPERATIVE salmon 259 iimi rLACEioo AL Hz 53