Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1968, p. 15

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iltrAL ESTATE ausorroartmlfl Avrouiaotciurettomadiiou WMlorm in thearea at your choice Capo gt ital iiiveitment toot esaentinl but oodcraditretetene¢s necs cataryNoaeliing to thorns weeklyWitte Box 873 Barrie Examiner SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY Earn up to $200 weekly pouring Desert Marble flown Company training starting work and Ink tarlal tor low investment at $115000 3250 dowplwuh good credit can start you lrnrnedi atety Any tloor can be poured end walked on In hours com plete Write todayI Box ESE Barrie Examiner GROWTH BUSINESS BILGrey hip 67 l000000 cups of excellent cotiea were sold by our distributors at 5c cup BY Grey Cup 68 20810000 cups Part Time Start at once titan or woman COFFEE Breaks Ltd bull have some vacancies tor men and women who have to hrr per week spare time to own and service the Simplex Fresh Brew Cottes Unltson profit able established locations AN hivesurient oi SL600 Is re quired to commence Bank tin ancing available with reason able deposit irotn Individuals with good credit standing on Eel Barrie Examiner SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE hlghquaiity coinoperated dispensers in your area No selling To qual ity you must have car retor cnres $600 to $1900 cash Sev an to twelve hours weekly can not excellent monthly income ltiore full time For personal in tcrview write CANAPENN DIS TRIBUTHVG LIMITED OUELLEIIE AVENUE SUITE 401 WINDSOR ONTARIO in clude phone number prisms orronTUNrnt nee dulerahl avalllb no invent ment our olrctrioa Ippllancas In on consirnmrnt to all tales and aorvice In your community Apply now write to Drsiardlnr lad Dantonh Ave Toronto Ont nlanTs noer Flsh Hut Com pinv iur sale All propane hauled Lava nndluiir rriali lint Anoroxlm sloly To men capacity per day lnublc liack ilulhy Snow Machine lnes and tackle mtseellarinnltr ar ilns This business onernlu oulrt er mile at hllnlts Paint Aairtrld 500 Write Port Orilca EM 215 narrie corral vrunrna machines Bub CJ Ltd of Barrie Is will out DI mains business owner has othrr lntcrests Must rru issoooo north or coitee no hot chocolateliacli ines in ri he never used Three or rliil lint week Is all It lfltflll cs to service machines Would not min or woman lopltlnn tor that gtexlrz lnaornr Provui monay rookV or sensor will punitive all mach ines We will also take rmsu dDWlI nimlit or anything YOU have to trade such as property car truck rnoruorr ore andglve excellent terms on balm Corn sldpratinn will be ttlvrn to anyone who would require Irwer rnaohlo lea Dont mtg ll opportunity to ro into your own business Please contut iiarnld hiicks Babcn Ltd 45 landlord st aarrle oni Phone TEA531 NEWSPAPER anon MATS £511 11 la total or Inlnl thick roooi atltoa earpea etc noodvlnaulator or tic Plul lederai and pruvincllt Qua Aural MORTGAGES PERSONAL FINANCING Although our people are specialists youll enjoy deai sing Itth Seaboard Finance because we believe that people are more Important than bookkeeping VEorrow irorn $50 to $10000 or more with up to to years to repay Mortgage loans are also available GE0EGE GALERAXPH to DUNLOP sr wasr no box 127 BARRIE ONTARIO PHONE 7256477 SEABOARD FINANCE VI COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED