Muitlpie Listing Service LTD lls REAme Barrie aodDistrict Real Estate Board Inc Rg CHOIKAN 16 Collier St Barrie 730491 11qu psori Sbclburnp mano Wasaga mam 180 LAKE FIIDNT log house lurnished on large bcau Lilylandscaped lot This Ipinperty and buildings are 1n 311nm condition Must be seen to appreciated Cali Ed Wood 374428 gt STEPS TO DOWNTOWN Do you went sound invest nlentI This will payyou back 995 per month while you live in oneunit ol this attractive irtDch$S0W down Cali Jlm Steworl ï¬ll3288 OLDER HOME Situated in small village right in the heart of the slit area Lots of room newly decorated Move into this home today Phone Brian or Morg Wakes iield 12441166 FARMS We havearlorge selection oi arms and acreages so why not cal today and find out What we have to otter We have all price ranges starting at $3500 for to pores nndup to 5135000 It tobacco iarms So why not phone me today Thcresn Byrnc 31246717 mains nodes Timpani mum mum not Hulda 711170 TZIIml Liliane rown1 vvnnnr Rowe Tattcrull MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS DUNLOP ST FARM FOR SALE 50 acres all workable and high WIable hog producing operation 9short distance rpm the city not BEDROOM BUNGAIDW nearly new excellent condition on No 11 Highway north oak tloprs large living us Picture window modern kitchen Linn basement with walk out to gnragelergc lot 9t Bo teet mcmtlltxy living VCbarlie Read yaDon Campbell Fred Taylor Paui Penman Smith Campbell 725 7230243 7234205 7286313 M7335 otvalvsr APPRAISALS nonrdncrs RENTALS $1200 LOTS loo in Vespra Township $1250 LOTS iuox 700 one heavily treed VespraTwp MLS 4428 $3000 LOT about 30 35 Innisï¬l Township $14500 OLDER BEDROOM house nearYMYWGA lvos Iazi 5175001 BEDROOM storey Lot to zoo lnnialil Twp 517500 70 ACRES ideal for subdividing $2000 BEDROOM bridi MLS 5458 $31300 SOLID masonry bedroom house downtown area IAIi has lies mono Dick Hartley 7237973 Russell Smith lies 7289996 EMORY 726188 REALTOR VHANDYMAN some imagination and hard work ller OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT heated Tenant pays hydro $125 ARE YOU LOOKING tor home with only $1000 down to shopping priced at 515800 Call onelocated In an area close Hervey Weber 1ch FORD sAllllv EENlIA noslanr FLEWELLING Gallo SPENCER KENNETH MILLER Its no 725 it noose 7255343 noun SHELSWEL MLs REALTOR 1111 platoon sca 7mm available Dali Keith SUNNIDALE ROADL AR Iot with attached garag in living room Panelled room in basement Foriurther ozoaool Mm szoo Bi 1N or CHRISTMASGive room and attached garage Call meat to Inspect No latti JUSI LisraDValtiaiteeonrnercialipinpertyido ntown rt further information call Janelyoiingnsdm naayll 1d Lou GOLDEIIon attractive investment for Tesid 33p Shortly REAL aerate LilIllloo PHOTO MLS REALTOR RES 7237339 grain producing landwith profit with good house and born only nice garden with strawberries wand raspberries and currant bushes veneer bungalow Allupdale area Is SPECIAL room bungalow on 66t 200 It lot just northolIEarrie needs 5751111 TWENTY ACRE BUSIILOT on in Three bedroombungalow on ravine Wall tofwall broadloom and ï¬replace recreation room and two piece wash your levedones home ot their own We have lovely three bedroom bungalow 225 HWY II FRONIAGB Being pttered in one parcel 353 nicely wooded 75 bundan lots Pricing at $1550 per lot qualiï¬es this propertyas an entiai or omrnercinl interests Please direct your euquines to Peter ltlanton mm NEW HOME Modern bungalow with differ ence Very functional design with bedroom kitchen dim in room and large living room