whlch several person it Trimmers on the Black Panthers party MONTREAL GPl Hemispheric Conierence to it the Vietnam War woundarp Sun day with condemn lions Imperialism and us Vietnam The conference also supported he struggle oi Quebec owner American imeriliilm tested tb git niaiism The clorin markedby ad on rheumatism whatytheynai were draft cards manwho not red himself as is my their way to the rostrum and zone boundthe money in bundles ea Then police secret rtune to and never willingaanDe tectlve James Hampton said Sunday than annriilion dollars up Chuck n1ton sa wasnruoron rm Bloodshedin the streetsï¬oi said Srinday Ove ti it is Chicago during thezbemocraii national convention est ll errant elent= harrarsmeut by protectors Ya rpecial report presidential commission fused to print itwithout oi anohscena 0an or word that appears at him said lieeviolenee warrmndier Mayor Richard Dal Chicago who commission owntcievisinn documentary 1geicnd El 051 from delegates attending the Hunlsrmwc Ooflerence to End the Vietnam War in Monté real The money war cm The rconierance which demanded animmedinte cesa tion or the war and 05 with drawai irom Vietnam also wit ssed its thirddlsnlption group calling itself the bile dicaLr Friday while militaan in gt erupted session by calling inclusion oi imperialism as we at thaVietnarntwar as nierencet Later Friday the Caliiornia used Elaclr Panthers forced er where Green cord biliaranged from ones ndre draod totalled thing about this is that she hadla sate inaldethe prise very good safecc mente ntoxtlrefloor All she had in he at Waa approxi mately 9150 niesle One or the pennies tounriin ihelrome was carefully wrapped in pa rand bore the noiati ound rho in Van Buren Street prepared the rep an iaaidjthe at the Chicaga police lotco reacted with responsibilityd Chicago mayor lag the ï¬veAugust hihta glaordn lndariiencd parllr and less the monthr Sunday cauae mage to me oitAndre can generalmanager Montreal teei inbricating by helicopter crewfromthe was spotted nearby Hearts Sde iPqtieni Dies MONTREAL it Gaetan Pllil Canadas longest surviv in heart transplant patient diedat his home Saturdaybut apparently not of hearttrouble lectedto bring neflitleader Robert Seaio to Montreal ior the conference whithended Snuday CP Wirephoto Héï¬irsahéï¬o Conference CondemnsUgs Imperialism pandemonium hruireioose or about 15 minutes nowssn TROGKMII cornerenca organiziere an nounced Saturday thoprograrn had been revised toinciude pro tests againre all forms oi American imperialism Therewere 4ooirom Quebecgmi the rest oi Conn 50 Latinï¬Ameriea and number of personarcpresenting North Vietnam and theNatlonal Liber ation Fro Hunts Snakesï¬ MOSCOW tReuterst Run sian whaling ship is hunting sea monsters in the Antarctic the Soviet news agency Ta repn edioday it said that ligh brown suakes about threeJeet thick and 50 leetlong were spotted Antartic whaling tieee in he Indian sectoryiasia said One was seenmaking convul site movements inear the cur tace on the water and7another Dr Gilles lapage one of Montreal iieart Institute sur geone ho pertormeder iaria peretion espaéd aprelirréia nary autopsy rt indica death wos due to asphyxiation Paris 49 an electrical designer tram nearby Laval will be buried Wednesday Dr Leogo told news vconi iercnce Sunday that Mr Paris hid been very cti during the pastiew days But Mr Paris had complained of loss of appetite ad me on CPD min and two women were with me it Wayne Montroy his tor The women are hinwiie Grace re her mother Nellie Curlette owner at the house where the shooting occurred They or British firms are pleading with the governinent ior exemp tion from the harsh opponent deposit order on imports of manuiactured ahd semimanu gllcmred goods but the govern ment in reported determined thatthererhouidbern excep tions ery attacked North Vietnamese position in the de drsndrsal David Dellingor leader ibeantiwar protector raid trepo had headed the marten Representative Ichard Dem tee chairm militarized zone Sunday alter two Uh reconnaissance planes Wereiired com mand said tad most hiowvhyhio aoeountroi eleverot eyproterta alker a1 prominent ithe ierocity of the battles and etrtam Around be vomit ed twice and at part dur ing iurthervomltiug eiiorts he experienced acute respiratory distress with cyanosisiblue dil coloration and was dead few seconds later Dreiiepage said that although exacttcause at death waraot known the preliminary Mort indicated it was broughton by asphyxia following theaspiralt tion into the lungs of gastric contents ihcre was no indication that death resulted from heart at tackf and theautopsyreport showed no signs or rejection or inime Man Two woman