IMMEDIATE lsi and 2nd Mortgage Loans AnyWhere ON ALL HOME FARMS AND CDMmCIAL PROPERTIES 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money Any worthwhile causl Wlslteor Phone 7260981 Mortgage llmding Simpsoiiefsears 119 DUNLOP 51 Monitor Ontlrto Mmglll arolron Assoolruop no You own erriortlraiet lio ansb lillbio in nIINIIln mag iv wilflivet Ilene only maps on rorrorno au Punutnr 125ml EXAMINER Yme ADS decorate Tnl ed Apply in ante January latrltdulu only ii iii EAL STATE usuitanc atrium APARTMENTS ro RENT model ktntleéo In SIEVKNSONS Winona moi tors serene IllIll Al am wont age 9M moan Mn MOBILE HOMES To the intimate lnLuxurious Living ACTIVE MOBILE HOMES Now on Display SEE THE so it lzrtilmodel today wraith alumnus hvauhnm KNOITYPINE SPORTSARAMA 7284i ii TRAILERS SALE Rm RUSSELL CHURCH MobilelIomes General Glendale lraveiux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 0le hm wantrg mint blhln goo con in aa reason priced Telephgne 7255594 TRAILERS FOR SALE IIDUSE trailer tor solo lllt lose filendetla sleep equipped with toilet electrir reir orator Eugene op ona that if RENTALS HOMES WANTED naonooil hnuaa wanted to mil name tcCilplncv llarch Call Toronto rollect woman HOUSES ron RENT KEMPENFELT VILLAGE lz mile heyond tile city limits on the Shanty Rny Rand TOWN HOUSES by GARRETT DEVELOPMENTS Barrie Ltd IBEAUTIFUL IVOODED SITE 02 BEDROOM UNITS STOVES AND REFRIGERA IIORS OELECTRICALLY HEATED it 5175 $100 monthly now RENilNG TELEPHONE WSW NEW bedroom bungalu lth builtIn garage excellent liralloo 81h Dcl month AVIllIble Dlltm MY Telephone TZIJZN NEWCH Ind Elm Wilkdlyl only BEDROOM HOUSE Ail conveniences lil south oi barrio avlllablzmgéenli be lat telephone 4564520 FARM nousa or rent bed lzowrrrllsb city Hedmxrflnleggoes mllrs wn rre on Telephone some Ibmnwlrn aeonnoir house ior rrnr film wait Mm Barrienslflo VI Telephone media in nnnltnoil houso tor rent Ail town conveniences is miles trorn arrrlr an pavbfl ii hwav Avail able member limo alter only who oars WANTED TO RENT on hEdXOOm unlurnlshed Inm lrilzmirlvgksi mmiiri him tress nu Blrrla rhomuilri l9 QUEENST Spacious bedroom apt OSlove trig aadcableIV OMinutes to schools and church Reasonable rent coceupalicy December lst 72604l2 days 7284429 evenings Mr Gordon JaVcszon nannoonl arimrnt Ad on4 venlencuhvflflv roirtperalpr bals woman In moit sap mow mm aru Available phone mam CDMGTON Simonapartment Hill near htu flap Telri eras Lind EVE Wr phone noun 0N2 bedroomnnnirnlsh meat ralrigerapn and rtllrr find water annulled 0M llflV lenrdAnply ta contra Streetr IIIODEIZN twobedroom apartment MOVE relyifierater II In Ind llgolktlosuazignple mnear Slfi mun spoon mitt Two moan the rents nl West or telephone new oNEjlmnotm apartment awe and rrtrtaerator ru plied Parking and laundry room ca Centrally located Priced sis Adults only monthly ole Tele huna m4 her ttlculira tallarm owns bedroom duplex 5e11 contload ndem cnnvenlmws heart 55 Te phone moses znanaoou hlsevnent not untur nlslred lirhl beat water otove and more parkinl sloooo per month pins moo deposit no pets phooa 7mm Two nannoowl apartment avail neat tIancos notw Telephona no mo All new build Cable Mil Vior ii pm 7282414 170 BURTON AVE 739866 1M APARTMENTS To RENT on 00 Or but Manner ilitarlor rhaniooo booted domta Aliment trill himnor err AVIHAflu December Lona bod homo