open to balcony Thishome features baths and large bright tamitv room with lire place Call Graham Tattersall BRAND NEW HOMES IN BARRIE 08111 NHA mortgage I$ltfl00 month 03 or bedrooms OFIreplnce OTwu storey or bungalow INcar bus route and schools Call me lur an invitation to gracious living Alan Wardle 7268464 HLSIII 7250537 23061 mml 052M 77mm tilt 71 7W liltiplnspn Dinlcnlo noveDultv Ilnrtell enslarliyn Iennlnri opt Carter Alan WIdie Peter at tort 72am 726024 room with large Inigo bedrooms piecebatll garden forced oil oil furnace must to see it you like Hum Plowman 7160429 Doug Campbell 7250143 lion Allan 4555343 Don Marshall 7282357 Richard Dick Beer 72113391 eoorro this narrow on Vespra Township sill hiaclrness Res mom MILLER but Ivell 35 Call Ken Approximately silosquare leet per month CallGord Spencer JulIN COLE mrolv HAITsz WEBER PETER GUBBELS noN anbmr EMORY MILle information call Chuck Lambert Mrs prawn 72114250 to ppoiotv GRANT erAltTtlLiR an opponent Betty Newton ttl recreation wonsuzr srsm Ivarm Smear men 418427 726665 loeilpgerth mmi nph Sum mists Rollle Gnlti 11 WILIIA nutrition may uonnlsorl v1 Flam Real Estate Broker too BAYFIELD ST 7739451 SPECIALIsz My RURAL PROPERTIES 100 ACRES OF LAND Approximately so acres othard wood bush and lovelylsprlng strepm located in Mcdonle township only lew mites from Mount St Louis ski re sort Asking 315000 25 ACRES lN 0R0 Rolling land withz lresh water springs ample water supply or pond Only smiles from Bar rieljuli price 321000 Io ACRES IN IIEDONTE TWP 011 well travelled road Several streams Ideal hideaway Pric ed to soil at $6500 PARK ST One of Barries attractive old er homes one block ironl shop ping Large livlng roorn din ing room kitchen and den on main floorwitl1 bedrooms and bath on second floor Priced to soil at $6900 NEWLY DWORATED BEDROOM Split level hoine bathrooms largepnuelied recreation room withtireplace double garage close to school Call us today tor appointment INVESIIIENT INCOME PROPERTY Situated on one acre lot zoned commercial Possibilities gai ore Low down payment One easy lirst mortgage Evenings Call Larry Torpey 4260 Bill Rnwo 7268999 Dick Draper 728it1fl Simon Beekhulzen 7231322 EEJJH till ACRESFARM AND POND Bil acres workable 24 pasture and bush scen excellent barn on 75 12 tie ups boxstnils waiter nnd hydro in bedroom home stucco over poured cement large kitchen and slimmer kit chen living room ipieoe bath upstairs and Inpieee down gar age good wells Asking $40 000 Contact EARL RAW Barrie 7285095 INGOME PROPERTY Commercial frontage Highway to buildings rented at $240 monthly Int size 132 314 Asking $12600 Contact EARL HANCOCK Ba to Mi BEDROOMHDME immediate possession kitchen living room recreation room largevlot 561 165 Asking $15 00o withonly $1000 down Con tact EARL EABOOCK msoso it mm 1111 neuron AREA REPRESENTATIVE Baboock Barrie mm Colboume Stroud 4361381 Spencer Thornton 45le Show Stroudl Will Ed Green Barri 1mm Ilawkeaione 2103 Lillian Roberta Marguerite Moore mime and Immins Churchill amaze 181 EGLINTOijAVEJ TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 ROGERS 17 Plirto 1DUNmPsmEE7I msr enr ski area M71509 flEELES Frank Wainwright 71mm Stun Rmmood 250961 alikpAIIgus IIIV 7157109 Ernest Waits peau ilortrpgi drillbio ELEPHONETIZMO must IVAN nmwru 12mm NA uexxnzu 12m in UDYIJ Willoughby Ltd MLS Realtor LARGEST FARM AGENCY lN CANADA 29A Owen St Evenings Larry DeWilde Miller HENRY ELRICK 8r jMiCHIE Real Estate Apprnlsala Mortgages ts COLLIER ST moses Hpiry Michle Appraiser Ted nrlgnell nsoleo