an anal moriwmmziy Snow storm Wednesday Nov 20 and slippery roads Thurs day caused Wl meetind to he called oil and many who had looked forward to enioying the pancake supper at the common ity hall felt safer in their homer BUSIIIEP Some lsdiu lromlnnisï¬l no Barrie Horticultural Society to day in Toronto The morning hours were spent Id miring the animated display in windows oi Eatons and Simp sons The ailernoon was went at the Winter Fair Some en joyed lhe horse show olheu viewed the flowers attended the cooking school and looked at the exhibits One at the group Miss Yeales received draw prise althe cooking school There were children children every where Bus loads irom Sunnybrae school attended the Winter Fair Nov 21 and round many inter ests among the exhibits Former Stroud residents are making the news this week Max Wallace son oi Mrs Wallace and the late Hubert Wallace was landercd retirement din nor nl Iho Granite Club in Tor onto Thirty two years ago lliax leit accounting work in an insurance company to accept position as accountant at Toronto We at ii pilal where or the past 13 years ha has been administrator and 2x ecutive director During the years he has witnessed rockeb ingodvances in medicine and hospitalization The rise in slat us at nurseshas also been won deriul said Mr Wallace Now nurse is practically an assis taot to thedoctor MrWaiiacea mother is at present airesi dent oi Grove Park Home Barrier Brian McDonald son at Mr and Mrs Robert McDonald who spent his early years in the home now ownedhy Mr and Mrs Hand and spent hours in the hiunksmiih shop wilh his father culminated live seasons ol auto rating by plac ing in top bracket ï¬nish in the Eastern Canada nhamplon ships Brian is an employee oi Mansfield Ruflber oi Barrie and during the strike is helping at his fathersï¬welding shop in Creemoro ï¬ve years ago Brian started with an Austin 650 sedan assembled in Barrie This year he drove his Formula Ford worth close to $5000 the top speed of which is 140 milosan hour Brian appeared at Mos porl Hurewood in Ontario and Three Rivers and SL Jovlle Quebecl qnaawstaumnas VPaul Wilson and Alan Sprouie members oi Cookstown Hi Beef Qluh spent Friday in Toronto Where Lheir twacaives were énlored along with over 250 others in the Queens Guineas Clm at the Royal Winter Fair Thése were top nalves of ciuh throughout 0ntario The winner name from Didierln County andtho breed was Ang us and soldior $200 pound Paul Wilsons call was placed in group 2whila Alans made group Mrs Sproule and Mr and Mrs James Wilson and iamilius have moved to their new home BELL swam By MRS SUSAN sronnnm Congratulations to Miss Mar ion Hadley and Des White in tied Nov to The community held wedding showerior Hadley in which silence many gills amam Sympathy is extended to Mr Huellish in the rehent death oi his wile Vera Vhan also to Mrs Norma Farrier and family in thedeath or her hush Dalton Terrier 65rd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs William Ruffelt oi Ballewart will he celebrat ing their and wedding anniver saryLNov 29 Wea eatend sin cere congratulations DEVILBIBS hRESlDENh WILLIAMS Williams is appointed President oi DeVibiss Can adal Limited Barrie Ontarlo edhy Mr Henry Kidd Presid of The Devllhiss Company Toledo Ohio foilowtng anecent hoard oi Directors meeting Mr GerryWiiliarnawa provi ousiy Executive WeePresident havingxheen with the company for years Heaucceeds Mr Hugh Gibson who recent ro itiradaiter servingthecomny in overdo yearn The appointment was announci misï¬ringsparkplug could cut your mileage Tim you could waste gallon incvery nkful For every 5001111725 yalt dune you could be payitrgfor50 rile more than you iiiï¬llld xienge 7in business ck onrspark plugs regularly Ifhe rec chanchnew hullChampionpiugsban ed while you wait Yo lisuon racoycr lilieaémé new spark plugs 3Bumne helps you tart quickly And the quicker freevcopy of 32 Serretr 12331 PM 19315 Easting you of 5° Its ahoolr ofnps onhowviogo aéfaraspo hie our every gallonofga me Whoa everything is right with SE ferï¬ezt mud tar nd your drilling habitsythen Super Shell ew Fgof ca feaiiyshoWo to pr or misï¬ring buckingflou hing rind waisted Super Shell fo éoodmileag perShellh sï¬u ngredlentslorgood mileage Youll get gondmleageIWIth Super Shelli Youll Plotarmors get even better leagelwith the helpng our molecules 3252021 hook works doorsrdownthet id MixedPentavieshelp yourenguie warrn unquiehly ir or in 450 Hssltn 1331 52