adlcongutnld 11 Tumor olmatioo Tolopho Iattar par auNn modern Wall IDIth suitable MED ll at St Cumberland atmi Ren Imlcguboli it is 21mm 1mm 0N3 bedroom apartment available December beat Ind water ND nliod Magma oorL minor no pets Tale Dhfluflml or me li dunno one apartment Daley Perk Souue re orator elove waterand MI supp ed Paradox militia railatl ahlc Muglnnlhumber no monthly alwbon mull bldrwm moan vIlue Vianloumr mvdlm habitnoes be sitting moan and kitchenette Suit one adult Tole hona moon 114 to to week album one bedroom basement Inlrunenl wlth relrlgeralor and slave Cellini Available her lelrobooa mam nor 0N bedroom unmnilatbed apart mull private bath mall kitchen aaroorn Private Intraneepln in tnrlllttrs Available December Telephone Mini ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Availiris annealtoo mom can r5 men only Telephona Vnwrlo ROOMS TO LET BRIGHT room vrlh twin but in hospital area aulioblo tor bust oeas iris or gentlemen Tolrphone wAiul eoanlorlabk morn avth allitmsllnn bed kitchenette ahslairlen close to downtown Available now Teir phone How ittmita to rent aim to Plan and hospital ideal Jor nurus or abatlfl itiidoptr Telephone no NICILY tumlhld elean aulrt room or rent ncntlaman preter rnd ror turthrr totalpinion Telephone 1151714 WEE on COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Contalancilll ltorlgl spare rivali able Immediately located at so tssa ltllad Telephone nasal APPROX 000 it commmllor industrial nrtvuIn shop Anne SL Parking pololo TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS raoNEmzilt AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE KITCHEN AND ison tlaEssa an hum Ray sSINICOE morons ET 5AMBLER ma cnaltshm door wh discs power steering power br er spow liars Lthe new paint lop slaao Contact Ron unyo mmi Varanavlew FoldVSales laoll Penn door hardtop sea mod suek For further inform on telephone madam late cuv super arts tor axle 121 baled shift elophone no me tor mother lntormatlon lost convant Mono rutomatlo transmtssion body and motor in excellent conditInn Pinon7le or Downlvlew nrtve 19¢ rth convertible to ba rold tor parts or could be repaired amount at 75 cash Teams alter pan 1963 VOLKSWAGEN izool rebiijllt anglrdimnnw talk 1501 an era can on ca 71mm Steele St Telephone m1 VOLKSWAGEN good mecha ca VCtnIIIlllalit ROM JIM III modai nerds Winn body wific Ttlfipltflnl 725 iDIRiY CAR TRUCK tora cleaned pointed wax lobe reasonable rates KleenAKar Service mom 1551 METEOB ldeaVu Vt Illtos alioéraedaeo lo muteuldiuu mlloue excellent condition New tired including snowures Unaar warranty Telephones iota canva an Saratoz door toga pr aoats2p9wertoui riv Excellent rendition Telephone no alto ror turtth particulars lit Mortars llW ndlo heater Riot nilll lull en no one rarlsn on Telephone mam TRUCKS roashLE 196 INTERNATIONAL inveiall va radioVsrrl rut ell tvltldona powerlaii gate lqu inllea Li condition Vail min TelephnnaanIfl llrea wlde ova fled nternow tiles no rust MIR Ill Mllit Telephona GAY mom ventn or week ends lnrnvala obitl hon terrific lurmtiire aod apr pliance bargain FURNISHED prominent but packed Parking tartutlu Genlie obir with harm Telephoto 1m tlttlnmom and lost Foltllsbconollna van aiuhE ANDVGROONJ WatchCIassliied hesitor art am Automotive SNOWMOBILES QMc NOWCRUISER Am Trailanfnitlen slolaor Dress liptr