Paddy lilies msroo WI new 7161081 Tits lienltor GRIESBACH 7289844 COUTTS AND CU OWEN 51 7284485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE vPhoto MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON iii COIJIIS 7284275 SANDY COUTIS 7284233 WALTER COUTIS 7282311 ltILS Realtor 1109 Baytield St 72111071 Appraisals Listings invited ELvAI Innis mom aorlN ll WHITE mom PLANNING ON BUEDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light ABEAVER LUMBER 129 nrrdinrd 1285511 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers to Dunlap st Phone meals and 2nd mortgages manged on low monthly payments We buy your pieced LB and and mortgages Tram human more GRETA III 7755177 JAWS Alllstop 575 ACRES oétwezn Dunl Henry Streets wrltn nor nun Examiner commend Property is room 11 ding oil Nrnlec could not aired with uvlnz comers Texnu nutt ruli Brown ulllrdule Highway 53 OAK STREET room bumlow wltp unlshpe recreation room all belied good condition alsaoo spool own Con uct PattyIMiles mtizoo represent lnii Henry illrick incarnate Re war it colori street tapem gm BRADFORD STREET nwpul no nine Excellentulplutton purulrlisg novels°nInwnmsaIntiti Realtor in oollier street moo Excan opportunity or retir ed couple or newly weds down payment bedroom home electric hutvlew or lake strum Low monthly DIlmentl 71m CONNELL Realtor theviivo Pointa Phone 7mm EVENINGS CALL mom monsoon1T Mts EA QR SHOPIW TH CONFIDEle bunniesshaming Ihxroilg XGIF SPOTTER INESON CHAS notions 720nm 7284294 sanctioning7mm Torn Fostermow CE the VERY iursoAy ri rpm 5190017 lREALESTATE MILXL WI nutter phonon WANTED wanm and Luanda pruneumrtirwni mt Iram mi Aiiory litter nut 01 more stmi splints FOItVSALE IVYIVALI ure in em term on Itov1 nonhum iirnï¬ eel as no pension Cull IDWI or 7141 more gTUNITv spans iJPPORiUNITY Earn up to $200 weekly pouriuz here anointng TRAILERS son sALs B0mtroller It lies jalape elxirle torx mm mï¬ en Incine £41m Te mans up RENTALS Hawaiian KENT WOW haul lotInnt It mlln Imp nun IAIHANI mo has up opiumpin nrm muept locrtlon per with nullole en ti Telrpaoui 1mm 135 IM ian weekdays 51111 IA 3011 ror rent boa romrdiy ennuimoi miles Juliana Hume month Ielephonl Nos Toronto LBSDuo house lpr rcpt miles or near um mouth Available 1r Decemh Timon mm nunsnon bouulnt not All ma commuted Elmo on David December Desert Marble Floors Connolly training atartiux work and ina terlal or low investment of $115000 5250 down with good or it can start you ateiy Any floor can be poured pnd walked on in hours com plete Write today Box E58 Barrie Examiner SPARE TIME INCOME Reï¬lling and collecting money from NEW TYPE highouallty coinoperated dispensers In your area No selling To quai tty you must havecarvrelet ences $600to $2900 cash Sev en to twelve hours weekly can to not cxccllcnt monthlyincome More tulltime For personal in terviuw write CANAPENN DIS TRIBUTING LIMITED 302 OUELLElTE AVENUE SUITE 404 WINDSOR ONTARIO in clude phone numbor MINEIS IDINI Fish Hut Cani oInlI in site All undone healed two and tour pun hu Annroxlnr italv in men capacity per dry Double lueli llurliy snow Machine linen and tactile miscellaneous II Vileie This business ODEIIIEI ourro ern1I oir erllll Point Asking price $18m write Post Ollics Box pas Barrie MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOMES FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 OF VALUATIONS YouNeeli Money 70 laurel Immune mpnuau camlnx du omp Improvementi ny worthwhile muss Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding Simpdotiggsears In DUNLOP 