Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1968, p. 7

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syn 1behylnwconriiignrbdiis ion control lsloberavisedlbis pniuczisawm lSLlitlli room invisan Harvesting potatoes to much the same in Prince Edward island as enlarger Simone county lam Hequ ol lrinee Edward who Ales Campbell is promoting large agriculture devel meat with an eiin oi getting no islandera more productive and prosperous Photo Essa Oro Councils Back Again Three neighboring municipal ltles uhtch border Barrie lnnir fil Vspra and cm are unong Simcoe County townships whose councils will be unchangednext year Nearby Essa andeunni dole are in similar position Reeve Joseph Cochrane will begin his 15h continuous year ins member of lnnisiil council in January his seventh as rceve Deputy Reeve Allan Toddalso will begin his 15th year but not consecutively Anrndiior William Gibbina will start his fourth year on thecouncll and Councillors Elmer arose and Russell Stew art their second Mr Stewart was school trustee belore his election to council and Mr Gross was tamer trustee and coure cilior in York county The lnniafhicounc la now completing the iirst part oi its twovyear term Rielard Groh is derklat thomunicipal ollloe in Siroud VESPM UNCEANGED Vespra council recently so claimed for another year is headed by Reeve Wellington Dobson and also includes Deputy Reeve Carl Duran and Coun cillors George Buie Alan John ston and llarry Adams Reeve Dobson will start his second year as head ol the council in Jan Elect New Reeves In Beeton Village DEMON Stall Councillor Ed Eoynton will be Beetona new representative to Simeon Coun ty council next year He Will succeed Earl Brown who was Beelons representative or the past seven years While he wiihdrew from the recveship in order to give othlt re chance Reeve lirown was among the councillor candidates in yesterdays village election other present councillors Law rence llanton Peler Urbansld and Sheridan McGinty and new comer Mus Wilson were the other candidates Reeve Brown was chairman of recreation on the Simcoe County council this past year The coun ty council will complete its yearlvbllslness at meeting in Barrie on Tuesday Dec 10 Reeve elect Boynton will head the Beetnn council for two yeartermr Plos Subscribers Study Plans To improve Phone Service EIMVNLE 5t Subscrib rs to the Flosielephonesya am have been giving attention to proposals torchanges in serv onissues involved in takeover by the Bell Telephone company improvement in services and extension of the ireecaliing area have been stressed by subscrib era suppong the move to change to hell service It is clnimed this would in volve an increase in rates Financing of change todial system by the Flos company it self also would bring abopt an adjustment in rate structiire The Flos sltnatlon closely allied With that in no ghboring uledonte where the Medpnte company also is coniompiatio three proposals namely oon tlnuing as now at chaaplrates installing dial telephones by the present company and sale to the EellTelephoneCornpany ln Medonte there has been com troversy about long distance calls particular objection takento toll charges for calls to neighboring municipalities out side the freetoll araarnow in eiiect hyagreement This cov ers Eimvaie Flos hicdonte and Goldwater Under the Bell this aiea would be considerably ex tended was sat Nottawasagailirea Boarrl To Disband DUNTROON Stall Nolta wasaga area school board will be among the 32 area public school and high school boards which will bedishanding In Sim ooe Countyle year as admin istration is assumed by the new countyboard of education Members ottheNottnnIasaga board commended for theirserv ices included Dalton Middle lmioir am Vancise Erroll Dynes an Jamiesllra Brock served during the past year while the others served for some years are STllilOll lch member or or United urchanen ct at the borne vember meeting president AlbertPearsall presiding rs rileld Eurton was in barge ol devotions Next meeting will be held Dec 11 at the home oi Mrs Pearsall manthere to bring white silk Innreasein telephone lines and new equipment have been urged inboth Flos and ednnte areas New Merchant lit Thornton Given Welcome maarirorv Stattl first impression oi Thornton is very favorable the people have been helpful and friendly said George Goldnewmerchant here whohas purchased the store tormerly operated by Jim Hogan Mr Gold came to this Essa lnnlstil border community sis milesaouihwcst oi Barrie trom Acton where he was in businss ior is years He said hetfound the weather here about the same as at Acton The new Thornton residept came to Canada from England in 1947 Wile said his family would be joiningbim soon Appreciation was expressed by Mr Gold tor the friendly wel com extended to him am sure we are going to like it here Are remarked The atoreflrs ocaed on the lnnialil ride of Highwayflffl most across fromvHobba store and post oiil ay rms summerr Mr ndliirs Rae Long Sault vis ed theirdaughtervandson