printer cold in oniol the lined manila rationally loads for outdoor Ina lilttl bootl helmetI ales etc Itli sizu Mens Womens childrens DELANEYBOATS LTD Foot named StBarria BOMBARDIER SKIDOC The first the toremoat the only one that wentVlothe Arctic on display RIDGE ROADVMARINE Ridge Road and Can Telephone trlflit POLARIS Sales and Servlcé BOLENS LAWN AND owaqumrairr CAL MADILL Highway 11 Peteu Vy nada in now on SVKIDADDLERt Ar Iowat std per month for the Caddy at them all HANDY PRO HARDWARE ALCONA BEACH RD 4361170 TRAIL BLAZER PreSeosonV Sale l8 ILP Snowmobile JL0296CCM Wlth road cover double trailer and cutter REG yawn $1235 Sale Price $895 Limited quantities KNOTIY PINE SPQRTSARAMA Highway 27 ltlilihurst 7284111 llads the rest Canadas best BOASKI Snowmobiles at DALTONCOUGHLIN MOTORS 177 Bradford St 7238321 manor Moro5m Sales and Service UNIROYAL CENTRES 110 Bradford St 7285085 Ynukhavent Vtried Snow lila ehine until you have tried the fast smooth easy handling YAMAHA or DoubleIrack BOLENS DIABLO See them both at ALCONA TAXI strand mm aNownlnniLa tratlero tor pl We and double Telephona 716 anowttlolilhzs itorapa ahorla all ateel door In arch and white with green ulor aonipiate ivlth tloor £11950 warnlon auudln Sup plier Lia3517 Currier in con oestlon sldsroad ARTS FORSTLE SKATE EXcHANaz NEW AND RECONDITIONED Buy Sell Exchange Repair Skates MARTIN RENTALL CENTRE 431 DUNLOP ST BARBIE Open Monday to SaturdayWm to 530 pm Friday night untiits pni Bauorho ey titFigure Skates2 ALLANDALE HARDWARE Essa Road and nonlo Plaza NORTHWAY RU co TD Remnants all sizes andpticea DOMESTICAND IMPORTED anmlaLoon 67 Collier St PhonaVlzelaii NEW import it mscll Also Good Used Pianos Free delivery and tuning Law est prices anywhere 147 BruceVSt THORNRUR Ont near Collirigwoodu Dis 5196992715 Open till me daily ELECTRIC raoae to West house complete with broilar rot to an auto ti iii Teigtfllunewmfll oil swims heater tor lurn size good oondltlo phonoA3 2157 haor at home rervlca holrtrrior arrprrl aama renund hwntna 71mm 4V gammarial doora ongoing on onl intlies thick nudwaralo untied Ladys olua sparklompa dress our 20 ln pod eotidltion olephooe medic arson lot0 tor Viale brown in 15 suitable or recreation room Telephone mom nanrar sweeper aloaalls Rank cult oitl atrrillrtr orln bumper Mr or bottle warpioro Platex bottle intant luorp eh Vite cotstabr parry InkrII III Tollfilflk Inch halal ta rooord normal 43 mayhem so OAK omen oaakar it lpnr oba in lxeellntt condition on Ora Trlrpbona satnot doll clothes dresses in ten and sorta ozi rooynlow lips roam Eomonicomsm oi isWrmLor Cm nilflfioafl new Arllllhll at lam lar io MI Oman WWO aid battlrl Liked Anth Zn In Hunky ll Dual AntVionu lot ounlop stmt not an nouns tor auto or turns on navelnan National building grill on Johnna liocrrar rum and equipment is and mortar aux amnioncarton in MD in Wlotar Wonderland Cultsrt awn1 all type and our name mean ohone moorliar run the wide mildEgon mo rlumou Ior dunner 39mm 31 rmllrnwcit component in mi km ranadmit nElo Wommwnhshu lath now onlyl month Telephone dllerl mam ihtlouscma untrthru feet long aiao moapnt1nuAil in aood rendition Telephone its tool tor mrther Inloririatton BED CHFSIERFM xvplm withbpllng nilro mittreu smith and Rutter monitors in norm TAPE RECORDER into HS btll otter Ringgit Trim raglan is upon salmon nzsna tor