lire Shot In WesiiEnd Trenton Home were taken to hospital in Klll aton miles east oi Trenton rby elementary school about am and told Principal ll be Long there was aman in the house with gun Heaumrnoned police who rived to hear twoshoLs and sec Mrs curietie stagger the back door and collapseon sidew HERES our You need iielpsaid Vthe doctor asthe man walked into hisofiite with chidren on his head one do answered the chlolre Get this guy out from under in Posrhon it the as incident or North Vietnamese activity re ported since last niesday in the sixvmiiewide zoneihat sepg arates North and South Viet nam The attacks in thezone Pokeamaa said The American laneswére not hi Vietnamese troops were urea In heavy iightingori three id ofSaigonin the last weelr us casualties in corporation iawyar reetha Srodicatésiivioxé glamour Thai most PolicePorceS GAETAN rams Soviets See NATO Threat MOSCOW rilieuters Pravda commentator saidde NATO buildup in the eastern Mediterranean is direct threat to Communist countries Previous Soviet eats and Explanations oi the pres eaco erso SovieLNavy ships in the Mediterranean reierred al most gexeiusively iiiKaiiegcd NAN llni States threats to the Arab countriesaione PARXS AP US and rt 11 Vietnamese plomata have begun private meetings in Parisiooking toward theopen ing soon at the expanded Viet namrpeace conference in formed sourcessaid today The preliminary USNorth amese discussions are heldin anticipation that uth Vietnamese deicga arrive later this week iireArnerican and North Viet names representatives are ported working on arranch menis tor avpreliminary proce dividual meetinga nded by representatives oi the loan groups who will at the con ference The United States ieiuam South Vietnam and the National Liberation rroniythe political arm of the atom or Organ iced crimc ï¬nanced mainly through illegal gambling is stronger than most police do parhnents across Canada be ileve says Lieut Steve Olynyir oi the Montreal policedopart mcnts autirndrets squad He told weekend seminar at the Quebec Police and Fire Chleis Association that crime syndicata now are no longer content to remain in their iields or illegal aciivity Theyhave to hovela source into vhieh they pour the over flow of money irom their illegal Woman Iind Lover jGe life sentence ABERDEEN Scotland AP Aiter in days of testimony about sex parti atyearold hionde mother of three and her 22yearold iover were sena tenced today to liie impriso meat or the murder oi herhu bar jury of nine men and ï¬ve women returned averdlct oi guilty against Sheila Gurvie 34 former Sunday school teacban and Brian Teteu aiea der This sesion would work out the time place and atieast minimum procedures for the formal opening of the conier encez Record Holidays Deaths in US CHICAGO AP Trniiic ac cidents over the fourday 113 Thanksgiving holiday took at least 754 lives the highest high way death toll in anyholr yv on record The count which ranirom am Wednesday to midnight Sunday night probably will run higher as state reports are re ceived operation They begin with bookmo gaming Vahyiocir lag narcotics and prostitution and then the money from these rackets is used Io ï¬nance coun ierieitlng iiiicit alcohol anou fraudulent bankruptcies armed robberies and other things These activities in turn make more money and this money is channelled into legiti mate businesses which are used asiron The public is thewiliing hi bolt ignorant victim of organ ized crime lieut Oiynyir slid comparing to comle cow whichtums her head Willi being milked rear AIDSCRIME lubllo tear or creating new lice state was playing into the hands at organized crime Po iice ieit they had hoen to uphold the law by people who couldnt care less Liberal thinking William as we as some spatter edi tors have placed so into the minds of the pub that they tend to believ strongpoliceiorce may lead in police stat dreams are mobile oiten move outoi the ties into smaiier communities it away irom ihebetiereqrnpped and more knowiedgable police forcesK Exchange at vital iniorma tion and communications amon law eniorcerneut agencies Canadaare theory nc parison with the vast and left cient communication system erated by the gambling care in Canada and thelinrted States can assure youthat maker in Montrealis in tou with Las Vegas Miami Van couver Toronto or any city in North hourly ev minute basis ii we compare or communications with that the police departments it do easy to see that thepoliee do no évén have three per centthe amount of communications that the underworld does 5Arnendmcnl5 to the Cri CorieI at Canada permittr wrreltappin and grvrng moi powers io he police nrathaI primeVueeds Viet Cong