51 Member Ontariohl rig anken Assoc on MORTGAGE MONEY It you have invested money in home it is probably the best collateral you have For exam ple by using this equity at Sea board Finnncelnost homeown ers can obtain lower interest rate than is possible on per sonal loan And atSenboard you can borrow up to 80 ol the value or your property orvin some cases even more See us tor Vcnshtodny GEORGEGALERAITH sooouuwe Smamwm no sex 127 Dannie ONTARIO Poona moin SISABOARD FINANCE iCOMPANYOF CANADA LIMITED no YOU owtv Mortgage Reid posh Ivlilnhls tn purchue name we wul even lead you money on Eiflll momrel DIEMl stunne unulnu rzsml INSURANCE Movllvor Dont im at to transfer SURANCE andtl you need extra sovernge of any kind see STEVENSUNS 113 Dunno 51 7251801 LOTS FOR SALE Mirna Arcn 1o Acre lntr1tver llwy17nre 200 up 10 runs Hwy rt mm 2o polrm Toronto MOBILE HOMES For the Ultimate In Luxurious Living ACTIVE wit10511515 HOMESd Now on Display SEE coal melanoma on It 11 it model today IOMEAR normalise PLAN AVAILABLE KNOTIY PINE SPORTSARAMA 7234111 TIzAIIERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Parts and Service Cash or Termahltp to 7iYaare no coupons Ave moon MDBILE home wlnlcfl must he in per month olur moo dwosi Aralilbh knmedinlï¬b packed Perkin mum 7282251 Parking 72mm HOMES WANTED 1114130031 Mun wanted toon Burrlo octopaney Maren Cut Tnmnio NUNi APARTMENTS IO RENT Bllllmml apartment All cork vtniences mm Nlrilenlcr bul ccny eevnior lounan room II more sL Telephone mm nznnoo unrurntrhed uwer rlflmlnl rol rent lien and rat es puld Adult only Availabl December Tdevhnne TIELIN or lurlhci unlitth BEDan unmmlrbed part meni 30 monthII Sunnldlia and um Available Immediately Tote phpue Home Common smeltapartment was nui hgmnopmlrgrlï¬n ran rpv mvo eo phone mun hedrunmunturplanea no mean relrircrneltllgamg itchyy car an wa or soap he or erred Apply in centre slip MODERN two bedroom nave Ten11ml ktan and laundry hell tier more ad nur St Vincent Park $12 monthly will drcorale Telephone Tao16oz it two It arrows or telephone 7154031 on national Apartment store and remnantBr supplied Pulling ind laund Includes Centrally located red 31 Adults only Telephone fluent rpr runner our tlculm ANGus bedroom duplex Sell cpnlulned modern conveniences litIii 555 Telephone 45951 Dnonoow basement upt union nlslled tin1 hut miter stnvc urid mega prlrlnit €10002 nets Phone 7251991 Two BEDROOM apartineht mil Ibil January lst Adult only Rent slio Au new appliances in new ouudlnz Cable TV Telephone no om alter annex nooni sellcontained mun stove Ind relflieratpr ale entrance Close to Genera Et eetrlc ass monthly includes ntlllt les Avnllul December 174m alter IIBATED one tip oorp apartment for rent4sultahle tor vworklns couple monthly Available December Apply on St Vincent street AVAILABLE immiilflyn one bedroom heated apartment le Irlxerator end rtan ruppllcu ample parking with plug In new decorum can end 3115 monthly Telephone 7214141 eopnooni heated duplex in new building A1ustnn rm inlly urpettn new deluxe reirlgerptnr ml stove also new washer 1nd dryer mo monthly Apply Apt Brydon Apartments Victoria st or cell 7mm AvAiLnnu December one tied morn reueontrinra tmsnt with lion and rcifllerntnr For inrtnu lntorointion Telemann motsIa nlter turn until modern1 bedroom rprrtmenh vuilablc December at at 31 Cumberlandistresk Rent ms call Fred Toylorrenresent Int Campbell Real mm 72611241 swung mlaps olve neflrnomnnurtinenl Available Member hut and wuter nio plied 5an In Md tionlb Psiking phone 7min up vamsnso