tale onelrlec $150 National lnlidlnl Derno lion POCKET NOVELS It moo open pm to 5mfnsiry uohtnonra Antlouoh loo ouoiop mt mange an pare Hootde lfr rulrutu Eelor Dellvrrld mien snow ml or air 11 ii hltorrallr in load rondlilon sis 3r the pair Telephone memo IOYE our MCIrxra Mlfla la girls to iths Ladys ant Ind llklflJd Ilia no onus rn mail 121th New condition mm DIAMOND Engagement Rina or rain ror hrnhar Illustration tale phone mam evenings BUNK lamp or lair complellr like new ryndon tame and run to In Dpenlril ltlfixuelulnl nuro stern and warn tor rare CIII masontier who l2 relrtgriatnr cubic in Tellwhorl mam liter 7111 or ultallt wma aloetton dr doln tor Christmas rim moaned hflnlllll I0 It Infill dullV hgnmtlliio HEY In or oirnnooo mom any COOLER or sale urhloouss klcpllond nation WARDROBES china cabinets urrosrrs used turnlture Liththnuah hoilouu to name street Ba ANTIQUE runs tor sale lasl Navy ii Proniler model 45 ctr orhm nrorrnlno hotgun automatic vent ed rib rolnstobla choke rheoo lioau case did bolt actlnn rhoraon and pore lumlnurn lemon or IPIECB Num ro itsunr lrpteca aha oi the toolinrino table amps $15935 complete McFadden rnrrrltu Discount ilouu Iligh tray 21 north Open ovrnloes until out mom CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMAS TREES lsoo Pine and some Christmas tree tor 119 Apply Rert slnclalr immune OnIqu Triopoops oat PARTICLES WANTED snacrrrlzanm 2inantlrai to buy We runs good uiiinshinooonl lzaoi Amnrurpltur tier apoltl anorr dishes aououra noth Ste4V and Hand shop tsarsm usan riotirinx wanted good duality au tire all like For male moi oLb china glassware mrnlturr rilver washroom Aott Cellar 259 Dunlap 1W Antiques rumitorrr toweliry blue Klannghthunaa Munues iM nunlon Street East Vor telephone 1sz rhea reroroaryiaoieo must untroodaonoiuon minimum or Sum nr lnDlilT ED ma statingnnrlleulln noosiarrrs COLTSor sale with hoe at year oio Ridinnl monogram Phone on mom utter roonhls Trlrnlolor Prolassiunai rroorotn all breeda olrlr apt deilvnryFIZIbnm Vw ONLY ONE LEFI Anonlinm LhaaaApro ou Telephone 12am SANTASSLED nocs weflu villi registmgsalliioybd attenuation rura tor sale punt main old Also Laoraaor retriever mlle in month old Telephono roman our not ATTENTION ALL HUNTEIIS Get the hein wblle last tho redliek hound onlv WWI POODLES auufll slack rnlntfiurobhniiiglu uro er lalephonominisw nliensnunofirnnno mini lii tan at Anal Ill will WWII an Vll at Khllnllla 723 22 FRUITVS Er VEGETABLES Arm tor rale KunleC ceeatnrl oro Telephone 71min Platte brtrgiVn containeraV Nn suhd le rlinoy cc arbor alaor Snow BVTIlthyag lunar rnr om ai sandtord media noAresronac 11 lol an Ellepherd sharprnlpn 7mm in steal it only no euh and ragmnw Miiltr rm mi outlet ho hum stmi cotton II inhuman FAliM MAWINERY DH CH RLESVCHURCH KM MUM km of cars New norm DING Ram all CASH TRADE TERMS BURTON AVE PIONEER CHAINVSAWS Accessories Attachments DELANEY BOATS LTD Foot of Hayfield StBarrie 72643413 roan tractor tor Illa rouip width custom built root one to laminar condition Prioa om Irishma 1256280 tvelllnu LAND ROLLER Irellbn heavy dug ltllml with can bar Lue Llori lama tooth hlmt manur epruder new tractor Dime point hitch mow fifi murmur Tractor ior is comin wtth rant and load Ind arrow bucht rroeue condition woo TelefTWn coay rmo manure spreader AllIaVChairneH to eonibln New Holland