law Mrand Mrs plegate Mr and Mrs Earl Reid and Brian were guestsNov 24 with his and Mrs Allen Eyers Bar rié toceiebraté th wedding anniversary Mrs irene lllrona is home from Barrieihospital Mrsr Will Shewell held housewares party at her home All procced wentv tor om munity work gWomens institute held bee the home of Mr Wilt ewell ahd quiltedalog ahin ill or Mrs lsaac Spear Miss Judy Wilson had theMis tortune tohreair ahona intan anlrlea school No 25 Don Giipln has returned home from hospitalvaftartreatment or trim llgarnentstnalcg Senlor Citisena ub enlormed and1meets the weak oiluch Church lnornt Anyone wl lng logoconlact Mrs om presidents as council member uary alter succeeding Walter Forbes ln Oro township Reeve Gillespie will begin his 13th year as member oi council and hLv eighth as recva in January Deputy Reeve Kenneth Gilchrist will start hissecond yearns Oma other county council mem ber and his seventh on council Deanol the councillors Allan McLean wiiljbe starting his sixth year asn member Coins clllor Wallace Keyhis lilth and wasndedslonmlde starve dai emnctl meeting alter dia euuiens whidoinclnded an lnlt tervluv with Arthur Evans and auggutions received through interviews with provin dal department heads The most drastic portion oi the revision will eiiectvproperties on plans registeredlorsome years on which vacant iota in still unsold These lots may be deemed to be rescinded in the state oona property and this would leave the sale confined to one lot and more lotr could not be held until new plan had been registered and brought up to present day requirements An example at such procedure would specially aliect property In lowlying ereelwhich has been surveyed can aid plan and recently road has been cut with the lots being ottered for sale even though the lands are only above lake level at dry periods Also the lots are less than the requ area which is now considered large enohgh for proper service The seal pinpose behind the suggested deenring ot prov cities is to put such lands even tually in the category ofthusc now liable to the service and severance ice oi $300 which now applies to properties sold oil newly developed plans Re claiming the old vv at lots would make it possible to include it is already plan Ibdlvision done from the Dmfly ownerailer nnotice on trauma be of deeming rights by theth ship willLIlleaserviee and say erancequ mascot Limited our hold operam Dec to fortheir newly equlp ped hatchery buildings This will allow visitors to sea the latest type at incubator and othar modernutnipmant which has made obsolete the modern equip ment otio years ago To place the new equipment it was dec essary to build new housing and scrap the folder houses which will become storage abedsTha incubators when installed will be the largest ever used in this part of Ontario When the newly anived incubators and hatchera are put into operation the ones which are hatching theirlest chitin will be shipped hav to Denver Coioradoiast week truclis from that distant plant brought the new machines and placed them in the new build ings which are still underc ctrmo with he finishing touches expected to be ready iortha open house on Dec 10 Back H958 we had story which told of the progress made by this one family business at the purchase of the lam where the plant is located and Mr Hunters struggle Ioget go ing alter his first setting of eggs any property replonned even thatchcd under hen it was Councillor Howard Campbell his third The lattcr was school trustee or it yaara beiore turning to council service ln Essa township Reeve GeorgaF Davis will begin his fourth year as head oi the coun clland his 15th as member He was deputy reeve tor tour years when Sanford Page at An guswas reeva Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith again will be Essas other coun council representative while coundliora include Fred Ross and Macdonald ol Angus and Kenneth Blanchard ton area SUNNIDALE SAME of Alils Sunnidaic council tinishihglts present iirst partoi twoyear term which will be back includes Reeve Lloyd Pridham andcoun ciilors Martin Bayer Wesley Bates Duncan Motion and Alex Culham Nottawasaga coondl which has Arnold Vancise as reeva and Edgar Currie as deputy also will be back unchanged to serve the second part of twoyear term next year Councillors include Dick McQueen iormerreeve who is completing his 15th year John Lougheed and hem Swanson Tecumseth township council al so will be unchangedvior 1969 with Reeve William Miliigan heading the council and Deputy Reeve Harry Cross again the other county council member Councillors include Realord Long Wallace Halbert and Ale lan Giassiord councils Same lit Tollenham lincl Cooksloivn TOWENHAM Siam Tot tenham and Cookstown village councils will be among those which wiltbe unchanged tor 1M Reeve Fred McLean heads the Toltenbam councilwhila other member clude Alton Ander son Leonard Abernathy Ralph Hatton and Wesley Rowbotham Members of the village pub lic utilities commission will con