inane if mi ESTATE roof DM emu ion 4mm nu Melindath man am Bill Wpfmill HAROLD FORSTER PROM ILLS REALTORS 11645 ear rm yiree mtomer Perkin Mortgage Blinds Available HIRST TIME 0m $500 Bubedmnvrliila bridelumalolelingmddlnlng Indzood lined kildleu death Mumpltio Ind hrldtlbarbaciie will prirmy lance Les than year old immediate possession Cdll Gloria Kossatz bedown all year old bungalow in beautiiul condition with nttadred garage paved driwwae lot 76 are Priced to selll For trainer information and to view this property call All Goede mondt nvennvoa em mum imam noon mun oomnronnr gamndanoonnm 35h meow EMANu MARTELE Ison Fool rnonrica on 77 Highway miles south ot Elmvale lExcellent building site Harold Davin i7067275fl fmwnnasmo in la noses at vacant land mm good load plul aces of bum at back with river ninmngtlirougb itl Harold Davis WWW7541 mvmmvrr PROPERTY Asking 515000 down Good laconic from this older triplex near Barrie We have others in the city lilo full detailscall Dennis Monticello eSjrAr resonantroll an do are manmmn Wm WW YIN healthily loca ted Mu income ea ilbllabtdllcouldeuilybl duplexed or madaJrito bachelor lapartrnente it mayhe worth YOUR time to WJKXCHI Mug Xleln mar for an ap pointment ONLY TWO WIS lflfl in In exdurlva residential area Close to school and triopartition iurtber de tails please call Joseph Dlrra colo WY WY 0n mitskirtnof Barrie with acres and trout stream near access in Lake Simcoe 0on all electric hornedalgned by owner for in tailiin condori and rancl living Reach down payment and attractive mortgageterlns available Call Alin Wardle meter NEW HOME Modern bungalow with dril lerencc Very iunetional design with bedrooms Etchen din ing room and In large living room open to balcony nlis bane features livohathsand large bright ininlly room with fireplace Yes even twocar garage Please direct your calls toGraham Tattersali mmo when Elma wuro Edward Yvonne rho aitnrmsomnorarulnvanlwmtnrmoooarwuund acre blur storey brick house emrpleiely renodaliad bath Norm oewroof and new dilled well W000 with also down Deimis Higgou mean Hallow DAVIS nemi Head Office DENNIS motionr W7 rm YONGE sr roaorm Telephone mull SHELSWELL IWILLSON lib DUNLOP 91 726142 MATEMew secluded bungalow with many extras in every rm Fivebedroorls nlree bathrooms Fireplace in large living room Separate dining room Patio overlooking the lake Electric heat Dolble garage Mm 1888 nlu details call Norah Rallies Tlï¬ilQS olcreraunlex il in amelient condition thrmrcbout lliemaintiloor apartment has six rogue and private bath The second floor apartment consists of three menu and bath bahctlsdoel ï¬lter lorldeiairs 77am 1351 PIRESIKE HOME IN WC large living room with fireplace modern idtdlen separate dining room master bedroom with bath en suite ndwaikin closet tiree other large bedrooms and torn piece hath Finlshed iamily room with neonat dreary panelling and walkoutdo patio Paved drive way and double garage Call KeithMoMaster 1303 FOR THE DWATENG BUYER Many denies features including large entry loyer three large bedrooms and beautihilly landscaped gmrnds Priced unda $3000 For iurther partlc lllarscallBlilDtflJï¬liat EMQRY MILLER Izeiasi REALTQR IéZDUtilOP newI mnusmrillm1aoxnrm Bthiewelling laminate nine $70m can machine Bedroom frame home oil furnace and goodch This in new east of brittle Asking $13000 with victim call Ken Mll smnme bedroom ndeqeï¬ividose to umoou chlorine and shopping This home hasrnany extrasand is primed loseHCailGoidï¬emerl nounsrm ml ANGUS Only years old allaparimenis rented and droning goodreturn on investment ll you areIlooicing foranineoma property dont miss seeing Priced at $319200allsariirriyllenllani rick splitlevelhbmewith electric heat kitdlen room ring area bedrooms aralreéreation room bedroom Lawrdry facilities About 36000 down Canlea for $10475 Call Percy Fold man bedroom