pickup baiert lnt anon al teed and lertillxer er arsey norm turrvrr inurr plourh grain tratlu ism lhe lot uli marten aural newtono LIVESTOCK FOR SALE cutNan weanen tor min For nlrther iniormrunn rotrpoon male rlos warnan Week to this and nvnrNol RPP II 72$ Plrml PONY AND smote tor ult Good with children Telephone noml Yoigmgu alas p11iur llti wee oo one Fhelfrlon bTildtahona trimlo tout FEED SEED 8r GRAIN caslr ran roul aurplus ha Phone or wrlto cirai lune an North Bay Trlrohaoc in Want All Section Omit accepted until nut PHONE nizilt NALS PERSO CHILDRENS HORSES iitAlNED BOARDED anoaau ANDSHOWN EXCELLENT FACILITIES CRESTHAVEN FARM SHANIY any noan 72 865 An you have drinking nrolgt icon and want help phone anytime name or EU on 51 llama RIDE wanted trorn Barrie to has Borden daily arrive berorr Mn no return aster pan Telephone moist gt RIDE wanted in noillpawo wealt daya to arrtvorCoIiln op laaremo pan Telep one 1266806 BRmGE PLAYERS inyltruonal dupltcgte bridge rlub tor assrte andairiritt now open tor memoeratrlp arlono instruction rrailaoio nominal tire Eoioy trir niy coninetltlnllr in con gen al atmosphere elaphnna 3935 alter jlllorpnn CALL IUSVYFIRSTI ran Vinnan minute admiralty siisoti Ls innnimwom mme our womans COLUMN SPBCIAL with IColdWavutemandup Slum set and cut mo MARIES damnaissmc 11 Maple Ave Perms SPECIAL om lion TUES wan elm WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlap St West mm NURSING HOMES cum tempera cm tor the old arly at ruin monthly raiea now IrallablaVal lnnlllm Nun inpliomr lulu Rmn luv mun DRESSMAKINO PERFECT FITTING GARMENTS blade by European Trained Tailor Dressmaher Chaim From North American and European Designs N0 PATTERN NEEDED 4364045 mom LOST Fourth EIIHIINL yoga flute manLdlamooa not William 5er rigor contact an Sherman it wil iiam 5L Ilarrir lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED name mature vounit lady in ma tor rarall rtare iluot bin at meet ihp puhlla suitable boon Good workhlz nailinlu Box liarrlo Examiner ivhmtaaa required lmmldlIuY experienced pretrmd Apply in prison Pote Wuhan eilaee in union rrthcrlcnl plane or mum aides pralcrabl rxpr encoo evrntnr sirth on alto rclislrred nune tvrn our weekly am to lnnlswoao Numm one so arun not awed BABY SIIIER reunited or daya week figurine area Telephonl no EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIAan brothzr will live won nu deflui day or hourly can In home tor one child to youoi lto elil Home awhv nan borna lclip and mo norm LADY with Lyrarold boy out babg rlt In liar own home rtneod itar Bhuntv lllv Road Itll $10 Hulls Telephone unseat LADY witl hiya hood care and meals to children in my home am week in Palmwlck foil MALE HELP WANTED YOUNGMAN on as apprentice to learn all pha sesot the printingtrade at the Barrie Examiner Some know ledge of typing preferred This position otters secure future and all employee benefits Apply In person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARBIE EXAMINER to pm daily CHEF WANTED Annlv Manuel Hillels Hotel Dim lop strut barrio tilHELP WANTED manage an GWEWQUNTANT rgtriredbynudluniueoms panylouledInBIirlollultba enable of wanting Iain HelmBill tiouoli lot prepea montth Mandamus Said rem at your elite and elilry to Bum Barrie Ellmlflf Sell Canadas Hoist Calend and SpeciallypAdvertlsIng lino or PartTime Previoua