rpsrtmeut beat monthly valu downtown modem plums bed xlotlng mom and trtcnepeue Sult one adu Tl none mow aloud nys IDDEBN one bedroom basament days Apartment with reirlgerator and stove her Cenhal Available Deeem Telephone Home mar ONE bedroom unlde Iri piIvute pith smull killiiien tivtn room Private entrance our in facilities Avruspls December IVrlephnne woolen RoomAND noARD noon AND BOARD Lunches Gentle men only Telephone 7770710 BRIGHT mom with thnvbeflSJn bosoitnl area lib or Abusi nets rlrls or gm lcrnep Telephone wABhnZeoluzortahle mom avail agluc with board Telephone 7w noousï¬ror LET FURNISHED bed slolnrxoom and kitchenette Ibstatrlern class to Available nowTelev goinosplgl iii nIdio rse 01 rn it smells nudenta Telephone 726 mm lumMTtd clean quiet room or rent rentlemrn preten rtd For inrther intprinsltop Teiephons Ila1974 SEACE OR COMMERCIAL IPRerRTY commoner RoiLie spree Ivnll pie lmmcdlutely 11 Telephone 7155451 Arlinox 1000 iL commercial or industrial drives lhop 111an St Loclttd nt do AUTOMOTIVE cARs SALE inert Johnston Motors Ltd YOUR Vol kswagen DEALER Gowen St at Essa ï¬oltllD door hl good Eofldiuu muons led Telephoiru eed rtch For lurDIer vn tote 12mm Kl lce ennv s1Au1oMorlvs pans ran SALE can door wheel poler iï¬npr Mu bul it use Ilru Like II um coutm Kenqu 11nd ï¬nndvlcw Yum Slick on my mum Svnn nr 11 lm rant no or runner Illan nomad when Arm totem on cohvm li mule trapphonon mInp zualor In torment topdllion rpm mm II Dowuvlnw mm mi voLItamoIN mu mechIrLl rri conditionmd ure rte psoer Need some body part or has men1de no mu put DIRTY CAR TRUCK Interior reumpoa input cleaned untitled wax npï¬im propbin mu mom ml Riflllil Illib 1419 00 led liréium it Under misty Telaphonl Imam nu enema Suntan door hardtop strontium pour soul no 11 new ru meueni condition Telephone 116 am tor runner putteulpru 1st menus me new beater roou um um mm In not common Reillhio transport 01L Telephone m0 TRUCKS FOR SALE last man mm udlo are pl nlndp Dower no all low 1111p condition ry Drive n59 Tplwhonfldrm mt FORD liconpllne van 50 led We mow tins no nuL Mike In otter Telephone arr mam venlm Dr weer Iman slnll SNOWMOBILES SKIDOC 69 AT RONS Snowmobile Centre Sales Service Parts Accessories 151 lillin SI 71237592 MOTOSKI Sales and Service Repairs to allmnkcs BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE 7A Toronto St POLARIS Snowmobiles SALES AND SERVICE ALBERT KELL AND SON CODKSTOWN 4584442 Allis Chalmers Equipment SNOWMOEILE trailers Ior sale giggle and double Teltptlono AUTO IREPAIRS Miml Transmission Ltd Specialists 35 Mary St 7154241 ARTS r011 SALE SKATE EXCHANGE NEW AND RMONDITIONED Buy Sell Exchange Repair Skates MARTIN RENTALL CENTRE 437 DUNLOP ST BARRIE Open Monday to Satu day anpfl to 530 pm Friday nght Ill SKATE EXCHANGE we our sou TRADE Bauerhockey at Figu elSkates ALLANDALE HARDWARE Essa Road and nurria pt NQRTHWAY RUG LTD DOMESTIC AND 111590an BROADLOOM est prices anywhere 147 Bruce St THORNBURY Ont near Collingwood Dial 5196992713 Open till pm daily Mniamns cleaned Wnired and moored Heaters and gas tanks re paired Hamilton dirtor and Lawn Mower service M70 anaemic rinse so wasting house comrletewlth brotizr rotis serie and nIornstleoverr year old Telephone mum meant home service carpotr uiw holstertrig draperies latest rubrics Bums Tent and Awning mom LOOK Teleiunken tans moinu inehteley1sion 11 see so Telnet roll Isnowplnpw pet nine sis storm window united elm alter TYPEWRITERS Special rental ntrr for rtnerntr Rental 11 pliedzun purchase Machines hpnrht sold entrd repslree