randiiiypebungaluw on raven ROADEdgar area heated and very close to onlir menii landelectri¢alil Flll price only $15900 traumas wlAll about loo aces winner and are nnca in pasture and bum oldpnd goodz storey clrhorlse lllin cattle ranch lt lull prion £52000 withdraw Joe Hogarth Bob Suter twin amwau nancr McKENIJl rm my gt Paul Penman soWEN ST large showdown only 10 years 998110 301m 70 BROKEle Some houseaarent mudr more than wells and roof llera isaapicandapanoneibatworddmak ior some ludw iamily Among den carport Ilvï¬vl lot antes lhe clever layout of this bun in room kitdten and bath on ho reincation room with bar and low taxes AFAli hose lies maria ichkl llartIay 7mm CAMPBE Film lens is mill 22 195 nirvacant land with dethmrined investment valueldeai location ioraiihiiviaion site 70 aues ot bushoifers vary scenic view Also large returns ArND CHARM This is an excellentmpportiurlic flies and luxurious plot sauna bathand must to see Charlie Read Dori Campbell Fred Taylor 7mm 726024 7284205 7238313 7231389 OU Sllilill Campbell JA Highland 10 HoUses To Archrienurmy de signed homes Taxes approximately $180 Builtto Mira Speciï¬cations mace 282485 an lumen iii294 Helen Hopkins7le EAST Al loan with piecewashroom en suite FAMILY BDNGALOW 0N BUS galow provides complete apart ment in basement with private entrance roomy EOE GROWING FAMlLY 1M3 bedroom lame in yrlst buiside lhevcity Nicely Med refrigerator large deep lot and Mia have the key and woidd be pleased to show you built home at individual design with greater than oniinary fuell equlpmeut drownWary borne with place bath large living roprnspaciomctinrlng room ardream of kitdlenwith lots at built his for easy living Conr woilr out gym abo swimming pool REALTORS 7282485 roomntrl on Highway no in any limit or Cull tracks min ott ard road after railroad Little Avemand our model homeavare Phase FourNovIRcady Fdr Your lnspectio PRICE RANGE $i9995 TO$ZI500 rig room modern kindle bathdivided basement Garage Large lot randr type fence good garden area Property welimaintained ritStroud sinner infumratioii call Snowmen orgla liege Thinlrllil loathe Then ye invejiui tol youll Ibrahimn an Threebadroom2 store home garage Nice garden lot 1m down payment Hermes he Iowatwo 4116112 Weore pieoseg to announce that Graham Tattersaii is now with the firm With only N900 down you can moveipto this new modem bungalow with builtin garage and all the extras Be in tor Christmas 00 Ed Wood WI ma 35000 down can put you in this enviable position in this it yearold triplex Call wind Stewart mm Dirnnolo 11 mile liv til floora car private driveway Bill Michaela Rel 7mm Russell Smith Rea 72am nail mm mural Flotation RES 7mm iolnndiaseanalmoatneviwea Vrzeoira mom Hugh nonman Doug Campbell llon Allan W3 Don Marshall 7281357 Richard Dickilleer nilBM TTS co annals ark Village Choose From 117i srze and larger No lhardwoud floors 30day ccuparrcy HOUSES OPEN FOR YOUR msrncrron lN THE new rinse rm FREE 70 msrwrvams HOMES NOW FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL GORDON COUTJS Residence 72313275 tli dining area piece Highway in earth clunm Mimi firm otter7mm $18000ibedroovnbriekhrnr 551 chen2 place both hot cold TomFlluimnilas Ml to see new no qualilybomes publicnnqlilgli schooisf led airmen manor the Fiv Flint MORTGAGE svmlrtoa coupon incomesmm lulu lira Realtor realigneds 72811071 raining Listings invited ELVA rann93 mï¬gmï¬iï¬f ioan agvrnrrnmm lLANNlNG on BUILDINGA NEW HOME Contact Peter use BEAVER LUMBER lav Bradford sc man CORBY RealEstate Broker and Appraisers in Dililop Phone mom and mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We PM Ind Ind mortgages nun MARSHALL visual oneM mm mam Lawns min Allintnn alum RAWN Real Estate Broker too anvrmm sr moral sancrauzmc iN ltviw Paoranirla 11mm BEAN slloW Mel ham large family size klichen 4plece bath