Sales bperleneo Helplul but not essential lilma Commlslon Paid weekly Samples El Catalonia Supplied Wrilez WLOR PRESS LIMITED 1t Ferrand Drlva DON MILLS Ontario Journeyman Lineman Written app pins for the position oi Journeyman lines man will be received until 12 gag lrtday December 6th PUBLIC UTILITIES OOIIIMISr SION oi the CITY of RARRIE Attention Mr Bobbetta Electrical Superintendent 15 infield Street BARRIE On It ONTARIO HYDRO requires no FORESTER TRAINEE BARRIE AREA outdoor type at work at agility and good phyatmom dltInn Preferably with grade 12 education or equivalent No previous experience necessary Employee are rotated every months during theiirat year at employment Apply in writing stating qualls tlcatlons 02s onmuo HYDRO Attention Personnel Officer 84 Collier Street BARBIE Ontario IXPHIINEED mediatelr Top wan lonl Ann an inn rtot Alli MAN WANT to Elna In luvtu tors no room 5015131 TQII Goon plan own to tor short trips moundlor Barrio nan want is worth up to you utnxrlar nun Ma mall csde an 1le strum hflmoto it onto 11 Ontario MIDDLE AGE Inertneed and hum nuts tp tellourauaranlred iongen exclilxl fill 06 on ls manhunt iii33h WM mo new on Woodhull to strictly not into aim be MACK IV WI ol hlllll Cm paid WHY WG needy 0H unionist agarround ropaa No tur hiul knowlcdu RQIIIM Cl nec wllyr Lilli fir Choice protected territory of Elk Ill and Distrlet must bl in lliMlltGlV no It Irbrla biogMI Mm at our Dunne In lt rem ammo Manhat you now makarnonea Lit MI very first eIIIDAYTRDNLOH1 in Box azo nrrnlioo Ontario hliIlLl Adv will ma Duper Tim cornqu filingnimb rton Schedule we otter you ma sales Course Repllu hold in call tdloore ilultl Adth podiat liel Box Brocle We are Skilled in our Service and will gite you Prompt Attention runxhclts rtalla vestroll hA lnimhd rooting do arasona Ie rater Work auarrniorri rm estimatra Call Thomioo mania SIGNS COMMERUIL Truck Letterlnl Prom service master aratum lo yelit experience mam INSULATION BLOWER IIIEIOD tbaulmofi at it Mannie rotation Stott itiur mum SHARIENING aAlla entn centre oawi Inkwrxf ltlrllea agkltca blighine ALTERATIONS Alterations to Vi reprlrlna Rates reasonable Taloonopo PLAsrsitiNc thi iI interim rootlruod the whom ravine Manléri Railing italianExpeit Co oi Barrie lVreo imate Work guaranteed ii turnaces rec rooms Manlr mo 61 no windows assortbd 1mm wrap ttfr duo CLEANING vSIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Protesslonal carpetand uphol stery Vcleaning ilt YOUR HOME or in our MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA RD PHONE fill4761 HAND MAN dlnuiltlll gleanotsz as ell yar ronrn loo tree trimming new opn tom cafpent patnti basement trucklm nor unali loos ltklspnable lanolin LAND SURVEY Kirk trl as nurkrvo gillst liarr 19734155 ALUMINUM SERVICE ALUMINUM Sellstoring doors and Windows siding store tronta COMPLETE lNSlALLAIlON Direct tactory prlcVea FWAilS RE STROUDV Wnshing Machine Ismail Engines lidSS PUMP llhona Cephatown nepfilrs ants nagon tirika iii an whirl ADS VPllonVE mzitij naivirio SCHOOL lilonann prlvlnl School innrn ta hrlvl tlr Modem Earl In or polotman lhona 12 DOLL REPAIst nestriont rel railo swl aria EllTun filutlld er aerial oon or cilrh IRONING rtnmfln Mel WHIM volume lino iNTERlOit EXTERIOR Aladdin animus European experts DECORA

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