rennin cone CHANGEILOYIILTIESg Ninety former Viet long live of them women raise their lists and shout Down with the Commuhlsts satur day Saigon time as they nro granted their freedom in ceremony outside Saigon City Hall AB Wirepbolo via radio from Saigon Grey Cup Revellers Jami Downtown Toronto Hotels TORONTO CPI it all den pended on whom one spoke to An assistant manager said the cnish ct revellers in the down town Royal York Hotel reached emergency proportions Frilt day night superintendent of police disagreed The Metropolitan Toronto pn lice force was able to contain the thousands that milled through the main lobby and the next two mezranine floors on the eve oi the Grey Cup final between Calgary Stampeders and Ottawa Rough ftlders Assistant hotel manager Au tin Nelham said It was hectic in here People jammed shoulder to shoulder in athc lobbies It got so bad that the police chief ordered most of his men in to clean it out People went wild II was probably the worst crowd even The bulk oi the crowd that was cleared from the lobbies by amntoday begantto arrive about ï¬lm EST Friday Bnds played in thelobby to welcome the incoming guests oit special sections of transcon tincntal trains from the West Another assistant hotel mana ger said that the police consid ered it an emergency and be came concerned abouta riot about pm WASNT AN EIIIERGENCY There was lot of people in here tonightimpossible to esti mate the numher said Super intendent George Dorkin We did not consider it an emer gency situation and there was only on oi minor trouble Supt Dorkin would not say how many aiï¬cers were re quired to control the crowd and clear them out of the lobbies and higher hallways however The crowds ï¬lledihe lobby of the hotel and spread over oneblock area closed to traltic at the trout entrance Troliic was bumper to bumper in the downtown area but this was not considered serious condition by the police The police began jamming oil the hotel crowd shortly alter 10 pm forcing revellers to the lower lobby and subsequently onto the street Police omcers were one posted at the bottom of each staircase to ensure that Blame colombiasuPresitlent For Current Political Crisis ll GO tAPPresldent Carlos Lleras caused Colom blas current political crisis in desperate attempt to save his program of political and eco nomic retorms inlormed sources said today Lleras Liberal forced the resignation of the Iiiman Liber alConservative coalition cabi net Friday after his congression al reform bill was defeated by the Conservatives inOongress It was similar to armove he made in June when he suddenly offered to resign alter the Sen ate bad rejectcdo similar plan but then the opposition came from members of Llerass own Liberal party ThEsourees said the Conser vative opposition to the relorm bill provided Lleras with an issue he hadbeen seeking to force crisis it gives hima chance to loolr iora new political alignment and determine whethermem Georgé Browngt TORONTO CP The Ontar io legislature marked the 150th anniversary oi the birth of George Brown Friday two wreathplacing cerem and speeches in the house by the three party leaders Premier John Roberts de scribed ML Brownas one of the truly great fathers of our count He said the Scottish immi grant who founded theToronto Globe and is considered founder oi the presentAday Liberal party In Canada icontributed as peh haps have iew other men to the buildingloi our nation in the 16605 Present for the occasion was George Brown of Edinburgh grandson oi the Father of Contederatinn Mr brown took part in the wreathplacings at the Brown familygrave nthe Toronto Necropolis and at the loot olhis statue in Queens Pn External MI Friddv Hewas also present in the legislature as VNDP Leader on ald MacDonald devoted must of his speech to reading of George Browns at pecch in the debate Confederation before 18$ Liberal Leader Robhrt Nixon ii there is nodoubt George Brown was one of the ma influences in malri Canadian Conlederation OTTllWIi By ma CANADIAN PRESS FRIDAYCNDV 29 1958 Optic on Leader Stanï¬eld said Finance Minister Benson has shown inexcusable uncertainty and unbelievable arrogance in iling tohring in new inheritance and gilt tax bill quickly gaveroyal assent in the Sc ale to abill providingop ingtunds tor CanadianANation at Railways Affairs pallyoperated rentcontrol sysn Liberal Leader Robert Nixon as market in Ontario now is total possible breakaway Bistro sign from the government it it nounregistered guest was al lowed to ascend QUIET BY AM visitors bad all practically been ousted and registered guests were in their rooms by 2am to await the Canadian Football League iinal at tpm ESftoday The Rough Riders were sev enspoint favorites to defeat the Stompeders althougha bet on the Caizilry teem would mean citing up live points to thc bet tor bers of the coalition can playa double roteopposing his re iorms whilcholding key govern ment posts ANGEEED ANDTTRED Lleras is reported angered and tired at having to bog Con grass to approveshis reforms and then seeing his efforts thwarted by alaclr of coati tion discipline when the vote comm Municipality Rent Control TORONTO lCPt munici tem was proposed Monday by necessary Estopgap meaSure to deal with Ontarios housing shortage Mr Nixon told the legislature the government should permit municipalities to set up rent control authorities with two year life span subject to re uewal only it thegovernment has failed tocome up with