with vanity panelled lit lnxroom loads at umboardi oil iurnace laundry tuba Con tact NM and Mobil 456 mo BEDROOM HOME mediate possession kitchen living room recreation room large lot 66 165 Asking $15 000 with only 000 down Dork iact EAR BABOOOK Bmle LAKE SIMGOE WAGE Large roomy on the lalre frontage 475 deep bedrooms large aim living room and kit waier screened verandeh or ainmner comfort Also well bulltaleeping cabin for guests Furniture included with sale Price 501 botact MAR GUERJTE MOORE Barrie mm LTD REALM AREA REPRESENTATIVES El Babaocklarria now Golbourne Slim 61387 Spencerlhornton 450921 Fiizsilrimilu Clihiil 4mm Show Skoud lull Ed Green Barrie mum lichurchfll 456267 BettyvNenton anltestnile era2m Lillian Roberts 7250921 Marguerite Moore mm 81 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 RHONE 4373333 Gibson WiIIouinby Eve Call Larry Tarpeg 4250715 Bill Rana 7zaa999 Dick Draper naaara Simon Boekhuizcn 72111822 ham la mlmikl Ironi Barrie mo senre reel rult Ilnlmed ball mflnlflllw rim attuned fea enlmu tone walled driveway Lot 75 zob Private sale rnooosr BRADFORD REEI mom dweillru and business at uee marlin location Wklnl idiotn rjliiimimlnlf cm In Realtor in carrier street mains rnJviiTa uleucint bedroom houseADunlon st with view at dinin room uvlnn room run on till basement nil turnc and carport carries for $107 monthly llidiidinl xee lot so an loo ml brine 513w 1754194 awm little them house beck rooms nein redecorated inside and out new aluminum Mnduwi and anon on unconditioned neit MLlsne31m in and Cucede do on terse lot FARM AGENCY ï¬lamhonoauuua alarm arm MFStCANADf mm Exculm opportunltv fo ed cuufll or newly were down paymenl3 bedroom home SUNNDALE lOWNSH niecein heat view of Ill storm miles tram Stayner 100 acres me mm clayloam acresworllahle OAK STREET acres bush New ballroom bungalow i1 heated lull base ment Bank barn to is salt room bunulow will iurLalea naenun room all heated good Plenty of water Price $5000 lcrrnararranged eeneitron ere eenoo awn con 161 ACRE not Pally Mics mono lrplcscnt lug Hm nillea and llllchlc liea High and dry clay loam I5 acre orchard beautiful view of Lake Mr 49 Collier street mason IFWEBTX WANT Sinicoé near Alcona Benin Asking pricemmo Terms APPROXIMATELY 35 ACRES in feet river lrontage excell ent opportunity for snowmobile activity cottage lots etc sit min low wANm 21 and bedroom Erma noflzl annual emuardwï¬t vnuwan ll rest Call Emory rlrlrler nail saute nelaai E1Diirilon street West nunre rnv mum WAMTADS MOBILE HOMES rnlcinrla bedroom brick tum none meale2 iiune planler illDileP Si unis THE SEASON null min auj oprqrunirv gt SPARE TME MONEY MAKER rou cluretle maehlnea liabllflted especially for you in tile area of your choice Can ital invqtmenl not will but good credit referencu nec exary Running to borne weekly Wrila Box 273 Barrie hammer SPARE llME OPPORTUNITY Earn up to woo weekly pouring Drsert Marble FloorsCompany training starting work and ma terial for low investment of $175000 3159 dorm with good credit can start you immedi ately Any door can be poured and walked on in 34 hours com plate Write today Box E58 Barrie Examiner GROWTH BUSINESS BY 6195 01o 67 1000000 cups of excellent coffee were sold by our distributors at be acup BY Grey an an 20000000 cups Part Time Start at oucelhlan or Woman COFFEE Breaks Lid still have some vacancies for men and unmon who have to hrs per week apnre time to own and service the Simplex Fresh Brew Coflee Units on proï¬t uhle establistied locations AN investment at $l600 is re quired toconununce Bank in aneing avaiinble with reason able deposit from individuals with good credit stnnding EDX Eat Barrie Examiner flares This business name quart éll ï¬ioi iizlilntlilib to as rimre MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1st and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOMES FARMS AND nonunion PROPERTIES we or VALUATIONS it You Need Money no consnlldnle nebu off unilax intimate manure coming and one rmnmenmh IAnlr worthwhile cause Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding over Simpson Sears 19 1701410 51 item onllrin Marianna Broken Anodludn no YOU alvrv ironsget Read ma available to purchase nail We will even lend vou monev on volir manenet Dianne unmarr Punliluq newer iNsurzAncc MOVING Dont forget to transfer your lNSURANCE and if you needexoch coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS nilll LOTS FOR SALE Milan Area to acre rats sivfl Hwy 27 unsigned up 70ncrei 32 House barn in zit7m Toronto T0 ADVERTIle REAL Stirs moans HOMES TRAILERS anus item RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to IYeara no ariaion rive ï¬nalise Vania mt reason on mace TRAILERS FOR SALE nous lnllrr for rate 11 it Glcnfleile deep equipped lib Inllel electric tar beater um 81 To one afrer Nu RENTALS HOMES WANTED maroon haul wanted to rent Barrte Beanbach Manh cell Tomato mlleei 7mm HOUSES FOR RENT lta News bedroom bungalow buurln mire excellent lor on use no mourn Avallehin Dean Mr rerebnvne name between and em weekdays only min tannin allh Decem bet Lil lelwhonc WEN um units for rent room elty commieleis mull downtown EIHI monthlyo Telephone Mme BEDROOM bnulc tor rent aura weal bl aerate xioo Annette iii Drmnber Telephone mono IrmaMr nousa for rent All town ndnvcnlrncu is milu Irvin Harris on nvmt highway AvILllt able Decemwvflflt Telephone tziozca after min only nannoon noru mm mm park but line at our one block from schools In mundl Mm ishcd or rmirirn nee Available necenlb mm ar Toronto 7mm APTS watiren TO leNr 0N edroo unfurnlmed in ment Blinkde apartment but ill by btixiricaa mmwril Barrie Examiner APARTMENTS TO RENT THE WILLOWS 255 Dunlap liiost centrally located bdm maisonette or rent OUpslairs downstairs Balconlcs or Paiios ivided washroom er izoo so it of space love fridge washer dryer lactric healing 5140 pcr mouth Phone 7284405 or 7264341 viiiQUEEN sr OSpacious bedroom apt Occupancy December 72604I2 do 7284429 evenings Mr Gordon Jackson BEDROOM apartment All can venlrnrex stave Hilfigerliar blll tony elevator Laundry room 17 Blake St TelephonemDMI aBDllooni unmrnhllea apart mcnl salt monthly Sunnldala liald area Available immediately Tele nnnne 1268746 CDWGTON ShulHNfllnelil to rent near bus stop leiiigen tnr no no are Tele lotion 725424 my 0le bedroom unlurnislied Ilia mr rémgcrirï¬gdmgnnm heat wn sum exe erred linen in centre sum Man two Mllme apartment nova rfcfriflmlnl brain and laundry mt lies sunn ed ncu st Vincent Pull 1125 monthly will decorate Telephone norm uated in heart of ski area Ask ing price $9500 $30m down Balance mortgage Eveningar Larry DeWilde Miller 1161012 NEW HOMES Nearing Completion Down payments horn $4640 Spill level bedrooms angel stcne tlilllniii Welding gnn ageSome with family ram eatswashroom electric heat Mn Nllaflio 59 You will be pi asanily surprised with many extrila 3nd reasona ab prices Good location close Buy mi andsave hundreds dollars Forlnapeeiion eall LENTSIUS CONSIRUWION 723 5321 ELRICK MICHIE flied Esta Appralaala Morlgagee commas flai to Harry Mickie Appraiser 7168160 Pd Mile name 17Glelidetie Listprice $4496 Sale Glelldelle Re WM Sale Price 18 Glendetie Red VI95 VSaIel Price OPEN HOUSE THE ISICVQMPLETLE ANNUAL OPEN OFALL 68 MODELS For LNEIiOF 69 CORSAIR 4f ITraveIfTiaiIers and 7769 Glendenes Direct from the yAnnuaI MobiIeVHbmeand TraveiTraiier Show Trims Eri Sat Reg 32775 Compact Rezular 14jnarnb $4388 lltGolcre $2 998 Reg $2150 14 G1 OBILEV $1335 am io9 mnnzcorlana AND DOUGHNUTS OUSECLEARANCE NEW USED efREN 17 Glennélle TALS Sale Price $2566 Elissa MODEL rt Pyramids SalejPrice $999 095 liar1 Sae Price $i099l nvFalch with Heater SclePrice $i999 ennallejel 24 HOMES 7289866