Freeestllnales noel1112 co ourlop Street wellnmrsios FOREIGN COINS lor llil 100 to 140 your old KIS glittgmAItistonI 11 noon or prior SIGNS lnr III white elrdboard to Rent Available weir Mitch 231i no 7162907 lor si arrr1 minim nt rhrnnuy la annlop on hummus lprmls or turn nl ationpl pnllalrlz Tnlvphonl in and National Boutling Demo win not It it 25 taint DIED 15 lain oar can intDu 111 impugnimprison both lg wept Mi git openr rigorouer noonucm lint tum eel tour rho munot IL All Inrnpp condition Telrp am no tool on imper Inlornlunp BED CHESTERFMD tee with uprinrmlrd rnuitmr srpltp and nutter milu modular TAPE RMORDER Alltnruiltor us or be 0H1 Telephone 7W Naif Mom ICUOOL null for rate one too Lion on Telephone enmL nitm mm III1 lady Irorunt up ieï¬nlo In It In uni me New common mm 10 thin to nrnrmerdfm uontpl Phone 1mm man write selrcitpripf dressed spur roi Chiinnu run hind upcoeled coll clothe drum mum rpu bounds to or most our use bray neuter bonnet Ind minim my be reen up nnnlop or teivphano maple rhythm CHRISTMAS roses CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS Whoieuleand Retail Bring your snowmobile enioy our trails with purchase 01 Girinmas tree all miles north on Get Course Roadroiivlilgh H440 Automatic The house of linevbroadloom Remnants all sizes and prices wayo6 Minesing area 7151286 ARTICLES WANTED splice nusm wanted to our very Comm be In good to diuonuIxeievbone 7750151 WANTEDMum novel llv rpm dispel ntlnuu Rothgr 0nd Hand Shoo LAO67¢ Ussn clothlmi pied good lflllily all all sizes For reuih 721s DLll chin rlrumre inrnltnn silver croc been Antidul Cellnr 109 Dunlon mam TAP recorder wanted must in nodmndltlw minimum at rpeeo 11nd operates llo volu sirrep or mono vToleplIVnI ut 5721 stath particulars Does errors JOHNSTONS PETS TROPICAL FISHT BUDDIES AND SUPPLIES gt238 Cniiord Street ANGUS Open Evenings 6809llionFrl 26 Saturday room rrlnuninr Imimlnm running all brlafll Dickun In delivery rapmp ONLY ONE LEFT AnonAnu Lhus Apso puller Tdcphpne W55 SANTAS SLED DOGS weeks old mglsteréd Simoyzd pupAu male and rem1c s75 Gnham earmo PUPS tpr talc Genan shepherd pups weeks old Also Lulrneor retriever mlr to months old Telephone 72am our POODLES neuutllul hlaelr miniature pupplu purebred order now or ohrlstmu Telephone moss nacusliutms standlnl and mlniln titre hluclr Ind ten or red Airp stud service 101 above and block brown and silver noodles Beerleyl Kennels mom shuns VEGETABLES rANIJY ac grade luau spowr Wealthy Corihnda Suva neucious Bring containers and up hur al srudtnrd 72mm Imu snonAne lViIflbIl nerrpnr able Telephone mom rprthev tutorinitials gt FARMERS MRKT DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled outdo Ind horsesSmall animals removed free For test rervice PHONE serum 7mm Iicoilcw or 88hr NICKS DEAD STOCK mum ellao trio cannon uhouranday menses no Eoxmesd Ontario Incense No 29am Nick Montague Prop DflOUBLEIimhlflVING hlmus want uifï¬ pairturtï¬iï¬oflh and 15 trial he ll 11 nonumï¬rpuwngrr xtp FARM MACHINERY CHARLESWCiIURCHA rmsupplies HPSHVIDI can Ivenfiiollpnd Dnvlo BrownBentty cash noun TERMS nonunion Ava mm HANKBROWN Deiaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Compietertinc IllDairy Farm Equipment Supplies nanlestoouy Hwy 21 toenail CI EQUIPMENT WAYNE BEATIY Ito PATZ SALES SERVICES ilo unloaders Catfle Feeders Bnrn cleaners COMPLETE INSTALLATION RR amount 4303717 wr anItNAIioNAi Train for sale complete wt iront end lord er Ind ano 1r donidfllnn soioÂ¥1tluioef9u° FEEDSEEDA GRAIN casnIiron hurmripc Phono orIwr Circle on to am