the answers that will return the market to its former lrec state In thesecircumstances any move by the government to ex tend the life of such legislation will be aiciear admission of its failure to deal with the situation on longerrange basis in the iuterimbes TheLiberal adersaid his party ioundthe proposal unpa iatabl but necessary Nixon saidtbezliousing iy artilici and added that no governmea has acted in ice allyi dealing withit wherever reierehdirm the status of Postmaster General Eric Klerans saidhe will not re deeides not to change pre nt NATQ and NORAD poll gt consider dustry department 51 drug estimates The Senate inurned rtcha assoc WING NEWS from fathom slushy thP éstetam Mumm ed czarilolrthefosa Noslra crime syndicate tungsten on arrows tori 1be post ol York andndaiberntarlopwag arraigned late Friday on redre tcering and conspiracy chargers ilk arraignment been postponed ooadnyt basis since Thursday when he was presented with an arrest war rant by FBI agents who stopped his automobile here lifagaddlno was not lingu pr1otedandthc customary mg shots were not taken be cause of his reported ill health Testimony presented recently in clvllaction that Involved Ma gaddino indicated he sultered tram aheart condition He was released on $0506 haiL Stock Exchange 10RONI0tQP anbcrs of the Torantobtock Exchange will be asked to consider an in crease ln thenurnber ol seats in thecxchange to tho Train at special mccthg early next year Krerans Will Stay mam or Postmas terGeneral Eric Kicrans said today in the Commons he will not resign rpm the government it it decides not to Ichango present NATO and NORADpoli cy He added it is still his person nibellcl that Canada should withdraw from the two alll ances lllr Kiernns was replyingto Gerald Baldwin Conservative House leader who sold the min isters remarks on deience poli cy during television interview lhicsday constituted anotber sorry chapter in the govern ments chronicle oi contusion abouti NATO and North Ameri can AirDetence command Sentence TinNazis DARMSTADI Reutersi Seven former Nazis were seri tenced Friday by West Ger man conrt to hard labor terms at between four and 15 years for abetting tn the murder of thorn sands at Russians and Jews in we Ukraine during the Second Ol ful alter the judge read out the sentences He was ordered out oi court The trial was the biggest of its kind in West Germany since marathon Auschwitz trial ended in ï¬ankfuit three years OKEEFE CENTRE room at YDNGE ronomo season we wanna DECEMBER so 14 one ALEXIS STEVENS SMITH TOP COMEDY HIT sari eves we 5550 $500 $400 $100 WEDNESDAYMATINEE EM JIM 5100 5225 sins DATUIWMT mamas use nox ornce OPEN 3noon no cram owner so amazon illestrictlld lice has set out astiIiregulaa lion tor mailed business adver tisements that should make it harder for swindlers to bamboo tie the public The regulation says that any mail that has the general ap pearanoe at billinvoice or statement oi account due but is not must carry the lotlowing mice This ll solicitation or the order or goods services or goods and servicecga the case may be and not abili Invoice or statement on account due You are under no obligation to matte any payments on account oi this otter unless you accept ler otter Hooke To Run EDMONTON GP Alfred lloohe Alberta minister oi lands and torem announced Friday he will be candidate at next weeks convention to successor to Premier Manning STARTING SUNDAY killer May was AIMlcnKién RodKlimt Tohy Anthony us Sunday trom2 pan MomTues tram 741mg TODAY ONLth ATIME TO SING YOUVE cor LQVELY DAUGHTER PastrPresideutofiSt Vitally interested in AllécedcosamsimCzar ricsporklng problem was thl inMetrocolor on the samaall color program unamahhaslt Nathan newsman Ganliésisitllt ileum MiMinsnnintflltEPillifliUillii fails rooibii ADELMDE Australia IRcu tern The 21400 Elton mchet waslaunrhed from Woornc ra range early today but iailéd to goiioto its scheduled polar orbi The letdoot threestage rocket iinally blasted oil alter series at Monuments Parking Facilities In Downtown Barrie canons Known As wel comesolution todowntown Bar constructlon or new indoor lot by Woolworth Co in Muy The Woolworlhindoor lot has tacilities to accommodate so cars with convenient walkway to Iicir spacious store above the plus Mlls shown Catholic education gAï¬mDAY than is Cont charit raiidc live an tinn purposes at the price of tickets to charitable event suchas dance oi show has al ways been the rule in thccry department spokesman said today Enforcement has only become practicable since registration pl charities with the department Tax Deditcbons was introduced Jan 1961 gt An individual deduct 0th ice The nation cm 63 Mm at revenue dermal Is IP calculating taxable income to plying stcrner definitions of charitable donations backed up taxdeduetible donations to byreoeipts LAST DAYS 630 910 PM Unlike other West Side Storygmws younger yvuaxvmnnhwESlSIDESTORYUI mocm wishmu mNATALlE WOOD mourn anusnoussrauamt RITA MORENO GEORGE CHAKIRTS mnmlflWISEdmmï¬ mania amnwogvgtwm Vwémumr marina marKolth aroma mammal Wait Wï¬mmmwim unlï¬m utmmrs ï¬FThgmnmmm Saturday Morning orc 7th 93ofAM Doors open amal SEE THIS BIG THREEHOUR COLOR AND BE OUT IN TIME TO SEESANTA CLAUS Bursting upon our ï¬lG SCREEN in all the colors or the rainbow prizewinning blue ribbon treat to old and young nlikal Heres something forjtho whole Tomi to sea togetherl watchful storm WHOIEFAMIIYI mm uysm ymbrwrimyavss coroï¬gég mu nwrn mean