tinue to LionelStone Ralph Thompson and Reeve Mole The councillors and commissl em currently are finishlngt first part of artwoyear term Iln Cookstow aeeve lgwia Monhman and colleagues are itn ishing the first part of two year term which means they al so will be badragain for 1969 Councillors include Bob Saun ders Arthur Kidd Murray Mc Doweil and John Houghton 4H roan we By Everett Girl AtLLiSflON Stall Linda Arth of Everett has received provincial honorzcertificate and pin tor completing 12 Add homemaking projects during Miss Arthur was commended by MrsGordon Maillon presi dentoi the womens institutes oiSoutlr Simcoewhich has tak en an active intereatin the hememaking program for girls Eleven clubs and no girls com pleted projects inSouth Simcoe area this ear ifieatea were sisall projects to gt of the Baxter club Lynn Rogers an betty West lake oi the Bon Donnaliiddvof Lisle and boil Flemin Marie Greer and Rob The newest thing in the small carworld is hardening will Itsthe DatsunflOOO anditcomesyin twodeiuxemodels 2doorahfl Moor Both are sportysmailcars that loch good Nrwnsua feel right and go great Whats the difference between them Aco more horses These can anywhere near the pri le ofdoors and 5100 And practically all they need to run on is your love tsuns deli Datsun 1000 produces 62 Wild horses and winds up toM MPH on the read And for house will commenceat pm The first speaker will be retired bank manager Parsons the tirattaacker at Mr Hunter While tbeQWlonn seems email now armored to the in yestment In the present plant it was enough for the Hunter Poultry Farms in get into bus iness Ndw Craigs son mists In the management The poultry arm is one at the largest oper ations ol its kind in the prov lace Craigs first matorners IN still buying their puileta from him The now hatchery will be sealed oil as soon as the ppm house is over andvlsitora will not be admitted until they have puton special germproot cloth ing to preventicontanunalloo HYDRO EQUIPPED Asked it he felt it mightbe dangerous to put full dependence on an electricallyheated system Mr Hunter said that he had not lost $100 in all the years he had trusted Hydro rnv EXAMINER WANT nos enona mam lie nd th takes anythi as close 15me ge le ddenlyparkingb acinchl allthegoodthingsy frorsnyls45woccsrm yADafltsunrs seatslfou ncomfdrtorfive nest on get slicksmooth it that putsthe fun as thedirticst roads dish out Handlingmreat Talk about tut departmehtyou get Hockey Pm FrolnBeeton Leaves heals For BEEN Stall Beet It mirers oi Wary Carletonwho but been following his pro hoe he career with close interest very confidence he will be back in the National Hockey League Ill belore long The rugged 22yearold for ward who teamed how to play hodey ln thb village has loined the Phoenix club whereiha was sent by TorontovLeaf coach Punch lmleeh murder to get more hockey action With the leafs the rahgy Car leton was used sparingly and managed to score only one goal Bradlord Club Gets 4H hward BEEIDN Stall Bradford 4H Dairy Call Club has been awarded the Beaten Rotary club trophy for winning the most points among South Sirncoe Ht clubs during 1968 Ron Orr won the William Mc Kay Memorial trophy and Reta Morrow the Breton Royal Bank trophy Slmcoe County dairy princess Miss JoneDlddnson assisted in makingrthe awards at Benton community hall alight reclining bucket seats soft textured but hard wearing vln upholstery tliatlsneaks air around lars In parts eaiers coastroe st in Ca Phoenn Vernier All told if playedin nlames thither tionallloehe leastlellndleorql 10 Ioeal tans recallWayna ed with Beeton intermediate whenbewasontyisyursoid At lthewasoneottbetea leading scorers and his fine play gave him chance with Toronto Marlboroa via Markham jimiors He was leading sniper with Marlboros Memorial cup win nemel 196160 His most productive season goal scoring wise in pro hookah was two seasons ago when he scored l1 goals in 52 games with llrlsa and then wenton to net another five for Rochester in la American Leagua games In the playoifs he added another five as Rochester won the Cal der cup Cerieton newcluh is in the American Western Hockey Lealt guo ilocontlnuos to be the prop erlyoi the leafs but Ilde look iorhim to return to the NHL with some other cluh PEGGED no MOON Easter iaila on the Sunday fol lowing the 14th day oi the Pan chal lull moon alter the vvernal equinox re learners and cigaretteiighte You also get white walls bumperettes double horn two padded sun visors 2speed wipers Windshield washer padded dash safety harnesses and rustresistant body There are also couple of optionsii you want them clock and radio vbut they cost extra more than ever the morefolu rry aboutthat re ked bymore than cu ever need them every gaiibn youll gods50 mile Whatshore Dats gives you 100090 mile elr hility Read club John um olBond ism received lcadcra cettliicnta aitcr completing iive eludes youasyoudrivé instantacting heaterdefroster morcthanever forryourmoneycar

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